Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1293 Gearing up and working hard!

New Year's Eve is a day for Chinese families to get together, and it also coincides with the group wedding of the four groups. Logically speaking, the size of the lunch must be high no matter what.

However, because there were indeed too many people on site, if we arranged the flowing seats as before, we would not be able to eat until any time.

At Tang Tuanzuo's suggestion, the general manager, Master Zhuang, developed perhaps the largest buffet of this era.

Of course, allowing tens of thousands of people to crowd in front of dozens of tables to get food is not self-service, it is completely self-inflicted.

The soldiers of the Fourth Army Regiment, friendly troops, family members, and guests from villages and towns were divided into four dining areas. The troops of the Fourth Army Regiment ate in their respective designated areas in units of battalions and companies. The escort teams accompanying the generals were at the scene, and the military families were on holiday. The returning soldiers accompanied them to the camp of the First and Second Battalions of the Sixing Regiment, while more than 2,000 guests from villages and towns dined at the recruit training camp.

This time, nearly 1.8 people were broken down.

Of course, for today's buffet, Zhuang Shisan invested a lot of effort. Just for the chefs, he mobilized all the cooking soldiers of the entire regiment and 1500 officers and soldiers from the supply camp, and invested nearly 2000 people.

I purchased more than 4 kilograms of various types of meat. There are not many vegetables in winter, basically cabbage, radishes, and potatoes. And the winter is cold, making stir-fries impractical, so all of them are served in a hot pot, a hot pot.

Pork and cabbage vermicelli stew, mutton stew soup, beef and potato stew, and chowder pot are the four main dishes. The staple food is rice and mantou. There are 200 people in a group. There are no tables, chairs or benches. Everyone just carries a big bowl and a big bowl. He poured a spoonful of his favorite meat into his bowl, squatting next to the big pot and cooking it vigorously.

Regardless of soldiers, civilians or officers, there is no exception!

However, alcohol is not provided. This is not because Tang Tuanzuo is stingy, but because there are too many people. The soldiers can be said to have discipline, but the people can't control that much. Once the alcohol is on the head, the boss will be in trouble. He is the third child.

The Military Supplies Office of the Fourth Army Regiment had already purchased an additional 5000 kilograms of Xifeng wine and packed it in porcelain bottles. When the military families and civilians left, regardless of men, women, old or young, they could receive a bottle and take it away. They could drink it at home after returning home in the evening.

"Damn it, Tang Dao is so rich. This meal alone must have cost tens of thousands of dollars!" Wang Xiaoqiang, who was squatting on the ground, was trying hard to stuff fat into his mouth while rushing to Cheng Lv next to him. Long nagging. "When we arrive at the station on the first day of the new year, Chief, should we give the brothers a hard time?"

"Eating meat is a trivial matter. As long as your 772nd regiment can win me some swords and guns this afternoon, I will give you half a catty of pork for each person in your 772nd regiment." Brigadier Cheng Da took a peek at the officers accompanying him. Tang Dao, who was squatting, glanced at him and quietly gave a reminder to his capable subordinate.

"That's really not easy. It's not like you don't know, Chief. The Si Xing Regiment is capable of fighting many animals. Just their reconnaissance company. I heard that five kilometers in full gear is a routine training program after getting up every day. What else is there in the mountains? The infantry company recruits all the mountain people from Yeyue Village, who are just like monkeys in the mountains." The one who can make the mad warrior general become timid before fighting is probably the Four Elements Regiment.

"Hey! Lao Xu, don't worry about eating! Your 771st regiment is the first regiment of my 921st division. You can guarantee it to the leader." Wang Xiaoqiang looked at Captain Xu who was trying to chew a big pig's trotter.

"Me?" Captain Xu, who has always been mature and prudent, replied slowly. "As long as the Four Lines Regiment does not send out soldiers from the reconnaissance company, it is possible. By the way, I forgot to remind you, Old Wang."


"Brothers from the 46th Independent Brigade went to add meat again."

"Damn it! I can withstand the Japs in battle, but I can't defend myself against friendly forces while eating!" Wang Xiaoqiang hurriedly tried his best to fight with the meat in the bowl.

The economic situation of the 6th Group Army in the past six months is actually not much better than when it first crossed the Yellow River. At least the army can guarantee rice, noodles and vegetables. A single person can even guarantee meters per pound of noodles every day. There is also two cents of salt, and from time to time, some sugar, tea, cigarettes, etc., but meat is still a luxury.

It's not just the 17th Army that is in such a miserable situation, it seems that the officers of the th Division are also the same. Everyone is full of food at this moment, even an army major general like Brigadier Kong Da.

It's not entirely because of poverty, but because the Zhongtiao Mountains and Taihang Mountains are so short of supplies that the people can barely feed themselves, so there is no surplus food to raise livestock such as pigs, sheep, and cattle.

If the battles were not too frequent and there were many Japanese spies and traitors who were afraid of exposing their targets, I am afraid that the company, division and brigade levels would have organized professional hunting teams to go hunting in the mountains just like the battalions and companies.

Perhaps only those with the support of caravans, such as the Si Xing Group, could organize caravans to stay away from the war zone and cross the Yellow River to buy supplies in Shaanxi Province.

"Hurry up, eat up, select people, and have a decisive battle in the arena with the Four Elements Group and the friendly forces in the afternoon! As long as you can win two events, I will give all the Qiufeng from Tang Dao to you two groups. The brigade headquarters will not care at all. Stay, and we'll give the whole brigade extra meals when we get back." Brigadier Cheng was eating meat hard while giving chicken blood to his two main regiment leaders.

"Really? Chief, are you not telling lies?" Wang Xiaoqiang's eyes suddenly turned bull's-eye.

Based on his understanding of his own leader, he would be able to get at least 20 or 30 of the brand-new Germanic-made submachine guns shown at today's wedding.

"Pig's trotters are proof!" Brigadier Cheng picked up a shiny pig's trotters. "If I don't do what I say, I won't be able to eat this stuff in my life."

This oath is cruel enough! Wang Xiaoqiang believed it.

"Who cares about the reconnaissance company and the mountain company? I'm willing to go all out and let the monk take the lead and send out my guard squad." Wang Xiaoqiang decided to sacrifice the strongest individual soldier under his command.

The monk was the deputy squad leader of the security squad he promoted after the Shanxi War.

A recruit who had just joined the army less than half a year ago could stand out among the ace infantry regiments of the 772th Army such as the nd Regiment and was promoted to the deputy squad leader of the guard squad by the line of fire. It is natural that he has extraordinary abilities.

It is true that this soldier's performance in the Battle of Jindong was too extraordinary. On the battlefield against the enemy, when there were only two people left in the class and the Japanese army had already rushed into the position, this soldier actually relied on the weapon in his hand. A big knife slashed 9 Japanese soldiers in succession, scaring the Japanese soldiers to the point of peeing and escaping from their position.

Then, this soldier who went completely crazy chased the escaping Japanese soldiers for nearly 60 meters in one breath, and hacked three more people to death before returning to the position.

That scene so dumbfounded the Japanese who were 300 meters away from the rear that they did not launch another attack for 20 minutes, and the two soldiers finally waited for reinforcements.

When Wang Xiaoqiang personally set foot on this battlefield after the war, he looked at the corpses of the Japanese soldiers that had been built as bunkers on the fortifications. He promoted this brave recruit to a corporal on the spot, and after a strict review, he became the bodyguard of the regimental commander. Deputy monitor of the class.

It has been tested in actual combat that the tactical command ability may be a little lacking, but the individual combat ability is absolutely as strong as the others. It can be regarded as an individual ace in Wang Xiaoqiang's hand.

"That's right! This is the spirit that Madman Wang should have!"

"Then I'll send Lao Pei to fight!" Captain Xu could only say helplessly.

The 772nd Regiment has a fierce general like Madman Wang who is unreasonable and chases dozens of people alone. The 771st Regiment also has a capable marksman.

However, Lao Pei is famous not only in the 771st Regiment, but also in the entire 683rd Brigade and even the 921st Division.

The battle in which this veteran, who is over 50 years old, became famous was when on the way of moving thousands of miles, in order to break through the enemy's position blocked by a machine gun bunker, Lao Pei shot through a narrow shooting hole and accurately killed the machine gunner.

But he was truly regarded as a top marksman only in the battle at Qigen Village. As a unit blocking Japanese reinforcements during an ambush, Lao Pei killed 30 Japanese soldiers by himself, consuming the bullets specially approved for him by Commander Xu. 36 rounds, and I still blame myself for this, feeling that it is such a waste of ammunition.

That wasn't target practice, it was actual combat. Such shooting skills, even Tang Tuanzuo would give a thumbs up if he knew about it.

"Haha! It seems that you two are well prepared! Then I can rest assured." Brigadier Cheng Da bit down hard on the pig's trotter in his hand.

"Sir, Brigadier Cheng over there is already encouraging the people below!" A colonel of the 46th Independent Brigade quickly reminded his brigade commander.

"Hehe! What's the use of just being enthusiastic? In the end, the competition still depends on strength. Have you selected all the personnel you asked?" Brigadier Kong Da smiled with great confidence.

Before coming to the Si Xing Regiment, he specifically asked the military commander who was most familiar with Tang Dao. He knew that the Si Xing Regiment intended to hold a military competition to celebrate New Year's Eve, and had already prepared the elite soldiers of the 46th Independent Brigade. Will. To put it bluntly, the big guys in divisions and brigades are all eating meat with great enthusiasm. In fact, they are secretly holding back their energy and waiting for the military competition in the afternoon.

After all, not only are the knives and guns brought out by Tang Dao impressive, but no one can lose the face of their own troops.

Those who can come are all warriors capable of hundreds of battles!

After lunch, as the director of the Games Organizing Committee, Mr. Liu announced the competition items, rules and reward distribution in public.

This military competition has four major categories: shooting, fighting, military obstacles, and military physical fitness, including pistol shooting, rifle shooting, machine gun shooting, small-caliber artillery shooting, unarmed combat, stabbing, pull-ups, and supine 10 events including sit-ups, push-ups, and military obstacle relay.

If the first 9 are contested by individual soldiers or three-person teams, which test personal strength, then the military obstacle relay must be registered as an infantry class unit, and personnel are not allowed to be transferred from other units to join together, so it is a test. It’s the overall strength.

As the host of the Military Competition Games, the Four Troops Regiment took the initiative to require that the personnel participating in the Games should be four infantry battalions, and the infantry squads participating in the last military obstacle relay race were not sent by their respective commanders themselves. Instead, several directors and deputy directors of the organizing committee drew from the infantry squad numbers provided by each brigade.

Whether it is delineating the order of their own participating troops or requiring the selection of infantry squads to participate in the team competition, it is actually slightly unfair to the Four Lines Group.

Because, in addition to the guard battalions and companies, those who can accompany the military chiefs are the most elite infantry in each department.

For example, even though the 22nd Army had the lowest equipment and the lowest treatment among all the troops, the personnel brought by Commander Li were in neat military uniforms, full of energy, and equipped with submachine guns and shell guns.

However, even so, no one feels relaxed.

During the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain, the Four Troops Regiment relied on part of these four infantry battalions to send that old boy Kunozaki to the hospital. It is said that he is still moaning in his bed!

The project has been decided, but that is not the point. The military generals and generals are all waiting to see the rewards, right?

Since the dozens of new submachine guns were revealed, and it is a special holiday like New Year's Eve, this competition has been destined to be more than just a stage to showcase the qualities of the military personnel.

Regardless of whether it is an individual competition or a team competition, the officers and soldiers sent by each army represent the respective brigades and divisions.

The armies are on good terms with the Si Xing Regiment. In addition to the ability of the Si Xing Regiment to fight hard, they also have the intention of defeating Qiu Feng, a wealthy group like the Si Xing Regiment.

Human nature is complex and three-dimensional, just like love between men and women. If a boy says to a girl, I just admire you and have no possessiveness at all, let such a person go away as soon as possible.

If any of the army chiefs had no selfish motives, then Tang Dao would be far away from this one. If they were not selfish, they might have murderous intentions.

Just like the guy from Shancheng, he doesn't despise the little possessions of the Four Elements Group, but his terrifying desire to control is far more terrifying than coveting the possessions.

"The friendly forces arriving at our Si Xing Regiment include the commanders of the 921st Division, 17th Division, 104th Division, 101st Division, 12th Division, and 28th Division. Together with our Si Xing Regiment, there are a total of 6 divisions and one regiment. In order to avoid too many participants, For a long time, each division-level unit can only have 2 people for each individual event, and our four-line regiment can have 1 person. The same is true for the small-caliber gun event. In the collective obstacle course relay, each division and our regiment can only have one team. Sir, please see How about it?" Tang Dao, as the host, first put forward constructive suggestions.

"We can't always take advantage of the Si Xing Group. It's better to have one person from each department and each project. Winning or losing depends on personal ability." Brigadier Hu of the 28th Division couldn't wait to speak.

"That's right!" The deputy commander of the 12th Division nodded.

Two old foxes! Several teachers and commanders secretly cursed in their hearts.

Brigadier Hu Da's seemingly lofty reasons were actually for his own sake.

The chief officers of the 921st Division, the 17th Division, the 104th Division, and the 101st Division all attended in person, and they led troops at the guard battalion level, especially the 921st Division and the 17th Division. Even the brigade commander and regimental commander came five or six times each. There are more than a thousand people in the guard force, unlike him and Deputy Commander Cun of the 28th Division, who only lead one guard company and one reinforced infantry platoon.

Can choosing one from a thousand be the same as choosing one from a hundred? If these divisions are allowed to send one more person, what will happen to the two divisions?

"Since Brigadier Hu said so, I think it's more fair to follow what Brigadier Hu said and have one person from each department and project." The white-haired general nodded.

The white-haired general did not want to give face to Brigadier Hu Da, but to give face to the 12th Division. During the Battle of Munan Town, the 12th Division sent a guard company to rescue him. Without that guard company to risk his life, I am afraid Long Yan Even if the gods come down to earth, they can't stop a thousand!

"That's it. In terms of rewards, this military competition will be based on friendship first and competition second. The first place in the individual competition will be rewarded with 12 oceans and 38 MP6 submachine guns. The second place will be rewarded with 10 oceans. 5 strokes, and so on. For seventh place, a triangular military spur made by our regiment will be given as a commemorative prize.

For the top three in the group competition, the first place will be rewarded with 100 yuan, 15 submachine guns, and 15 tactical knives; the second place will be rewarded with 70 yuan, 7 submachine guns, and 7 tactical knives; the third place will be rewarded with 40 yuan and a submachine gun. 3 poles, 3 tactical knives!

The rest of the participating infantry squads all received commemorative awards, including 30 yuan, a submachine gun, and a tactical knife!

What do you think, sirs? "Tang Dao said the reward conditions.

Several generals present were collectively stunned.

Tang Dao's reward conditions are simply beyond their imagination. There are 10 individual competitions, and the submachine guns that are taken out as rewards are 210. In the team competition, there are 25 submachine guns, and the total is 235. If you add in Tactical knife and ocean, the value of this reward is well over 10 ocean.

Moreover, those new submachine guns and tactical knives cannot be bought with money. After this trip, who dares to say that it is not worth it?

However, how much can be taken away depends on the strength of the officers and soldiers under his command.

Perhaps, it's more than that.

"You kid, you are not only testing the soldiers of us old guys, but you are also plotting against us old guys! Be careful not to be compared!" Master Liu smiled slightly and pointed out Tang Dao's little trick. thought.

Tang Dao's move seems to be a big giveaway, and there are rewards for the top six. Even if the troops are the worst, they are all at the bottom. Together, they can get away with 10 submachine guns, at least they will not let the big guys go home empty-handed.

But if you use this rule to play some kind of tactics such as Tian Ji's horse racing, you might not be able to steal the opportunity to get more rewards among many powerful enemies.

The total reward is 235 submachine guns, and 7 troops compete. As long as they can get 30 submachine guns, they will be considered as guaranteed.

Isn’t the general present a battle-hardened veteran? If you don't figure out the reason right away, you have to test the tactics of these commanders.

"How dare you? Don't you try your best to make everyone happy!" Tang Dao wouldn't recognize it.

If he admits it, then he, a little colonel, is using his equipment to force a group of generals to play with him. Isn't that just asking for trouble?

Of course, perhaps Mr. Liu didn't realize Tang Dao's true intention.

Tang Dao had no confidence in others, but he had full confidence in him. The strategic and tactical ability of this army lieutenant general was definitely the best among all present.

Showing your muscles now will definitely be enough when you have to make choices in the future.

Including this military competition, it is actually Tang Dao's advance arrangements for the next few years.

The strength of the Si Xing Regiment and the 921st Division lies not only in their equipment, not only in their soldiers, but also in their commanders!

After the war was won, Tang Dao hoped that these friendly soldiers would still have the opportunity to sit together and have a drink and talk.

"In this way, if the officer is willing to sign an IOU for the firearms and tactical knives that our Four Lines Regiment receives as a reward, just write down how much guns and ammunition he owes to our Four Lines Regiment, and he can take it away!" Tang Dao said in his last sentence. The generals who were still thinking about it collectively broke the defense.

"I will sign seven or eight for you right now, and give me the gun, and it will all count for the first place." The words of Commander Li of the 104th Division made everyone laugh.

In front of the equipment, no small thoughts are important.

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