Chapter 16
The three infantry squad leaders have all expressed their attitudes one after another, and the soldiers naturally have nothing to say.

Standing up one by one and reporting his name, age, and military age to Tang Dao, it was a process of getting acquainted with each other before the war, and Tang Dao carefully wrote it down.

Even if the time is short, Tang Dao must remember about the same, otherwise the platoon leader can't even call out the name or nickname of his subordinates, so what tactical arrangements are there?
As for each person's personality characteristics or specialties, that can only be discovered in battle.

Shangguan Yun also introduced to Tang Dao selectively, such as the three squad leaders.

Formerly known as Yuan Erhei, the second class elder Hei is the most powerful bomber in the third row. He once broke the bombing record in the regiment. He just dropped the wooden long-handled grenade 70 meters away, and he also dropped the grenade in the trenches on the battlefield. A record of at least 50 meters away.

Relying on this unique skill, he became a squad leader after three years as a soldier. If it hadn't been for the squad leader Liu Datou had been in the army for a long time, he would also be a strong contender for the third platoon leader.

As a squad leader, Liu Datou is a typical veteran.

The 88th Division was reorganized from the former National Guard Division in the 20th year of the Republic of China. At that time, Liu Datou had been in the army for more than three years, and now it is almost ten years old.

From the National Guard Division to the 88th Division, they have been in such an elite team for nearly ten years. With this kind of tempering alone, no matter how dull the knife is, it is extremely sharp.

If nothing else, the grass-roots commander at the platoon level, looking at the entire three platoons, may be the worthy number one, and it is no wonder that he complained about Tang Dao's grabbing the position that was about to belong to him.

Compared to the two squad leaders he had just met, Tang Dao's old acquaintance and veteran Youzi surprised him even more.

Although veteran oily Li Jiujin is a bit more slick, but to be a squad leader of a combat squad, especially in a company that is usually a sharp knife, one must have the ability to do it well.

Tang Dao didn't expect that the old fried dough stick Li Jiujin was still a master of cold spears in a row.

He has been on the front line in Songhu for the past two months, not to mention his ability to save his life, and his luck is good enough, so far he has not even broken a piece of skin.

But this man not only lived longer than others, but he was also a man of great military merit.

Relying on the cold shot, he killed nearly 10 devils. The nine scratches on his rifle recorded his exploits.

And he is also the only one of the three infantry squad leaders who is equipped with both a rifle and a shell gun at the same time. Although in his own words, he will be more secure with more weapons, but Tang Dao is clear that the more equipment, the stronger the physical condition. , Li Jiujin, the veteran oily, is much stronger than his slack on the surface.

Another acquaintance, Yang Xiaoshan, a first-class soldier, surprised Tang Dao. Not only was he a good seedling with a warm heart, but he actually performed well on the battlefield.

As a recruit who was recruited by the local army and recruited to the first company, he participated in a brutal hand-to-hand battle and was lucky enough to survive. He even killed two devils with a bayonet. This is an achievement that many veterans have never achieved.

Anyone who has been on the battlefield understands that the most brutal battle is the hand-to-hand battle between the two sides.

In the face of the bright bayonet, one's mind is nothing but a blank space, and you can't recall a single tactical action that is very familiar on the training ground.

The only thing you can do is to stab your bayonet through before the enemy's bayonet pierces your chest. If the enemy doesn't die, you will die.

There is no third option.

What it needs is physical strength, stabbing skills, and even more courage, and the courage to face death.

This is easier said than done, especially in the face of the Japanese army, which is extremely demanding in the training of thorns, many soldiers are stiff at that moment because of fear, and it often requires two or three soldiers to face a Japanese army. Chinese soldiers to deal with, and even that may not necessarily win.

How confident the Japanese army is about bayonet hand-to-hand combat is reflected in many battle reports that will be gradually disclosed in the future.When the attack is blocked, they will use this move; when they launch the final attack, they will still use this move, which is the most common tactic they use to show their bravery.

The truth is, they have a winning rate of over 70.00% using this move.

Of course, hand-to-hand combat is itself a double-edged sword.

When they encounter a broken Chinese army, such as the red troops who have been transferred thousands of miles with red tassel guns, or when they encounter Chinese elites who have no way to retreat, they will also be killed into rivers of blood and become their nightmare.

However, a rookie Danzi who is just entering the battlefield is definitely strong enough to kill two Japanese soldiers in a hand-to-hand battle.

And he seems to be the only supplementary soldier who survived the battle a month ago, otherwise Shangguan Yun would not have introduced him specifically.

There are several other soldiers, some are good at digging fortifications, some are good at machine gun shooting and suppression, and some are good at carrying ammunition.
From Shangguan Yun's somewhat proud and sad expression, it is not difficult for Tang Dao to understand that they should be relatively outstanding soldiers in the third row, but such outstanding soldiers, after two months of bloody battles, have all left. Running out.

There are not many veterans left, so naturally the rest are recruits. Of the more than 30 people left in the entire third row, less than half of them are veterans, and the rest are leftovers after several rounds of replenishment.

Recruits become veterans with more experience, but there are also recruits who have only been here for five or six days and only fought one battle. Fortunately, there is only one.

That timid recruit who would never be more than 20 years old and who saluted Tang Dao and retreated into the crowd was.

Such recruits should have been recruited not long ago. Even the squad leaders were not very familiar with them, and naturally there was no special introduction. Tang Dao also remembered his name in a hurry - Niu Er.

That was because Niu Er carefully placed his ration in front of the 'hammer', and helped the poor little guy to bandage the wound on his hind leg with bandages.

Maybe nothing else, but I absolutely love dogs.

However, it can also be seen that the original veterans are tough, and their survival rate is much higher than that of the recruits who have been added later.

No wonder that in the Battle of the Four Lines Warehouse in time and space, the Japanese army used an infantry regiment more than 2000 people to attack for three days, but failed to capture this fortified fortress.

It is not enough that the Sixing Warehouse can carry 75 caliber field guns, and what kind of soldiers are guarding the fort.

Undoubtedly, the remaining 524-odd people from the 1st Battalion of the 400th Regiment, after having been eliminated in bloody battles, are already considered among the elites of the millions of troops in Songhu, China and Japan.

Tang Dao is now more confident than before, not just because he knows the true trajectory of the giant ship of history.

God knows what kind of chain reaction will his little butterfly flapping through the barriers of time and space have?
For the future, Tang Dao is equally uncertain.

But what he can be sure of is that, just like before, with such a group of comrades standing by his side, his heart is very stable, and his hand with a gun is more stable.

"Okay, we all know about it. Brothers in the third platoon, all return to your battle positions. Platoon Commander Tang, you and I will go to the headquarters for a meeting." Shangguan Yun took out a pocket watch to check the time, and took Somewhat rude and loud orders.

"Platoon Commander Tang, if you have any plans, tell them quickly, and let them all get out of the way!"

The officers and soldiers present couldn't help but stay for a while, and Liu Datou, a veteran who had been in the army for nearly ten years, couldn't help but flash a hint of happiness in his eyes.

As a veteran, he knew too well what was behind a small platoon leader like Tang Dao who could participate in a meeting that only company-level officers could attend. It showed that the top commander greatly appreciated his new platoon leader. If that company commander was fighting. It's nothing new for him to go directly to be the company commander.

Thinking of this, Liu Datou couldn't help but glared at veteran Youzi angrily.

It's no wonder that this fellow called the boss directly, holding his thighs. He must have known in advance that there was such a thing. If he didn't tell him, he probably wanted to watch him, the oldest monitor, make a fool of himself!
Shit, it's not a thing anymore.

Facing Liu Datou's anger, veteran oily Li Jiujin rolled his eyes in response. Who told your child to always look down on Lao Tzu, who was born in a cold gun, let your child see who's heart is now. more adequate.

Tang Dao pretended not to see the 'emotional' gaze of the two squad leaders under him, and smiled slightly:
"I'm not here, the second and third shifts will listen to Squad Leader Liu first. Everyone should be careful in the fortifications outside the warehouse. If I guess right, the devils already know that we are here, and it shouldn't be long before there will be the vanguard troops. will come."

"Platoon commander, I." Liu Datou probably didn't expect Tang Dao to come up with such an arrangement regardless of his previous suspicions, and he was moved a little at a loss for a while.

Tang Dao's approach is almost to secure his position as the deputy platoon leader. Although he was like this before, after all, isn't it the emperor and the courtier?

"Squad Leader Liu, I believe in you!" Tang Dao smiled slightly, and took the initiative to reach out and squeeze the veteran's rough rock-like hand.

That's not just a sign of his approval, but a respect for a veteran.

After listening to Shangguan Yun's introduction, Tang Dao had already decided that if he was not around, Liu Datou would be the No. 1 choice to command the third platoon instead of him.

On the way to the headquarters on the third floor, Shangguan Yun looked at Tang Dao strangely. When Tang Dao wanted to ask, Shangguan Yun couldn't help but sigh:

"I don't understand how the commander of your 26th division would be willing to throw a treasure like you on the battlefield. If you were in our 88th division, even if you only had one breath, the commanders would have to snatch you back."

If Tang Dao was ordinary or slightly excellent, it would be fine, but whether it was excellent in personal strength or commanding power, it was almost shining, but it was still abandoned on the battlefield. After all, the captain of the national army still had a little murmur in his heart.

Tang Dao grinned slightly: "Sir, you praised it, but maybe my commander is also looking for someone from the field hospital in the war zone right now, isn't it?"

"Haha! That's right! Fortunately, fortunately!" Shangguan Yun laughed out loud at Tang Dao's somewhat playful answer.

"I'll make the decision later and let the communications troopers send a telegram to the 26th division saying that you are here."

A case like Tang Dao who was knocked unconscious by a cannonball for a few days and then became alive again is not a case in the battlefield. Being able to send Tang Dao to the field hospital in the theater is enough to show that the 26th Division attaches great importance to him.

At this point, all remaining doubts about Tang Dao are gone.

. . . . . . . . .

ps: Today is just one chapter, the big chapter is 3000 words, and the wind and moon can't be too fast, otherwise it will be on the shelves before a round of recommendations is finished, and it will hit the streets.

(End of this chapter)

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