Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1204 Generous!

Chapter 1204 Generous!
The 106th Division was completely wiped out on the 25th, but in fact the fighting on the entire Wanjialing battlefield continued until the 27th.

On the one hand, there are still some soldiers of the 106th Division hiding in the mountains in the encirclement. In line with the principle of successfully making dumplings, all divisions and brigades of the Chinese army in the Wanjialing area sent out troops to search everywhere.

In two days and one night, nearly a thousand Japanese troops were found from the grass and dense forests. Except for less than 100 who surrendered, all the remaining stubborn resisters were killed.

On the other hand, the 74th Division, which was surrounded by the 27th Army, was tenacious enough to withstand the siege of five infantry regiments of the 74th Army. It even organized a death squad to break through one part of the defense line, and hundreds of Japanese troops escaped.

Commander Xue, who was on the front line in person, was furious when he heard the news. When Gangcun Xiaoci ordered the bombers to bomb the battlefield area indiscriminately, he personally led a regiment to the battlefield. Once again, the Japanese troops' escape route to the north was blocked.

"At any cost, all Japanese troops on the battlefield must be eliminated on the 27th!" It was under this tactical guidance that the 74th Army finally committed its last two infantry regiment reserves.

The 2-strong army launched a decisive attack on the remaining remnants of the 27th Division, which numbered less than 2000 people, in the form of a crowd.

With a strength comparison of 10 to 1, not to mention that the Japanese artillery shells have been exhausted, even if they are available, they are probably meat on the chopping board, and they will no longer be able to escape the bad luck of being annihilated!

In the end, the 74th Army killed 4000 Japanese soldiers at the cost of more than 4600 casualties, and captured no more than 20 Japanese soldiers, which was even more miserable than the 106th Division, which was wiped out.

After all, most of the 106 people trapped in the 2.3th Division who knelt down and begged for surrender survived by luck. The number reached more than 400, which was more than 27 times that of the 20th Division.

Since then, the 27th Division regarded the 74th Army as a thorn in its side. The two armies fought no less than ten fierce battles on the future battlefield. Both sides had mixed successes and losses. However, the 74th Army became stronger and stronger as they fought and became a powerful force on the Chinese anti-Japanese battlefield.

But the person most hated by everyone in Japan's No. 11 Army was the commander surnamed Xue who planned this battle.

How good is Commander Xue's performance?

He ordered that all the corpses of Japanese soldiers be buried in those already deserted fields. His intention was naturally to enrich the fields with the corpses of Japanese invaders.

Not only that, all the captured Japanese soldiers could not survive by kneeling. They had to write a confession and deeply analyze the reasons behind their being forced to join the war of aggression.

Only those who write well are eligible to be taken to the prisoner of war camp in Jiangcheng!For those who are unqualified, there are many barren dry fields in the Wanjialing area, and the fields are especially short of fertilizer!

As for the illiterate soldiers, Commander Xue is quite humane. Your dictation will be written by a translator who can speak Japanese, and you will be responsible for pressing your fingerprints.

Then, starting from the 28th, Chinese newspapers and radio stations at all levels, in addition to vigorously publicizing the victory on the Wanjialing battlefield, known as one of the three major victories of the Patriotic War, printed and read confessions of surrendered Japanese prisoners to the Chinese audience. The most popular project.

On the battlefield, there were many Japanese soldiers who were not afraid of death, but few who were afraid of death. But from the moment they bent their knees, the majority were afraid of death.

I'm already kneeling anyway, so what can I do if I write a confession?A bad mentality is not unique to the prosperous times. The bottom line of human beings is never constant, and it can be adjusted by oneself according to one's will.

Including the captured Army Lieutenant Colonel and Staff Officer, the highest-ranking officer of the 106th Division, he originally maintained his identity and thought that the Chinese would not kill him easily. However, when the law enforcement team escorted him and a group of tough-talking soldiers to the execution ground, they saw with their own eyes He collapsed as the heads of the imperial soldiers who were tougher than their heads were beaten into rotten watermelons.

Once the Army Lieutenant Colonel, who had attended the Japanese Military Academy and the Army University, entered the state, he was far beyond the comparison of the Japanese soldiers who were composed of fishermen and mountain people. He wrote a full ten pages of confession, and even the beautiful anchor in charge of the broadcast in China was shocked. Reading makes my mouth go dry.

The Chinese listeners who were waiting in front of the broadcast listened with gusto. It was really not pleasant to hear senior Japanese military officers scolding their senior officers for being despicable and shameless in launching a war of aggression for their own selfish interests.

The face of the Japanese army was torn off by Commander Xue, put down under his feet and crushed hard!
The Western world, which was originally critical of Japan's desire to monopolize China's big fat meat, can now seize the opportunity and start the group ridicule mode!
Especially the American media under the control of the Rockefeller family. It is no longer the sarcastic ridicule of most of the Western world, but the straightforward accusation that the Japanese are shooting themselves in the foot and a barbaric terminator of civilization. , will be despised by all civilized countries!

The Japanese high-level officials were obviously a little confused. They didn't know how they had offended the American conglomerate. The embassy in the United States even took emergency measures. The ambassador personally came to meet with the top officials of the Rockefeller Foundation.The photos of the Jinling Massacre placed in front of the Japanese ambassador left him speechless. In the era of Photoshop, even if this politician had a smooth tongue, he could not even think of whitewashing the heinous crimes committed by those beastly troops.

However, even the Rockefeller family may not have imagined how courageous these ferocious short-legged men in their eyes would be. Japan already has dissatisfaction with the West, and this incident alone has made the world even more noisy!

The world-class strategy of finding allies in the Western world and waging war against Western powers that have blocked important industries such as crude oil, steel, ores, etc., has been put on the desk of the Japanese emperor.

Of course, at this time, the only thing the Japanese Army could do was to issue a reward for the commander of the Chinese First Corps who caused all this. 200 million yen per head, setting a record for stingy little days.

Commander Xue: Can I say that this idea is not my original idea, but a roundabout message from an army colonel?I just accepted it.

It turned out that Tang Tuanzuo, who was very trustworthy, did not wait for the post-war commendation. On the night of the 27th, he seized canned beef, ham and other supplies from the Japanese army and hosted a banquet for the chief and deputy commanders of the 4th Army Guard Regiment. Zhujiuli expressed his views on how to deal with these Japanese prisoners.

Initially Xue Shuda didn't care, but when Tang Dao said that the backbone of the 106th Division came from the 6th Division, and his brother said that any Japanese army that participated in the Battle of Jinling would not accept its surrender, he suddenly realized.

Tang Tuanzuo is so shrewd that he actually knows his brother, the commander of the corps, better than he does. This is making excuses for him!
Sure enough, he just relayed Tang Dao's thoughts, and his brother slapped him in the face without hesitation, and that was it.

Either death or life worse than death, this was the fate of the Japanese soldiers who participated in the Battle of Jinling.

In the end, the number of more than 400 Japanese prisoners dropped sharply to less than 200, and all of them clearly marked their organization, name, and place of origin on their confessions.

Afterwards, after such vigorous publicity by Chinese newspapers, no matter who ultimately won the war, these Japanese soldiers could never go back!

Living is more painful than dying!
As painful as the Japanese are, the Chinese are happy.

On October 10, the sky above Jiangcheng was filled with smoke!

It was not that the Japanese army launched a revenge bombing of Jiangcheng, but that every household lit fireworks and firecrackers to celebrate the victory of Wanjialing. It was more lively than the Chinese New Year. No matter whether you were poor or rich, confetti was left on the ground at the door of every house.

That was also the result of the strong sponsorship from several firecracker factories and the Jiangcheng Chamber of Commerce. Those with money could buy it at half the usual price. Those without money, regardless of gender, could just press their fingerprints and receive a whip to take home.

It is said that in those days, the crude gunpowder consumed alone was enough to refine 2000 kilograms of military explosives!

The 106th Division consists of Lieutenant General Matsuura Rokuro and below, two Major General brigade commanders, one Colonel Chief of Staff, three Colonel Infantry Regiment Captains, Lieutenant Colonel Cavalry Regiment Captain, Colonel Infantry Regiment Captain, Colonel Artillery Regiment Captain, Lieutenant Colonel Engineer Regiment Captain. A total of 2.2 people, including the captain, were killed. Such a great achievement was inherently unbelievable.

Then they also killed Caolou Rabbit, killing more than 27 people in total, including one section of the 4600th Division, its major general brigade commander, and two captains of the infantry regiment. In the battle of Wanjialing, nearly 2.7 Japanese invaders were killed, including one lieutenant general. Three major generals.

Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, and Major could all make the headlines. However, after the First World War at Wanjialing, these Japanese military officers were only worthy of being numbers, not even their names were worthy of being included in the news. Japanese names are really too long. If they were all written To be clear, newspapers that are already selling like crazy are afraid of not having enough paper.

The most important thing is that the supreme commander who is sitting in the mountain city personally participated in this battle. Yes, it is the legendary sense of participation. That can be compared with the second war zone in eastern Shanxi and the Japanese North China Front. A big fight is completely different.Even in the battle in Jindong, there was someone who agreed to the Air Force's participation in the war. It had something to do with his decision-making, but it really wasn't much.

Therefore, just the Blue Sky Medal handed out like a big cabbage may not be able to satisfy the feeling of bloat that is about to float away.

Therefore, on October 10, the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs accelerated the pace of setting rewards based on merit. Even the well-informed Commander Xue found it a bit unbelievable.

First of all, there are medals. Up to 20 Blue Sky Medals are issued. All army commanders, division commanders and brigade commanders who participated in this battle have one medal!
For example, Brigadier Wang Da received a Blue Sky Medal. The 7000rd Army, which annihilated 43 Japanese troops, became the biggest winner among all the participating armies. From the army commander to the army chief of staff, division commander and two major generals and brigade commanders, a total of 5 Blue Sky Medals were awarded. pieces.


The Medal of Baoding has really become a big deal. All major generals and brigade commanders who participated in the war basically have the first-class Baoding Medal. Colonel-level officers who died in the battle were not only posthumously awarded the rank of major general, but were also awarded the first-class Baoding Medal according to the general officer level. medal.

Officers at the colonel and lieutenant levels who participated in the war, including Tang Dao, the director of the temporary security department of the 43rd Army, were awarded the Baoding Medal according to the top pattern.

Colonel and lieutenant-level officers who died in battle will be awarded the Baoding Medal according to the posthumous rank.

Soldiers who have reported military exploits will be awarded the Medal of Baoding regardless of whether they are alive or dead. The worst who are killed in battle will also be awarded the Medal of Loyalty and Valor.

In addition to medals, all participating armies from Commander Xue on down were issued silver Battle of Wanjialing commemorative medals.

It is said that just to produce these commemorative medals, a factory in Shancheng spent 15 taels of silver and thousands of kilograms of various nickel and steel alloys.

In order to rush the production of medals, two more medal manufacturing factories were opened in the mountain city. They worked day and night. It was not until 20 days after the Battle of Wanjialing that the medals arrived at the front line. Many officers and soldiers did not even have the chance to use this honor. Hang on the chest.

The Battle of Wanjialing is over, but the Battle of Central China is not. The Japanese army who lost on the battlefield became even more crazy.

Commander Xue, as the supreme commander of the battlefield, did not receive the highest level of the Blue Sky Medal that could be obtained in the previous military position, because there was still the Guoguang Medal that had just been promulgated in the Medal Regulations in November last year, waiting for him.

The Medal of Guoguang is the highest honorary military medal in the country. The center is a majestic eagle pattern and is surrounded by rays of light. It symbolizes that those who have won this medal have made great achievements in the country's future, prosperous national fortunes and shining rays of light.

Not to mention the various precious materials, those who want to win this medal must have special military exploits. There are [-] clear regulations. For example, the Air Force must shoot down five enemy planes in the air and eight enemy planes on the ground in one mission, or The navy destroys enemy fortresses, important military ports, aircraft carriers, capital ships, etc.

Regardless of the navy, land or air force, each one is extremely rare. In the past, only two medals of this medal were issued during the Great Patriotic War, and one naturally fell on the head of the person who commanded the national army.

But this time, that person was extremely generous, giving two in one shot.

There is one commander named Xue, and the other one is naturally the one who coordinates the entire war situation in Central China.

It is said that the person who originally refused to accept the medal awarding report from the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, but after hearing this, Commander Xue sent a message to the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs: Without the foresight of the commander-in-chief and the execution of orders and prohibitions, how could hundreds of thousands of troops gather on the battlefield for several days? With this victory, the young general was just acting as a commander-in-chief, and he felt ashamed that he could not take it, so Baoding was quite satisfied.

It is said that this person is a stubborn person who likes to defy orders before war, but in fact, there are many people who are stubborn. Maybe he is the only one who has become the commander of the corps level and is stubborn. He should be strong when he should be strong, but not when he should not. When it comes to iron, this person is clearer than 90.00% of the people in this world.

A person who can live to be 100 years old cannot rely solely on good health.

The commander-in-chief of the army has not accepted it. If the one pushes it again, he will not be able to issue even one Medal of Guoguang. So what can I do? I can only accept it by pinching my nose!
Medals of this level are readily available. Five of them have been prepared and stored in boxes. Unlike medals such as Baoding, Zhongyong, and Zhongqin, which need to be customized, the commander of the ninth theater personally replaced the commander and military and political officials who could not be present. The minister awarded it.

The issuance of the country's first Guoguang-level medal naturally boosted the morale of the First Corps. In the subsequent Battle of Central China, it became one of the few Chinese armies of nearly one million that could compete with the Japanese army.

The commanders of each theater sent congratulatory messages, and a certain general commander of the second theater also sent a congratulatory message, requesting newspapers affiliated with the second theater to continue to publicize the victory of Jindong in the North China battlefield.

Thinking about it, the victory of Jindong was no less than the victory of Wanjialing. Not only did he wipe out tens of thousands of enemies, he also recovered the city and transferred the people. As a result, he received a Blue Sky Medal. Who else would be unwilling to accept it?
Of course, the stingy old man also knew in his heart that it was not only him and that person who did not deal with each other, but the key point was that that person's thorn in the side and flesh was also involved in the battle of Jindong. The young man Tang Dao was also a thorn in the side. He would listen to orders but not to give in. That one was also stuck in his throat.

This means that in wartime, he needs such a capable general. Without the Japanese, with his methods, he would have been cruel to Tang Dao.

Moreover, even at this time, that person did not forget to make small moves.

For example, in the three days after the Battle of Wanjialing, in addition to awarding various medals, as many as 4 officers in each army were promoted from colonels to the rank of major general. Tang Tuanzuo, who was remembered by others, perfectly missed this military promotion. .

But it seems that that person has not completely forgotten Tang Dao's contribution. The title of deputy director of the Jinan Administrative Office seems to be very impressive. It is actually much more awesome than the title of Licheng County Magistrate given by the stingy old man. The administrative position level is absolutely Above Army Colonel.

However, the entire Ji Province is under the control of the Japanese North China Front, let alone several cities in southern Hebei. This empty title is not even a false position.

Even the stingy old man was embarrassed to send this promotion order to Tang Dao himself, for fear that Tang Dao, a stupid young man, would not be able to find the man far away in the mountain city and turn to him to extort some property. Based on his understanding of Tang Dao, this The possibility is as high as [-]%.

It was nothing more than an empty-headed official position. What made the stingy old man couldn't help but squint his eyes and think deeply about what kind of little thinking was behind this.

For example, can Tang Dao be transferred out of the army with the help of this promotion order?Or maybe the Four Corps Regiment will be transferred from southeastern Shanxi and march into southern Hebei to fight?
Either way, it would be extremely detrimental not only to Tang Dao and the Four Elements Regiment, but also to the Second War Zone and the Eightyth Army.

Therefore, the stingy old man simply suppressed this promotion order on the grounds that the military situation in the war zone was urgent, and waited until Tang Dao returned.

At this moment, Tang Tuanzuo didn't know that he had been promoted to an inexplicable administrative officer. He was busy counting money.

But it is not a reward issued by the government.

Although the legal currency is still worth some money at this time, that person is not stingy this time. For any army that participates in the war, the general-level reward will be 500 yuan, the school-level reward will be 300 yuan, the lieutenant-level reward will be 100 yuan, and the soldier will be rewarded 30 yuan. The pension will be calculated separately.

But a few banknotes would not be enough for Tang Tuan, who had seen the big world, to sit there for half a day.

The main thing is the saying: A horse will not be fat without night grass, and a person will not be rich without windfall!
Rokuro Matsuura doesn’t just have a fat belly!

(End of this chapter)

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