Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1259: Beat one down and scare another away!

Chapter 1258: Beat one down and scare another away!
"You kid, you're just a platoon leader. I think you can be a battalion commander. If you don't work with me, I'll give you a special agent and a team? What's your military rank? With your achievements this time, it's definitely not too much to be promoted to captain." After seeing the beautiful 'scenery', the first thing the white-haired general thanked was not the Tang Dao, but the one he waved his little hoe without hesitation.

It wasn't just that Lieutenant Long's machine gun had killed so many tough Japs, it was that the white-haired general had taken a fancy to Long Yan's potential.

The victory of this blocking battle was not only due to the astonishing combat effectiveness of more than 50 Chinese people who had been forced to the edge of the cliff, but also to the Japanese commander's direct display of brains, as well as the excellent performance of the MG34 machine gun and sufficient ammunition reserves. Many factors came together to create this miracle.

But Long Yan's courage to risk his life and survive and his unconstrained tactical arrangements are also essential.

If you switch to an ordinary commander, you will definitely put your main force on the front position, instead of putting most of your troops on the flanks like Long Yan. He will defend the entire right wing with three people and one shot. If there is a problem in any of them , the entire battlefield will be defeated, and no one will survive.

After all, God favored the people living under this sky, and abandoned the aliens from the East China Sea. Hundreds of grenades thrown by more than a dozen Japanese grenades, no less than 20 of them landed on the top of the big rock, but not one There is a chance that it will roll down and explode again, but the explosive yield of 200 grams of explosives is not enough to destroy a boulder of more than 2 tons.

Except for Long Yan's brow being scratched by shrapnel and a few burns from bullet shells on his face, the three of them almost escaped unscathed.

Of the 15 soldiers in the frontal position, only 3 were killed and 6 were injured. The left-wing position led by Luo Wanjian was even more impressive, with no one killed and 5 injured. Three of the wounded were shot by grenade fragments while chasing the remnants of the Japanese army. Wounded.

To put it bluntly, in this blocking battle, the Chinese lost no more than 3 people, while the Japanese army, on the other hand, was almost completely wiped out.

This battle loss ratio is almost 300 to 1. No matter who you show this ratio to, they will think it is crazy.

But facts speak louder than words. Nearly 900 corpses of the Japanese army were all on the hillside. The cold north wind made those who originally had breath become breathless.

Of course, there were also some Liu Lius involved, especially the 12th Division Guard Company. The brothers they spent day and night with all died at the hands of these Japanese soldiers. When they were seriously injured and cried for mercy, these Japanese soldiers let them go. Well?
No one else would have let these Japanese soldiers live.

Even as upright as a white-haired general, he could only turn a deaf ear to the miserable howls of the remaining Japanese troops when he arrived at the edge of the battlefield.

Those soldiers would do everything they should do before he, the commander, arrived.

Long Yan's shortcomings, which he had only joined the army for 4 months, are not worth mentioning in the face of his achievements. Although it remains to be verified that he can lead a battalion of several hundred people, there will definitely be no problem in leading a company of hundreds of people.

Even in him, the white-haired general saw some shadows of Tang Dao.

Tough and smart, but also unruly!
"Hehe, then Chief Zhao, you have to discuss it with our regimental commander. Also, if you feel that you must promote me, then remember to bring my sister and Brother Liu with you, otherwise I'm afraid that my sister will scold me. You have to salute me first!" Long Yan blinked and scratched the back of his head as he replied with an honest look.

"You kid, you haven't learned anything else, but you can learn the cunning aspect from your captain." The white-haired general was not annoyed by being rejected like this, but pointed at Long Yan, who was pretending to be stupid, and laughed and scolded him.

Based on his relationship with Tang Dao, the battalion commander Tang Dao might be reluctant to do so, but for a lieutenant like Long Yan, there is basically no problem, but the premise is that the person involved is willing.

Long Yan's direct promotion of his sister seems to be asking for credit, but in fact the subtext is: I am not alone, my whole family is in the Four Elements Group!If you have the ability, Mr. Zhao, if you recruit our whole family and promote them, I will come.

Even if Commander Zhao could do such an excessive thing, he couldn't do it. Naturally, the poaching issue could only be left alone.

Moreover, the battle is not over yet. In the distance, there is a Japanese infantry brigade working hard to block the impact of an infantry regiment of the 96th Army and three infantry companies led by a major general brigade commander!

With the victory in this blocking battle, the white-haired general also had enough confidence to simply use the Miracle Land as the last line of defense for Munan Town.

The civilian personnel of the 38th Army and the 300 young men from Munan Town who mobilized all arrived here. All spears and guns were lost. Ready-made weapons and equipment were scattered all over the hillside.

There is always room for a gun in life, and the number of bullets is dizzying.

For this operation, Sekosuke ordered each soldier to carry not only 200 rounds of ammunition, but also 92 rounds of ammunition for each 3000 heavy machine gun, and 40 grenades for each gun. This was close to the Japanese army's capacity for a battle. The amount of ammunition to carry.

But now, they are all the spoils of this group of 'miscellaneous troops' deployed on the hillside.

The 40 soldiers from the guard platoon who were still able to fight instantly became instructors, teaching civilian personnel how to shoot with [-] rifles on the spot.

As for those young men who had never touched a gun, rifles were distributed, but they were mostly just decorations. They only needed to be able to open the safety, pull the trigger, and pull the bolt. If they had to add another skill, then Just put the bayonet on.

If you really want to go to the point of hand-to-hand combat, just mount the bayonet and stab forward.

Most of them dug trenches under the guidance of three sergeant squad leaders. The deeper, longer and more trenches there are, the better they can save their lives. This is the experience that Chinese soldiers who are used to being bombarded by the Japanese army have summed up on the battlefield.

Of course, if the Japanese infantry dares to come, they will be able to beat him to the point of full confidence. In addition to the confidence accumulated by Long Yan and others in the first victory, the 11 Type 92 heavy machine guns captured from the remnants of the Japanese army are also an important factor. .

Led by soldiers returning from the pursuit, the young men carried back 11 heavy machine guns and found a tripod abandoned by the Japanese army in the ravine.This time, Second Lieutenant Long, who was still appointed as the field commander, had not just 2 machine guns, but 11 heavy machine guns and 16 Type [-] light machine guns.

With this kind of crossfire, as long as there is no heavy artillery bombardment, let alone an infantry brigade, even three more, and the hillside is not covered with corpses, it is impossible to move forward.

Of course, although the war is still urgent, merit must be rewarded, which is both the principle of the white-haired general and a means of boosting morale.

At the scene of Gongshuijian, General Baifa issued a promotion order on the spot. All the 38th Army personnel participating in the war were promoted to the first rank. Twenty people including Luo Wanjian, who was affiliated with the 5th Division of the 12th Group Army, and Long Yan, who was affiliated with The white-haired general of the 20rd Group Army also signed a commendation order and sent it to various ministries. With him as the commander of the army as a guarantee, no group army would disgrace him.

As for the guard company of the 12th Division, which had killed most of the people in the previous blockade, the white-haired general did not forget them. Each person was rewarded with 50 yuan. This was provided by the 38th Army Headquarters, and Luo Wanjian and others were grateful.

They are little soldiers whose fate is not in their control at all. They can only obey orders whether they live or die. To be able to survive on the battlefield and receive such attention from a military commander is like lighting up the chimney in the ancestral grave - Gulu Gulu Mao Qing cigarette.

As soon as the promotion and commendation orders were issued, the Fifth Army was confused. How come their own soldiers were commended by the No. 4 Eighth Army of the Fourth Army?

The two commanders of the 12th Division were also a little confused. They sent out a guard company purely to obey fate. If Commander Zhao could transfer quickly, it would not be in vain for them to lose a guard company.

How come this guard company won a glorious victory in the battle against the Japanese invaders?Is this blocked?Or killed a few Japanese devils?
You know, the general with a higher military rank than them is not some bumpkin from the countryside. He is a ruthless man who destroyed an infantry brigade at Niangziguan in World War II. What big scene has he never seen?After all, how good a battle his guard company had fought was the reason why that person did not send a message to their division headquarters, but directly sent a commendation order signed with his name to the group army headquarters.

It's not that the white-haired general didn't want to tell the reason, but that no one would believe him even if he said it. Before he saw the scene, he almost killed the signal corpsman who "lied about military intelligence"!
To be honest, not only China, as its opponent, can't believe it, but the Japanese themselves think it is an April Fool's Day joke.

Even if our troops have been defeated, please take care of yourself, Masato! 'The telegram came from the radio station of the Seko Battalion. Major Masato Akita, captain of the 40nd Infantry Battalion of the 2th Infantry Regiment, read the telegram several times in disbelief.

How could it be defeated?Was this code broken by the Chinese?A Chinese trick?
This should be the first thought that flashed in Akita Masato's mind.

That was a fully-equipped infantry brigade. Even if there were heavy troops behind the Chinese defense line, a brigade or even a division, there was absolutely no way they could defeat such an elite infantry force of the empire in less than an hour and a half. Brigade.

Moreover, Sekosuke is a little arrogant, but he is definitely not stupid. If the Chinese have heavy troops, he will definitely send a notice to the friendly forces and ask Nakamura Masao for support.

But there were none of these, and he suddenly said, 'Our unit has been defeated! ', apart from the fact that the code was deciphered by the Chinese, it is difficult for Akita Masato to find other reasons.However, as the continuous telegrams were sent to nothing and no response was received from the Sago Brigade, Akita Masato's face gradually became stiff.

He had begun to accept the fact that the Seko Battalion was defeated, but the Japanese Army Major had no time to be sad. He began to worry more about himself and his subordinates.

The Chinese army was able to defeat an elite infantry brigade of the empire in such a short period of time. First, it was large enough, and second, it naturally occupied favorable terrain and laid an ambush.

Regardless of the possibility, it is not friendly enough for the Akita brigade, which is still fighting fiercely with nearly 3000 Chinese troops.

Especially the latter, perhaps even more frightening!
That could only mean that the Chinese had already known that they would come, and had packed their bags and were waiting for their arrival in the mountains.

The Chinese are really good at acting. In order to be realistic enough to devour them one by one, they even sacrificed the lives of more than 500 people to contain his Akita brigade.

Turning his gaze to the Japanese Army Major, who was already strewn with corpses in blue uniforms on the battlefield, his eyes no longer had the previous indifference, but a strong look of fear.

A commander who has achieved great success but can throw the lives of countless of his own soldiers into the enemy's gun just to confuse his opponent. Cruelty is no longer enough to describe his cruelty.

This is true for one's own people, not to mention the enemy.

"Order Fujiwara Squadron and Hebian Squadron to continue to defend their positions, and the other units to evacuate quietly." Major Akita issued the military order rationally.

Having fought in China for a year, Masaun Akita is also a tyrannical figure who has won medals. He is by no means afraid of strong opponents.

In the battle at Yuwang Mountain, he personally led his men to break through the defense lines of two Chinese infantry regiments. Although his opponents were exhausted from the battle, with 1000 against 3000, he was still proud.

But unlike his colleague Sekosuke, who committed suicide by caesarean section, Akita Masaun is by no means a arrogant and reckless man.

Whether it was the Battle of Central China that lasted five months or the Battle of North China that was thousands of miles away from him, he felt that not only did the Chinese not become weaker as the imperial army pressed closer and closer, but on the contrary, they became stronger. The trend is getting stronger.

This is actually very inconsistent with the law of development of things. Losing land, population, economic zones, and losing a large number of elite veterans. Without that army, it will not become weak, but this mysterious ancient Eastern country goes in the opposite direction.

The Battle of Songhu lasted for three months, the Battle of Jinling lasted for one and a half months, and the Battle of Xuzhou lasted three months. China was defeated in all of them. China lost the fertile plains of North China, the fertile land of Jiangnan, and the capital. The following Battle of Central China But it took a full five months of fighting to determine the winner.

In fact, it may not be completely accurate to say the outcome. The Imperial Army's strategy of wiping out the Chinese army's strength in large numbers did not come to fruition at all. On the contrary, the Imperial Army suffered heavy losses in this battle. One division was nearly wiped out, and only 5 people died in the battle. Up to more than [-], almost the same as China.

This has never happened in previous battles.

Although the Imperial Army is still advancing rapidly, with more and more Imperial officers and soldiers entering China, reaching almost 200 million, the Chinese still have a large amount of land and population, especially when considering the Chinese population base of [-] million, the Japanese Army The major became cold all over.

If all the people are soldiers, as the Chinese themselves propagandize, how many imperial armies will the empire have to send to conquer this land? 1000 million or 2000 million?Or maybe more.
But how many people did the entire empire have?

Before obtaining more accurate information, Major Akita Masaun decided to evacuate first. He must not easily give up the lives of imperial officers and soldiers on this barren land.

But just after the military order was issued, he received a military order from Nakamura Masao. The military order required him and the Segu Battalion not to be reluctant to fight after conquering Munan Town, but to join forces with the two infantry brigades to attack the rear flank of Sizhou Mountain 15 miles away. , cooperate with the 105th Division to conquer the Chinese defense line in Sizhou Mountain.

"The Seko Battalion failed in the attack on Mo Nan Town, and our Akita Battalion is on our way to respond!" Akita Yaun replied to Itagaki Shiro's confidant after thinking for a moment, and then decisively ordered: "In view of the unknown situation of the enemy, the field radio station remains silent! "

The Akita Brigade completely withdrew from the battlefield 50 minutes later and left in the direction of the defense area of ​​the 12th Division of the Fifth Army.

Brigadier Kong Da, who originally received a telegram from the military headquarters confirming his safety, thought it was because the military commander was trying to reassure himself, and did not dare to relax at all. He did not believe it until the Japanese troops on the opposite side withdrew.

However, the Army Major General, who had only one regiment and three infantry companies under his command, with a total strength of less than 2500, did not dare to pursue the Japanese infantry brigade with mountain artillery and heavy machine gun squadrons. He still led the troops all the way to Munan Town.

As a result, they saw the trench excavation site in full swing on the small high ground in front of Munan Town. The white-haired general was digging the soil himself with a shovel.

Of course, this was not the most shocking thing to the anxious Army Major General.

The most shocking thing was undoubtedly the corpses of Japanese soldiers that were thrown into the ravine by the general's order. They were so densely packed that the ravine seven or eight meters deep was almost filled.

"How many regiments are coming from the 12th Division?" What the Army Major General wanted to know most at that time was this.

"The 12th Division is here, but it's just a guard company, but the Four Lines Regiment also sent people!" The white-haired general looked at his subordinates who had opened their mouths and received a huge reward, and couldn't help but joke with him.

"Could it be that the main force of the Four Elements Group is here?" Brigadier Kong was delighted.

"Then you have to ask Second Lieutenant Long!" The white-haired general smiled slightly and waved to Longyan, who was sweating profusely from digging over there. "Captain Long, please tell Brigadier Kong how many people are coming from your four-pronged group!"

The Army Major General looked at the young lieutenant differently, and saw the second lieutenant running up panting and shyly holding out three fingers towards him.

"3000?" The Army Major General grinned in amusement.

Although the main force of the 3000 Fourth Army Regiment is smaller, with his independent brigade, it is not likely to be a big problem to deal with a Japanese infantry brigade.

"Three!" Second Lieutenant Long was a little shy.

That's not how you brag. The Army Major General wanted to hit someone, if it weren't for his own commander who was still standing by with a smile.

"I can testify to this, 12 people from the 20th Division, 38 people from our 30th Army, and 3 people from the Fourth Army Regiment won this battle!" the white-haired general said with a smile.

Sir, you must be possessed!That was the first thought that ran through the Army Major General's mind.

However, there was no time left for this person to be shocked.

The two generals' expressions instantly darkened when a signal soldier rushed over to report the news.

The Tang Dao Department of the Sizhou Mountain Defense Line called for help for the first time.

(End of this chapter)

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