Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1083 Win-win cooperation!

Chapter 1083 Win-win cooperation!

When the sun rose the next day, everything in the barracks was as usual. After a brief speech by 'Xie Jinyuan', the army flag began to be raised.

As a senior intelligence officer of the Japanese Intelligence Division in China, Yuta Watanabe has worked in the concession for more than 2 months, and he is also used to taking out a telescope from the window of his rented house at 7:10 to observe The situation of the Chinese military camp 350 meters away.

This situation has happened 60 times in the past 60 days. Although he doesn't quite understand the futile actions of the ragged soldiers, as a soldier, he still admires these soldiers.

It is said that they have persisted in such a move for more than 270 days.Not everyone can maintain the unique chances of soldiers in a 'prison', but this group of Chinese soldiers who are extremely looked down upon by the Japanese navy and army have done it.

The raising of the military flag this morning was still the same old routine. No matter how casual Yuta Watanabe was, the process of repeating it 60 times still formed a deep impression in his mind.

The process of today's flag-raising ceremony has not changed, but the senior Japanese intelligence officers always felt that there was something weird, but they looked at it with binoculars for a long time, but they couldn't see any clues.

After all, although the 4x high-power telescope makes his line of sight long enough, it is not enough for him to see human facial expressions at a distance of 350 meters.

Maybe, it was because I dreamed of the rice balls made by my mother in my hometown yesterday!As a result, he woke up in the middle of the night, interrupted his sleep for a long time and woke up very early, causing him to be in a trance. Yuta Watanabe found an acceptable reason for himself, quietly observed the military camp where there was no obvious abnormality, and then went to wash up.

After all, as a senior intelligence officer, his job in the concession is not just to observe this lone army that has been imprisoned in the Western concession. Westerners should be very clear about the gap between the Great Japanese Empire and China that is about to be defeated.

This is the most typical thinking of the Japanese, thinking that they have studied hard and caught up with Western countries, and that developed Western countries should recognize Japan enough.

But unfortunately, that's just what they think, those white people really don't think about it, let alone yellow skin, even in the future, the Ross people who also have white skin can't wait to kneel down, and they can't get the same thing in the West. recognized by mainstream countries.

Therefore, the senior Japanese intelligence officers who feel a little weird don't know that just last night, under the cooperation of two big figures in the Western Concession, 260 recruits entered the barracks and exchanged identities with the officers and soldiers of the 542 regiment .

The group of people who raised the military flag and sang the military song this morning are no longer the group of "old people" that Yuta Watanabe watched 60 times. The military posture of the refugee recruits who have been trained for only one week can really be compared with those elites .

That is to say, the concession side understands that the Japanese spies can only observe from a distance of a few hundred meters at most. If they are allowed to get closer to a distance of a hundred meters, they may see loopholes.

Both the Japanese and the Chinese never expected that the Chinese government’s efforts to negotiate would not be as effective as the tens of thousands of dollars sent by Tang Dao and the debt owed by two favors. Steal it out.

According to Xie Jinyuan's own request, he took Yang Ruifu, the former major battalion commander who has now been promoted to the deputy commander of the lieutenant colonel, and several school-level civilian officers under the protection of the special operations team led by Yang Zongdao's confidantes. , sitting on an American freighter, entered the Yangtze River along the Huangpu River, and headed straight to Jiujiang.

Here, although the estuaries of the Huangpu River and the Yangtze River are firmly controlled by the Japanese army, the right of passage of the western countries has not been lost, and they can even continue to trade with the inland of China, as long as they are not transporting arms, and as long as they are suspended from other countries National flag, Japan's warships and patrol boats patrolling the river are at most doing routine inspections. If they want to board the ship for inspection, a high-level command will issue a military order, otherwise it will cause passivity at the diplomatic level.

At this time, Japan has not expanded enough to dare to challenge the Western powers that have entered the industrial revolution long ago. The reason why Japan dares to attack Southeast Asia and even stab American cowboys in the ass in the future is also because of the lack of energy. The crazy helplessness, coupled with the Germanic Empire's triumphant advances on the European battlefield, also gave them an unrealistic illusion that I can do it if I come.

The root of all this has to be that "China has no oil". It has occupied millions of rich lands and has everything, except that oil cannot be explored. The Japanese who do not have such things in this island are not ordinary. hard work.

In addition, more than 270 officers and soldiers of the 542 regiment headed by Shang Guanyun, after soliciting their opinions, almost all of them were willing to follow Tang Dao to the north to fight the war.

This is not to say that Tang Dao's personality is full of charm, but that during the past 9 months, the officers and soldiers who were detained were full of anger.

At that time, a military order on the battlefield told them to go to the last position in Songhu to carry out defensive operations. As Chinese soldiers, guarding the country and defending the people, even though it was a deadly place, it was a matter of course.

But in the end, they received the military order to let them evacuate. As a soldier, it is their bounden duty to obey the military order. Although they are unwilling, they can only obey the order.

But they are human beings, not marionettes. They obeyed the military order and went to the concession, but were detained for no reason. If Tang Dao didn't come to rescue them, they might not know how many years it would take.

What about the person who gave them the military order?But never seen again.

It can be said that a few months ago, this gang of iron-blooded troops had already been extremely disappointed with the principal, including their former commander, and many even thought of disarming and returning to their fields.

But when Tang Dao, an old comrade-in-arms, appeared in front of them and said that he would take them away, the blood that was about to stagnate surged again.

They are the glorious 542nd Regiment, the defenders of the last position in the Battle of Songhu. The blood and lives of their brothers were spilled on this land. Do something?

Coincidentally, without military uniforms and ranks, people like them who have lost their identities don't have to worry about it any more. They follow Tang Dao to North China and kill the enemy with a new identity.

It is really not easy to digest three company-level officers at the major level and five officers at the platoon level at the lieutenant level for other infantry regiments.

Tang Dao even had the idea of ​​forming the fourth infantry battalion, so he re-established an infantry battalion with more than 542 people from the 270 regiment as the backbone. His old boss, Shangguan Yun, was the best candidate for the battalion commander.

Even, the rest of the recruits who came in were not all selected from among the people, at least 500 of them came from the prisoners of war exchanged with the Japanese this time.

Tang Dao specifically greeted that Brigadier Geng. This time, the 17th Division wanted 4000 prisoners of war, of which 1000 were finally quietly supplemented by the Four Elements Regiment.

After all, the 17th Division is now full of more than 7000 personnel, and it is already the limit to add 3000 prisoners of war. If it takes more prisoners of war, the proportion of prisoners of war will be too large. In the short term, management will definitely cause headaches for all officers. Son.

Both Master Zhao and Brigadier Geng are well aware of this truth, so they only wanted 3000 people at the beginning. Hearing what Tang Dao said, they naturally followed suit to return Tang Dao's favor.

In that negotiation with the Japanese, Tang Dao made a lot of money for their 17th Division. The 4000 prisoners of war basically came from the original 29th Division and 39th Brigade. Ordered an entire infantry regiment and an additional 17 rifles.

This is almost equivalent to adding a full infantry regiment and a light infantry regiment to the 17th teachers and students. As long as the prisoners of war do their ideological work well and integrate into the entire infantry division, their combat effectiveness can be almost as good as the one who entered Niangziguan in early October last year. Times are worth fighting for.

In other words, the 17th Division, which had been completely disabled, was resurrected with full blood in only 10 months. You said that the division commanders of the 17th Division should not be grateful to Tang Dao!

No matter how beautiful the words are, it depends on the actual actions. Tang Dao is the kind of person who speaks beautifully but acts even better.

Moreover, the top and bottom of the 17th division thought that Tang Tuanzuo was good at just snatching people and weapons from the Japanese?That's wrong.

In less than a month, Tang Dao will give them the equipment and ammunition of a German Mechanic Infantry Regiment.

That is the most coveted equipment of the German weapon reorganization division of the Chinese army. Light machine guns go to infantry squads, mortars go to battalions, and heavy machine guns go up to 6 for a battalion and 18 for a regiment.

Just ask, when did the 17th Division, who was born in the Northwest Army, be so rich?
What's even more awesome is that, regardless of the high ammunition consumption of the German weapon division, Tang Tuanzuo, who was equipped with three German weapon division infantry regiments, promised that only the 17th division and the [-]th army would pay the cost, and he would be responsible for all the ammunition. supply.

cost?Isn't that the so-called lowest price!With so much ammunition gone, why can't we snatch something back from the Japanese?
Besides, Tang Dao, a local tyrant, if we can't get supplies and banknotes for the time being, is it possible that we are not allowed to make an IOU or something? Commander Zhao Shoushan of the 17th Division and the leaders of the [-]th Army Group are all battle-tested old foxes with different personalities, but their minds are all ineffective.

Anyway, if one day you really owe too much and can't pay it back, then take the initiative to go to Tang Tuanzuo's place to eat, drink and drink, and then just say, you need money!There is one of these several catties of heads, why don't you play with them?
Typical lying flat, badly laid out, no more pretense!

In the future, Tang Tuanzuo will often encounter this kind of situation. Although Tang Tuanzuo is supported by the huge profits from selling penicillin in the United States, he doesn't care about the small money at all, but in the face of these big bosses who are "laying flat and rotten", Never used to it.

I owe too much, can't I pay it back?Okay, it doesn't matter, those who know poetry, the handwritten poems are used to cover the debt, a pair of poems is underpaid by two thousand oceans, and you have to sign your name and stamp it, it doesn't matter if you don't have a chapter, Tang Tuanzuo has already done it for you.

No, it’s okay for a rough man like Wang Xiaoqiang who was born as an iron man. Come and have a meal, drink and take a photo with the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment. Hero comrade so-and-so' signed his name again.

For Tang Tuanzuo's "evil taste", the bigwigs who are destined to leave their names in the sky of Chinese history first expressed their disdain with righteous words, saying that they would repay the debt by throwing pots and selling iron, but they would never It's a vulgar thing to exchange talent and learning for money.

But often the gap is broken from the inside. With Master Zhao, who is very good at writing poetry, he used the wholesale method to write 20 poems in one night. After Dayang's debts, the 10th Army chiefs wrote poems wholesale, fearing that they would be pirated by someone before it was too late.

And the group of rough guys headed by Wang Xiaoqiang feel very good about the way of eating and drinking but just taking a photo to repay the debt. The only painful thing is that the handwriting is really hard to do. I feel a little inconsistent.

But Tang Dao didn't mind at all, and asked to write the handwriting by himself, and refused to write it on behalf of him. This also caused the senior officers of the [-]th Army to practice handwriting for a while, just to make the handwriting on the photos sent out less embarrassing.

The news finally reached the ears of a scholar who was good at poetry, and he asked Tang Dao with great interest how much his words could pay off the debt. It made that person laugh out loud, and spent a few days to make 10 pairs of Tang Dao in one breath, and signed each pair of words "for the friendly army, I wish the front line of the Anti-Japanese War to make new achievements!" 'Gift words.

But Tang Dao was overwhelmed with joy, and he looked like he had taken advantage of it, and those who let the Four Elements Regiment and the Eighty Army Group know the inside story couldn't help but smile.

In their view, this is just an act of Tang Dao helping the friendly army and saving face for the friendly army. They all agree with this, but Tang Tuanzuo should not be so involved!It's as if you really need these things that you can't eat or drink.

During the war years, is there anything more important than supplies and money?

Then they were wrong, Tang Dao's joy came from the heart.

20 oceans, just to buy the approval of the boss in black and white, isn't that taking advantage of the sky?

Tang Dao's "good deed" lasted for several years, and he accumulated an unknown number of handwritten calligraphy and photos of big bosses, all of which were distributed by Tang Dao to the officers of the Four Elements Regiment, large and small, ordering them to be meticulous. custody.

One day in the future, these are the best evidence that the officers and soldiers of the Four Elements Regiment and the Eighty Group Army worked side by side to fight against the Japanese invaders hard.

To put it bluntly, this is a talisman. Tang Dao not only needs to protect himself, but also protects his comrades who have been born and died with him.

To plan ahead for a rainy day decades in advance, except for Tang Dao, I am afraid there will be no one else.

Of course, these are all things to say later, because Tang Dao was unable to send Xie Jinyuan away from Songhu because of Yang Zongdao's participation, but he personally sent Shangguan Yun and others to the German freighter sailing from Songhu Port.

They will go to Jincheng by sea, and then go from Jincheng to HD's Fengfeng Coal Mine in the name of Krupp Matheson workers, and finally go to Taihang Mountains under the arrangement of Gong Shaoxun, who is already in charge there.

"Dear Tang, there are still many broken soldiers from your country living in the concession in the concession. I wonder if you need it?" Mr. Rockefeller, the chairman of the board of directors of the Western Concession who personally accompanied Tang Dao to give it away, suddenly had a brain hole.

What is a businessman's mind?This is.

Of course he knew what Tang Dao wanted. Tang Dao obviously wanted soldiers and sent them to the northern front to fight the Japanese.

And these, the concession has!

The battle of Songhu broke out in August last year. China and Japan invested millions of troops, and the metropolis of Songhu was smashed to pieces. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers died in the battle. The Western Concession located on the edge of the war was even more It was because of this that he was under great pressure.

The pressure does not come from the terrible naval guns above 200 caliber, nor from the bombs dropped by the Chinese and Japanese fighter planes that are constantly flying in the sky to meet the enemy, but from the large number of Chinese refugees who escaped the war and fled into the concession and were separated from the troops. The Chinese who did not choose to surrender their weapons and entered the concession were defeated.

In just a few months, the population of the concession has increased by hundreds of thousands, and daily management is much more difficult than before.

Especially for the group of defeated soldiers, for the sake of so-called humanitarianism, they could not send those people to the Japanese to slaughter in front of them, so that the media would have news to write about, but they could not let them go, they could only let them stay in the concession, As a result, security incidents surged.

"Yes, as long as it is a soldier, 10 dollars per person, as much as I want." Tang Dao agreed without hesitation.

"Okay, in the words of you Chinese: a gentleman says a word!" The current highest talker in the Western Concession beamed with a smile.

Putting those broken soldiers in the concession will only cause trouble, but now they are sent out in the name of labor, and they can be sold for money, killing two birds with one stone. Anyone on the board of directors will think that he is a genius after hearing this deal.

"Four horses are hard to chase!" Tang Dao held this man's hand, also in a happy mood.

These defeated soldiers are precious treasures.Although they are all broken up, after the test of the Battle of Songhu, their battlefield survival experience is far better than that of the retrained recruits. After a period of training, their combat effectiveness must not be underestimated.

The price of 10 dollars is really not too cheap.

What is win-win cooperation, this is it.

Maybe the only one that was betrayed was Japan, but is that important to Chinese and Westerners?
But for Tang Dao, this is not the only thing that makes him happy.

Yang Zongdao, who reported to Shangfeng that he finally succeeded in rescuing Xie Jinyuan and others, received a telegram from Director Dai himself to reward him, and was promoted to major general in one fell swoop, which meant that his status in the system was further improved.

The surprise promised by the major general of the Xinke intelligence system was finally delivered. When this person took Tang Dao to a warehouse in the concession and opened the door, Tang Dao was almost blinded by the object in front of him.

That is not a weapon, but its value is no less than that of an infantry regiment.

Because it was a piece of high-precision equipment that originally belonged to the Jiangnan Arsenal. It was originally produced in the Martin Furnace of the Siemens Company in the German Empire. It is the only steel-making furnace in China that can make gun-tube steel.

Before the Songhu retreat, the equipment purchased at a huge expense was too late to be transported away, so it had to be transported into the concession, and finally fell into the hands of the intelligence system stationed in Songhu by the military.

In times of peace, how many state-owned materials would be resold, not to mention in times of raging wars, as the top person in charge of the military command stationed in Songhu, as long as one swipe on the data, this equipment worth hundreds of thousands will become consumables , no one will care about its whereabouts.

But it is this equipment that can easily disappear, which is too important for Tang Dao, who is deploying military industry.

With this thing, it means that the Dakouzidong Armory has the ability to assemble mountain cannons, and it can also use high-quality steel to start the '107 rocket launcher' test. The individual rocket launcher is not just on the blueprint.

Moreover, it is not necessary to place all hopes of manufacturing MG42 machine guns and imitation Soviet 12.7mm heavy machine guns on the 'No. 1 Laboratory' located in HD.

No matter how high salary and so-called ideals attract Dr. Grunov, he is also a German after all, and the interests of the motherland are above all else. This does not only exist in Chinese people with ideals, but also in many Westerners.

This high-tech equipment will help the Dakouzidong Armory break many of the shackles that come from materials.

Yang Zongdao's gift really surprised and delighted Tang Dao.

Another successful win-win!

All the damage will be borne by the Japanese!

(End of this chapter)

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