Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 1317 Stupid 3er

Guangping County is a small county under Handan City, with a permanent population of less than 7000. After the war, the population dropped sharply to less than .

At this time, the focus of the Japanese North China Front was still on operations against southeastern Shanxi and Zhongtiao Mountains and on breaking through the natural dangers of the Yellow River. Except for a few large cities, they actually did not pay much attention to the people's livelihood and economic development of other small cities in the occupied areas.

Not to mention a small county like Guangping County, especially after the arrival of the 10rd Infantry Regiment of the 63th Division, it was directly turned into a large military camp. One-third of the area is classified as a military control zone.

There were military camps and baggage storage areas within the military control zone, and all the Chinese people living there were brutally expelled!

Almost no one resisted, and the bloody bayonets in the hands of the Japanese army showed the results of resistance to more than a thousand people, old, weak, women, and children.

Those who have relatives in the countryside can naturally choose to stay with relatives and friends and have a place to live. However, some people at the bottom who have lived in the county for generations and make a living by doing odd jobs are miserable. They can basically only live in the Japanese army or the puppet army. Under surveillance, he was forced to live on the street carrying only the pots, pans, bedding and bedding at home.

Zhang Saner is one of these people who lost their homes!

As an apprentice in a blacksmith shop, Zhang Saner has mastered the skills of making kitchen knives, hoes and other household ironware. He dreamed of becoming a master blacksmith one day and earning enough money to marry his neighbor, a man he grew up with. Sister, give birth to a few more babies and your life will be complete.

As for whether the Japanese would come or not, Zhang Saner, who had not studied for a few days, never cared about it. No matter who came to rule this city, he would have to use kitchen knives and hoes. He would fight his kitchen knives and work hard to make money to support his family. good.

But the dream was shattered six months ago. Zhang Saner will never forget that day. When he came back from the blacksmith shop and passed by the door of his neighbor's house, he heard loud cries. He opened the door and walked into the small courtyard to see that the whole People are stupid.

His sky is falling!

The beautiful woman who had grown up with him was lying on the straw mat in the main room with a pale face. Her beautiful red eyes were no longer open. They were so wide open that they seemed to pop out of her eye sockets. Her once watery eyes were gray. Staring at the sky vaguely, as if hating God's injustice.

Several Japanese soldiers came to drink in the alleys of Xicheng and met A-mei who had just returned from laundry. They openly broke into the house and insulted her. A-mei, who could not bear the humiliation, hanged herself afterwards.

Zhang Saner woke up from his grief, rushed into the kitchen, picked up a kitchen knife, and was about to fight the Japanese, but his parents hugged him tightly and begged him not to go.

From then on, Zhang Saner behaved like a fool, even when he was kicked out of his home by the Japanese, and his parents led him to stay at the base of the City God's Temple in the city, relying on building an awning to survive the cold wind at the end of spring. Leng Yu and Zhang San'er didn't show any sadness or pain.

Because, on that day, all his life and hope were gone. He was alive, but he was also dead.

Except for his elderly parents, no one cares about him anymore. When he drags his tired body home with a sledgehammer all day, no one waits at the door of the house, hands him a bowl of sugar water, and looks at him. I drank it all in one gulp and went home happily holding the bowl in my arms.

In his dream, there would still be that graceful figure and the thick black braids swinging briskly, but that person never turned his head and smiled at him.

The Japanese and puppet troops patrolling the area around the City God's Temple all knew that Zhang San'er was such a prominent figure and called him Silly San'er. The Japanese even sometimes peeled off a few toffees and threw them away in order to get them. , let Zhang Saner, who had hollow eyes and seemed like a wooden man without a soul, pick it up.

If Zhang San'er didn't pick it up, he would be beaten and kicked by several Japanese soldiers. It wasn't until he saw Zhang San'er lying on his stomach like a dog with a bloody head and holding toffee in his mouth that the Japanese soldiers watching laughed. The satisfaction of successfully training your dog.

But no one knew that the moment he put the sweet toffee in his mouth, the Japanese soldier looked like a stupid dog and tried his best to hold back the tears in his red eyes.

His heart was dead, but his hatred for the Japanese never dissipated!

No one would be wary of a fool. This was the best disguise Zhang Saner found for herself after a month of grief and confusion.

Zhang San'er knew that there was someone from the underground resistance organization in the blacksmith shop. It took him four months to gain the trust of the other party, but his daily task was to continue to be a fool and wander around the City God's Temple.

Over the past few months, Zhang Saner could almost tell with his eyes closed that there were puppet army and Japanese sentries at the junction of the northwest city, and that there were hidden Japanese who could not be seen on the street.

Until today, he finally received a task to lead the underground resistance organization members who had sneaked into the county to Xicheng.

Because the Japanese have issued a curfew since yesterday, no one is allowed to go out on the streets after 8 p.m. Zhang Saner is sitting at the door of the Chenghuang Temple, which is where he spends most time at night, even if the Japanese army has a patrol If you pass by, you will find it strange.

A homeless idiot is harmless and can occasionally make people laugh. Scolding him is a waste of time.

Zhang Saner sat like this until 2 o'clock in the morning, until he heard a slight chirping of cicadas.

Northern cicadas in China usually emerge from the ground in late May, but occasionally they emerge early in mid-to-early. At this time, the cicadas are still relatively weak, and their voices are far less loud than in July. In this relatively sunny day, At night in late spring and early summer, it is not out of the ordinary.

But Zhang San'er's muscles suddenly tightened, two long and one short, which was the secret code agreed in advance.

So, Zhang San'er, who had been sitting still, stood up, his expression as dull as usual, and walked towards the dark alley behind the Chenghuang Temple.

"What's your date?" a deep voice asked in the darkness.

"I'm Sha San'er!" Zhang San'er answered seriously.

"Very good, I heard about you. As long as you don't let us down, I guarantee that you can take revenge by killing a few Japanese beasts with your own hands today." A tall and strong figure came out of the corner in the darkness.

Zhang San'er tried his best to narrow his pupils, but could not clearly see the face of the tall figure in the darkness, but he stubbornly shook his head slightly.

"I don't want revenge!"

"Huh?" The tall figure who was getting closer and closer to Zhang San'er asked softly.

"I want to kill all the Japanese, all of them!" Zhang San'er's eyes burst out with overwhelming hatred.

"Okay! As you wish, today we will kill all the Japanese in this county, but first you have to lead us to find them. It would be best if we can do it without guns." Long Yan was not far away from Zhang San'er. Stopping one meter away, he replied with a smile.

"Here is a puppet army post. There used to be an infantry squad of 13 people. In the past two days, all the puppet troops have left, so the Japanese came in person. There were only 4 people in the squad;

Here, 25 meters away from the sentry post, there is an empty house. There are three people inside. They will not be there during the day, but they will definitely be there at night. Two groups of people with six guns can support each other and block the road to the West City. street.


Hearing the promise from the black figure who was more than half a head taller than him, Zhang Saner gave up on seeing the other person's face clearly, picked up a stone from the ground, and drew a picture on the dirt floor of the alley while explaining the surrounding neighborhoods in detail. The Japanese troops deployed their defenses.

"Okay! If it works, I'll give you a big credit!" Long Yan looked at the blacksmith shop apprentice who not only drew the location, distance, and even clearly reported the number of people, with appreciation in his eyes.

It is the Chinese, especially the Chinese in the occupied areas. More than half of them have a blood feud with the Japanese army, but there is not one in a hundred who can pretend to be crazy and stupid for half a year for revenge, and can also figure out the Japanese army's defenses so clearly.

This once simple young man definitely had unparalleled perseverance and observation skills. He was the budding talent of the top intelligence officer or scout.

"I said, I don't want anything else, as long as I can kill all the Japanese, everything!" Zhang San'er didn't even raise his head, expressing his stubbornness in a muffled voice.

"Let's go! You lead us to find them and kill them." Long Yan grinned slightly.

They said it was us, but in fact, there was only one person following Zhang Saner.

A thin young man wearing a flashy military uniform with black marks on his face. Once he was in a dark corner, he couldn't see clearly even if he tried to squint his eyes.

Just looking at his small body, Zhang Saner, who had been helping his master with a sledgehammer for three years in the blacksmith shop, felt that he could knock him out with one punch. If possible, the big man who had talked to him before was obviously more reliable.

But that big man seemed to be a little greedy for life and afraid of death. He was obviously leading a dozen people, all of whom were carrying submachine guns and had a pistol stuck in their thighs, but they were all hiding on the street corner about 40 meters away from the sentry post.

Zhang Saner, who led the thin young man around the alley until they reached the back wall of the courtyard where the Japanese troops were hiding, finally couldn't help but suggested softly: "Brother, there are two Japanese in there, both with guns and bayonets." ." The young man didn't say anything. He just patted Zhang San'er's shoulder. His voice was very soft, but it carried an extremely powerful self-confidence: "Wait!"

Then, he gently put his hand on the back wall, and like a civet cat, he climbed up the wall and disappeared from Zhang San'er's sight.

Zhang San'er swore that even a civet cat would not be able to climb up the wall so lightly, nor would it make any sound when jumping down. He had already pricked his ears just now, but he didn't hear any sound.

If the strength on his shoulders hadn't just dissipated, Zhang San'er could be sure that the young man had really existed just now. Zhang San'er almost thought he had brought a ghost.

Zhang San'er pinched his thigh hard in an effort to free himself from the extremely unreal feeling.

Anyone can die, but he cannot die. If he dies, we will not see all the Japanese here being killed.

No one could help close A-mei's eyes until they were buried. He knew what A-mei, who was soft on the outside but strong on the inside, was thinking before she died. She wanted to tell God that she wanted to watch the Japanese die, even if she went underground. .

He is now the eyes A-mei has left in this world, and he helps her look at them.

There was an extremely slight 'gurgle' sound coming from the room, a very strange sound that made Zhang San'er's muscles tense up again.

Less than 30 seconds after the strange sound disappeared, a black shadow came out from the backyard wall. Facing Zhang San'er's horrified eyes, he patted him on the shoulder in the same old posture: "Yes, there are two Japs, one I stabbed him in the heart with his bayonet, and I broke his neck. Your fiancée’s spirit in heaven will see it.”

Zhang Saner's eye circles turned red!

But soon, Zhang Saner, who was withdrawn from his sadness, turned his attention to the sentry and fortifications more than 20 meters away. There was a lantern hanging high there. Although the light was dim, who would have thought of entering the fortifications quietly like this? It's absolutely impossible.

Zhang Saner knew that after the curfew was issued, four Japanese people would work shifts at night, and at least one of them would not sleep. He once took the risk to peek from the surrounding alleys at two o'clock last night, and saw a cigarette butt flickering in the dark. Dark, indicating that someone is awake.

"So, it's up to you to see if those Japanese people will guard against you, the idiot from the City God's Temple!" Mingxin grinned slightly in the darkness, revealing his white teeth.

"I only need you to attract the awake Japanese for five seconds. As long as he doesn't shoot, I have a chance to prevent them from pulling the trigger in the future."

Before Shen Laoliu led his reconnaissance platoon to set off, he made only one request to the company commander Lu Sanjiang, to send his old partner Sergeant Mingxin to help him. Now Mingxin is not affiliated with any reconnaissance platoon and usually serves as a reconnaissance platoon. The company's combat instructor is also temporarily designated as a sniper and fire supporter by the company when performing missions. He is the sharpest knife in the reconnaissance company.

This was not the first time that Shen Laoliu led the entire platoon to attack as a platoon leader. The battle at Wangwushan had already shown this veteran's accurate judgment of the battle situation. The veteran who took the command again had an intuition that this battlefield might be more than just It's as simple as rushing to help.

Sure enough, a series of changes in the Zijing Mountain puppet army made Wei Donglai keenly aware of the opportunity. The Japanese army thought they had captured the main force of the 80th Group Army and the underground resistance army in Guangping County, and mobilized a large number of troops to attack Pan. On the front line of the village, they stole their homes.

Mountain infantry platoons, reconnaissance platoons, and guard platoons are simply good at doing this kind of thing!

Wei Donglai had not thought of doing this when he received the intelligence that the Japanese infantry in the county had been significantly reduced. However, Guangping County has city walls and fortifications. If a storm were to take place, the losses would be too great, and the Panzhai front line was only a few kilometers away from Guangping County. 12 kilometers, if the main force of the Japanese army returns with full support, it can be reached in more than 2 hours.

However, the Chinese forces in Guangping County are now concentrated in Panzhai, and it is almost impossible to spare their forces to carry out the familiar "attack point to provide reinforcements" on the Japanese army's way back to reinforcements.

But with the cover of the puppet army, all this will be possible!

With Mingxin, the sharpest knife of the Four Lines Regiment, it would be much easier for the three platoons who entered the county through the tunnel to hide before launching an attack to deal with the Japanese sentries posted at key thoroughfares in the city.

For example, the area around the Chenghuang Temple is the most important passage to Xicheng District where the Japanese garrison is located.

Intelligence showed that in addition to the four city guards, the Japanese army's wing headquarters and an infantry escort squad were all in Xicheng District.

Shen Laoliu led the reconnaissance platoon to deal with the Japanese troops in the north and south cities. Qin Wulang led the guard platoon to deal with the enemies in the east city and blocked the Japanese troops who might return for support. Longyan's mountain infantry platoon had the heaviest task and needed to silently attack from the north of the county. Wuxi sneaked into the West City and eliminated the Japanese army's coalition headquarters and its escort team.

Shen Laoliu didn't say anything to his brother-in-law, and sent out Mingxin, the big killer weapon in his hand, to help him.

Of course, Long Yan didn't expect that the person who helped him the most in this night attack was actually a 'fool' highly recommended by the 80th Army Intelligence Station.

Zhang San'er walked blankly on the street, with a dull face and an upright body, like a walking zombie.

A Japanese infantryman who had already smoked several cigarettes and barely suppressed his drowsiness quietly stretched out his gun from the fortification and locked onto Zhang Saner, who was walking stupidly along the street dozens of meters away.

The pull of the gun alarmed the Japanese commander Cao, who was sleeping on the quilt not far from him. He shouted in a cold voice: "Sakata, what's the matter?"

"That Chinese idiot is wandering around again!" The Japanese infantry identified the target with the help of weak lights.

"Wait until he comes over and beat him with the butt of your rifle. Even a fool must obey the empire's curfew. No need to shoot, so as not to disturb the captain. At this time, once you wake up, it will be difficult to fall asleep again." Japanese Army Cao After hearing it for a long time, it was Sha San'er who was always hanging around nearby. He didn't even bother to look out and took a look. He casually explained a few words and closed his eyes again.

How could such a fool be worth wasting the empire's bullets? More importantly, the clear dream of the captain should not be disturbed.

"Damn Chinese!" The Japanese soldiers also relaxed their vigilance, muttered curses, and then lowered their heads to find a wooden stick.

He couldn't bear to use his beloved rifle to hit a dirty and stupid Chinese, so finding a wooden stick would be the best choice. It would be a great pleasure to fight.

Neither Commander Cao, who closed his eyes, nor the Japanese infantry, who lowered their heads, saw a black figure approaching at high speed from their side.

The slight scraping sound of the soft-soled shoes on the ground was completely covered up by the dull and heavy footsteps of Silly San'er on the street.

It wasn't until the black shadow was about ten meters closer to the fortification that the Japanese infantry suddenly raised their heads with warning signs in their hearts.

A dim light from a lantern stung his eyes.

It was a lancet made of gun barrel steel. The knife weighed 200 grams and had a blade length of 90 mm. It could penetrate a 30 mm camphor board within ten meters.

Of course the Japanese infantry would not know that the only strong teeth in his body that could compete with the knife in terms of hardness were opened by him in extreme panic.

The sword flashed into the mouth, cutting off the little tongue that had not started to tremble, and penetrated the back of the neck fiercely, pinning the Japanese soldier to the ground.

The painful Japanese infantryman was like a catfish with fate strangled around his neck. He covered his mouth and twisted his body in pain. His two leather-booted feet kicked on the ground, making a creepy knock in the dark night. spread to tens of meters away.

If the Japanese infantry in the small courtyard more than 20 meters away were still alive, they would definitely be alarmed by this noise.

This should be the last warning this Japanese infantryman could give to his colleagues at the moment before his tenacious life was about to end.

He is great!

But I didn’t ask for it!

. . . . . . . . . . .

PS: I recommend an author friend's new book "At the end of Qin, I became a son of the plane". I just came to Sanjiang. Please go and support it!

Brothers, let’s talk about something else! For those who like the new sci-fi book "Border Wanderer" by Little Girl, remember to read it every day, because the recommendation is PK, and the reading data is the first important thing. Fengyue would like to express her gratitude!

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