Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 19 Perfect Design

Chapter 19 Perfect Design
"Okay! Since both Shangguan Yun and Tang Dao are so determined, then I thank someone and hand over the front of the warehouse to your company."

Lieutenant Colonel Lieutenant Colonel's Mandarin with a hint of Cantonese accent is slightly feminine, but firm as a stone.

"As you wish, 40 flower traps and 16000 rounds of ammunition are assigned to your company. Not only that, 50 of 30 flares will be issued to you, and the mines and explosives carried by the battalion headquarters will also be handed over to you."

The lieutenant colonel of the army crouched on the table with his eyes like hawks, "Say, what other requirements do you have, I and Commander Yang can satisfy you, and we must satisfy all of them."

Tang Dao and Shangguan Yun looked at each other, only to see their superiors winking at him, feeling a little bitter in their hearts, knowing that since he has made a lot of money for the entire company, he must also get some benefits for the hundreds of officers and soldiers in the company. After a little hesitation, he said:

"Nothing else is required, just the military merits of the brothers."

"Military merit is increased by 20.00% on the basis of killing the enemy normally, and the brothers in the other company will be paid an additional 15 yuan to settle down in the ocean!" The lieutenant colonel agreed without hesitation.

"This time I came here under orders, and the teacher gave me the authority to deal with it. Except for the first company, all the other brothers will each pay ten yuan for their family expenses."

"Thank you, sir!" Shangguan Yun's face turned into a flower with a smile.

With the 15 yuan Dayang's settling expenses and the military merits of killing the devils, each person in a row can save an average of 30 Yuan Dayang without running away.

Don't underestimate the 30 yuan ocean. With today's prices, in big cities like Songhu and Beiping, 30 yuan ocean may only be half a year's living expenses for an ordinary family, but if it is placed in the countryside, if a family of six saves a little, it can Live a life of food and clothing for several years.

And how many of the soldiers are the stupid sons of landlords?Whether it is the Central Army or other factions, they are basically from mud legs.

If he spared more than 100 catties, he can earn food and clothing for his parents, wife and children for several years. As a company commander, he is worthy of his brothers.

Naturally, Lei Xiong and the other three had nothing to say.

"The second company guards the west of the warehouse, and the third company guards the east of the warehouse. The machine gun company is responsible for building firepower points on each floor and on the roof to attack the heavy firepower points of the incoming Japanese invaders." The lieutenant colonel took advantage of the situation to assign the positions of each company.

"All the personnel of the battalion headquarters, including me and battalion commander Yang, have built a mobile team, and will provide mobile support to each company at any time according to the battle situation."

"Yes!" Everyone stood up and took orders.

"Then, now your four company commanders will tell me and Battalion Commander Yang about your respective general troop deployment and firepower planning." Lieutenant Colonel of the Army waved his hand to signal everyone to sit down and said.

Since entering the Sixing Warehouse in the evening, these officers have walked around the inside and outside of the Sixing Warehouse for several times. The lieutenant colonel's instructions have built up fortifications. If he can't say it at this moment, he will lose his face.

The four captains spoke one by one, while Tang Dao listened to the signal soldier guarding the door, took paper and pen, and immersed himself in writing and drawing, until the four of them had finished speaking and did not express any opinion.

The lieutenant colonel of the army naturally caught a glimpse of Tang Dao's behavior, and didn't pay much attention to it at first. He just thought it was Tang Dao humbly recording the speeches of several captains. After summing up, I looked at Tang Dao, who was still immersed in writing and drawing.

"Second Lieutenant Tang, you've finished listening. Come, tell me your suggestion. Don't repeat it. If you have new ideas, come and listen."

Obviously, he does not fully agree with the arrangement of the four to a certain extent, and has certain expectations for the newcomer Tang Dao, but he also has reservations.

After all, no matter how powerful Tang Dao was, before that, he was only the squad leader of the 26th Division, and had never commanded an infantry company in combat.

There is an essential difference between one person being able to fight a Japanese squadron and leading more than 100 people to fight an infantry squadron of the Japanese army.

"Sir, this is the firepower plan I just drew based on what several company commanders said and some of my little insights."

Looking at the two blueprints Tang Dao placed in front of everyone, including the lieutenant colonel of the army, he couldn't help but be stunned.

The picture is a little rough and has no beauty, but it is better than clear enough.

One is a topographic map of the location of the Sixing Warehouse. All the blocks that are nearly [-] meters away from the Sihang Warehouse are roughly marked, so that everyone can clearly know their current position.

That's all, it might be Tang Dao who has been here before and is quite familiar with this piece.

The second picture is awesome, it turned out to be the structure diagram of the four-line warehouse.

From the lobby on the first floor to the top floor, a total of five floors with a height of 25 meters, how many rooms are there, what are the main passages, what is even more astounding is how to set up the firepower, what defensive firearms can be set in that window, and the machine gun on the top floor And what orientation should the mortars be placed in, so that they can cover the dead corners of the four-row warehouse like a rectangular box.

Even how these firepower points are withdrawn into the building, the layout of the traffic trenches, and the opening of the roof passage are all described in detail.

What small insights are there, it can be said that it has been meticulous to the extreme.

And for the lieutenant colonel who had simulated the Japanese attack method many times in his mind, he found that this kind of firepower deployment has made the best use of the terrain features of the Sixing Warehouse and all the weapons in his hands. Hard to have any modifications.

Of course, Lieutenant Colonel of the Army can't modify it, but Tang Dao, based on all the weapons in his hands, combined with the defense plan that was decided by him and proved to be extremely successful in the past, as well as the military gods in the future when discussing the case of this battle. Firepower configuration made by some reasonable suggestions.

Almost, no weakness.

Tang Dao is not a god, naturally it is impossible to make such a detailed structure and firepower arrangement without even looking at the terrain.

It would be fine if it were changed elsewhere, but the battle of the Sixing Warehouse was designed by Tang Dao when he was studying at the Jinling Army Academy.

Of course, the most surprising part of Tang Dao's firepower layout is not that he is very familiar with the entire four-line warehouse structure, or even that it is in line with Lieutenant Colonel's wishes, but that he is beyond everyone's expectations. Yes, the defense focus of the four-row warehouse was not placed on the front of the warehouse in the north direction.

Yes, although the warehouses defended by the company have the highest frontal risk factor and will be attacked the most, Tang Dao still does not place the main heavy firepower of the entire battalion in the building to provide frontal support.

Instead, it was placed on the roof of a building with weak defenses.

The moment he saw this firepower layout map, the firepower company commander Lei Xiong even felt that he must have offended Tang Dao. Otherwise, why did he arrange most of the heavy firepower of the machine gun company on the roof?Don't look at the many dead spots on the roof, but the Japanese army's mountain cannons and planes are not vegetarians, and the danger of staying there is no less than that of staying on the first floor!
But Lei Xiong didn't know that in the past, Lieutenant Colonel of the Army actually chose this way.

In fact, the judgment of the lieutenant colonel of the army was correct. After repeated setbacks, the Japanese army finally gave up the frontal breakthrough and turned to the two-wing attack.

The thick walls on the two wings of the Sixing Warehouse blocked the Japanese artillery fire, but it also blocked the vision of the Chinese soldiers in the building, and there were many blind spots, thus giving them the hope of the death squads approaching the building and blasting.

Of course, these are all based on the strong enough company located on the front. In the past three days in time and space, although the company suffered huge casualties, nearly [-] Japanese invaders were killed or injured.

That not only achieved the one-for-three battle loss ratio that the lieutenant colonel of the army hoped, but it was almost one-for-eight.

(End of this chapter)

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