Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1202 The brilliance created by little people!

The Japanese news is wrong!

The more than 200 Japanese artillerymen were driven around like rabbits. It was not a general figure of no more than five people, but actually three people!
Longyan is huge and brainless!

Speaking of which, this is also the credit of Deputy Captain Xie.

After meeting and having an in-depth discussion with Tang Dao in Songhu, this man learned that Tang Dao had trained an elite army and was particularly good at reconnaissance and harassment behind enemy lines.

Therefore, when he was about to lead more than a thousand people to sneak into the Japanese defense zone to carry out sabotage, he called the 43rd Army Field Command, hoping that Tang Dao could send his direct subordinates to cooperate with him in the battle.

The old officer had said so, so how could Tang Dao refuse, so he sent five three-person teams headed by Gu Xishui to sneak into the forest.

Lu Sanjiang and his cavalry platoon are fast and mobile. Although they also have reconnaissance capabilities behind enemy lines, this is not the most suitable battlefield for them. They basically have to be the scouts in the Guxi Water Belt.

Originally, this was nothing to do with Longyan, but after hearing this, this guy strongly requested to participate, and the reason was very good. When it comes to lurking in the mountains and forests, even though the scouts have undergone rigorous training and actual combat, no one here can do it better. He is good.

As a child who grew up in the mountains, Long Yan has a jaw-dropping talent for walking on mountain roads and lurking in disguise in dense forests.

Even if it's broad daylight and he's lying down in the grass, no one can find him. Even the deer, which is extremely sensitive to danger, can lick his face and eat grass.

Moreover, he is now an official second lieutenant officer of the Sixings Regiment. When in danger, he can't just let others take over while he watches from behind. This is not in line with the national characteristics of the Jiuli people.

Facing Long Yan, who had a strong desire to fight, Gu Xishui, who was about to become the commander of the mountain infantry company, had no choice but to let him participate in the battle. However, for his safety, he was specially assigned two 'veterans'.

One is a huge individual with extremely strong fighting skills, and the other is a 'brainless' who has become a sergeant but doesn't want to be a squad leader. Brainless doesn't want to be an officer, but his marksmanship is very good, and it's the same for the entire reconnaissance company. Countless sharpshooters.

These two people, including the 'unhappy' uncle who is 'brainless', have actually been designated by Gu Xishui as the backbone of the mountain infantry company. Tang Dao has promised Gu Xishui that he can deploy the reconnaissance company to the newly formed mountain infantry company. There are 5 staff sergeants, 10 sergeants, and he can choose 20 people from each company to achieve a ratio of 10 to 1 between recruits and veterans.

In addition, Tang Dao was even extremely tolerant and gave this regiment's directly affiliated light infantry company a three-month training period!
Gu Xishui paired Long Yan with these two people, of course, his main priority was to protect Long Yan's life, and his military exploits were secondary.

But Gu Xishui, who was always full of ideas, forgot one thing this time. No matter how awesome the veterans were, they were still soldiers. The one with the highest military rank in the three-man team was actually Long Yan, who had been issued the rank of second lieutenant.

That also means that the command right lies with the newcomer Long Yan.

As a result, a scene on the battlefield that shocked the eyes of both Chinese and Japanese commanders appeared.

The three-person team groped for several hours in the dark and finally attacked a resting Japanese horse team. Unexpectedly, there happened to be an infantry team stationed less than 500 meters away from the baggage team.

If the trio hadn't retreated early when they saw the opportunity, they would have almost been made dumplings by the Japanese team that rushed over like crazy.

In other words, on the dark battlefield that had already turned into a pot of gruel, it was unknown how many achievements the other groups had gained, but the three-person group headed by Long Yan was the type who almost got into trouble.

This was devastating to Long Yan, who was eager to make meritorious deeds, and was quite embarrassing even for two veterans, Huge Huge and Brainless.

After receiving the army evacuation signal flare launched by Deputy Commander Xie at 5 a.m., the three-person team reluctantly went into the dense forest to evacuate to their own defense area.

Then, at 5:40 in the morning, when it was already slightly light, the trio encountered their 'prey'!
However, this 'prey' seemed a bit too fat for the trio. The camp of the Japanese artillery squadron, which had already started cooking, seemed a bit bustling. There were no less than 200 people by visual inspection.

"How about it? Brothers, let's vote for him or not!" Long Yan licked his lips and looked at the Japanese artillery squadron's position, his eyes full of desire.

"What the hell are you doing? There are at least 200 of these little devils. Each one of them could bury the three of us if they threw a stone." Pang Pang rolled his eyes and almost rolled his eyes.

As a former gangster, Pang Pang already thought that he was very courageous, but he never expected that once he came to the Four Elements Group, he would meet too many cowardly people.

Chief Tang is nothing more than a pervert. Shen Laoliu and a group of villagers dared to fight against 300 Japanese troops. It was really fierce. After all, he was ranked in the middle of the pack for his breakthrough. superior.

Who would have thought that with the arrival of Long Yan, his ranking would have to drop one place.

There are more than 200 Japanese people, and there are only three of them. In the end, they still want to vote for each other. This is almost beyond the scope of boldness, but a pure brain disease.

"If you really want to do it, you have to do it as early as possible. Otherwise, at dawn, the Japs from other locations will surround you, and the three of us will be at odds with each other!" The mindless 'accurate' analysis almost made Panda's eyes darken.

How could he forget that this guy is also a very brave member, ranked in the top [-] of the entire Four Elements Group?

"Yes, if you want to finish killing the Japs and still be alive, then you have to do it as soon as you think about it, and you can't wait any longer! What did Chief Tang say?" Long Yan got support, and his whole face became excited.

"Hesitation will lead to defeat!" No brain silently opened the safety of his semi-automatic rifle and replied dully.

Damn it!Looking at the two young men who were much younger than him, Pang Pang didn't even want to say anything. He kept lamenting in his heart: Deputy Company Commander Gu was trying to kill him. If there was an afterlife, his only wish was to be away from these two men. The farther the goods are, the better.

Pang Pang wisely did not resist. Not to mention that the military regulations of the Four Lines Regiment were strict, and those with high military positions had command authority. Even in this situation, it was still two to one. His objections were of no use. All he could do was accompany him. Come on, these two good-for-nothings!

"Hehe, Brother Pangda, don't think we can't do this battle. Even if there are so many Japs, after the battles have been going on in the past few days, we have already beaten them into fear.

And most importantly, do you think there are infantry besides artillery in this Japanese artillery position? "

Although Long Yan was young, he still had the ability to observe people's emotions. When he saw Da Da's ugly face, which looked like he had been constipated for more than ten years, he knew what he was worried about.

"They also have bird infantry. The 4th Army fought so hard yesterday. The Japanese are humans too, so the casualties will never be less!" Pang Pang replied casually.

"What kind of combat capability does the Japanese artillery have? Last time I rushed into the Japanese artillery position. Not to mention fighting with me, there were not many people with guns. And the three of us are now equipped with double guns, so it's not as good as this." 200 Japanese soldiers have more guns." Long Yan said confidently.

"Hey! It seems so!" Pang Pang also came to his senses at this moment.

No matter how many people there are, no one can use the gun!
And the three of them are really armed to the teeth.

He carried a submachine gun and 6 magazines with nearly 200 rounds of ammunition. He also had a Black Star pistol and 3 pistol magazines inserted on the outside of his thigh. He also carried 6 grenades and ten cold weapons. A steel needle and a tactical knife.

'Brainless' is a sniper and carries a Czech semi-automatic rifle with 100 rounds of ammunition and a Black Star pistol with 3 magazines.

Among the three, Long Yan is undoubtedly the most powerful. This guy relies on his strong body and is equipped with a standard submachine gun and 6 magazines, as well as a pistol and grenades. In addition, he also carries his Jiuli sword and even an extra one. A semi-automatic rifle and 50 rounds of ammunition.

Unexpectedly, he carried 8 kilograms more than the two veterans!

In his original words: I can attack from a distance as well as from close range, it’s the best way to save my life!
I'm so exhausted, Pang Pang still made such complaints when he set off.But after one night, Long Yan, who was carrying 25 kilograms of weight all over his body, not only was not slower than him on the mountain road, but was also very powerful at this moment. No wonder Tang Dao would look at this kid differently. He did have the potential to become an elite soldier.

This is how trust between soldiers is cultivated. It is useless to talk more, as long as we fight together.

If Long Yan is not capable enough, let alone the second lieutenant, even the major will not be able to work here.

Moreover, Long Yan seemed to have had his two channels of Ren and Du opened up at this moment, and even used a "three-sided attack" tactic.

To use his later explanation: Isn’t that how hunting is done!Attacking from several sides, the wild boar herd will panic. As long as they do not form a large scale and do not use guns, they can kill several of them with just bows and arrows.

In this way, the two veterans actually obeyed the tactical arrangement of the still immature Army second lieutenant. The three men lurked from three directions to an area less than 100 meters away from the Japanese artillery squadron, and suddenly launched a fierce attack.

The 'brainless' precise shooting skills are extremely accurate within a range of 200 meters. The 15 bullets fired in less than 10 seconds have a 100% hit rate!

Long Yan and Pang Pang did not engage in any precise shooting. They just held the submachine guns while outputting firepower as much as they could while shouting at the top of their lungs "Charge!" as agreed before.

The Japanese artillerymen, who were stunned by the sudden attack, suffered nearly 30 casualties in the first wave of attacks by the trio alone.

The dense bursts of submachine gun bullets and the continuous firing of semi-automatic gunfire gave the Japanese artillery the illusion that they were being attacked by at least dozens of Chinese soldiers.

Especially the sound transmission of Longyan nearly 200 meters!Kill!Brothers, follow me! The Japanese artillerymen with loud voices and who knew a few words of Chinese were so frightened that they even shrank.

It has been more than three months since they entered the battlefield in China. These Japanese soldiers also know that the two countries are already fighting to the death. They kill Chinese people like a piece of grass. When the Chinese see them, they will also sharpen their knives and cut their necks to bleed them. No mercy.

Not to mention the Chinese army, even the group of civilians who usually seem submissive must not take it lightly.

The internal regulations of the 106th Division specifically emphasized that you should never march with less than a small detachment in the wild, because there was a precedent where a few infantrymen couldn't bear the loneliness and went to a Chinese village to have fun.

I thought that the Chinese civilians were like lambs and would just be left to their own devices. However, they did not return for a few days. When the captain assembled an infantry squadron and went to search the Chinese villages, not a single hair was found.

In the end, it was the squadron leader who killed more than a dozen Chinese villagers, and finally the whereabouts of the three infantrymen were revealed.

When they were found in the pig pen, the largest bone was no bigger than a palm. Even if the entire village was slaughtered, the three infantrymen still could not change their fate of becoming pig food.

Moreover, what is painful for this group of Japanese artillerymen is that they have lost their infantry escorts since yesterday. An infantry team originally responsible for the defense of their positions has also been transferred to the front line. The 226 artillerymen only have 6 rifles and less than 20 southern guns in total. Type [-] pistol.

A dozen brave artillerymen who tried to run to the rifle storage tent were mercilessly shot by the Chinese on the road.

Once the Chinese rush over, it will be a ruthless massacre!
Then, the most bizarre scene happened on the entire Wanjialing battlefield.

A Japanese artillery squadron collapsed one minute after three Chinese soldiers launched a charge without hesitation.

Nearly 200 Japanese soldiers, like a group of frightened quails, ran wildly on their short legs towards the only mountain forest where no gunshots were heard.

Whether they are officers or soldiers, everyone no longer cares about how many pursuers are behind them. They have only one thought: run!run!It doesn't matter whether the speed is fast or slow, as long as you can outrun your gunner, no, your teammate.

What the Chinese can kill is always the one closest to them.

Don't tell me, the Japanese artillerymen were really clear-headed at this time. Dozens of Japanese soldiers who were lagging behind were ruthlessly killed by three Chinese officers and soldiers with submachine guns and semi-automatic rifles.

However, more than 100 Japanese artillerymen escaped victoriously and hid deep in the dense forest.

"You idiot can run faster than me!" Long Yan, who was carrying more than 20 kilograms of weight, could only spit angrily as he looked at the backs of the Japanese soldiers escaping into the depths of the jungle in a hurry.

Pang Pang, a veteran of many battles, could only glance at the battlefield he personally participated in with a dumbfounded expression.

Long Yan is a new recruit and doesn't understand what kind of miracle he has created, but Pang Pang understands it very well. As long as the three of them can get out of this battle alive, they will be able to brag about their awesomeness for the rest of their lives.

When Lao Abacus, Tudou, and Yang Bicheng completed the battle against an infantry squad, it was hailed as a famous scene that cannot be replicated by the Four Lines Regiment. So what does it mean for the three of them to completely defeat a Japanese artillery squadron and kill 80 people?
Moreover, there are four intact 75mm mountain guns standing next to them.

That is definitely a myth!

"Exploding artillery? It's not worth it. Sooner or later, the Japanese army will be wiped out. Sooner or later, these iron lumps will belong to our Chinese army." Long Yan, a child who was used to hardship, was born with the ability to run a household.

Not willing to waste three people's grenades and not willing to blow up the cannon, he still had to understand the structure of the cannon. He pulled the four cannon latches off his back and made the four cannons useless first.

As for the 200 rounds of artillery shells on the artillery position, you are welcome. I made a 50-meter-long fuse from local materials and hid in a large pit to detonate them directly!

Not to mention the huge fireball that rose into the sky, which made the Japanese people feel heartbroken, even the Chinese army 1.5 kilometers away was baffled: Japanese, is this a mistake?
Three hits and two hundred failed to kill the trio, but this round of detonation almost sent them away. When the trio returned to the station, their ears were still buzzing, and Gu Xishui had to put in a lot of effort to fight with the trio. A brave person to communicate.

After hearing the almost crazy achievements of the three men, not to mention Gu Xishui's disbelief, even Tang Tuanzuo was almost stunned by the qualities of his subordinates who could brag and dare to be fooled.

Who are you kidding?Why did you say 3 vs 50? I dared to brag to Comrade Lao Guo, but you ended up saying that an artillery squadron was defeated.
That’s more than 200 pigs!Not wild yet, but domesticated.

But the trio took out 4 breechblocks. They couldn't have been picked up on the street!And that loud noise couldn't possibly be the fireworks set off by the Japanese themselves to celebrate!
In short, before the entire Wanjialing battlefield was over, no one dared to believe the results reported by the trio, but they could not completely reject them. They were always placed on the desk of Commander Xue.

It was not until the victory on the battlefield was over that the final truth was learned after questioning a captain-level prisoner at the 106th Division Headquarters.

The trio didn’t lie!

The morale of the 106th Division was already at an extremely low level. If it was messed up like this again, even Matsuura Rokuro, who kept hypnotizing himself, couldn't hold back.

The Japanese army lieutenant general who had been in the army for a long time knew that the underlying logic behind why more than 200 artillerymen could be scared away by a few Chinese soldiers like chasing rabbits was not that the Chinese were strong, but that the morale of the military was in chaos.

The division is destined to be destroyed!
After drinking a bottle of sake in one breath, the drunk Matsuura Rokuro began to write a farewell letter to his family, and ordered the communications staff to send a "Jade Broken Message" to the Eleventh Army Headquarters.

This time, it pushed the desperate 106th Division into the abyss.

Originally, they could at least survive the day.

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