Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1295 Military Games

Chapter 1295 Military Competition (Part )

Over there, Yang Shoucheng, who was the fourth to run to the shooting position, had already reported his shooting ring number, which caused cheers from the surrounding four regiments and sighs from the other officers and soldiers.

The young shooter sent by the Four Lines Group is really strong. He actually scored 300 rings on the 47-meter random target. This is nothing.

Looking at the order of his target paper, you can tell that the first shot scored 8 rings, which was due to the heavy physical exertion after running 800 meters. As the physical fitness gradually recovered and the feeling was found, the second shot scored 9 rings, and the next three shots all scored 10 rings. rings.

This also means that if this person is allowed to occupy a fixed shooting position and fire cold shots from a distance of 300 meters, he can almost guarantee that he will kill 5 people with 5 bullets in a magazine.

No soldier would want to encounter such an opponent on the battlefield.

This result is at least 3 rings ahead of the three people who started shooting in front of him. Although the first shooter to enter the shooting position has the opportunity to add one ring, under the same number of rings, the shooter who comes first will be ranked higher. But it is already guaranteed to rank in the top four.

In fact, in the minds of many people, Yang Shoucheng, the shooter from the Four Elements Group, is almost the number one, if nothing else.

But obviously, that's just what they thought.

The only person Wu Naudi mentioned that made him unsure was the gray-haired veteran from the Eightyth Army.

Veterans wearing cuff No. 1 do not have an advantage in physical strength.

The 800-meter weight-bearing race made the veteran who was already over years old run all the way to the shooting position. Not only was his face covered with sweat, but his no longer strong chest was rising and falling like an old bellows. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that this man The veterans really tried their best to catch up with the young shooters.

But when he only rested for five seconds before ringing the gong and crawling to the shooting position, his old gun became more stable, making the crowd of onlookers feel unparalleled confidence.

Sure enough, for five consecutive random targets, the veteran quickly and decisively swung the muzzle to fire, pulled the bolt, swung the muzzle again, and fired. The entire shooting process was like a smooth flow, and there was no even aiming process.

Although the veteran's results haven't come out yet, Lieutenant Niu Er, who put down the telescope, shook his head and sighed: "Uncle Pei already has what the regimental commander said about the gun feel. He has already decided on the number one spot. Xiao Yang can't beat him." , but judging from his performance today, it’s no problem to finish second.”

"Gun sense? Brother Niu Er, can you tell me how many people in our four-line team have reached this level? Can my brother Shoucheng do it one day?" Tudou, who was cheering Yang Shoucheng on the side, didn't get the first place. I'm not too disappointed, but more curious.

Perhaps not only was he curious, but Shen Laoliu and No Brain were also looking over. They also wanted to hear the evaluation of the top shooters in the group from the current top shooter.

Wang Xiaoqiang, who was sitting further away, couldn't help but prick up his ears. Pei Tianlai, a veteran with extremely high shooting talent, looked at the 921st Division, which had tens of thousands of regular troops and militiamen, but there was only one person there.

"Let me think about it, it's about this number!" Niu Er thought about it seriously and pointed three fingers at the potato.

"Where's Xiao Yang? He was able to take second place this time. In addition to his own shooting talent and battlefield combat, it was also thanks to the Mosin Nagant in his hand. The trajectory was stable and straight. It was considered the best among all seven players in the competition. The most suitable bolt-fire rifle to use as a sniper rifle.

If he were replaced by squad leader Mei, he would probably be able to secure second place even with the Hanyang-made model used by the veteran.

What Xiao Yang lacks now is that he has not been able to snipe the enemy alone away from the frontline combat troops. Only in that extreme environment where he completely loses the protection of his comrades, can he survive after successfully sniping the enemy, relying entirely on his own brains and marksmanship. Only in this way can he stimulate his greater potential and break through himself.

If your guard company commander is willing to release him and let him come to our reconnaissance company for half a year to train, I promise to give your 2nd company a super shooter. "

"Little Potato, don't stop talking nonsense with Steak. If you keep talking a little more, you will also have the talent of a scout." Old Abacus quickly stopped the nonsense between his soldier and the scout company's sharpshooter.

This poaching is too naive, and this is while he is still the squad leader.

"Hey, brother Abacus, don't tell me. With Tudou's mind and judgment of the battlefield situation, he is really suitable for being a scout, but his body is not fully grown yet. In another year and a half, Company Commander Lu will not be able to handle it. He will go to the regimental commander to approve the note and ask for the person." Niu Er laughed.

"Good guy, let alone what you want to dig out, I've even found a target for one year from now. To tell you the truth, there's no way, I, the squad leader, are just for potatoes." Old Abacus angrily picked up his own He took a big sip from his pipe pot.

"Uncle, I don't want to be the squad leader!" Tudou was a little shy.

"What?" Old Abacus was stunned.

"I want to be a regiment leader in the future, just like the regimental commander!" Tudou bravely expressed his ideal.

"A good boy, with ideals and ambitions, but let me tell you a secret. The regimental commander said that he started out as a scout!" Shen Laoliu gave a thumbs up and praised wildly.

"Get out! Get out! I just said there is no good person in the reconnaissance company!" Old Abacus wished he could throw a pipe pot at him, if Shen Laoliu wasn't the groom's officer.

As for Shen Laoliu's rank of second lieutenant, Lao Baanpan really didn't take it seriously. With his current rank of third-level sergeant major, he didn't need to give a military salute before meeting the company commander.

Wang Xiaoqiang was stunned, this young man really dared to brag! It would be great to have one shooter of this level, but there are three in the Four Elements Group?

"Instructor Niu, you said there are three in our group, let me guess." No-brainer looked thoughtful and cast his gaze in the direction of Shen Laoliu.

"You count them as regimental commander and instructor Niu, and this one is left. Could it be..."

"Brother Mei, don't scare me. I can't compete with the regimental commander and instructor Niu." Shen Laoliu waved his hands repeatedly.

Although he is essentially a sixth man, Shen Laoliu is very self-aware. His shooting skills are pretty good, but in the reconnaissance company, he can only rank among the top five. Even against the brainless, he cannot guarantee stability. win.

That mysterious and mysterious so-called gun sense, he only had it occasionally when he faced enemies a few times, but it was extremely difficult to find that feeling afterwards.

"No, I mean Pang Zilong!" He pointed his finger at the cook who had been sitting there silently watching the game without thinking.

"That guy should have a shooting talent that is incomparable to ordinary people. Otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve such a record."

"That's right, the regimental commander specifically came to me a few days ago and asked me to lead him more. He said that his talent for gun sense is even better than mine. As long as he can survive half a year on the battlefield, our regiment will have more troops. A super sniper." Niu Er nodded.

Hearing the names of Tang Dao and the special merit winner, Wang Xiaoqiang could only admit that Niu Er was really not bragging.

He had witnessed Tang Dao's shooting technique with his own eyes. It was really accurate. Even if it killed an enemy with one shot from 500 meters away, it would not surprise anyone.

Pang Zilong, a cook, could kill a lying Japanese soldier 360 meters away with his naked eyes. If he didn't have an extremely terrifying talent, it would really make them, veterans who have been immersed in the battlefield for ten years, alive.

However, Wang Xiaoqiang soon felt relieved. No matter how strong the Si Xing Regiment was, the honor of being the best rifle shooter of the 6st Regiment of the 1th Division should belong to his 921st Division.

Because veteran Pei Tianlai's results have come out.

Five rings, except for the first shot of 9 rings which is slightly off the red heart, the rest are all 10 rings!

6 new submachine guns, just like that.

When they heard this impressive result, not only the officers and soldiers of the 921st Division Guard Battalion outside the field burst into cheers, but also the officers and soldiers of the other units burst into warm applause.

This is a tribute from elite soldiers to veterans. It is really powerful.

Almost no one can shake the first and second place rankings, but when the results of all shooters come out, there is still something surprising.

There are 6 infantry divisions plus the Four Lines Regiment. In fact, everyone basically has a ranking of strength. If the Four Lines Regiment is ranked first by most people, then the 22th Division of the 104nd Army is ranked last.

This is not to say that there is any prejudice against the Sichuan Army. The Anti-Japanese War has been going on for almost two years. The Sichuan Army has used blood and lives to justify its name. Their equipment is like a beggar army, but mentally they are definitely one of the strongest infantry in China.

But it has to be said that the Sichuan Army's equipment and soldier quality are still inferior to those of the Eightyth Army, the Northwest Army, the Yunnan Army, and the Shanxi-Sui Army.

This is really closely related to the ten years of civil war in Sichuan Province. The kind of civil war consumption in which you are the boss today and I will come back tomorrow not only failed to cultivate elite soldiers, but also was a great drain on the Sichuan army.

This also caused the Sichuan Army to fight every time it fought, it was a life and death battle! If the Sichuan people hadn't had the spirit of "Brother Pao will never defecate," and they would annihilate entire battalions and entire regiments and risk the lives of little Japs, they would not only have suffered heavy losses in battle, but also suffered even more defeats.

The combat effectiveness of the Sichuan Army was mostly built with human lives.

But the third place in rifle shooting turned out to be a staff sergeant who was nearly 104 years old sent by the 30th Division. He was only 1.65 meters tall and had an extremely ordinary face. He could outrun the white-haired veteran in the 800-meter run.

But this sergeant's score turned out to be a terrifying 47 rings, which was also 8 rings for the first shot, 9 rings for the second shot, and 10 rings for each of the last three shots.

The guns used were even more jaw-dropping. The sergeant used a Sichuan-made Type 22 rifle. This type of gun was the standard rifle used by the nd Army when it left Sichuan. It was manufactured by the Sichuan Army Arsenal in Shancheng.

However, the maximum effective range of this gun is 300 meters, it is easy to jam, and its performance is not as good as that of the old Hanyang-made gun. The 22nd Army, which is now gradually changing its equipment, has abandoned it.

Who would have thought that this veteran could still use it and achieve such terrifying results?

Afterwards, Tang Dao, who heard about this, specially sent a Mosin Nagant plus a 4x scope to Commander Li and asked him to pass it on to the veteran. It was not that he looked down on the old gun, but that he had new equipment on the battlefield that would be even more powerful. Cause damage to Japanese troops.

The 104th Division showed its face severely, but this time it pushed the Jinsui Army, which won the pistol competition, to the last position.

In fact, under the hard work of the stingy old man, the big brothers of the Jinsui Army have much better equipment than the other divisions. A large number of submachine guns and shell guns are distributed to the guard troops, emphasizing short-range continuous firepower. This rifle shooting is obviously inferior. too much.

Fortunately, there was already a first support scene, and the army colonel commander of the 101st Division was still talking and laughing.

The highlight, machine gun shooting, is the most exciting.

Although the shooting distance this time is still 300 meters, the target has been changed. It is a wooden target similar to the size of an adult. The bullet-receiving surface should not be too small. The number of rings will not be counted by then, but the target will be hit on the head and chest of the wooden man. Whoever has more wins.

The random wooden man target stayed on the target for 10 seconds, but the target ditch for lifting the wooden man soldiers was not on the same level. It was far and near, which was equivalent to simulating a large-scale enemy attack.

Each machine gunner only has a 20-round magazine, but there are four targets in total. Long bursts of fire based on probability are definitely not enough. You must use precise bursts to have a chance of hitting all four wooden men 300 meters away. The target must be hit in the fatal parts of the head and chest to be considered successful, which can be called a hellish level of difficulty.

Many machine gunners at the scene felt that they could shoot at one wave and hit one or two targets with probability, and they were satisfied!

But what frightens many friendly officers even more is that the well-proportioned target trenches of this shooting range were by no means built recently. Apparently the shooters of the Fourth Line Regiment often train like this.

It was a hellish test for them, but for the machine gun shooters of the Four Elements Regiment, it was just daily training. This is obviously how the Four Elements Regiment surpassed North China in combat effectiveness.

Unfortunately, even if he thought of it, the steady leader Xu of the 771st Regiment could only smile bitterly.

Although their ammunition problem has fundamentally changed now compared to a year ago, after a war, each soldier can be equipped with an average of 80 rounds of ammunition, a light machine gun can be equipped with 600 rounds of ammunition, and a heavy machine gun can be equipped with 1500 rounds of ammunition. But it must not be like the Four Lines Regiment, where the daily training volume of machine gunners can reach the 5-magazine standard.

That's a total waste of money!

However, this machine gun shooting range can only accommodate four shooters shooting at the same time, so the shooting order is determined based on running speed.

Whoever can reach the top three will have enough time to rest and wait until the bottom four have finished shooting before entering the shooting position.

This is fair. The cruel battlefield will not only test your shooting skills, but also your physical strength.

A mature machine gunner often has to carry a machine gun and follow the troops on a rapid march, and then he has to go into battle. The enemy doesn't care whether you were vomiting blood just running.

As expected, Long Yan was running like an animal. He was carrying a 20-kilogram stone and a Czech-made light machine gun. He even didn't want to put down his beloved Jiuli clan sword, which was 5 kilograms heavier than the others. Under the weight-bearing condition, he managed to complete the entire process in 2 minutes and 10 seconds.

The people around him looked confused. Wasn't this guy a porter before joining the army?

Mr. Liu’s secret weapon did not live up to expectations. He ran to third place and gained a precious 2 minutes of rest time.

The legendary machine gunner even hit the wooden target with extremely precise short bursts in the next round. The 20 bullets he fired left 16 bullet holes in the head, chest and abdomen of the wooden target.

This means that 300 meters away, this machine gunner has a 20-round magazine and has the continuous firepower to kill several people.

This is almost like using a light machine gun with extremely strong recoil as a rifle for point-killing. It is still the kind that does not require pulling the bolt. The killing speed should not be too fast.

Facing such a machine gunner, even if there is an infantry platoon, they will never dare to stand up straight easily. It is safer to lie down.

If it were the future recruits born in the 00s, they would probably only be able to express the shock in their hearts by saying "Who knows! Family members!" from the bottom of their hearts.

"Nima, do you want to be so awesome?" Lieutenant Long, who once killed hundreds of people with an MG34 machine gun, couldn't help but open his mouth when he heard this result.

The tragic winner of the Grand Merit of the Four Elements Regiment, this wave of 4 wooden man targets were hit, but the total number of bullet holes hitting the head, chest and abdomen was only 5, only one-third of that of the th Group Army Also with a twist.

The machine gunners sent by several other divisions may have used this rule for the first time, and their results were equally disastrous. The machine gunners of the 12th Division simply did not hit a single target, and simply fired 10 rounds in a long burst. Bullets fired at the third target.

But unfortunately, this man was lucky, and 10 of the 4 bullets hit him, all in the vital points of the chest and abdomen. Together with the ones on the other two targets, it miraculously surpassed Lieutenant Long's fatal bullet hole.

Good guy, Lieutenant Long Yanlong, the grand merit winner of the Four Elements Regiment and known as the 'God of Machine Gun War', actually came in last place.

Shen Laoliu, my brother-in-law, was so embarrassed that he found a crack in the ground to hide.

"What's the matter! My specialty is shooting living creatures, these dead targets are not in my world!" Lieutenant Long did not feel frustrated at all, but instead comforted his blushing brother-in-law. "Brother-in-law, just tell me! When I ran with a knife and a gun just now, I was far ahead of the others. Isn't it handsome?"

"He's handsome, but don't make such a big reversal! If you rank sixth, my old face will look better!" Shen Laoliu sighed, with a melancholy look on his face.

Long Yan was ranked last, and the most embarrassing person should be Captain Gu Dal of the Mountain Infantry Company, but his brother-in-law would be unlucky.

He just boasted about Haikou. If his stupid brother-in-law couldn't make it into the top three, he would treat the brothers sitting nearby to eat meat and drink wine in the evening.

As a result, my stupid brother-in-law ranked seventh!

What's more important is that today is his wedding night! What's the big deal about inviting someone to drink?

No wonder my wife, who was sitting over there just now, looked at me with cold eyes.

This is my dear brother Mo Rujie! Knowing that the reason why Long Yan was so awesome on the battlefield at that time was purely because of the times that made heroes, he was forced to use up all his potential. In this situation without pressure, his level could be one-third of what it was during that time. That’s pretty good.

In other words, if his life is not hanging by a thread and is about to end, Long Yan will not shake his body and completely explode the small universe. Apart from being able to run and talk nonsense, he is just a scumbag!

Then you take the initiative to sign up for your nickname? Thinking of this, Shen Laoliu wanted to kick this shameless guy away.

After three competitions at the branch venue, the 921 Division won two first places and became the biggest winner.

Only grenade shooting is left, let’s see which other companies can compete for the first place!

This time the rules are simple, the distance is 500 meters, the maximum range of the grenade.

There are five machine gun fortifications built with wood and sandbags that can only be seen clearly in the dense forest in the mountains. Each person has five rounds. There is no chance to test fire. The one with the most hits wins!

(End of this chapter)

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