Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1274 Why are they not afraid of death!

Of course, when two armies fight, it’s never just one family crying!

Even if the infantry platoon on the unknown highland has a tunnel that can hide everyone, and the 75mm hillside poses no threat to it, there must be enough observation posts on the position, and the Japanese army cannot rely solely on artillery support when they rush up.

The analysis of the Japanese Army Major was actually correct. The strategy of Brigadier Kong of the 46th Independent Brigade was to go all out at the beginning of the war, give the Japanese army a head-on blow, scare them first, and get a night's rest for the already extremely tired army. good.

But I never thought that the Japanese would be so stubborn. Mom, who was beaten in the first wave of attacks, didn't even recognize them, but they still came in waves after waves.

The artillery shells can't be used like this, otherwise even if the Four Lines Regiment has enough reserves, it won't be enough for the whole army to last for three days.

The subsequent four consecutive waves of Japanese attacks were repelled mainly by the officers and soldiers on the ground. Fortunately, a lot of Japanese military supplies were seized when they captured Ruicheng. Many things could not be brought with them, but the 4th independent Japanese melon grenade brigade was unable to bring them. few.

A total of 4, with an average of almost 10 per person. There are 800 hoarded on the unknown high ground. In addition, plus the 4 hand grenades carried by individual soldiers, it is definitely a nightmare for the Japanese army to attack within 40 meters. .

The second lieutenant platoon leader on the unknown highland was a very flexible person. He believed that the Japanese melon grenade was light in weight, weak in power, and far less convenient to throw than the string grenade, so he invented a large "Guare" while digging trenches and resting. .

The so-called large "Guare" is to tie a melon grenade with a rope on a thick wooden stick, and sandwich a pull-string grenade in the middle. If the Japanese are approaching, they will pull the grenade and then put it away. A wooden stick with 6 melon grenades and a grenade attached was used as a javelin and thrown towards the Japanese.

Isn't this the prototype of the future blasting tube! Moreover, the melon grenade will fly in the air before exploding after being violently impacted by explosives. The damage range of various fragments often exceeds two hundred square meters, making it a nightmare for infantry.

It was this self-made "blasting canister" that was promoted throughout the army in the future and became the key to the infantry platoon on the unknown highland to block the desperate attack of a Japanese infantry brigade completely above.

When the Japanese major finally woke up from the congestion in his head, the entire infantry brigade was basically yelled at by him.

But the infantry platoon on the unknown highland was not much better. The original 52-man infantry platoon had only 10 people left at 10.5 o'clock in the evening.

The Japanese are on top, the Chinese are fighting hard!
During the most difficult and dangerous moments of the battle, the Japanese infantry was less than five meters away from the trenches. It only took a few large steps to reach the front of the trenches.

But an injured Chinese soldier in the trench wiped out the Japanese army's best opportunity for victory.

One of the injured Chinese soldiers' arms has been severely broken by a heavy machine gun bullet. The arm that had not been bandaged in time was hanging in front of him by a bit of muscle. There was also a bloody hole in his chest. It should have been from a [-]-inch bullet. masterpiece.

Suffering such a serious injury, leaving so much blood, and in this cold winter, there is a high probability that this wounded soldier will not live until dawn tomorrow.

The wounded soldier should also know that, so he did not choose to linger. He picked up the 'blasting tube' with one arm and pulled the string with his teeth.

At the moment when the artillery fire flashed, the Japanese and Chinese saw such a figure rolling down from the trench, using up the last bit of strength in his body to throw himself in front of the five Japanese soldiers. There was a loud bang, and the soldiers turned into flesh and blood with their own flesh and blood. As shrapnel, it enveloped the five Japanese soldiers who were completely stunned.

The Japanese offensive was completely defeated at that moment. The so-called superiority was just a short-term emotional outburst. After meeting someone more ruthless, cold fear will eventually prevail.

The exact words of a Japanese second lieutenant who was lucky enough to survive this battle: The moment I saw the Chinese rushing towards our imperial warriors with explosives, it was like a spider silently landing on the back, crawling rapidly along the spine. As far as the neck, the hairs on the neck can clearly feel the soft down of the spider legs.
I have to say that this inner monologue of the Japanese second lieutenant is quite literary, but the surging fear at that moment was real.

The Chinese need role models, and the first one will lead to the second one. Although the second lieutenant platoon leader strictly ordered the seriously wounded soldiers to enter the tunnel several times, the seriously wounded soldiers who were still conscious often responded to their comrades with a sad smile: " Brother, you can’t survive!”

The soldiers who could still fight could only weep and be speechless.

Ever since they stepped onto this position, they knew that they would not receive reinforcements for at least the next day.

The three infantry platoons in the company need to guard two highlands, and the other highland is much larger. The sound of killing is also loud. Even if the battalion headquarters has reserves, they will not be used in the first battle.

If they cannot resist this battle, not only will they die, but all the wounded soldiers who have lost the ability to resist will die even worse. Once the severely damaged Japanese army conquers the position, they will definitely vent their anger on them.

At least ten seriously wounded soldiers chose to die with the enemy!
The reason why there were still 10 men left at 10.5 o'clock in the entire highland battle was because when the second lieutenant platoon leader was picking up a light machine gun and firing, a grenade grenade from the Japanese army accurately landed less than one meter away from him. At this position, an arm and a leg were directly blown off, and half of the body was covered in blood and flesh.

But miraculously, the second lieutenant platoon leader did not die and still maintained a clear mind.

He ordered the soldiers to simply wrap themselves in the uniforms of the dead soldiers. The second lieutenant, who still had half of his body left, actually commanded the remaining soldiers to repel two more waves of Japanese attacks. By 10 o'clock, only 10 soldiers were still able to fight on the entire highland. Including him as a semi-disabled person, it was less than an infantry squad.

But these desperate soldiers may not know that they have created another myth. The battle loss ratio of 20 to 1 is enough to shock the entire Zhongtiao Mountain battlefield.

The youngest soldier on the high ground acted as a signal soldier and ran back to the company headquarters to report the situation on the high ground. The battalion commander, a major standing in the trench, burst into tears when he heard about it. He immediately sent his own guard squad to sneak back to the unknown high ground with the signal soldier.

The strength of the troops on the unknown highland has reached two infantry squads again, but there are less than five seriously injured soldiers who can be carried back to the tunnel of the 2 main highland. The second lieutenant platoon leader has not left. Most of his brothers are here, and they live and die together.

The major and battalion commander respected the choice of his subordinates.

However, this defensive battle, which was considered a very small one for the entire Jiulong Mountain battlefield, cost the Four Lines Regiment 2 special merit medals and 12 first-class merit medals.

It was after the war that several chief officers of the 38th Army were invited by Tang Dao to participate in the New Year party at the Si Xing Regiment. Brigadier Kong Da was very jealous when he saw the various medals handed out by the Si Xing Regiment. He took the special military merit issued to Long Yan. He couldn't put it down and said that if his brothers could have this medal to prove their merits, they would be willing to die.

The 38th Army is not as wealthy as the Fourth Army. The pension for officers and soldiers killed in battle is 200 oceans for the school level, 150 oceans for lieutenants, 80 oceans for sergeants, and only 60 oceans for first class and private soldiers. That is already the white-haired general who sold out this war against Japan. All the captures from the battle and the rewards allocated by the group army were collected.

Tang Dao understood what the major general meant. He didn't dislike the fact that the pensions for his soldiers were too small. The white-haired general had done everything he could.

The ocean is money, and it can support the family for a few years, but the money will be gone after it is spent. What else can those Chinese soldiers who have fought bravely on the battlefield use to prove that they have been here?

Taking into account the friendship between the two armies fighting side by side at Jiulong Mountain, Tang Dao decided that all units of the 38th Army would receive the same treatment as the Four Lines Regiment when evaluating their military merits. He also asked the logistics department to work overnight and send all the medals to the 38th Army on the third day after the New Year. Military Department.

The Sihang Regiment paid nearly 20 yuan for this, but the generals of the 38th Army were extremely moved.

The battle at Jiulong Mountain of the 46th Independent Brigade not only left a psychological shadow on the Japanese army, but also led to the legend of "Heartbreak Ridge". Before the New Year, Tantai Mingyue's exclusive interview with the soldier who was not yet 17 years old in the infantry platoon and survived the war was even more... He left a valuable spiritual wealth to the whole of China. The headline "Why are they not afraid of death" published on the headlines of newspapers such as "Second War Zone Briefing" and "Eighty Group Army Daily" brought tears to the entire land of China.

"In addition to the heroic fighting process of our officers and soldiers, I want to know if there is anything else that impressed you deeply." Tantai Mingyue was afraid of arousing the inner pain of the somewhat shy young soldier, so he changed the angle.

"After the fight with the Japanese that night, I was responsible for changing Platoon Leader Liu's dressing. I knew he was in pain. His body was shaking all the time. His leg was broken and the bones were exposed. There were still several shrapnel embedded in his arm. , but I don’t have any medicine. I only have a bandage I got from the battalion headquarters, and it’s useless.” The young soldier lowered his head, his eyes filled with tears, and his voice trembled badly.

For this young soldier, that battle was an unavoidable obstacle, whether Tantai Mingyue mentioned it or not, it would always be there.

From the beginning of this exclusive interview, it was extremely cruel for the young soldier. It was to reopen his scars that had not healed in the first place.

But that is a political task. Whether it is the top brass of the 38th Army or Tantai Mingyue, they all need to let the world know how Chinese soldiers are fighting.

Living is harder than dying, and that is what young soldiers must experience.

Tantai Mingyue did not urge him, but wrote quietly in his notebook, waiting patiently for the young soldier to calm down.

"Platoon Leader Liu is from Chengde. His face was originally very dark, but under the moonlight his face was white. I was very panicked. I was afraid that he would die from pain like this. Without the platoon leader, we would not know tomorrow. Whether he could hold the high ground or not, I had no choice but to try my best to divert his attention, so I asked him why the platoon leader, Zhang Laosan, Heimi Zhou, Zhu Er Ge and others were so not afraid of death.

Zhang Laosan was the first squad leader of Squad 7 to rush out of the trench with a bomb and die with the Japanese. His hometown is in the northeast. "

The soldier calmed down and muttered to himself in his memories.

"Yeah! It's recorded in the battle report. Let's respect our brothers together." Tantai Mingyue handed the young soldier a cigarette. He actually lit one and took a puff, and then gently placed it on the soil.

The war has changed so many people. Tantai Mingyue is not a god, so naturally he is no exception.

This was something that Tantai Mingyue could not touch before the war, but after being in the army for a long time, she no longer rejected this kind of thing that produced pungent smoke, and even saw wounded soldiers standing in front of her. On the night when her heart couldn't help but bleed after Suke's departure, she actually chose to use tobacco to soothe her.

Seeing that the big reporter actually lit cigarettes for himself and those brothers who died in the battle, the young soldier showed gratitude on his face, and he managed to temporarily break away from his sadness and continued to talk about his experience on the battlefield.

"The platoon leader was really in pain at the time and it was difficult to speak. But when he heard me ask this question, he took a breath and asked for a cigarette. He took a few puffs before answering me. The reason is very simple, because they saw There are things more terrible than death." The young soldier's deep voice sounded a little erratic under the oil lamp on the winter night.

Tantai Mingyue's heart couldn't help but twitch.

"Boy, let me tell you my story! I am the youngest at home, with two sisters and one brother. My parents don't let me do any work at home. Although my family is not a wealthy family, Lao Yumajia I can still fill up my stomach with some rice noodles. At that time, I had much thinner skin and tender meat than your child, so I just played around all day long, netting fish from the river, and trapping rabbits and roe deer in the mountains.

It wasn't until the 22nd year of the Republic of China that the Japanese invaded from the three northeastern provinces. I must have been a little younger than you at that time. One day I came back from playing in the mountains and saw black smoke billowing from the village. I hurriedly ran back , but saw.”

The young soldier was completely caught up in his own memories, because he remembered that scene so clearly.

The second lieutenant platoon leader, who didn't even shed a tear when his legs and arms were blown off, burst into tears at that moment.

"My eldest sister is already married, and she is getting married in this village. My brother-in-law's house is at the entrance of the village. The first thing I pushed open was the door of her house.

My brother-in-law fell in the yard with countless holes poked in his body. There was so much blood! It all flowed into a river. The eldest sister’s parents-in-law also died, not far from my brother-in-law. I stumbled and opened the door. My eldest sister was lying naked on the kang, with scissors stuck in her chest. My nephew who was less than 2 years old , on the ground in front of the kang.

That little baby who calls her uncle all the time has a big hole in his head that can fit his little fist. That was caused by the stupid Japanese!
I don’t know how I got home, and I don’t know how I was still alive in the end.

My father, my mother, my second sister, and my eldest brother are all dead, all dead, and I am the only one left.

In the entire Zhuangzi, only the black rice porridge that I went up the mountain with was left. There are more than 200 people in our entire Zhuangzi! "

The young soldier looked at the second lieutenant platoon leader with red eyes, and his mind went blank. He finally knew what the "things more terrifying than death" the platoon leader said were.

"Zhang Laosan and the others are from the Northeast. That area has been occupied by the Japanese for several years. They never talk about their family affairs, but they risk their lives during the war. Now you know why. Bar!
I actually wanted to die a long time ago, but I didn’t want to die in vain. If I didn’t kill 200 Japanese soldiers, how could I pay for the lives of more than 200 people in my village? It was such a shameful black rice porridge. He felt relaxed, holding the bomb and the Japanese soldiers. They died together, leaving me alone to fulfill the oaths they swore. "The second lieutenant platoon leader said with difficulty and calmly.

"So, what now?" Tantai Mingyue lowered her head and kept writing on the paper.

She didn't even dare to ask the young soldier directly, 'Where is your platoon leader? ’ What a pity it would be for such a tenacious young man to leave like this!
"Our platoon leader is gone, not even on the second night, but he left with a smile because I told him that there were at least 500 little Japs lying in front of our position." Suddenly there was no sadness in the young soldier's eyes. More It's excitement.

"The platoon leader said it was worth it. He and Heimi Zhou can finally go to see their families, and they won't be scolded when they go there.

The 15 brothers in our platoon's extra battalion security class exchanged the lives of 500 Japanese. It was worth it! I'm not afraid of death either. Death means I can go see my brothers. It's a pity that the Japanese haven't come to fight us yet. "

Tantai Mingyue's tears suddenly flowed down and wet the notebook in front of her.

After reading the manuscript of the interview that Tantai Mingyue completed overnight, Tang Dao softly hummed a lyric, "Time and space are a circle. No matter whether we go straight or turn, we will eventually meet!"

Tantai Mingyue looked at her newlywed husband with tears in her eyes, but her face was filled with pride!
What she is proud of is not how outstanding her husband is, but that she, him, and the young ones are all Chinese soldiers.

Therefore, she wrote at the end of the interview: "I hope that one day, dear comrades, we will be side by side again!"

. . . . . . . . .

PS: It’s the last three days of the month, brothers, vote monthly!

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