Rise from eight hundred.

Going home in Chapter 1207

Although Xia Dayu, Ming Xin and others are all subordinates of Tang Dao, the Tang family loves the house and the bird and is extremely enthusiastic about the four of them. Tang Dao's parents accompany their son and are reluctant to leave him for even half a step. However, the old man who is over seventy years old brings The other two family members were busy preparing meals for several people.

A whole cured pig hind leg, which is not a particularly delicate delicacy, plus the 30-year-old sorghum roasted in the family's collection, left four people with a big appetite.

During this period, many neighbors heard the commotion and came to inquire. When they heard that the eldest son of the Tang family had returned, they all hurried home and brought eggs, old hens, etc. that were suitable for the table at home. Until Tang Ji Li said "hard" and told everyone that in two days at the latest, the Tang family would hold a flowing feast and invite the whole village and nearby relatives and friends to celebrate the return of their son. After hearing the news, there was an endless stream of people. The arrival of villagers has finally subsided.

However, that was almost in the middle of the night.

When Tang Dao opened his eyes, it was already after noon.

Since coming to this time and space, Tang Dao has never slept so soundly.

There was no need to worry, and all precautions were taken off. A very thorough 10 hours of deep sleep made Tang Dao feel refreshed. He jumped out of bed, got dressed, left the house and went to the bamboo forest only 50 meters away from home to exercise habitually. .

It was a training ground opened by Tang Dao himself before he joined the army. Unexpectedly, the Tang family had always maintained it very well. Even after almost two years, the place still remained the same.

The tree stumps for hitting, the crossbar for jumping, and the stones for practicing strength are all still there.

Maybe, this is family!Even if they objected to your choice, in the end, they still chose to stand behind you and support you firmly.

Xia Dayu followed him out with his gun hanging, never forgetting his responsibility as an orderly. Long Yan also took the initiative to follow him, and he also exercised his strength on the side with great interest.

One hundred push-ups, one hundred handstands and arm extensions, and one hundred sit-ups. By the time they were all finished, Tang Dao was already sweating a little.

Over there, Long Yan was already sweating after finishing the whole set. Although he already knew the huge gap between himself and his superior, when he watched Tang Dao take out a stone drum weighing nearly a hundred kilograms from the bamboo forest and hold it in his arms, he began to hold it continuously at a height of half a meter. Jumping back and forth on both sides of the crossbar, Long Yan finally despaired.

He finally knew where the commander's perverted combat power came from. It was the result of talent and hard work, and it was not something that could be achieved with any hard work.

If you ask him to hold this stone drum, he can hold it up, but if you ask him to jump back and forth at a height of half a meter a hundred times, then forget it!His long legs can be dispensed with.

But these are just warm-ups for Tang Dao at this time.

The real Tang Dao is the Bajiquan created by Uncle Han that combines the mysteries of Tai Chi!
It is precisely by virtue of this soft and strong boxing technique that Tang Dao has achieved the number one single-soldier hand-to-hand combat in the entire military region in time and space.

After coming to this era, he spent a year constantly polishing himself on the bloody battlefield. Tang Dao felt that many of his combat skills had returned to their peak, but only in terms of boxing, he always felt that he was a little behind. He couldn't explain. There, but Tang Dao, who once stood at the top of the mountain, knew that maybe there was only a slight difference, and when he encountered an enemy who was his opponent, it might be death.

After finishing a set of punches, Tang Dao was delighted to find that the slightest feeling of missing out was gradually disappearing.

If we have to define a realm for boxing, this feeling is the bottleneck to reach the next realm. If we break through this bottleneck, Tang Dao's Bajiquan realm will catch up with his past time and space.

Coupled with the talent of this young body, Tang Dao is confident that he will not be defeated even if he is facing the peak of time and space. As for opponents of Fujiwara Senyuo's level, Tang Dao is completely confident that he will not have to pay a big price. You can kill him on the battlefield.

Perhaps, being in a high-intensity state for a long time can maintain the state, but if you want to make further progress, relaxation and relaxation is the right way.

Exhaling loudly, Tang Dao, who was about to practice again, suddenly moved his eyes and looked outside the bamboo forest. A thin figure flashed out. Looking at Tang Dao, he shouted happily: "Master, I knew you were here, Madam. Waiting for you to have lunch!"

Tang Dao took a look and realized that this guy was not the same Tang Xiaojiu who just shouted and couldn't open the door last night!
Xiao Jiu is nominally his schoolboy, but in fact, his parents died when he was seven or eight years old. He has been in the Tang family for eight years. Tang Dao, who is already a teenager, treats him like his own younger brother, and Tang Jili and his wife also treat him. He loved him so much that he even changed his surname to Tang five years ago, with the intention of adopting him as his adopted son.

The reason for the name Xiaojiu is not that Tang Dao has so many brothers and sisters, but that the Tang family started out as a brewer, and his father is also a brewer. It means not forgetting his roots, so he chose a homophonic name.

With a slight smile, Tang Dao waved to Xiao Jiu and asked, "Xiao Jiu, we haven't seen you for so long. Do you miss me, big brother?"

"Yes, why don't you want to?" Tang Xiaojiu nodded firmly. "Not only I think, many people miss you very much. By the way, a while ago, Miss Zhilan in the county asked someone to send me a message, saying that when you come back, young master, she will be waiting for you, but I don't know if you are still there. Remember the thrush appointment!”

"What do you mean by sweeping the tower and waiting?" Long Yan, who was standing beside him, asked Xia Dayu curiously. "A nun in a temple?"

"I don't know either. You have to ask your commander about this!" Xia Dayu shook his head honestly.

"Two melons, couch means bed!" Tang Xiaojiu glanced enviously at the collar badge on Xia Dayu's military uniform, which was similar to his own age, but curled his lips and tried his best to make a disdainful expression.

"Oh! Got it!" The two of them suddenly realized.

The eyes he looked at his parents were filled with "As expected of you, sir" and "Sir is awesome". There was really no other girl in my hometown who could clean the bed and entertain the guests.

"Tang Xiaojiu, you little melon boy can't speak, so stop talking. You should not be called Xiaojiu if you are so kind. You should be called Lao Liu. Come on, take the young master and I will go to dinner." Tang Dao rolled his eyes and tried not to fly over. , said angrily.

Tang Xiaojiu had forgotten it even if he didn't say it himself. This statement opened the door to long-dusted memories. This young body was a famous figure in the county back then and provoked many young girls. This girl from Zhilan was just one of them.

After getting married, Tantai must not be allowed to live in his hometown. If you can silence Tang Xiaojiu alone, can you silence all the aunties in the entire village?Tang Dao, who was well aware of the source of gossip in the village, secretly reminded himself.

But obviously, Tang Dao forgot one thing. He has a strong old lady in his family. He has the final say in military affairs, but in household matters, he and the old man together can't even compare to a middle-aged woman's finger. head.

Lao Liu, Tang Xiaojiu was not the only one who revealed the past of Tang Dao when he was young.

"In the battle of Four Lines, one of our regiment members was called an awesome guy. He stood in front of the gate of the Four Lines Warehouse, holding a gun. In front of thousands of Japanese soldiers and tens of thousands of Chinese people in the concession, he slaughtered chickens in succession. Four." Before he entered the living room, he heard Lu Sanjiang bragging about Tang Dao's achievements.

Tang Dao could tell without even thinking about the shocked and frightened expressions on the faces of the old couple from the Tang family.

Tang Dao, who walked into the dining room, glared at Lu Sanjiang who was bragging. Lu Sanjiang, who was giving a lecture to several members of the Tang family about how awesome Tang Dao was on the battlefield, jumped up from his chair and stood at attention to salute Tang Dao.

Ming Xin's lips curled up slightly, he had expected this result.

He had reminded Lu Sanjiang not to tell the truth before, just saying that Tang Dao was the leader of the regiment and would not go to the front line easily. He knew that Tang Dao was good at discerning people's hearts and knowing strategies and tactics. His old lady only used a few words. Then let Lu Sanjiang tell the truth about the battlefield that day.

Moreover, once it blows up, it can no longer be contained.

No, this satisfies Tang Tuanzuo's parents' desire to hear the truth, and Tang Tuanzuo is going to go crazy!
"Why are you staring? I'll settle the score with you later." Xiao Hanlian, who was so nervous that she almost scratched her husband's arm, glared at her son with rounder eyes.

If it weren't for Lu Sanjiang's narration, the couple would really not know the details of Tang Dao becoming an anti-Japanese hero.It turned out that it was all so thrilling.

It's not scary for one person to kill four Japanese devils in a row. They have always had confidence in their son, but hundreds of people were surrounded by thousands of Japanese devils in that desperate place. It was almost a place of death. It really made the couple think about it. Extremely scared.

After the meal, Tang Dao's bowl was full of big fish and meat, which Xiao Hanlian, who was a little angry and a little worried about his son, kept bringing in.

The mother I found must finish the food no matter what.Even with Tang Dao's appetite, he was full and burped repeatedly.

After dinner, there was only a family of three left in the living room. Tang Jili, who took a sip of tea, knocked on the chair next to him and said: "Now we are a family of three. Let's open the window and speak frankly. Tao Wa'er, we are yours." As a child, there are many risks in the military. Your mother doesn't want you to continue working in the army. There are still many things at home that you need to come back to help."

"Old man, Mom, I can't leave my thousands of brothers behind." Tang Dao shook his head. "Tao Wa'er, then can't you think about Mom? Mom is your son. If you are good or bad in the army, why don't you let Mom have a job?" Xiao Hanlian looked at Tang Dao and shook his head, tears finally coming. It flowed down.

"Mom, after I drive away the Japanese, I will go home to be with you." Tang Dao had never coaxed a woman in his previous life, so this was naturally the first time he coaxed a woman. He hurriedly wiped his mother's tears with a handkerchief.

"There are so many people in China, and even you are missing even if they are missing one." Xiao Hanlian agreed.

Every time, there would be many framed names in the newspaper. For a year, her life was almost like a year. She didn't even dare to read the newspaper, for fear that she would see her son's name that day.

"A woman's opinion." Tang Jili, who had just made his opening remarks, suddenly slapped the table next to him and said angrily.

"The Japanese are so ambitious that occupying the three northeastern provinces is not enough. The war this time is coming directly to the whole of China, and our Sichuan Province will be no exception. When the Japanese enter Sichuan, our things will become theirs, and we will It's just a kick of the legs. When the time comes, your sons and grandsons will become slaves of the subjugated country and can only live on their knees. Xiao Hanlian, I ask you, stupid bitch, if you are willing?" Tang Jili, who was a little thin, stared at his own Wife, an extremely rare and stern question.

Xiao Hanlian, who rarely saw her husband angry, was a little confused for a moment, and quickly turned to Tang Dao for help.

"Old man! Don't get angry yet." Tang Dao saw that it was not good and hurriedly wanted to save his mother.

In my memory, Tang Jili had a very gentle temper, but if he was screwed, everyone would have to stay away.

"I'm not angry? You're saying that this stupid bitch is being ridiculous. She actually said that there are so many people in China who don't need you. Oh! Your son is a son, but other people's sons are not sons? Even if you say that you are a woman, I still give you face. That's it. Selfish.

Your Xiao family has forgotten what a mountain of corpses and seas of blood it was like 600 years ago after the Yuan people entered Sichuan Province, but my Tang family will never forget it! "Tang Jili was obviously in an indescribable state due to his passion.

Unexpectedly, my father is still an angry young man.But, I'm afraid this outburst is only temporary. What happens after the outburst is over?Tang Dao was vaguely worried for the old man.

"I didn't say anything! Why are you so angry? Then you and the baby have some fun, and I'll make a pot of tea for the baby!" Unexpectedly, the always tough Xiao Han Lian didn't even get angry at this moment, she stood up and went out aggrievedly.

"Ahem, old man, my mother is gone." Tang Dao hurriedly helped his father, who was also looking at the door in a daze, to sit up.

"Tao Wa'er, didn't I scold your mother just now?" Tang Jili asked in confusion.

"I didn't scold her." Tang Dao shook his head and reminded him very seriously: "But you said she was a bitch. By the way, you also added several stupid words as prefixes!"

"Did I say so?"

"I told you, at least three times!" Tang Dao tried his best to look serious and did not smile.

"Ah?" Tang Jili's eyes were dull for a while. Seeing the teasing in his son's eyes, he gritted his teeth and said angrily: "With the national crisis facing us, such an ignorant woman should be scolded."

Yes, obviously a bad attitude.

"By the way, you wrote a letter half a year ago saying that you have a base in Shanxi Province and if you need a brewery, I can invest in building a brewery. You will be responsible for fighting the Japanese devils, and I will help you earn money in the rear to supplement military supplies. It will be a good story in the future!" Tang Jili and Dayi said solemnly.

Tang Dao
It is a good story for father and son to cooperate in the fight against Japan, but it would be a joke if the old woman ran thousands of miles with a kitchen knife and grabbed the old man's ears and scolded her son.

What's more, if you can escape the first grade of junior high school, can you escape the fifteenth grade?Old man, you are a good man and do things like a good man. Don't involve your son, okay?
"Our station requires military supplies such as steel plants and garment factories. Wine is not among them!" Tang Dao decisively rejected his father's weakness.

"You are underestimating the profitability of your ancestral property!" Tang Jili glanced at the little fox son who wanted to leave him clean, and sneered.

Tang Dao didn't want to talk. It wasn't Moutai. It was a country workshop that made sorghum wine. What could it do?

But soon, Tang Dao was slapped in the face.

In fact, the couple may have known about their son's choice for a long time, but as a mother, they wanted to make one last effort, but found that their efforts were useless, so Mrs. Tang Dao never mentioned it again.

These may be the parents. The little eagle has grown up and must leave the nest to fly high. No matter how worried they are, they can only stand behind and watch the little eagle fly farther and farther away.
"You need money to lead the army, this old man and your mother will give you some funds!"

The father and son did not continue their heart-to-heart talk in the living room. Tang Jili, who wanted to give his son some funds, brought the Tang Dao to the Tang Ancestral Hall in the village.

In the village where the Tang family is located, there are actually not many people with the surname Tang, but more people with the surname Liu, Zhang and Zhao. However, what is extremely strange is that there is no ancestral hall for other surnames in the village, but there is only one ancestral hall for the Tang family.

It wasn't big, but during the day, there were villagers carrying gunshots to guard it. When they saw Tang Jili and Tang Dao arriving, the guard bowed and took the initiative to retreat outside the ancestral hall, which was no more than two rooms.

"Tang Tao, kneel down!" Tang Jili walked to a tablet and growled softly.

Tang Dao was a little confused, but he didn't want to disobey his father and knelt on his knees.

"The ancestors of the Tang family, the 18th generation of the Tang family, Tang Jili, and his son Tang Tao, now known as Tang Dao, came to disturb the peace of our ancestors. I hope the ancestors and ancestors will protect my son's good health!" Tang Jili was also standing by. Kneel down and kowtow three times respectfully.

"In addition, according to the instructions of our ancestors, when there is an invasion by foreign invaders, we, the Tang family, must disperse all our wealth and mobilize all our elite troops to defend against them. Therefore, we have come here to take away the wealth accumulated by our family, the Tang family, over the years of doing business!"

As Tang Jili stood up and twisted the mechanism under one of the tablets, a secret door appeared in the corner of the small room.

When Tang Dao followed the old man carrying a lantern down the wooden ladder to the basement, he could only be described as dumbfounded.

The basement of at least more than 100 square meters is filled with dark black 'winter melons'!
As soon as Tang Dao touched it, he knew that this thing was made of silver. The reason why it was dark black was the result of oxidation after being left in the air for a long time.

A 'Silver Winter Melon' weighs at least 120 kilograms, but there are fifty of them placed here, which means that it is 6000 kilograms of silver. Although the value of silver is far less than that of gold, this wealth alone, The Tang family was not the rich man he remembered, but a wealthy family.

But as several large boxes near the wall were opened with keys by Tang Jili, under the dim yellow light of the lantern, the various colors of yellow, red, green and white almost blinded Tang Dao's clear and stupid eyes. .

The yellow one is gold, the red one is agate, the green one is jade, and the white one is Hetian jade. Any box is worth more than 10,000+ oceans.

Just by estimation, the belongings in the basement are worth 150 million oceans!It is enough to cover various military expenditures for an ordinary infantry division for more than half a year.

"These are all yours!" Tang Jili said proudly with a wave of his hand, obviously very satisfied that his son, who was already the leader of the regiment, was surprised by him.

"This is all earned by you, old man, from brewing wine?" Tang Dao was still in disbelief.

Why is wine so profitable?
"Stupid! Didn't I say it before! This is the savings of three generations of my Tang family!" Tang Jili looked at his silly son and sighed slightly.

"Besides, do you think that my Tang family, which has been in Sichuan Province for 700 years and eighteen generations, only has this little savings!"

Tang Dao was stunned!

Damn it, I am still a rich [-]th generation!

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