Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1093: Fighting against local tyrants: 3 people go together!

Chapter 1093: The threesome who beat up local tyrants!
8 Month 24 Day!
The order to send troops to the second war zone has not yet come, but three people came to visit the Four Elements Group!

There are still a few old acquaintances, Mr. Li from the 104th Division, Mr. Zhao from the 17th Division, and Cheng Da from the 683rd Brigade.

These three are all important generals of one party. If there is no accident, they must be indispensable for this dispatch of troops, and their respective garrisons are nearly a hundred miles apart. At this time, they "coincidentally" arrived at the Four Elements Regiment. Don't say that Tang Dao knew that they had made an appointment in advance. Alright, even 'Babe' can smell the 'bad intentions' that these guys didn't show on their faces.

'Guaiguai' who didn't participate in the training today was lying in the cool nest in front of the gate of the regiment headquarters, a pair of round pig eyes cautiously watching a certain major general who dismounted from the horse with a smile on his face like a flower.

"Hey! I haven't seen you for a while. You four groups have started to raise pigs! They are still free-range. Look at this body shape, you won't gain three to five hundred catties during the Chinese New Year! Two old brothers, we will come together when the time comes How about beating Tang Tuanzuo, a local tyrant?" Brigadier Cheng probably didn't see the wild boar face of 'Guaiguai' very clearly, but only saw its huge body, and all he saw was a lump of pork.

Tang Dao, who greeted him out of the gate, hadn't had time to explain.

'Obely' got angry!

From a long distance, it can feel that the person is not kind, good guy, the love is directed at our little cutie, it is really unbearable.

A lazy pig rolled over and stood up, bared its fangs that had grown another centimeter, and yelled at Brigadier Cheng Da.

Wild boars are ferocious beasts, and the three bosses, who were used to seeing blood flying across the battlefield, didn't feel anything about the bared teeth and fierce howl, but the few horses pulled by orderlies behind them couldn't stand the excitement.

Immediately, the muscles all over the body were tense, and the horse stared wide-eyed at the fierce and huge pig in front of him. Brigadier Cheng Da's oriental horse, which was captured from the Japanese army commander, even raised its front hooves and let out a long hair. hiss!

"Hey! This pig is going to bite!" Brigadier Cheng was also slightly taken aback.

"Hey, Brigadier Cheng, this pig from the Four Elements Regiment not only wants to bite people, but also has military membership!" The 104th Division Commander Li on the side is not like the two glasses men. His eyes are sharp and he can see it at a glance The vest worn by 'Guaiguai' still has the rank of private second class pinned to it.

"No wonder it's so fierce, it turns out it's a soldier from the Four Elements Regiment!" Brigadier Cheng's EQ is not ordinary, he quickly took out half of the steamed bun that he hadn't eaten in the morning from his pocket, and threw it at 'Xiaoguai' from a distance. past.

"I'm sorry, brother pig, I have bad eyesight after reading too much, I'll make up for it!"

'Guaiguai' was originally annoyed that someone would take advantage of her fat body, but when the half bun was thrown over, the delicious noodle scent stimulated its extremely developed olfactory cells, making it a little difficult to hold on to itself.

The bared fangs were retracted, and the little tail was wagging involuntarily, but the pair of round pig eyes still maintained the expression they had when they were showing off their power.

Apparently, a certain pig still wanted to maintain the prestige of the 'King of the Mountain' in his heart, but his body had already responded honestly.

"Look at your gluttonous appearance, I haven't fed you normally, have you? Hurry up and get out!" Tang Dao waved his hand dumbfoundingly, and drove away the "pig-headed second-class soldier" who had always been unscrupulous in the face of food.

Fortunately, the 'Pig Head Private' has a strong hatred for the shit-yellow military uniform. Tang Dao specially sent someone to do the experiment, but whenever someone puts on the Japanese military uniform, the pig's eyes of the 'Pig Head Private' immediately turn red.

That is to say, Shen Laoliu, who played the role of the Japanese soldier at that time, climbed the tree fast, otherwise the big mouth of the "Pig Head Private" would have to bite on his leg. The big tree that was as thick as an adult's thigh was bumped and shook.

In addition, there is a 'hammer' that can restrain it, bit the big ear of the maddening 'pig-headed private' with one bite, and 'obediently' calmed down and let go of the cold sweating Shen Laoliu.

'Guaiguai' can't control his emotions well, so he's actually not very suitable to stay in the reconnaissance company, but his physical strength and sense of smell are far superior to 'Hammer', so Tang Dao plans to put him in the medical company.

In the past two days, I have been asking Erya to feed it more to enhance its relationship. During the war, I let this guy wander around the field hospital. With this guy's keen sense of smell and intuition for danger, he can definitely detect the enemy's situation first, and it can be regarded as Tang Dao's battle against the field. Another insurance with increased security vigilance in hospitals.

Unexpectedly, Erya, who was busy with training, hadn't come yet, but the three uninvited guests came first, and made this guy look greedy.

Watching 'Guaiguai' pick up half a steamed bun and hide in the shade to eat, Tang Tuanzuo felt that Sixingtuan's face was about to be lost by this guy.

"Haha! Why don't you say that Tang Tuanzuo is a local tyrant! Terrific, even a wild boar has eaten the emperor's food." Brigadier Cheng Da laughed, and turned to look at the other two smiling. "You two, am I right, this local tyrant is really a real deal, should I fight?"

"It's right to fight local tyrants, but Captain Tang is not easy to fight local tyrants. Even if the three of us work together, we may not be able to fight!" Master Zhao of the 17th Division looked at Tang Dao and said with a smile.

"Well, let me tell you, the three officers, don't try to bully me, a young man. If you have something to say, let's say that the Four Elements Group has only a small amount of property. As long as you like it, I can use Tang Dao again. Feel free to speak up. "Tang Dao spread his hands and replied.

"Haha, I have to say that Brother Tang is still grand. You two, please, let's set up a dragon formation inside!" Master Li of the 104th Division smiled brightly, and walked into the gate of the small courtyard of the Four Elements Regiment Headquarters first.

In terms of affiliation, the Four Elements Regiment is under the jurisdiction of the 47th Army, and has the closest relationship with him, and his position is much higher than that of Tang Dao. It is not wrong for him to be half the master.

"Tang Dao, the counterattack plan has been distributed to all divisions, and you should have received it immediately." The four of them sat down around the small wooden table that had been set up under the big tree in the small courtyard. Xia Dayu's tea hadn't been served yet. Come up, Brigadier Cheng said with a serious face.

Obviously, as a higher-level officer, there is no need to wait for the theater command to issue a battle plan. They have already inquired about it, and the three of them can't run away alone, or else they wouldn't run to the fourth row together. The group came to 'fight the local tyrants'.

"Oh? Let's hear it, let me see what kind of battle plan these officials and gentlemen have come up with." Tang Dao said casually while waving his hand to arrange for Xia Dayu to serve tea.

"Hmph! That Chief Yan just saw that we fought well in the southeast Shanxi campaign last time, and thought that we still have enough value. However, the emperor is not short of hungry soldiers, otherwise." Dissatisfaction flooded the face of the 104th Division Commander Li.

It turned out that this time, in order to hold back the main force of the Japanese Front Army in North China as much as possible so that they would not be allowed to send the main divisions to reinforce the Jiangxia Battlefield, a group of bigwigs in the Second War Zone concocted a counterattack plan to counter Jindong and destroy the Pinghan Line. .

And the closest to the east of Shanxi is naturally the Chinese army in the Taihang Mountains in the southeast of Shanxi. In addition, the big guys worked together to beat the invading Japanese army more than two months ago, and the Japanese army in North China even stopped for more than two months. moon.

Therefore, this battle plan to counterattack the Eastern Jin Dynasty fell on the various ministries stationed in the Taihang Mountains.
None of the 17th Army, the 104th Division, the [-]th Division, and the Four Elements Regiment could escape.

However, counterattacking Jindong is not a small battlefield. The 20th Division of the Japanese Army is stationed in Jindong, and the 108th Division is also stationed in Changzhi, Lucheng, Licheng and other places. The strength of these two divisions alone reaches 5. people.

If the troops are not strong enough, not to mention counterattack, destruction, or containment, it is still a matter of whether he can come back intact.

Therefore, the Second Theater Command spent a lot of money this time, dispatching a total of five infantry divisions and one regiment.

The 921th Army dispatched 22 divisions, and the 104nd Army dispatched 17 divisions and four-line regiments, plus [-] divisions.

And there are two other infantry divisions. No matter how shameless Commander Yan is, he can't dispatch all the Sichuan Army and the [-]th Group Army.

The Central Army dispatched the 3th Division of the 12rd Army, and the Jinsui Army dispatched the 65st Division of the 101th Army. Basically, all major forces stationed in Jin Province dispatched one part.

Moreover, both the 12th Division and the 101st Division are the elites of various ministries. If this is not the case, I am afraid that the Sichuan Army Department will be the first to express dissatisfaction.

After all, they sent out a division and a regiment, and they were the ones who sent the most troops.

"The commander of the 12th Division is called Tang." Master Zhao was afraid that Tang Dao didn't know enough about these two infantry divisions, so he planned to give Tang Dao a detailed introduction.

"It's these two divisions! It seems that Lao Yan still has some vision. It's over. This time, even if we can't achieve the strategic goal of the theater, we don't have to worry about self-protection." Tang Dao waved his hand , with a smile on his face.

In fact, no one in the world knew the two infantry divisions and their respective commanders better than he did.

The 3rd Army came from Yunnan Province, and most of the officers in the army came from the Military Academy of Yunnan Province. They made great achievements in the Great Patriotic War, and the people of Yunnan never fell to the prestige of the border provinces of China.

Their Lieutenant General Tang Huaiyuan was even more famous. He had been promoted to the commander of the Third Army and fought bravely in the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain three years later.

And the brigade commander under the command of the division, surnamed Cun, was also a loyal and loyal person. Hearing that the commander was killed in battle, he endured the pain and led the soldiers to charge and kill the enemy until both legs were broken, and then committed suicide with his sword.

His subordinates burst into tears, and none of them left the side of the fallen commander, and all died in battle and martyred for the country.His 88-year-old father heard the news of his son's death in battle a few months later, and died of a hunger strike. When he died, he opened his eyes angrily, so that his family could not touch his eyes, and hoped for his son to return home!
Although Tang Dao has never seen the fighting power of such an army, how could the fighting power be so bad with this officer?
The commander of the 65st Division of the 101st Division under the [-]th Army of the Jinsui Army, whose surname is Dong, is even more remarkable.

Just looking at his resume, from the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains War to the Great Wall War, Suiyuan War, Xinkou Battle, Yuancheng Defense Battle and Icefield Battle, you can know what kind of soldier he is, and his military position also follows the war. But a rising tide lifts all boats, from regiment commander during the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War to division commander during the Xinkou Battle, then as the Anti-Japanese War deepened, he became an army commander, and when he participated in the Ice Field War, he became an officer to a corps commander!
Even that one praised him as a brave general!
As the saying goes, 'Brothers are of one heart, their profits cut gold! ', what Tang Dao was afraid of was not whether the friendly army was elite or not, but what he was afraid of was that someone would not only hinder him, but might also sell the big guy.

Fortunately, the stingy old man can't do anything else, and he is quite accurate in judging people. In order to reassure the garrisons in Taihang Mountain, he directly dispatched two infantry divisions that would never mess up.

The five divisions and one regiment have more than 7 troops, which almost represents the essence of the 30 troops under the jurisdiction of the second theater. This is definitely a bloody effort!
Of course, as Master Li said, "the emperor does not send hungry soldiers", in order to make these troops follow orders to send troops, the stingy old man is bleeding a lot this time.

Five infantry divisions, each infantry division allocated 20 silver for military pay, 30 catties of military rations, 100 million rounds of various machine rifle bullets, and 2000 rounds of various types of artillery shells!The Four Elements Regiment, the smallest regiment-level force, also allocated 10 military pay, 20 catties of military rations, 30 rounds of various machine rifle bullets, and 1000 rounds of various types of artillery shells.

Of course, the stingy old man distributed supplies to the divisions in this way of "confiscating their homes". It was also the last battle in the southeast of Shanxi that gave him the commander of the theater to show his face in front of the army and people of the whole country. Advocating that he has a "commander" posture, which doubles the confidence of the stingy old man.

For a big brother like him, military achievements represent a stable position. As long as this counterattack can achieve some results, even if it fails to meet expectations, it will completely hold back the main force of the Japanese North China Front Army, even if it goes to Japan North China, the main battlefield of the Jiangxia Battle. The front army has only one division instead of several, so his position as commander is secure, and even the headmaster should not try to touch him in the slightest.

Otherwise, do you think that stingy old man would 'smash' this group of elite troops with supplies at any cost?
Moreover, although the stingy old man is expensive as the commander of the war zone, he also understands a truth through the battlefield situation over the past year. He is good at 'farming', but he really lacks talent for marching and fighting.

If you can't do it yourself, then leave it to professionals to do professional things.

Therefore, this time, the boss of the 921th Group Army is still the commander-in-chief of the counterattack and the sabotage operation. Commander Liu of the [-] Division is the commander-in-chief of the front enemy. He is also the deputy director of the staff office, including Tang Dao, who has the smallest military position, and also holds the post of deputy director of the staff office.

Don't underestimate this deputy director, it means that Tang Dao can provide strategic and tactical advice to the staff at any time, and must be recorded in accordance with the regulations.Neither the chief of staff nor the former commander-in-chief of the enemy nor the commander-in-chief of the campaign can ignore his opinion.

"Tsk tsk, Commander Yan is bleeding a lot this time! Brother Cheng, you are the brigade commander of the main brigade of the 921st Division, 20 oceans! This time it should be a lot!" Tang Dao laughed.

"You boy, you still don't know the situation of our 20th Army Group. Don't look at the 1 oceans. There are so many mouths waiting to eat!" Brigadier Cheng said with a wry smile on his face as he rolled his eyes at Tang Dao. "I want to say that my whole brigade has a total of 3 oceans and [-] catties of military rations. Believe it or not."

"Your army is too much." Master Li of the 104th Division was taken aback, and then thought of some news, but he couldn't say the following words anymore.

With an apology on his face, he raised his teacup to salute Brigadier Cheng.

Because, what Brigadier Cheng said may not be half false. If the 1 oceans were not because of the expedition, it is estimated that even half of them would not be distributed.

Behind the Sichuan Army stood the entire Sichuan Province, and behind the [-]th Group Army was the barren Loess Plateau!

"Brother Cheng, needless to say, how about giving half of the military pay, food, and ammunition supplies that our regiment received this time to your 921 Division, and half to your two elder brothers?" Tang Dao waved his hand grandly.

"Brother, let's use this tea as wine, I'll do it, brother, you can do whatever you want!" Brigadier Cheng drank the tea in his cup with pride.

Master Li of the 104th division was stunned, this is obviously dry mouth!Old Cheng, you are too shameless to thank me!
"Haha! Then I will accompany Old Zhao. Brother Tang, when you serve wine later, I, Old Zhao, will drink three glasses in a row!" Mr. Zhao laughed loudly.

Master Li.
This seems to be a bit rebellious if you don't drink a cup of tea with you!
Wait, this is wrong!The three of us came here, didn't we agree, didn't we want money and food!What we want is something else!
"But brother, you also know that the money and rations won't reach me when they reach the division!" Brigadier Cheng said to Tangdao with a little 'shyness'. "Look, you can't eat equipment, and no one wants it in the rear, but your brother and I need it to fight devils!"

"Pfft!" Mr. Li spewed out a sip of hot tea before he could swallow it.

Daringly, he's too small!

Especially compared with this brigadier who is already known as the world's first brigade.

"Haha! You can't replace wine with tea, you have to drink real wine!" Tang Dao also laughed.

Compared with Comrade Old Li's secretiveness, he prefers the straightforwardness of this optimist Brother Cheng.

He has already prepared the equipment, but the premise is that the three big brothers must drink good wine first.

How big is this drink?

Using the calligraphy of Brigadier Cheng Da who was 'blackmailed' by someone Tang after drinking to describe the enjoyment of this big drink: "The list given by the younger brother has no alcohol, but the elder brother is as drunk as a dog!"

Are you polite?

Obediently: Big brother, let's go together, this guy is not a good bird, he wants to eat me, and even scolds you!
. . . . . . . . . . . . .

ps: Brothers!It was so miserable today, I finally got out of the sun in the afternoon to play a ball to soothe my muscles and bones. As a result, my foot almost didn't break!I went to the physical therapy massage shop for almost 2 hours, so the update is late, sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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