Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1210 The hard-working Tang family!

Every cigarette we smoke is a bullet fired at the enemy. That is the most awesome advertising slogan of the tobacco industry.

Tang Tuanzuo was convinced. During the few days he stayed at home, he agreed with his old man's ambition to develop a commercial layout in Dakouzidong Town.

However, in addition to the family's ancestral brewing industry, another project has been added - a cigarette factory!
Sichuan Province has always been a large tobacco grower, but this year it was slow to sell due to the war. When Tang Dao returned to his hometown and saw this situation, his eyes were filled with gold.

In the military, tobacco is almost as important as food. One is to fill the stomach, and the other is to relieve anxiety and fear.

Once upon a time, there was a strong man in the Eightyth Army Group. Because the army had no funds, let alone military pay, it was difficult to even eat. The leader could only roll dry leaves and smoke them.

So this man was forced to think of a way. He called on the fellow villagers in the base area to grow tobacco leaves on dry land, bought second-hand cigarette making machines from the counties occupied by the Japanese army by bribing the Japanese soldiers, and built a military cigarette factory. On the one hand, he could It solves the problem of officers and soldiers having difficulty smoking. On the other hand, it can also earn some money through export sales to subsidize military expenses.

You know, because of the high quality of cigarettes, the products are not only very popular in the base area, but also become a hot seller in the surrounding enemy-occupied areas. However, any cigarette seller who says that the cigarettes he has without a brand comes from the 'Fourth Master' The side is basically full of daylight.

Cigarette dealers who came from various channels stood at the door of the cigarette factory in the base area and bought a large number of cigarettes that had not yet been packaged into packs. After returning to the Japanese-occupied areas, they repackaged them in printed cigarette boxes and put them on the market.
'Siye' cigarettes were almost synonymous with high-end products in that era.

Good guy, that cigarette factory not only solved the problem of supplying cigarettes to the army for itself and its brothers, it even made a lot of money, and its superiors often had to shamelessly criticize it.

How could Tang Tuanzuo miss such a 'golden idea'?At the end of the day, it can also solve the large demand for cigarettes from friendly forces such as the Fourth Army Group, the Eightyth Army, the 17th Division, and the 22nd Army.

Tang Jili was indeed a good businessman. When he heard what his son said, he immediately contacted the thirteen Tang families that had funded the war. With 20 yuan as the total share capital, each family bought 5.00% of the shares, and the Tang family exclusively owned the remaining 30.00%. , established a cigarette factory named 'Zhan Dao' brand cigarettes.

This is a rhythm that requires everyone to work together to earn back the donated funds. It is really used for the army and taken from the army!

Tang Dao will not be so stupid. The forces in the second war zone are complicated and the stingy old man has a poisonous eye!It's okay to build a steel factory and build a military factory. No matter how awesome you are, it's just to provide arms for the war of resistance. But once the cigarettes from the cigarette factory become popular, they will be turned into nothing. Isn't that poaching his heart? !
Tang Dao suggested that the fourteen Tang clans account for a total of 40.00% of the share capital, and the remaining 50.00% of the capital, 15.00% belongs to the stingy old man, 15.00% belongs to the 15.00th Group Army, 22% belongs to the 17nd Group Army, and [-]% belongs to the [-]th Division!
In this case, Tang Corporation can not only obtain absolute controlling rights, but also share in the profits. It can also temporarily tie everyone to a big car, and the relationship will be much closer invisibly.

After all, everyone is not only uniting to fight against Japan, but also working together to make money, right?
In the past, it was not difficult to get tens of thousands of dollars to deal with the stingy old man, but for the remaining three armies, unless they pawned their underpants, they probably wouldn't be able to get so much money, even though they knew that this thing was making money. After the Shimen was conquered for the first time, the three families were all full, and it was not a problem to get tens of thousands of dollars out of it.

"My son must be smart!" Tang Jili smiled and took a carriage with a team of guards personally selected for him by A Gen and Tang Dao, and headed straight for the mountain city.

He has no shortage of brewing equipment, but the cigarette factory needs equipment such as cigarette rolling machines, and only big cities like Shancheng have the best equipment.

Chairman Tang's style of doing things has always been to be resolute and do what he says. Don't look at him as a rake at home!

In the ten days since Tang Dao returned home, Tang Jili, the head of the Tang family, was not the only one who was extremely busy!
Tang Xiaojiu envied Xia Dayu, who was about the same age as him, for wearing a military uniform and carrying a gun. He not only begged in front of Tang Dao to take him to the army, but also went to Tang Hanlian to beg his mistress to intercede for him, but Tang Dao refused after all. .

The uncle is old and can take care of the housework at home. Although Agen has a lot of strength, he doesn't have enough brains to shoulder the heavy responsibility. Tang Dao needs Tang Xiaojiu to shoulder the heavy responsibility of his son who can't stay at home.

So, a few days before Tang Dao left, the Tang family called several respected elderly people in the village and six members of the family to hold a simple but grand enough ceremony. Tang Jili and his wife accepted Tang Xiaojiu as their adopted son, and they truly became adults. Tang Dao's younger brother.

Tang Xiaojiu has been in the Tang family for nearly ten years, and has actually spent more time with the Tang family than Tang Dao, their biological son. In the hearts of the two couples, they have long regarded Tang Xiaojiu as their son. At this time, it is more of just a status. on the problem.

With this title, when the villagers meet Tang Xiaojiu again, they will address him as the young master of the Tang family, and the family's bodyguards will also obey his orders.

This actually stems from Tang Dao's habit in the military. The armed forces at home must have a handover of command. Whenever something unexpected happens to the parents, someone must stand up and be the backbone.

Although Tang Xiaojiu is still young, he has been with Tang Dao since he was a child. He has attended school and studied a lot. When Tang Dao joins the army, he has been with Tang Jili. He is already an expert in negotiating business and dealing with people. , much more mature than the teenagers of the same age in the future.

Tang Dao handed over the responsibility of protecting his parents to Tang Xiaojiu, allowed him to participate in military training organized by the recruited veterans, and left him his Black Star pistol, while also leaving him hope.

Tang Dao promised him that when he was old enough and the battlefield against Japan gradually stabilized, he would be allowed to join the army.

Three years was a long time, but it was still affordable for a 15-year-old boy. Tang Xiaojiu finally stopped.

The honest boy Agen didn't say much, but every time he saw the long knife on Long Yan's back, his eyes were full of hunger and thirst. After seeing it too much, Long Yan himself felt embarrassed.

So, Long Yan took out his Jiuli sword and showed it to this honest boy who worked hard to cook pork leg hot pot every day, so as not to make him panic when he looked at him with glaring eyes every day.

Long Yan is not sure about anything else, but the only thing he is sure of is that he absolutely likes girls and dislikes men, especially rough men!
Who knew that as soon as A Gen took the knife, he seemed to be a different person. He picked up the knife with one hand and picked up a few sword flowers. Not to mention Long Yan was dumbfounded, and even Ming Xin on the side lit up.

Talent is a real thing, and Ming Xin knows it best. When he was still a child, when he mentioned the heavy sword that had been passed down for thousands of years, he had an inexplicable feeling that this sword belonged to him.

It was precisely because of the young man that he could naturally assume the sword stance when he lifted the epee. His master also trained him a lot and finally achieved his current skill.

Sure enough, upon questioning, Agen had never learned to use a sword, but as the only personal bodyguard of Boss Tang, it was necessary to carry a machete on his back to show off. This guy just carried the machete to himself when he had nothing to do. He's actually a master of swordsmanship. As long as he doesn't really fight, those few moves are quite bluffing.

Of course, even if he really fights, Agen, who is very strong, is not afraid of anyone. The Tang Dao is hidden in the martial arts training ground in the bamboo forest, but this is where he spends the longest time, and the stone drum of nearly [-] kilograms is where he fights. A common tool for working hard.

In terms of strength alone, Agen can even be said to be No. 1 here besides Tang Dao, and even Ming Xin is one point behind.

"I am accepting disciples on my behalf, you can watch over the Taoist priests for me!" Mingxin couldn't bear that Long Yan's three-handed cat sword technique wasted this honest child's talent, so she decided to personally teach Agen sword technique.

Based on Agen's strong but agile personal physique, Mingxin chose the type of sword for him. It was the 'horse-killing sword' that was widely used in the military during the Ming and Qing Dynasties!
The horse-zanting sword is four feet eight inches long, the blade is three feet four inches long, and the remaining one foot four-inch is the handle. Don’t think of the large blades that were popular during the Republic of China when you hear the name of the horse-zanting sword. In fact, the horse-zanting sword is only 4.8 centimeters wide at its widest point. , but somewhat similar to the slender and long Jiuli sword.

However, the center of gravity of the sword tip is slightly forward, sacrificing part of the stabbing function and flexibility, but it can increase the power of the slash.

If coupled with Agen's own strength, after practicing for a year or two, I don't know if I can really kill a horse with one knife, but it is definitely not a problem to cut a person in two.

Tang Dao would not stop his two subordinates from giving guidance to Agen, who was as close as family. Regardless of whether Agen would go to the battlefield in the future, it would never be wrong to have a strong fighting force by his parents' side.

Tang Dao and Ming Xin may not have thought that relying on the six-style sword technique taught by Ming Xin, the Japanese would have a nightmare that would make them tremble just hearing its name on the battlefield against Japan in the future!

A Chinese private holding a saber was famous for his heroic performance in killing sixteen Japanese soldiers in hand-to-hand combat!
It is said that until the end of that brutal hand-to-hand battle, no less than eight of the sixteen Japanese soldiers who were cut off in the middle were still alive. Even the Chinese soldiers who hated the Japanese soldiers couldn't bear to see the miserable screams, and finally chose to shoot them to death. !Because of their military exploits, there are many soldiers in the Si Xing Regiment who have been promoted to three levels in a row in one month, but the one who was promoted from private to army sergeant in just one month with a sword is definitely the first one in the Si Xing Regiment. .

The impressive record of killing an infantry squad of Japanese soldiers with a single sword formation without spending a single bullet was so impressive that even Captain Long, his commander, could only defeat him.

Of course, this is not to say that Long Yan, who is becoming more and more skilled in sword skills, is not as powerful as him, but the characteristic of Jiuli sword is that it can be used as a spear to chop and poke, but the bloody degree of killing the enemy is far less than that of being named after his comrades. For Sergeant Agen who was 'cut in two'.

In addition to Tang Xiaojiu and A Gen, even the uncle who was over seventy years old was not idle. The old man who usually used a cane actually pestered Lu Sanjiang, who was the most idle, and asked Lu Sanjiang to teach him the defense and blocking methods in the army. Therefore, he even sacrificed to introduce the village beauty to the magic weapon who was about to be promoted to army captain as a guest.

Lu Sanjiang was really frightened. He forced himself to draw pictures and explain to the old man some understandable practical cases of civil engineering and troop deployment. He also explained that he was not here for the 'village beauty'.

The old man believed this young man's 'nonsense' at that time. Based on his past experience, who at this age is not full of fantasies about that matter?Only when he reaches his age can he deeply understand the sadness of being unable to do anything.

Looking at the nearly ten eldest girls who dared to leave the court summoned by the old man, Lu Sanjiang, who had a dark face and turned red, just wanted to say one thing to the wretched old man: As someone who has been here, you'd better not come here.

As an energetic young man, Lu Sanjiang would certainly have physical cravings, but he knew very well that his eldest brother was dead, his sister-in-law was widowed, and his nephew was still young. As the backbone of the family, taking care of orphans and widowed mothers was his lifelong responsibility. A responsibility that cannot be shied away from.

Even if he wants to start a family in the future, he can only be his sister-in-law and cannot have anyone else!

Of course, if his sister-in-law doesn't want to, then let's discuss it with him, but before that, he will never consider anyone else.

There are many people who know Lu Sanjiang's thoughts, but no one laughs at him. In this era, falling in love is too extravagant, and most people just think about letting their loved ones live.

What's more, does love have the responsibility to last?Even people who believe in love can’t give a definite answer!
Perhaps, it is not just the Tang family that is growing. The village where the Tang family is located has a population of more than 100 households and 800 people. When the village began to build a high wall, the old, weak, women and children in the village went out together to build five buildings outside the foundation of the high wall. Mu of fertile farmland was used as a training ground for the young and strong people in the village. A respected old man in the village asked the Tang family to buy some old weapons and bullets for the young and strong people in the village to use.

In their words: "Now the scale of the war is getting bigger and bigger, and the Japanese are almost reaching the door of Sichuan Province. In order to protect our hometown, we, the young people in Sichuan, will go out to Sichuan to fight against the Japanese sooner or later. It is better to train early and have more ways to save our lives." !”

When other villages in Shigu Township saw what Tangjia Village was doing, they immediately followed suit. Training grounds of all sizes sprung up on this land almost like mushrooms after a rain, which made the veteran agents of the Investigation Bureau who had just arrived in Jinxi County look on. .

Damn it!It won't take a few months until all the people are in the army. If the Japanese come, they will all die. We are here to guard and have a base.

However, this approach of Shigu Township is welcomed by the Jinxi County Government. Several major Sichuan military groups out of Sichuan are constantly asking for additional soldiers. Raising food and reserve soldiers is their most important task at present. If the entire county can ask Shigu If the township does this, then why worry about soldiers?
As a result, the county government has begun to formulate a plan to implement the practices of Shigu Township throughout the county, farming during busy farming and military training during leisure time. The slogan is, 'The children of Jin Xi will not hesitate to defend the country, but they must also return to their hometown to serve their parents'!
Because Tang Dao returned home from a visit to relatives, the Tang family and even the people in Jinxi County felt the serious threat of war more deeply. As ordinary people, they began their own way of survival.

More than ten days passed by in a flash, and Tang Dao had to leave home like he did when he was a teenager!
It's just that this time, he's not like the passionate young man in the past who just turned around and left without looking back!I'm afraid I won't be able to leave if I look back.

"You old man is a typical hard-spoken and soft-hearted man. You didn't even dare to see your son off when he left. You ran away under the pretense of buying a machine, but my mother couldn't hide, and she didn't want to! You are on the anti-Japanese front line. You should take care of yourself and send more letters to report that you are safe. !" On the morning when Tang Dao was about to leave home, Xiao Hanlian stood at the door of the house in tears, waving goodbye to her son.

"Yeah!" Even though his mind was as hard as a sword, he couldn't help but his eyes were hot. He stood up straight and saluted his mother, then turned around and strode towards the waiting horse.

Tang Dao still didn't dare to look back, he was afraid to look back and see the tears on his mother's face.

But sitting on the horse, he finally tried his best to turn around and smile brightly at his mother and three family members who were more than ten meters away!

"Mom, come back! I will put this on your daughter-in-law personally." Tang Daoyang raised the old silver bracelet in his hand.

The Tang family is rich, but never extravagant. This silver bracelet has been passed down for at least 200 years. Only the mistress of the Tang family is qualified to wear it. Generally speaking, only the previous mistress is old enough to give it to her daughter-in-law.

But this time Xiao Hanlian broke the traditional rules and gave Tang Dao yesterday to put on Tantai Mingyue, whom he had never met before. This was not only recognition, but also meant that the ancestors of the Tang family would keep her safe.

"Don't worry, Auntie, the commander of the regiment is protected by thousands of people from our four-line regiment. Anyone who wants to harm him will have to step on our body!" Lu Sanjiang rode on a war horse and promised Xiao Hanlian with great courage. .

"Yes! Tang Aniang, our regiment and Captain Tantai Mingyue are going to give birth to a big fat baby for you to hold! No, you may have several golden retriever grandsons, but I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it by then. !" In order to dilute this sad farewell, Long Yan rambled on in a hurry.

But he always remembered that when he said goodbye to his sister, he cried so much that he didn't even talk about it. He didn't think about food or food for several days in a row, and he was extremely unhappy.

Long Yan, who lost his mother very early, received maternal love from Xiao Hanlian that he had not felt for a long time, so he racked his brains to comfort her.

It's a good idea to be wise in a hurry, so I won't do it next time.

Tang Tuanzuo, who was skilled in equestrian skills, almost fell off his horse.

"What?" Xiao Hanlian was stunned.

The round fingers pointed at his son who almost fell off the horse, "I count to three, explain to me clearly what the little golden retriever grandson is?"

"It's just that Tantai and I have agreed that in order for the baby to go to the international stage in the future, in addition to a Chinese name, he must also give a foreign name!" Tang Dao wiped the cold sweat from his head, quietly clamped the horse's belly, and prepared it at any time Prepare to run away.

"Oh! I have read a book. There is a protagonist in it called Don Quixote, who has half the name of your old man. I think it is good, so let's take this one! In the future, I will tell the baby that his grandma was named by me. It is such a high-class name. Don't be proud!" Xiao Hanlian looked like a scholar.

Damn it, Don Quixote. When he thought of the little old man riding a donkey and holding a lance, Tang Dao knew that if he named his future son this name, Tantai would definitely cut him off without leaving any roots.

But it has to be said that Long Yan has the natural ability to lead everyone to wisdom, and a few gags somewhat diluted the sadness of parting.

The godlike name given by Mrs. Tang Dao is not on his son, but he can't stand up to the fact that there are so many Lao Liu under his command. In the future, when Long Zhi Jiuli, Lu Zhan Taihang, and Niu Bi Shenqiang are studying in the same school, they will come to teach Ying. Laura, who spoke so eloquently, almost broke out in laughter.

Seriously, have a bunch of rough dads ever considered the feelings of the Japanese when they do this?Isn’t it great to let the four-letter dolls call you daddy?
Fortunately, the idiot fathers and Tang Tuanzuo, a wise officer, removed the second character and returned the children's names to normal.

Perhaps it was mainly because Tang Tuanzu didn't dare to let the new teacher Yingyu know the origin of this wave of unreliable names!
My brain is almost dry!

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