Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1223 A real man must learn to accept weakness!

Although Major Takuno Ishida is quite good at enjoying life, he is still a stubborn person at heart!
Therefore, he rejected Tang Tuanzuo's proposal.

Tang Dao no longer tried to persuade him, but shook his head regretfully, and shouted outside: "Come here two people, send your Excellency, Major, to blow some wind and get rid of the fire!"

Immediately two soldiers wearing dark blue military uniforms with submachine guns walked in outside. They gave a respectful military salute to Tang Dao, and then like lifting a pig about to be slaughtered, they carried out Ishida Takuno, who was twisting his body desperately and trying to resist. A simple wooden house.

Soldiers all over the world probably use the same weapon to stop the enemy's resistance - gun butts!

The more the Japanese Army Major struggled, the more excited the two soldiers seemed to be!

"Hey! You're quite strong as a dog. I think you're not honest!" A soldier hit Takuno Ishida in the stomach with the butt of his rifle.

The poor Army Major was like a shrimp that was about to be cooked. He curled up into a ball and vomited loudly, vomiting out all the mutton he had just eaten.

But apparently this misery was not pitied.

After entering this fort, the soldiers of a guard class and an engineer class could hardly help crying.

The fortifications of this temporary field fort of the Japanese army are actually very simple. The core area is a ring fortification made of sandbags, steel bars, and wood, surrounding the huge cannon weighing more than ten tons, and the periphery is a row of temporary wooden houses and Surrounding field trenches.

As the commander of this fort, the wooden house Ishida Takuno lives in uses the most and the largest wood. It is backed by a stone wall and is in the best leeward position. It is absolutely conspicuous. This is why Tang Dao only came after finishing all the Japanese troops outside. One of the reasons to come to this wooden house.

But in such a simple temporary field fortification, the soldiers unexpectedly found four or five Chinese women in one of the rooms. In such a cold winter, their bodies were naked and their eyes were empty.

Even when they saw Chinese soldiers wearing dark blue military uniforms, and some even instinctively asked in a low voice in the local dialect of Shaanxi Province, there was no sparkle in their eyes.

It is self-evident what the Japanese beasts have done!

But this is not what makes people most sad and angry. What really makes the Chinese soldiers shed tears is that in the deep ditch on the other side of the fort, there are more than a dozen similarly naked remains, and even a dead woman. Underneath him, there is a baby who is less than three months old!

After patient questioning, a woman who finally regained some consciousness told the Chinese soldiers that there were sisters captured by the Japanese army a few days ago. Some were captured because of resistance, and some were treated like cows just because they cried a few times. They were killed like sheep and thrown into a deep pit. The reason why they were not covered with soil and buried was just to let those who came after them take a good look at it and learn to obey.

All Japanese deserve to die!This was the only thought of the angry Chinese at that time.

However, the lives of only 37 Japanese soldiers were harvested, which could not extinguish their anger at all.

There were only more than 30 Japanese troops stationed in the Dashi Village fort, which was indeed beyond Tang Dao's surprise.

In fact, Tang Dao had not made preparations before doing this!
As early as last night, Mingxin and Long Yan quietly crossed the river ten kilometers away in a sheepskin raft with a field radio.

The two of them were responsible for reconnaissance of the Japanese heavy artillery positions and defense conditions. It was not until yesterday evening that they sent a telegram to Tang Dao, highlighting two artillery positions.

One is the Japanese army's four 4MM heavy artillery positions. It is located in a flat area, and the defensive force is only two infantry squads. It is most suitable for a latent attack!

The other place is the so-called Dashi Village Fort. Its location is more dangerous than that artillery position. It is in a mountain depression and surrounded by field trenches. It is difficult to attack by hiding, but there are big mountains here. Cover, and after the attack is over, you can evacuate through the mountains.

Unless the Japanese had eyes at night, they would never know where on the long river bank they would cross the river.

The focus of Tang Dao's consideration was not the location that was easy to attack or evacuate. What he valued more was the strategic and tactical status of the Japanese artillery. From this perspective, the damage and damage caused by the 280MM heavy artillery far exceeded that of the 150MM heavy artillery. The Dashi Village fort was inevitable. First choice.

The two fishermen from Fenglingdu were very familiar with the Dashi Village area. After crossing the river, they led a team of 60 people to meet up with Mingxin and the two hiding in the mountains in only half an hour, and then walked along the river in only 40 minutes. The mountain road went around to the back of the fort location mentioned by Mingxin.

Tang Dao, Ming Xin and Long Yan used the night to lurk into the Japanese trenches. Long Yan's good use of Mixiang played a huge role at this moment.

Like the Chinese soldiers, the Japanese soldiers also needed to use bonfires to keep warm, but unlike the Chinese soldiers, they basically lit the bonfires outside the trenches.

The Chinese army lacked sufficient artillery and aircraft, and the Japanese army had no need to fear that the fire would expose themselves.

The first Japanese army camp to be attacked was located upwind of the entire circular position. The scent heated by the campfire and carried by the wind made the Japanese soldiers who had already fallen asleep sleep more soundly. The Japanese soldiers patrolling the trenches with rifles also Becoming groggy and reacting at least two or three beats slower than usual.

Under the hands of Tang Tuanzuo and Mingxin who were lurking in the darkness, this state was like a young bird meeting a tiger!

Under the three-pointed army's thrust, in less than 20 minutes, except for the three deliberately left alive, all the rest of the Japanese troops were slaughtered!
It was probably the easiest battle for the 25 officers and soldiers of the 28th Division who followed closely. They waited outside in the mountains and forests for half an hour before the fort was captured, and Japanese corpses were everywhere!

At that moment, more than 20 Chinese soldiers, whose whole bodies were tensed up, couldn't help but have an illusion: Who am I and where am I?Do you want me to have a ball?

Tang Tuanzuo asked them to come, and naturally it would be useful, such as beating up this Japanese Army Major who was not very honest.

Watching his meridians being pulled out like rubber bands by the ruthless Chinese, the Japanese prisoner said that this was the best barbecue theme. He poured beans through a bamboo tube and told Tang Tuanzuo everything he wanted to know.

In fact, life is like this. If you really can't live, then seek a good death. This is a truth that all Japanese commanders know. The Japanese Army Major is still a little stubborn at this moment.

Therefore, he was tied to the raised barrel of the giant cannon!
Under the reflection of the burning bonfire, the dark and shining gun barrel and the white body of the Japanese army major complement each other quite well.

"Tsk tsk! Sir, do you think that over time, this little guy will be frozen on the barrel, and then fall off when we tear it apart?" Long Yan watched with almost 'adoration' as he gritted his teeth and fought against the cold. The Japanese Army Major rubbed his hands and took a breath of heat.

Although it has not yet reached the season when dripping water turns into ice, when the river wind blows on the bank of the Yellow River, it really feels cold to the bones, even if he is wearing new cotton coats specially made by Aunt Xiao for them. Can't bear it.

But this one is still lying on the cold steel. This willpower is really impressive.

"Haha! A great man once said that practice is the only criterion for testing truth!" Tang Dao smiled slightly. "When you're not sure, just try it out. Everything must be based on facts, and you can't make assumptions out of thin air!"

"Understood! I understand!" Long Yan greeted in a loud voice, "Brothers, hurry up and get our lovely Major down. He's dirty even if you don't notice. That's not the demeanor of an Army Major." Come on, get some water and wash him clean, especially his butt!"

Damn it!Does this young officer have such strong tastes?The eyes of several Chinese sergeants on the side suddenly became strange.

"What are you thinking about? I have no interest in such a short and ugly man. I prepared a bigger club for him." Long Yan rolled his eyes and picked up a thick wooden stick from his hand. "I mean, spank!"

What a blessing!Looking at the large wooden stick with many spikes, the Chinese sergeant couldn't help but change his expression.

Don’t make this image too strong!

"You can't treat prisoners of war like this. This is against international law. I demand to be treated as a formal prisoner of war." Ishida Takuno, who was only five or six meters away from Longyan and still fighting the cold with all his strength, was finally frightened and spoke half-baked Chinese. Shout.

Males use guns to conquer the world, and they also use guns to conquer females. But when others point guns at him, especially at the butt, without stabbing them, there will still be fear from the bottom of their hearts.

"Oh! Be afraid! It's okay to be afraid. The more afraid you are, the more excited you will be. Isn't this what you little devils like to do the most!" Long Yan grinned happily.

With a heart-rending scream, the poor Japanese Army Major was torn from the barrel of the gun mercilessly by several strong men.

It was really torn off. The temperature of the steel in the cold wind was far below zero, and the skin, flesh and steel had long been stuck together. With such violence, it would be torn off!

There is a large piece of flesh and unknown hair attached to the barrel, so it shouldn't look too miserable.

The Japanese Army Major, whose face was completely twisted in pain and looked like a devil, was thrown to the ground like a sack by the soldiers, and then watched helplessly as a fierce and strong man came over carrying a big wooden stick.

"Come on, come on, cooperate a little bit, lie down and show your posture, I will take pity on you." Long Yan smiled evilly.

Even Tang Dao didn't know when this mountain boy learned to be so 'bad'. His cheap brother-in-law Shen Laoliu was so angry at that time that he probably couldn't teach him this. Maybe it was Li Jijin, a veteran. The experience imparted by Youzi.

Don't tell me, Tang Tuanzuo knows the habits of his subordinates very clearly. This move is really the poisonous move Li Jijin used to teach Long Yan to deal with the prisoners after he was drunk at the celebration banquet. He used it As the saying goes: If you try a lot, almost no little devil can survive the second wave. If he can survive, it means the stick is not big enough.Therefore, Long Yan chose a wooden stick that was two times larger than his own from the very beginning. Those sticks had strict size standards, so you thought they could just pick them up casually!
It’s scary, but it’s also a technical job!
The young man from the mountain village who came out of Yeyue Village is now a sponge, absorbing crazily the various techniques taught by his predecessors.

"I need a decent way to die!" The moment Long Yan walked in front of him, Ishida Takuno finally gave in.

"Your heart will be pierced by this weapon, guaranteeing that you will enter a deep coma within 10 seconds and die completely after 1 minute!" Tang Dao's cold voice came.

"Otherwise, you and all your headless corpses will be hung in this mountain forest and become dried fish. Believe me, I, Tang Dao, like to do these seemingly meaningless things the most. "

"Are you Tang Dao, the Taihang Devil Tang Dao?" Ishida Takuno suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at the tall man with his face covered in oil paint in disbelief.

The most famous thing about Tang Dao and his Si Xing Regiment in the North China Front Army Headquarters today is not how powerful they are, being able to compete with at least one infantry brigade as a regiment, nor the fact that they defeated the 21st Division in the battle of Niangziguan. Break down.

But, Tang Dao, this devil's subordinate, has never survived!
Forget it, fighting him, what many Japanese officers were most worried about was not dying in battle to repay the empire and the emperor, but whether their heads would be chopped off by him after death and become part of the building materials of Jingguan.

It is said that the higher the official position, the more qualified you are to be at the top of Jingguan!

For the Japanese, losing their heads means that their souls cannot return to their homeland and will become wandering ghosts in this land that did not originally belong to them.

"Taihang devil?" Tang Dao's lips curled up slightly. "This is a good name. Just for this reason, you are entitled to appreciate the weapon that will kill you in advance."

What followed was a dark thorn shot out, with a 'snatching' sound as it pierced into the cold iron soil and sank into the handle!

"You promise!" Ishida Takuno's voice was so hoarse that he couldn't even see clearly.

"I guarantee this with the honor of Chinese soldiers!"

Tang Dao answered him seriously.

The two people's attitudes were serious, as if they were not discussing how to die, but this is the reality. On a cruel battlefield, sometimes even death is a luxury.

But none of the Chinese soldiers present felt pity. The Japanese army major who only wanted to die a good death was pitiful. Then who would pity the Chinese people who were involved in the war for no reason?
In these troubled times, they don't want much anymore. They just want to work hard to eat in half an acre of thin fields. Most of their efforts have been poached by the so-called "elites", so they can have a bite of meat and a drink of wine during the Chinese New Year. It is the greatest happiness.

But when the Japanese came, all hope of living a humble life was exterminated. They were not pigs and sheep, but they were comparable to pigs and sheep, because they were killed casually without bullets.

"Adjustment of bombardment coordinates and loading of artillery shells."

Following Tang Dao's order, Ishida Takuno, like a puppet, was protected by two strong men by personally shaking the handle to adjust the muzzle elevation, shooting angle and other parameters, and started the shell hoisting mechanical arm to lift the 200 kilograms Cannonballs are loaded into the breech.

It was not that he had struggled and tried to cheat, but Tang Dao's familiarity with the artillery parameters allowed him to quickly annihilate this unrealistic ambition.

He knew that this round of bombardment was just a convenient act of the "Taihang Devil". Even if it was not completed, it didn't matter. Blowing up the fort and the giant cannon was already a military achievement that would make the Chinese happy.

And an extremely tough man like Tang Dao would never give him a second chance.

All I can say is that the saying that the person who knows you best is often your enemy is absolutely true. Under the tremendous pressure of imminent death, the Japanese Army Major became more transparent than ever and saw clearly the terrible enemy in front of him.

That's right, Tang Dao asked the cannon to be aimed at another target chosen by Ming Xin, the Japanese army's four 4MM artillery positions.

The artillery position covers an area of ​​nearly 280 square meters. This 5MM heavy artillery only needs [-] shells to cover the entire area. It is the best if it can succeed. If not, it is God's will. When the time comes, there will naturally be heavy artillery being transferred from the Central China Theater to deal with it.

However, if Major Takuno Ishida is up to something, then whether he can die well depends on Tang Dao's thoughts, which is basically impossible.

But just before Tang Dao gave the order to fire, a red signal bomb was fired in the forest ten miles away.

There was a dull explosion in the silent night sky!

The two security squads led by Mingxin finally found the 50 Japanese soldiers who the prisoners said went to plunder the village. They were finally able to kill all these beasts. Tang Dao waved his hand and ordered the firing.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" A huge explosion that spread for ten miles sounded from a flat land eight miles away from the river bank.

The fireball formed by the explosion of the 200-kilogram shell was clearly visible even to the Chinese troops across the river bank.

But that's not the most dazzling thing. The most dazzling fireworks came from the explosion caused by the 150MM heavy artillery shells.

That was the explosion of 50 artillery shells at a storage point, and its explosion yield far exceeded the energy of a 200-kilogram artillery shell.

The huge fireball that rose more than 20 meters high even lit up the dark night sky on the other side of the river at that moment.

"Is this done?" Dong Zhao, who was staying on the battlefield under his command and waiting for Tang Dao to come back, looked to the other side in disbelief.

"Master, do you think you have to send me a treasure tripod? This is a counterattack by my Majesty and your order!" Major General Brigadier Yahuako almost stopped laughing.

"Go away, Tang Dao is back, Baoding is in charge. If you don't come back, you may not even be able to keep the star on your collar badge!" Dong Zhao had no intention of coddling his trusted subordinates.

But at that moment, the ambition on Baoding's chest was also growing crazily in the heart of the master.

"Baga! Find out what's going on quickly!" Jin Fujita, who was awakened from his sleep by the loud noise, rushed out of the bedroom and looked at the firelight flashing in the distance, his face livid.

"It's heavy artillery. The Chinese actually have heavy artillery?"

Katayama Satoshi, deputy commander of the 6th Infantry Regiment who stayed up all night because of decadence, was the first to stand in front of the field headquarters and watch how the heavy artillery position only 2000 meters away from him was attacked.

However, in the dark night, he had no way of knowing where the shells came from. The sharp screams of the shells could only tell him that they were heavy artillery with a caliber exceeding 200MM.

The command structures at all levels of the Third Division were in a state of confusion within the 10 minutes after the extremely unlucky heavy artillery position was attacked.

By the time they reacted and continued to deploy troops to add troops to the two 280MM forts, the Dashi Village fort was already empty.

If we had to say there were people, it would probably be 38 corpses.

Tang Dao kept his promise, and after the bombardment, the first army assassinated Ishida Takuno.

The face of the Japanese Army Major was full of relief!

As an artillery expert, he was very aware of the power of five 280MM howitzer shells. At least more than 200 imperial officers and soldiers and imperial heavy equipment would be destroyed in his hands.

Living is the greatest torture for him.

He thought too much. Tang Tuanzuo's motto has always been: A dead Japanese is a good Japanese!

What kind of bullshit does he have to repent for the rest of his life? He doesn’t need it!
Blood for blood!

Stop killing with killing!

This is the true meaning of this war!
Didn’t Tang Tuanzuo not even want to let go of the 50 Japanese who were out?
Of course, Tang Tuanzuo also wanted to take away those belated Japanese troops.

There is also a bigger fireworks show waiting for them that shocks the Tongguan battlefield.

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