Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1081 Reunion of comrades-in-arms!

Abandoned Barracks in the Roman Concession!

A middle-aged soldier with a thin face and high cheekbones was looking at the grain inventory data reported by the quartermaster and worrying.

The food in the camp was not enough. According to the replenishment practice in the western concessions, it would take another 20 days for the next replenishment, but at this time the grain stock was only enough for 10 days.

To be honest, since entering this barracks, the remaining 542 people of the 280 regiment have completely cut off their supplies from the army. That is just to keep people alive and not starve to death.

The previous promise to return to the battlefield by means of a channel is even more empty talk. Even if he tried to talk to the commander of the Western Concession several times in a row, the other party only sent a liaison officer to reply: In negotiation.

That was obviously a tactic to slow down the troops. Half a year later, everyone including the middle-aged soldiers understood that they would never be able to leave here until China defeated Japan.

They have been abandoned.

As the highest officer of the 542 regiment here, the middle-aged soldier knew very well that it was the result of the continuous pressure from the Japanese, but he was still aggrieved. What Tang Dao said before he left kept lingering in his ears, and the day of regret in his heart concentrated.

However, the middle-aged man knew better in his heart that if he could turn back time and return to the moment when he received the retreat order, even if he knew the result in advance, he might still choose to accept the order.

It's all because his perspective is different from Tang Dao's. Political compromise is needed at the national level. A weak country cannot offend all the Western powers while fighting Japan. He must make sacrifices.

But the tragedy is that he not only sacrificed himself, but also all the more than 280 brothers under his command were sacrificed in this way, staying in this square inch like a prisoner, not to mention wasting precious youth, and even had to live Relying on the Westerners' charity supplies, it will be handed over to the Japanese at some point. This is a more painful torture than death. As an officer, he dare not face up to those expecting eyes. The main reason for the rapid weight loss.

Really heartbroken!

Fortunately, the Chinese in the concession have not forgotten them, and will regularly raise funds to donate some fresh meat. Every morning when they do morning exercises and raise the flag, there will always be many people standing in the open space outside the barracks, silently watching or He followed them and sang military songs in unison, until the patrolmen from the patrol room in the Western Concession dispersed them with sticks.

That may be the biggest motivation for these trapped Chinese soldiers to go out and raise the military flag every day under the supervision of an infantry battalion and six heavy machine guns!

Even if they are imprisoned, they are still Chinese soldiers!

As long as they can be released to the battlefield, they are still an elite soldier who can make the Japanese army terrified.

Although the middle-aged soldier and his subordinates also know that the result of this will make the Japanese who suffered heavy losses in the Battle of Sixing Warehouses hate them even more, and will put pressure on the concession to be extremely harsh on them, but so what?

As long as there is still breath left, the military flag must be raised against the rising sun every day!
The heart of the Chinese soldiers to resist the war will never die, just like Tang Dao and Lei Xiong who walked out of the 542 regiment, fighting the Japanese is nothing more than one life.

Thinking of Tang Dao and Lei Xiong, the middle-aged soldier's frown furrowed slightly.

Although the barracks is isolated from the outside world, it is not an island of news. People in the concession will always try their best to stuff newspapers in their supplies.

The constantly updated newspaper let him know that his two proud subordinates had done a good job on the battlefield. They not only survived that Jedi, but also made great efforts to upgrade the Four Elements Battalion to the Four Elements Regiment. The colonel leader of the army who was equal to him, and the other became the deputy commander of the lieutenant colonel. He also beat the Japanese to cry on the battlefield. Recently, in the battle in the southeast of Shanxi, he and his allies killed a mixed brigade of the Japanese army.

If there is a chance to meet them again, the middle-aged soldier will definitely give the most standard military salute and a hug to his two proud subordinates.

They don't lose the prestige of the 542 regiment!He is grateful for them.

"Ah Sheng, go and pass on my words to Old Chen, don't beg those foreigners, take my medal, gold pen and gun to the people under Mr. Du's family, and see how much food they can get back." Middle-aged soldier Rubbing his sore brows, he shouted without looking back.

As a result, no one responded.

The orderly who was staying outside the door didn't know where he went.

"You bastard!" An angry look appeared on the middle-aged soldier's face.

Although imprisoned on this isolated island, the remnant soldiers of the 542 regiment have always been strictly following the military law. They will dispatch sentry posts 24 hours a day. All kinds of training, although this also causes their food to be consumed very quickly.

Middle-aged soldiers understand that as long as they are still practicing, they are Chinese soldiers, but if they become lazy on that day, they are really prisoners.

A lion that has become lazy will not even be afraid of an antelope!
The regulations in the army are strict. Even if the orderly Ah Sheng is a distant relative who has followed him for three years, he will never be allowed to leave the guard without permission. The punishment of 5 horsewhip is unavoidable.

"Report to the group, someone in the concession has come to deliver supplies! Would you like to meet the group?" Suddenly the familiar voice of the orderly's report sounded outside.

"Oh? Why don't you invite distinguished guests in soon!" The middle-aged soldier was slightly taken aback, and quickly got up to welcome the guests.

During the 9 months, there were quite a few times when supplies were sent from the concession, but there were never more than three visits with the supplies in person.

There is no other reason. In order to prevent the Japanese from causing trouble, the garrison in the concession rarely agrees to enter the barracks with people and goods, but those who can be approved to enter the barracks are all influential figures in the concession, such as the underground emperor, who come to the barracks I had a chat with the middle-aged soldier once, and the middle-aged soldier also expressed his heartfelt thanks for his help in the Battle of the Four Elements!

The door was opened directly, and a man in a blue gown and a top hat on a hot day walked into the room with his head resting on his head.

Then, the orderly who did not follow up closed the door again.

"You are." The middle-aged soldier was slightly taken aback.

It's not that the orderly is a little abnormal. The middle-aged soldier knows the orderly who has been with him for three years. The ties of relatives make the chance of him betraying him almost zero.

Rather, the person who didn't show his face made him feel inexplicably familiar.

"Sir, long time no see!" The visitor suddenly raised his head, took off his top hat, and looked at the middle-aged soldier with a smile on his face.

"Tang Dao!" Xie Jinyuan almost roared under his agitated mood.

The proud subordinate he was talking about just now actually appeared in front of him. This kind of excitement, even a soldier who has experienced countless battles, can no longer remain calm.

"Hello, sir!" Tang Dao, who was wearing a long gown, put his top hat on the table lightly, then, with his head held high, he saluted as a soldier.

"Okay! I'm fine!" Xie Jinyuan's lips trembled slightly, and he also stood at attention with both feet, raising his hand in return.

The two greeted each other in a hut like this, using the highest military etiquette.

This kind of ceremony can only be understood by soldiers and comrades-in-arms.

Tang Dao respects Commander's indomitable struggle for nearly a year, and Commander respects his former comrades-in-arms for their brilliant achievements on the battlefield.

Tears loomed in the eyes of the two iron-blooded men!
"Sir, you and the brothers have worked hard during this time." After the two saluted, they clasped their hands tightly together, and Tang Dao said seriously.

"It's not hard work. You, Lei Xiong and Leng Feng killed the enemy on the battlefield, that's the real hard work." Xie Jinyuan tried his best to calm his excitement. "Come on, sit down and talk, sit down and talk. Ah Sheng, pour tea, quickly give Tang Dao, no, pour tea for Captain Tang."

"Good!" The orderly outside the house entered the room obediently, with a brilliant smile on his face.

Needless to say, he already knew about Tang Dao's arrival, and he deliberately didn't mention it before, but he wanted to surprise Xie Jinyuan who hadn't smiled for a long time.

"You boy, don't do any fancy things in the future. You have done a good job of keeping secrets, but you almost didn't make my tears come out." Xie Jinyuan criticized his orderly with a smile.

"Sir, don't blame Ah Sheng. It was Battalion Commander Yang and I who kept him normal so as not to attract Xiaoxiao's attention." Tang Dao explained to the orderly.

"Tang Tuanzuo, please have some tea. I'll watch outside the door." Although the orderly was criticized by his own official, he grinned happily.

"By the way, sir, you'd better call me by my name directly. Head Tang's shout made my scalp tingle! I can't drink this tea anymore." Tang Dao picked up his teacup, took a sip of tea, and smiled road.

"That can't be said like that. You are now a dignified army colonel and the commander of a well-known elite infantry regiment. It is only natural for me to call you Commander Tang." Xie Jinyuan looked at Tang Dao with some emotion and replied .

If Tang Dao hadn't stood in front of him in real life, who would have believed that the head of the colonel of the four-element regiment was just a big soldier nine months ago?But if he knew his record, he would feel that all of this was taken for granted, and he even felt that his military rank was too low.

"Without your cultivation, sir, there would be no Tang Dao today. No matter what position Tang Dao will take in the future, you will always be Mr. Xie in my Tang Dao's heart, and you will always be the brother-in-arms of me and the brothers of the Four Elements Regiment." Tang Dao Answer positively.

"Hey! I don't know if I, Xie Jinyuan, will have the chance to fight side by side with my brothers on the anti-Japanese battlefield." Speaking of this, Xie Jinyuan suddenly let out a long sigh.

Perhaps because he felt that his lament was not compatible with the joy of the two reunion, Xie Jinyuan hurriedly changed the subject: "What happened to the brothers who left with you and Lei Xiong that day?"

"Leng Feng is already the commander of the third battalion, Cheng Tieshou is the third commander of the artillery battalion and the commander of the air defense company, Li Jiujin is also the commander of the first company, and even that kid Gu Xishui is now a lieutenant." Tang Dao heard Xie Jinyuan Asked about this, I quickly introduced the promotion resumes of some key figures.

Hearing that the former little lieutenants and soldiers under his command had grown so rapidly, whether they were school officers or lieutenants, Xie Jinyuan smiled and nodded frequently.

Although as an officer, he may not be familiar with all the people under his command, but they are all comrades-in-arms who stayed with him to the death and the Jedi. They have truly lived and died together. Hearing their rapid growth, one can imagine the joy in his heart Know.

However, when I heard Tang Dao say that the 106 people who accompanied Tang Dao and Lei Xiong refused the military order to retreat and guarded the warehouse, only 40 people can still go to the battlefield. Xie Jinyuan couldn't help but burst into tears when he was in the second line.

This is war, and every farewell is a real goodbye, never to be seen again.

"The earthen pot is not broken away from the well, and the general will inevitably die before the battle! Those who serve in the army do not have eyes for swords and guns. It is normal for a horse leather shroud to return home. If you die, you will die. You will be a good man of China." Xie Jinyuan stood in agitated mood. Standing up and looking at the distance in front of the window, he sighed, and then turned his head to teach earnestly: "However, Tang Dao, you are also the leader of the regiment now. You must know the truth that the whole army can only be united if you love soldiers like your sons. Those brothers who are physically disabled due to war Don't give up easily."

"Please rest assured, sir, the current Four Elements Regiment has a fixed station in Taihang Mountain, and a batch of factories are being built there. All officers and soldiers who have been disabled due to injuries, if they do not want to return to their hometowns, they will either take up positions in the factories or recruit new soldiers. Serve in training camps or second-line supply battalions.

The brothers who died in battle were also given enough pensions. Even if some of them could not be sent home because of the long distance, I ordered the military supply department to store them well, and when the war eased, they would send them back to their hometowns one by one to support their parents, wives and children. "Tang Dao quickly stood up and responded.

"Okay, you've done a good job, much better than me, the former officer. Those brothers put their lives in your hands, and they did the right thing." Xie Jinyuan nodded repeatedly.

"By the way, did you report to the war zone when you came to Songhu this time?" Xie Jinyuan suddenly thought of an important point.

Seeing Tang Dao shaking his head with a smile, his complexion suddenly changed, and he paused and said: "Confused, Tang Dao, you are confused! At this time, a big battle is imminent. As the leader of the regiment, and you are the leader of the regiment who has just obtained great achievements, I don't know how much With eyes fixed on you, you came here without even saying hello. You are easily criticized by those with a heart. If you flee in fear of war, all the achievements you have made in the past may be wiped out.

Hurry up, you and I have seen this too, you go to meet the other brothers later, and immediately return to the front line, don't waste time, you, you, you are still too young to understand the danger of the human heart . "

Xie Jinyuan has been in the army for more than 20 years, how can he not know these dirty things in the army?If you want to be promoted, you have to rely on flattery and gifts, but those who have some ability to be promoted through military affairs will be suppressed by people with ulterior motives.

Otherwise, with his ability, he might have been promoted to the rank of general long ago, and he would not have been just a small lieutenant colonel before the war. The reason why he was asked to lead a lone army to guard the Sixing Warehouse was because he knew that there was death and no life. In the end, if some people know that not only will they not die, but they will also be promoted to a first-level military rank and become famous at home and abroad, then such a "good thing" will never happen to him.

Although it was a reprimand, it was full of love, and Tang Dao couldn't help but feel warm in his heart, and replied with a smile: "Please rest assured, sir, I have already reported my leave before this trip, but they don't know where I am coming." here."

"This is a bit of an argument, but you still can't stay here for a long time. The Japanese army is full of spies. If you don't pay attention, you will be targeted by the Japanese. Now that you have become famous, you have long been hated by them. It is better to leave as soon as possible." Xie Jinyuan nodded, his face still grim.

"You came here without fear of hardships, Xie and the brothers are extremely grateful!"

"No, Tang Dao's trip is not just to see the officers and brothers." Tang Dao shook his head.

"It's about military secrets, you don't need to tell me." Xie Jinyuan frowned and waved his hand to refuse.

"I will take the officers and brothers out of here."

"Nonsense, things that the country can't solve, can you, a small regiment leader, solve it? You hurry up, don't do such futile things, you and Lei Xiong, Leng Feng and the brothers continue to beat the devils, beat them hard Devil, let the world know the determination of all the 88 regiments of the 542th division to resist the war. My brothers and I are extremely satisfied.

Don't mention this matter again, otherwise you and I will have nothing to do with each other from now on, you will be the head of your four-element regiment, and I will be the head of my 542 regiment. "Xie Jinyuan's eyes filled with fright and anger, and he yelled loudly.

In fact, with this intelligence, how did he think about the purpose of Tang Dao's adventure at the moment he reunited with Tang Dao?
He wanted to leave this imprisoned place and return to the anti-Japanese battlefield day and night, but he didn't want to implicate his subordinate who was most likely to become a famous anti-Japanese general. The battle strength of the dragons without a leader was greatly reduced, which was something he could never forgive himself for in his life.

Therefore, he has been trying his best to avoid this topic, and even pretended to be angry and reprimanded Tang Dao to drive him away, but Tang Dao still said it openly. The moment finally becomes reality.

"Sir, listen to me. If you think my plan is unfeasible, how about refusing it?" Tang Dao might have anticipated this person's reaction, and persuaded him calmly.

"We are more than 280 living people, especially Battalion Commander Yang and I, who are the top priority of the Japanese spies. How can you say that you have the ability to secretly send us away, unless you have the power to steal the day. Tang Dao , you go! This favor, my brothers and I have received." Xie Jinyuan was silent for a long time, and sighed.

"It may not be possible to steal the sky and change the sun, but it is still possible to replace flowers and plants with trees." Tang Dao still confided his plan clearly.

Xie Jinyuan couldn't help being stunned.

He didn't expect that his subordinate, who was picked up from the battlefield, had grown to such an extent after 9 months of absence.

Not only can he kill the Quartet on the battlefield, but even his contacts have expanded to an unbelievable level.

The people of the Roman Empire were actually willing to do things for him, and they were willing to take such a big risk.

If this is the case, it seems that it can really be done.

Thinking that he might really have a chance to return to the battlefield, the heart of this patriotic general suddenly became extremely hot.

In order to save them, his brother could even give up his future, how could he refuse?

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