Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1284 When it comes to coaxing people, Tang Tuanzuo is a professional!

For the health of Mrs. Tantai who had come all the way, Tang Dao patiently spent two days on the 60-mile mountain road before returning.

Before entering Dakouzidong Town, Tang Dao asked all the escort troops to return to the station with their maids and servants. He took Xia Dayu to accompany Tantai Mingyue's family of four, walking on the mountain road that had been built fairly smoothly. superior.

It's not hard to guess what Tang Dao was thinking. He wanted his old mother-in-law to see that the Si Xing Tuan residence he had worked so hard to manage for a year was thriving and her precious daughter would not suffer much.

After all, along the way, he often saw the occasional cloud of sadness on his mother-in-law's eyebrows after she was overjoyed.

Lao Tantai was very satisfied with his son-in-law's arrangement. He had comforted his old wife many times. But as the saying goes, a sight is better than a hundred hearings. Letting the old wife see for herself was better than him comforting her a hundred times.

Mrs. Tantai is such a smart person. Seeing her husband strongly recommending her to take a walk to relax her muscles and bones, she even did not hesitate to show the 'flattery' expression she used when she was young to fool her, regardless of the presence of her children and son-in-law. How could she not know this? The intentions of these two men, old and young.

I sighed slightly in my heart and agreed, but mostly I disagreed.

Taihang Mountain is not a barren mountain, but it is definitely dangerous. In the future, it will be a sight everywhere. But for a mother, she will only feel that her precious daughter who was well-dressed and well-fed in the past has to live in such an environment and risk her life. Fighting with the Japanese army, what a miserable life it was like to have Coptidis chinensis?

Is it possible that a small mountain town can still compare with the small bridges and flowing water in the south of the Yangtze River?

But the situation in Dakouzidong Town is obviously different from what Mrs. Tantai imagined.

It was still dilapidated, and the most prosperous old street in the town was never more than a mile away. For Mrs. Tantai, who was used to the worldly prosperity, this was a typical backwater.

But this place is not depressed. The old street is full of goods. In addition to necessary daily necessities, there are even vendors such as pancakes and sugar blowers.

There are people coming and going on the old street. In addition to ordinary people, there are also many soldiers strolling there, buying supplies with their hands.

In this battle in southeastern Shanxi, the Japanese army, which suffered heavy losses, will no longer be able to invade the Taihang Mountains in the short term. All departments in the Taihang Mountains are basically preparing for this rare and peaceful New Year.

Chinese soldiers are not robots. They need to rest, both physically and mentally. This month is a rare time for various units in the Taihang Mountains to recuperate. Even the Fourth Army Regiment has begun to give the troops a holiday this week and no longer organizes large-scale training.

Many soldiers wanted to salute after seeing Tang Dao and Tantai Mingyue, who had changed into civilian clothes, but Tang Dao waved his hand and refused.

The beautiful face of Captain Tantai Mingyue is even more famous in the Si Xing Regiment. Seeing the regimental commander and her walking together in casual clothes, the soldiers probably knew that the newlyweds probably also wanted to Once you have passed the world of two, you will know how to stop disturbing them.

This also prevented the identities of Tang Dao and others from being exposed. Otherwise, people on this street would flock over. Tang Tuanzuo was almost a mythical figure in the eyes of the people of Dakouzidong Town.

It's just that few people can see Tang Dao. Who would know that Tang Dao is a young boy who is only 23 years old, and he is standing next to them.

Although the identities of Tang Dao and his party are not simple, in the past six months, many merchants have come to Dakouzidong Town, especially those bosses who have betrothed their daughters to officers of the Si Xing Regiment. Some even gave up their families. Moved here.

On weekdays, ladies and ladies from big families also come to the old street to buy goods together, so it doesn't seem too out of the ordinary.

There are a lot of goods, but there are just a lot of people. To Mrs. Tantai’s surprise, people here were all smiling, even an old woman in ragged clothes was taking out a few coins to give to her grandson. I bought a piece of steaming steamed buns and watched my grandson enjoy it with happiness on his old face.

This was extremely different from the people Mrs. Tantai saw along the way, who had traveled at least two thousand kilometers in a turbulent year, with numb faces and empty eyes.

"Grandma, that grandma's son was a soldier who joined our Four-Hong Regiment eight months ago." Tantai Mingyue saw her mother's eyes falling on the old woman in shabby clothes and explained softly in her ear.

"Oh? That must be a meritorious service, otherwise why would this old sister still maintain a smile despite having a difficult life?" Mrs. Tantai showed a faint smile on her face.

"A meritorious service is a meritorious service, but the old lady's son died in the battle of Shanxi Province in September." Tantai Mingyue's voice couldn't help but lowered.

The reason why Tantai Mingyue remembered this old woman was because she watched the old woman's back in the Martyrs Cemetery when she refused to see her son off as a comrade and stubbornly left with her little grandson who was less than 5 years old.

That scene was hard for Tantai Mingyue to forget.

"Ah? Then your group doesn't have a pension? How will the elderly and children live?" Mrs. Tantai's eyes suddenly widened and her brows furrowed.

Tang Dao finally knew where the heroic spirit in Tantai Mingyue's eyebrows came from. It definitely didn't come from the bookish handsome father-in-law.

"Xia Dayu, check what's going on. The pensions for the martyrs of the Battle of Jindong should have been in place long ago!" Tang Dao's eyes couldn't help but become sharp.

The somewhat frightened old woman and the ignorant little boy were quickly brought to Tang Dao and others by Xia Dayu.

"Sister, don't be afraid. We just want to ask, have you not received the military pension? If not, we will make the decision for you." Mrs. Tantai comforted her softly.

"Who are you? Why are you asking this?" Upon hearing this, the old woman became wary and turned to look at the few soldiers standing on the street.

It was clear that Tang Dao and the others were regarded as spies from outside. This was obviously due to the Four Elements Group's propaganda to the local people over the past year.

The people of Dakouzidong Town are now comparable to the future Aunt Chaoyang. Almost no outsiders can hide from their eyes. In the past year, not counting the spies sent by the military commander, there have been many traitor lackeys working for the Japanese. More than a hundred.

"Don't worry, we are not bad people." Tantai Mirror quickly explained.

"Bad people never say they are bad people!" The tiger-headed little boy said.

There is nothing wrong with this statement, and everyone is laughing and laughing.

"Auntie, I am Tang Dao, and this is my family. Please answer truthfully. If anyone feels sorry for you, I will make the decision for you." Tang Dao could only say.

"Are you Captain Tang?" The old woman looked in disbelief and stared at Tang Dao for a long time. "It seems a bit similar."

"Hey, old sister, let me tell you! This is my son-in-law Tang Dao, and those are my wife, daughter Tantai Mingyue and Quanzi Tantai Mingjing. Even if someone wants to impersonate, can they pretend to be our family? "The old handsome guy from Tantai said with a smile.

"Oh! You are Director Tantai." The old woman nodded repeatedly. "I saw you when you were painting on the mountain."

"Huh! If you dare to be kind, I have to rely on my old face. Sister, you don't have to worry now! Just tell me what's going on. If you have any problems, I will make the decision for you." The old handsome guy from Tantai was so arrogant now. No.

This shows that among the people, his face is bigger and easier to use than the son-in-law who is the leader of the group.

"Yes! Auntie, this place has been closed in recent years. Why don't you give yourself and the little guy new clothes? Is the pension not enough?" Tang Dao asked softly.

"Enough, enough, enough for one hundred and fifty oceans! Speaking of this, I really want to thank Captain Tang and the Four Elements Group." The old woman replied quickly.

But soon, the old woman's voice dropped, and tears welled up in her eyes: "But my son's pension was earned with his life. As a mother, I can't bear to touch it."

For a moment, everyone was speechless, and Mrs. Tantai also had tears in her eyes.

She is a mother, how could she not understand? The son who worked so hard to raise turned into a handful of loess in the blink of an eye, leaving only these 150 oceans. For a mother, every cent she spends seems to consume her son's flesh and blood.

"Sister, if you are so miserable for yourself and your child, your son will not feel at ease even under Jiuquan." Mrs. Tantai advised softly.

"It's not hard or hard. I can do spinning work in the factory in the town. My daughter-in-law also goes to the primary school in the town to help with laundry. I get money and rice and noodles every month. The army also gives Huzi some money every month." It's no problem to support our family of three with money. Look, I still have some money left to buy him steamed buns to eat!" The old woman just shook her head.

"It's just that when you have money, you can't spend it arbitrarily. I don't know when this battle will be over. When the tiger grows up, he will have to marry a wife. We are all used to it. We don't pay attention to our clothes, which makes you worry."

"Aunt! You have to spend the money you have. During the New Year, will the army invite you to watch the show at the station? Will your son's comrades see it? Will they feel sad?" Tang Dao said softly. He took a breath and persuaded.

"There are things to buy, there are things to buy. My daughter-in-law has already bought new clothes for our family, and they are just waiting to go to the group. When we are in the first grade of junior high school, we have to go to the Martyrs Cemetery to see Huzi's father! We want to have Isn't he at ease?" The old woman nodded repeatedly.

Looking at the back of the old woman leading her grandson away, Mrs. Tantai sighed softly: "It's really not easy for us Chinese people!"

But when he looked at his son-in-law, he was filled with admiration: "Seeing the lives of the people in this small town, you really lived up to your reputation!"

"Madam, I've told you a long time ago that I have a first-rate eye for courting my wife. Although I'm a little behind in picking a son-in-law, I can still be considered first-rate." The old handsome man from Tantai was so flattering.

Both the son and the daughter rolled their eyes!

Especially Tantai Mingjing. Although he has always been afraid of his father, he will always treat her as a precious girl. When she comes to him, she will become a bitch. Can she stop being so obsessed with girls?

"Abba and Mom, you always taught me that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. I want to practice with my brother-in-law for a year and then go to college." Tantai Mingjing finally encouraged him as he followed Tang Dao back to the station. He said with courage. “No!” Tantai Yunshu refused without even thinking.

His Tantai family has already contributed a daughter, and even he himself is in the army. If Tantai Mingjing comes again, wouldn't it mean that he won't leave any thoughts for his old wife?

"Tantai Mingjing, I'm not talking about you. I think your brother-in-law has an adjective that's quite appropriate. You, a little bastard, still want to be a soldier? Practice shooting for a day first, and then let's not get hurt on your wrists!" Tantai Mingyue said. With one flick, he started the crazy attack mode against his own brother.

"Then Tantai Mingyue, just wait for me, I will impress you." Tantai Mingjing's eyes widened with anger, and he responded angrily, not even calling her sister.

"Tch, brag to me after you've mastered it! I won't make it too difficult for you. During our recruit training period, we have to pass the 50nd ring on the 42-meter pistol target. You only need to hit the target three times to count. I will be responsible for convincing you. Dad." Tantai Mingyue didn't take it too seriously and casually set a threshold, just treating it as a young man's fault.

After all, Tang Dao threw him a Black Star pistol when he came up. The difficulty of controlling it was different from that of some Japanese bastard box.

Moreover, the Tantai family and his entourage could only stay here for twenty days at most before returning, so how could they have so much time for him to practice.

Of course, what's more important is that Tantai Mingyue talked about persuading her old father, not her mother, but Mrs. Tantai was the one who made the final decision on major matters in the Tantai family.

The poor young man was obviously so manipulated by his sister that he didn't realize it. He ran to put his arms around the shoulders of Xia Dayu, a friend of the same age whom he had just met for two days, as he wanted to learn from his teacher.

As everyone knows, although the two are close in age, their experiences are very different. Especially Xia Dayu is also a teenager. If he really takes it seriously, Tantai Mingjing's 20 days in the Four Elements Group will not be easy.

If you want to practice, you have to practice seriously. No matter how many bullets the Four Elements Group has, not everyone can waste them in vain. This is also the rule of the Four Elements Group.

Tang Dao didn't care. He didn't want to keep a weak brother-in-law by his side. It was best to let him retreat before the difficulties. If he really wanted this little guy to grit his teeth and practice something, that would be good too.

In these troubled times, calligraphy and painting cannot save lives, but marksmanship can.

Even Tang Dao has been arranged. The four armed servants of the Tantai family received special training from Uncle Han after the New Year. They were all equipped with semi-automatic rifles and Black Star pistols before leaving. In this way, in the event of an emergency, there are A certain ability to protect oneself.

The shell guns with a range of no more than 100 meters are now basically only equipped with militia troops in the Si Xing Regiment, and will soon be completely eliminated from the regular army.

Entering the Sixings Regiment's station about 3 kilometers away from the town, Mrs. Tantai and her party were really shocked.

After a year of development, today's Si Xing Regiment is no longer the former situation where there were straw huts everywhere and the soldiers almost slept on the ground.

Nowadays, wooden houses stand in the mountains and forests, and there is a creek winding through it. Although the creek shows traces of artificial excavation at first glance, it is enough to introduce enough clean water.

If it weren't for the air defense and bunker fortifications everywhere on the hills, as well as the ubiquitous training grounds and soldiers patrolling with guns on their backs, Mrs. Tantai would have thought she had entered some kind of holiday estate.

"Mom! This is just a part of the station. There is only one battalion and regiment with about a thousand people here." Tantai Mingyue helped her mother up a hill with a smile and pointed into the distance. "Going 3 miles further is where my medical company is stationed. Over there is the factory area, and over there is the recruit training ground. Don't worry, from here to the mountain pass, they are all under the protection of the air defense company. The little Japanese planes will not Just come and get it, here it is, it’s also a small party.”

Although they didn't know how powerful the Four Lines Regiment's air defense company was, the rows of wooden houses in front of them and the factories hidden in the valley all existed, which shocked Mrs. Tantai and Tantai Mingjing.

This doesn't look like a military camp, it's completely a large military base. A military base built deep in the mountains that is both strict and vibrant.

Although they don't know much about military affairs, they are all educated people who have read a lot of books. Naturally, they know how big the scale of this station is.

At least, this is definitely not what I think a group of more than 2000 people can support.

Perhaps, the secret of the Four Elements Regiment's success in every battle and every attack lies in this huge station hidden by the mountains and forests.

This may be the power of knowledge and insight. The mother and son who first arrived here guessed at least half of them right.

The virtuous cycle formed by perfect logistical support and the economic stimulation of the surrounding areas is one of the reasons why the Four Lines Regiment has strong combat power.

"Brother-in-law, how many of you are there! You can build houses and factories while fighting a war?" Tantai Mingjing looked at the Four Elements Regiment's station, which was completely different from what he had imagined, and his little head was buzzing.

In fact, not to mention the young man Tantai Mingjing, even Brigadier Cheng Da was amazed when he came here.

The Eightyth Army had limited supplies and had always used steel on its blades. It would use huge manpower and material resources to build wooden houses, and they basically stayed in the homes of ordinary people. Even he, the brigade commander and the brigade headquarters were no exception.

Unlike the Si Xing Tuan, who did not hesitate to blow up rocks and spend a lot of manpower and material resources to dig a stream that runs through the entire camp in order to get water easily. With that kind of money, wouldn't it be nice to sell more firearms?

But what the Four Elements Group is currently lacking the most is money.

In Tang Dao's terms, money is just a number if it is not spent.

In order to stimulate domestic demand in Dakouzidong Town and surrounding areas, Tang Dao worked hard to build various infrastructures. Bai Sheng's engineer company now has as many as 600 people. Excluding the five engineers, three are mainly engaged in military civil engineering training, and the other two Ge Ze is mainly responsible for leading the people to carry out various constructions.

Thanks to their efforts, not to mention the inside of the Four Elements Regiment, even the narrow mountain roads leading to the town have now been expanded by at least 1.5 meters. Where previously only large vehicles could be used, trucks and even vehicles can now be used. Type 89 tank.

Otherwise, the two 89 tanks captured by the Fourth Line Regiment would not be able to enter the station.

Of course, the manpower and material resources used are not something that can be defeated by hundreds of thousands of oceans.

According to the calculations of the Zhuangshisan Logistics Office, in just three months from October to January, the people of Dakouzidong Town and surrounding villages and towns made a total of 10 manpower and 6 donkeys, spending 3000 oceans and French currency, and 50 rice and noodles. Kilogram.

People from almost a hundred miles away came to Dakouzidong Town to work, carrying their blankets on their backs, and then returned home happily with money and food.

When you have money, you will have consumption. Boss Qian and a group of businessmen worked hard to organize caravans from Shaanxi Province to continuously transport various commodities across the Yellow River into the Taihang Mountains.

There is not only one road in Shaanxi Province, but also on the border of Henan Province. There are also countless products that sneak into the Taihang Mountains.

Don't think that a war blockade can block the transportation of goods. In the face of money, not to mention that the Japanese soldiers who were recruited by the Japanese army to take charge of security in the occupied areas will become blind. Even the Japanese army themselves will choose to turn a blind eye.

In the time and space of the past, it was not just the Hawker Division that did business with the Toba people. The Japanese troops stationed in the south of the Yangtze River even had people who helped smuggle Pegasus brand cigarettes! Even if you are a lunatic, your mind will probably become clearer the moment you see the money.

"This is not the result of our four-pronged group. It is the effort of tens of thousands of people in Dakouzidong Town and patriotic businessmen like Boss Qian to achieve the scale we have today. Such a land and such people are more worthy of our China." The army sacrificed their lives and shed blood for her, don’t you think so, grandma?” Tang Dao still tried his best to remain humble in front of his mother-in-law, showing a poise that belied his age.

"Well said! It is truly a blessing for our Tantai family to have a wonderful son-in-law like you. It is not in vain for me to travel thousands of miles to come here." The son-in-law's neither arrogant nor impetuous attitude added to the From what she saw and heard on the way, Mrs. Tantai could not help but smile.

Mrs. Tantai praised her son-in-law from the bottom of her heart. What made her happiest was Tantai Mingyue, holding her mother's arm and looking at her husband, her eyes full of tenderness and happiness.

Relatives at home are all sending blessings and their loved ones are by their side. This is undoubtedly the happiest moment for Tantai Mingyue since the war began.

Only the handsome old man from Tantai pouted at the side. His daughter and wife were fooled by this guy, but he, an old man in the world, knew what kind of character his son-in-law was.

Usually he seems to be very clever and cunning, and occasionally he can compose a few arty and high-level poems to pretend to be a cultured person, but in his heart he is actually a reckless man, who will personally carry a gun and go into battle shirtless if he disagrees with him, which is very embarrassing. As a father-in-law, he lived in fear every day, fearing that he would accidentally disappear and his precious daughter would become a widow.

A good daughter is like a father. The old handsome man in Tantai doesn’t know the temper of his precious daughter. If Tang Dao dies, it’s no big deal that the daughter will never remarry in her life. In all likelihood, she will follow in Tang Dao’s footsteps and fight to the death with the Japanese invaders. In the end, until the end of his life.

Because of this guy, the old handsome guy in Tantai, who was deeply influenced by New Democracy, has now begun to believe in gods and Buddhas. He worships Buddha whenever he meets one without fear of being laughed at by his old friends in Kochi. It really breaks the old father's heart. .

His only hope now is that the two of them get married as soon as possible. When Tang Dao gets really bad, at least he can keep a small Dao Dao, and his daughter may be stronger.

But he didn't dare and couldn't tell his happy old wife these things.

My father is feeling miserable, who can I tell him?

Tang Dao

I can't help but?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ps: I have been writing about the battlefield for a long time, and suddenly Feng Yue is not used to this daily routine, and what’s more! The day when Fengyue made her mother-in-law happy was almost 20 years ago. If I didn’t write it down well, please forgive me!

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