Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1228 is just a dumpling!

The initial battle between China's four heavy artillery pieces produced by Krupp Company on the Tongguan battlefield started at about 4 o'clock in the morning.

Lieutenant Colonel Katayama Satoshi had been carrying the gun for more than 2 hours. He was really tired. When he ordered the entire army to rest for the third time, which was a little long, he also ordered people to light a bonfire and boil hot water on the spot. Start with a sip of hot tea in this cold weather.

This move caused Tang Tuanzuo, who was in the mountains less than 700 meters away from him, to finally find the fighter plane and immediately sent a message to Brigadier Hu Da: "Discover the Japanese heavy artillery position and apply for 10 rounds of covering bombardment!" '' message.

The heavy artillery company there, which had received high-standard treatment and had been looking forward to showing off its skills, immediately pushed the cannon out of the bunker as soon as it received the transmitted coordinates, and it took only 10 minutes to prepare for the bombardment.

"Keep your people away, don't get accidentally hurt!" Brigadier Hu Da's reply was as warm as spring.

People who don't know still think that Tang Dao is the nephew of Brigadier Hu Da, but they don't know that the people under Tang Dao now are all elite soldiers and generals under Brigadier Hu Da. Brigadier Hu Da is really worried that Tang Dao, a big nerve, will kill them. They were all taken into the ditch.

"You, Brigadier Hu Da, are sending out messages to care about you. Please stay away from me and watch the fun. But don't accidentally get hit by your own cannon. I still have to go up against my conscience." I reported to you that you were killed by the Japanese." Tang Dao roared and laughed at a group of impatient guards platoon soldiers who wanted to move forward hundreds of meters further.

Tang Tuanzuo has a telescope in his hand, but the others don't, but he wants to get closer and see the power of his own heavy artillery?
When Tang Tuanzuo said this, the soldiers couldn't help but smile on their faces, but their bodies were honest, and they retreated tens of meters in the bushes.

Cannonballs don't have eyes. It doesn't matter whether you are Japanese or Chinese, we will kill them all!

They still have to thank their parents for their concern. The high-quality cannon produced by Krupp really deserves its reputation. Even from a distance of 13000 meters, even if it was just a test firing, it still accurately sent 4 shells 5 kilometers to the right wing of Fenglingdu Town. deep in the mountains.

But that accuracy is also relatively speaking. At least two shells exploded 500 meters away from the target point.

The air wave caused by the explosion of the 40-kilogram shell destroyed all trees and shrubs within a radius of 25 meters, and even broke a tree trunk as thick as an adult's thigh 150 meters away from the explosion site!
In other words, the 60 Chinese soldiers had already expected that they not only plugged their ears with cotton balls, but also hid behind rocks and opened their mouths. Otherwise, these two shells that were obviously off target would make the spectators want to pick them up. The Chinese soldiers paid a high price for being cheap.

"I belong to Cao Teliang. These bastards are too unreliable. This is just Teliang's attack on me!" Long Yan, who had eaten a mouthful of dust, spat out the dirt in his mouth crazily and cursed. .

The Chinese soldiers were beaten to ashes by their unreliable artillery, but the Sixth Infantry Regiment, the real target, was not so happy.

Many of them had a mouthful of blood!

Two rounds deviated from the coordinates, but after all, two rounds were still less than 120 meters away from the rest area of ​​the [-]th Infantry Regiment!
Crazy air waves mixed with a large number of flying rocks mercilessly hit the Japanese infantry who were crawling to the ground in shock and trying to avoid the shells that tore through the sky.

If you are lucky, you will scream when you are hit by gravel. If you are not lucky, you can basically just groan. If you are even worse, you will be lifted up from the ground by the air wave and hit on the rocks. No chance to make a sound.

The 600 Japanese soldiers were as panicked as a group of ducks encountering wild dogs, hurriedly searching for cover on the hillside.

These people are basically veterans who have experienced more than a year of war. They all know that once this terrible cannon turns on the bombardment mode, it will never just fire one or two shots. After the test firing, the muzzle is adjusted again. Finally, it enters the real hell mode.

The veteran's judgment was correct, but these Japanese veterans probably did not expect that the Chinese artillery would be so accurate, nor did they expect that someone would send a telegram here to correct the impact point of the projectile.

Therefore, from the third round of artillery fire, basically all the artillery shells fell on the hillside where the Japanese troops were running wildly and hiding.

Lieutenant Colonel Katayama Satoshi was finally no longer so tired, because in the second round of artillery fire, half of his head was cut off by a flying shrapnel.

To the end of his life, he never understood why the Chinese used heavy artillery, which could be called 'strategic', to deal with his small group of infantry!
There are so many reasons. This wave of bombardment is actually just that Tang Tuanzuo didn't understand what he wanted to do. Since he couldn't figure it out, he could only kill him.

The heavy artillery company was very honest. Since the commanding officer said ten rounds would cover the situation, they fired ten rounds. In less than 10 minutes, a full 40 rounds of artillery shells hit the heads of more than 600 people in the poor Sixth Infantry Regiment.

To be honest, it is not that the Third Division has not seen the power of the 150MM howitzer, but it was mostly due to the efforts of its own artillery to load the shells. The shells exploded on the Chinese position. They only felt the impact of the heavy artillery shells 800 meters away. The earth trembled, and then rushed into the opponent's position to harvest lives.

Once the division launches heavy artillery, it will basically be taken away in a wave. Almost no Chinese army can organize an effective counterattack after the bombardment is over.

But now, when the heavy artillery exploded on the hillside where they were hiding, they finally knew that it was not that the Chinese army was not tenacious enough, but that the thing was so terrifying that even a body of steel would be melted under such fierce artillery fire. of.

A cannonball hit, covering hundreds of meters in radius, turning human bodies, vegetation, and solid rocks into powder!
And those who are a little further away will never be able to escape the call of death. The raging air waves can almost scrape the soil out to a depth of less than half a foot, and the human body curled up on the ground is rolled out more than ten meters like a leaf. go.

The fragile human body cannot feel the violent impact with the ground. The moment the air wave sweeps over, the hard leg bones can be broken by the huge force, not to mention the fragile cervical vertebrae.

This is why many of the Japanese corpses are in unconventional poses that would make even the most supple dancer in the world unable to do so with all his might.

Even if you were lucky enough to avoid being hit by the air waves because you were hiding behind the rocks, the tremors from the earth were unavoidable to anyone.

In order to survive, experienced veterans often choose to keep their bodies close to the ground, even if they know that this is very dangerous, but if they don't do this, the terrible air waves will kill them immediately. This kind of multiple-choice question is easy to solve.

Therefore, many Japanese soldiers who were not injured by shrapnel and air waves were completely intact, but they were spitting out blood, and some even spit out black fragments, which should be shattered internal organs.

Those who have experienced it personally feel like they are in purgatory. Everyone is trying to survive and "lie down". There is not much meaning in struggling. Survival has nothing to do with skills and tactics. Whether you can survive or not depends entirely on God's will.

For onlookers, such as Long Yan, they were stunned by the purgatory hundreds of meters away.

He can be regarded as a veteran who has experienced two battles with tens of thousands of troops on the battlefield. He has also witnessed scenes of heavy artillery fire. The Japanese army also bombarded the Chinese position with heavy artillery more than ten days ago, but it was not until he was really close to the edge of death that he knew what true meaning was. The power of heavy artillery!
Even hundreds of meters away, the scorching hot air waves can burn people's skin, and the trembling earth seems to be able to shatter the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys in the body, which is simply beyond the power of human beings.

In fact, Long Yan, who has always been fearless, actually felt a little timid in his heart. How will he feel when one day in the future he really has to face the heavy artillery of the Japanese army?
"Afraid, everyone is afraid!" Tang Dao on the side seemed to see the panic flashing in his eyes, patted his shoulder and whispered.

No matter how loud the sound is, no one can hear it at such a devastating moment. Now communication can only rely on mouth movements.

"It's just that, rather than being blown to pieces, I'm more afraid that my country will become someone else's pasture and all my people will become cattle and sheep!" Tang Dao looked at the hell on earth created by his own artillery and said to himself calmly.

When the last shell fell, the forest suddenly became a little quiet, as if only the sound of crackling and burning wood was left. Tang Dao took out the cotton stuffed in his ears, stood up with his rifle, did not speak, and just strode towards Go forward.

The soldiers who were shocked by the brutal battlefield in front of them realized what they were doing, picked up their guns one after another, and followed Tang Dao towards the battlefield.

Within 10 minutes, fiery gunshots and then cannon fire rang out again in this mountain ridge.

However, the battle was much simpler than the Chinese soldiers imagined.

There were nearly a hundred Japanese soldiers who could survive this bombardment, but their energy and spirit seemed to have been blown away by this horrific bombardment.

Their movements were mechanical and stiff, and many of them even stood up uncharacteristically, picked up their guns, roared and fired into the woods, until they were hit by submachine gun bullets and collapsed.There were no heavy machine guns, light machine guns, or grenades. Those things were basically blown to pieces in this horrific bombardment.

There were only a group of Japanese infantrymen left on the battlefield who had lost their souls and were injured. How could they be the opponents of the 60 Chinese soldiers who were well prepared and had a super sniper commander.

Faced with this kind of bravery that was almost a waste of lives, Tang Dao's rifle fired almost 3 bullets in less than 40 minutes, which almost meant that an infantry squad of Japanese soldiers died in Tang Dynasty. The muzzle of the knife.

The entire battle lasted less than 15 minutes and was completely over!

Mutilated human bodies and parts of various weapons were scattered everywhere on the hillside, and the last groans were dissipated in the mountain wind along with dozens of cold gunshots.

The weapons and equipment that Chinese soldiers originally liked to harvest have been abandoned by the soldiers. What they are interested in is the military rations that the Japanese soldiers carry with them.

All kinds of canned food became their favorite. If there were no ready-made bags, they would use military trousers stained with the flesh and blood of the Japanese soldiers, pull them off the dead bodies, and tie the two trouser legs together, which was the most useful bag.

"This Sixth Infantry Regiment is indeed the main infantry regiment of the Third Division, and it even carries a teapot when it goes into battle?" Long Yan passed by a chubby Japanese corpse and was surprised to see a delicate little teapot fall. In the mud puddle, he complained while picking it up and treating it as his own trophy.

Seeing that the body of the fat Japanese soldier was still clean, I took off his pants and made a new bag for him, then threw it to Xia Dayu and asked him to carry a pile of tin cans on his back.

Mainly because Xia Dayu disliked the Japanese army's military trousers for being too disgusting, and would rather take off his military uniform and carry it by himself when he was cold. At this moment, his face was so cold that he finally couldn't bear it anymore. Seeing Long Yan give him a step, the little orderly naturally Accepted.

The two Chinese soldiers may have never dreamed that they had picked up sesame seeds and lost watermelons, and missed the biggest spoils of this battle - Lieutenant Colonel Katayama Satoshi, the second commander of the [-]th Infantry Regiment.

This may also be the most successful disguise that Katayama Satoshi has made in his life. The Chinese soldiers who simply cleaned the battlefield could not find a significant Japanese commander, and the highest military rank they received was only a lieutenant.

"Baga! The Chinese are humiliating the Imperial Army in Chi Guoguo. They are all dead."

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Susumu Fujita looked at the body of Satoru Katayama, who was wearing a crotch cloth and had two stubby legs, and slashed the body with a knife in anger.

I almost chopped off Katayama Satoshi's head, if the knife had been 20 centimeters higher!

But this knife seemed to make Fujita sober. He knew that the most urgent thing for his third division now was no longer the little ants that came out to sting you from time to time, but the heavy artillery arriving from the Chinese.

That would be the biggest obstacle for him to launch his second strong attack across the river. Even if the cannon did not hit the platoon, the huge waves would overturn the platoon. In such weather, the infantrymen who fell into the water and those who were trapped in the water would not be able to survive. The shell hits don't make much difference either.

"Order the two brigade commanders and all the company commanders to go to the division headquarters. The Chinese also have heavy artillery. We need to formulate new tactics!" Susumu Fujita turned back and walked into the division headquarters with a gloomy face.

In the next two nights, the size of the Japanese patrol team increased sharply, especially the auxiliary units such as artillery, baggage troops, and field hospitals. Three steps, one post, five steps, and one sentry were considered few.

In the infantry station, half the people were sleeping and the other half were standing guard. There were many hidden sentries. In the original words of an infantry captain: "You have to look at your feet every few steps you take, otherwise it is very likely that you will be attacked." Stepped on an Imperial soldier lying in the grass”!
Susumu Fujita used the most original and effective human sea tactic and increased the number of night patrols to more than 6000 people. This was the largest number of people deployed by a division-level unit during the entire war.

With this kind of strength, let alone Tang Dao, who is either a god or a god, it is probably an ending where he can get in but can't get out.

The Japanese army was also ruthless. Thousands of people stayed up all night. Perhaps this was not enough. Even those who were resting in the trenches stared at their eyes and held their guns, waiting for the Chinese who had taken advantage of them a few days ago. arrival.

If you dare to come, even if you spray it with spit, you can drown him.

But after staying up for two days in a row, the night in Fenglingdu Town was also quiet. The officers and soldiers of the Third Division, who were determined to 'slay flies' without sleeping, had nothing to gain except a stomachful of northwest wind.

It's like a group of fools who have fallen under the love spell, waiting hard for their sweetheart to arrive, only to find that their sweetheart has already run away with another wild man and has completely forgotten about them.

Tang Dao slipped away, leading a group of soldiers carrying tin cans more than ten kilometers away from Fenglingdu Town.

It’s not that Tang Tuanzuo is really good at pinching. Knowing that the Japanese would rather not sleep than to fight with him next time, Tang Dao simply thinks that the heavy artillery has arrived, and he is still flirting with the Japanese in the mountains here. It doesn't mean much anymore.

The Japanese are not stupid. They also have the idea of ​​​​launching heavy artillery. They might as well go to the other side of the river and wait for the enemy, and let the officers and soldiers of the new regiment see blood and know what the battlefield is like.

Therefore, Tang Dao escaped very quickly, and in order to prevent being discovered by the Japanese army, they ran more than ten kilometers away from the Tongguan battlefield in one breath.

The mountain walls there are steep and the water is turbulent. It is not suitable for large-scale crossings, but dozens of people can still do it.

Tang Dao also learned a trick from the Japanese, cutting down wood to make rafts, and tying several sheepskin bubbles around them to increase buoyancy. Such a simple raft can carry ten people, and two fishermen guides serve as guides. Boatman, crossing the thousand-meter-wide Yellow River is not a big problem.

Before departure, Tang Dao also sent a secret message to Lu Sanjiang, who was in charge of the new corps, requesting him to bring only the most trustworthy guard platoon to the designated location to meet him. He must not reveal anything before departure, especially the 28th Division. It must be kept secret and no news of his return must be revealed.

Even when they were crossing the river, Tang Dao flashed his flashlight three times for confirmation before starting to cross the river in batches.

It's not that Tang Dao doesn't trust the chief officers of the 28th Division, but he has always been extremely vigilant about the Japanese's penetration ability.

If there is a senior spy lurking in the 28th Division headquarters or brigade or regiment headquarters, once the news of his return is leaked, the Japanese army will send motorboats to lurk on the river bank, waiting for them to march to the middle of the river, then wait for him and 60 Chinese soldiers Yes, it is definitely a disaster.

Tang Dao's caution saved him and the soldiers. The frequent attacks launched by the Japanese army in the following days have shown that they know the location of the Chinese heavy artillery positions as well as their own backyard. There is no other possibility except someone leaking the secret.

Subsequently, all personnel who might know the news were investigated one by one at the 28th Division Headquarters and the two brigades. In the end, all suspicions pointed to a colonel-level staff officer, who could participate in the high-level military operations meeting organized by the 28th Division. One member.

The two lieutenant generals were so shocked that they broke out in cold sweat!

Tang Tuanzuo escaped with his men and horses, but the Japanese did not know that such a strong defense was maintained for a full week. It was not until they were completely sure that those pesky flies would never come again that they lowered the alert intensity by half.

All Japanese people, including Susumu Fujita, subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. Although many people felt a little ashamed of this, compared to the fact that their lives could be in danger at any time, that little bit of shame was nothing.

After getting rid of the gloom, the Japanese army continued to move. While preparing for the next large-scale attack, they also used new tricks. They should have found inspiration from Tang Tuanzuo.

In this regard, Tang Tuanzuo just wanted to say, if you dance a sword in front of Guan Gong, you are just a mess!

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