Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 208 The Secret Mission of the 4-Line Battalion

Chapter 208 The Secret Mission of the Four Elements Battalion (Part 2, please subscribe!)

Obviously, the burly man who had just seen him for less than an hour did not regard the famous Lieutenant Colonel and Battalion Commander of the Four Elements Battalion as a treasure like Lieutenant General Guo did.

Even if Guo Zhongjiang handed over three infantry guns, three rapid-fire guns, and ten heavy machine guns to this big guy on behalf of Tang Dao, it just made this man smile and nod to thank Tang Dao, but he never mentioned the four. The name of the camp.

It seemed that the Sixing Battalion, which had gained fame in the First Battle of the Sixing Warehouse, had been completely forgotten by this man.

In the end, Lieutenant General Wu shouted to the lieutenant generals and major generals in a low voice: "Are you clear about the tasks of each department? If there are still unclear or doubtful questions, there is still time to ask questions. In wartime, no matter who It is necessary to act in accordance with military orders, and those who are good at making claims will be followed by military law!"

"Yes!" All the generals stood up in unison, shouting yes.

"Then now, the whole army is putting into fortification construction! If you are tired, you will take turns to repair. You must complete 70.00% of the progress before tomorrow morning." Wu Zhong cast his eyes on his current deputy, Lieutenant General Guo, and saw that he had nothing to say. Meaning, he waved his hand to signal the end of the meeting.

The first and possibly the last combat meeting of the senior generals of the whole army before the war took only an hour. Depending on the situation, this may also have something to do with most of the people present here being the direct subordinates of the supreme commander.

As for the other two assistants, the 43rd Army has no more than five infantry companies, and the Songjiang Security Regiment has more than 2000 people, but Wang Gongyu's rank is no more than a major general, so naturally they just listen to it.

Let alone Tang Dao, who accompanied the last seat in this kind of high-level combat meeting, he stood up and saluted the officers when he introduced him to the generals of the 67th Army, and he was not given a chance to speak at all.

But what Tang Dao didn't expect was that when the meeting was over and everyone was leaving, the first commander, who seemed to not pay much attention to him, left him alone.

General Guo quietly gave Tang Dao a wink, indicating that Tang Dao should just keep a normal mind, and if there are any difficulties, find out and ask him to solve them.

The two sat opposite each other across the conference table until the iron door of the small building serving as the conference room of the command headquarters slammed shut.

After Tang Dao could hear the footsteps leaving the door, there was another sound of footsteps moving away. It was clearly the sentinel guarding the door, extending the warning range to at least 30 meters.

Obviously, it wasn't a temporary idea that the vigorous and resolute boss in front of him wanted to talk to him alone, but he had thought about it long ago.

However, Tang Dao couldn't think of what he was going to talk about.

Tang Dao can find out the general context of the development of the war based on the past historical trajectory, but it does not mean that he can figure out the twists and turns in the heads of these big men.

What's more, the person in front of me died earlier in the battle, so there are not many introductions to him in history. Even many people in the future don't know that such a tragic blocking battle broke out in this small town of Songjiang, let alone his death like this. the general.

"Battalion Commander Tang, you are fine!" Lieutenant General Wu said suddenly.

"On the train to Songhu, I have read the newspapers reporting on your Four Elements Camp, Captain Xie Jinyuan led you and your brothers to fight wonderfully.

But I said you are very good, but not because of the four elements and one battle. Can you guess why I praised you? "

"Please tell me, sir!" Tang Dao smiled wryly.

Although there was a faint movement in his heart, as if he had guessed something, but these irrelevant questions!It's better to let these superiors answer for themselves.

I guessed wrong, it was 'two worms with a spring', guessed right, Yang Xiu, a smart guy, didn't seem to have a good fate.

"You little guy, you are just as she said, you are young, but you are very shrewd." Wu Zhong will be good at pointing Tang Dao. "I think you've already guessed it."

Who is he (she)?Tang Dao really couldn't guess this time, but Lieutenant General Wu obviously didn't mean to explain to him, but sighed slightly: "Yes, I said you are very good, because although you are passionate and sincere, you are not that rigid. People who don't change, knowing that entering the concession is just a dead end, will never abide by the so-called military duty like Xie Jinyuan, and lead a group of elite troops into a dead end.

I appreciate your words, stupid orders, I don't respect them!Very good, this is the soldier who really fights for the country.This is a national war. It is my Chinese sons and daughters fighting for the country, not for a certain person or a certain political force. "

Seeing that Tang Dao didn't know how to answer his praise, Lieutenant General Wu showed a smile on his rather honest round face: "I have a secret mission, and you and the Four Elements Camp can't complete it."

"Sir, please instruct that it is our duty as a soldier to kill the enemy and serve the country. However, if there is an order, our Four Elements Battalion will do our best." Tang Dao's heart moved slightly, but he stood up to express his attitude.

"That's good, I won't go around in circles." Lieutenant General Wu also stood up, looking at the map of Songhu on the table.

From Songjiang, head north until you stop at a river.

Tang Dao showed shock on his face.

Because, he was sure of this person's idea.

Although, even if this person doesn't say it, Tang Dao will definitely use his role as the deputy director of the staff to make this suggestion tonight.

"I want you and the Sixing Battalion to guard this bridge and our last way of life for all the frontline soldiers in Songjiang." General Wu looked at Tang Dao with piercing eyes.

"I believe Battalion Commander Tang knows that since Wu Keren and the 67th Army can come to Songhu from the south, they are not people who are afraid of death. It's one thing not to be afraid of death. Wan generals consider"

"Sir, the Sixing Battalion promises to complete the mission. The entire Songjiang army will not cross the Wusong River for a day. The Sixing Battalion will always stick to the Baihegang Bridge and will never let it fall under the control of the Japanese invaders or be blown up." Tang Dao accepted the order generously.

In fact, this military order almost coincides with Tang Dao's plan.

Once in time and space, the 67th Army, which had already suffered heavy losses, had to abandon all heavy equipment to cross the river because the Baihegang Bridge was blown up by Japanese planes. Those who could not swim drowned, and the military headquarters encountered dozens of detours by Japanese troops. Kilometers of plainclothes ambushed, resulting in the death of several generals on the spot.

The bloody battle did not make the 67th Army, the elite Northeast Army, succumb, but it was severely damaged during the retreat, which made it impossible to recover for several years, so that the elite Northeast Army, which was downsized into the 108th Division, no longer performed brilliantly in the Great Patriotic War.

The importance of the Baihegang Bridge is self-evident.

As for why the lieutenant general didn't make such a deployment in time and space, but now he has such thoughts.

I'm afraid it also has something to do with Tang Dao, a little butterfly, disturbing the original track of history.

The reason is very simple, wanting to defend Songjiang for three days and nights under the threat of the Japanese army's [-] troops, without the intention of dying, is a combat mission that no one can complete. Suggestions, put on a tactical intention to fight to the death.

But what about after completing the above military order?These two are naturally unwilling to let the whole army die here because of that one military order, so of course they still have to run away.

However, whether it is to send any unit in the 43rd Army or the 67th Army, there is a risk of leaking secrets.

You want to!As soon as the wind spreads, the officers and soldiers who are shopping with the Japanese hear that we can still go, and half of their courage will be vented.

The chain reaction caused by that would be serious.

Only the Four Elements Battalion does not belong to the formation of these two armies, and the possibility of leaking secrets is greatly reduced. What's more, the equipment and combat effectiveness of the Four Elements Battalion are second to none among the more than 30,000 troops.

Naturally, the Four Elements Camp is a must for this person.

"Understood?" General Wu looked at the change in Tang Dao's eyes, knowing that he had figured out the reason, and his tone became relaxed.

"Actually, I have already released a company of my guard battalion at the bridge, but the strength is still not enough. I will write a warrant in hand later, and they will all be controlled by your department. If you have any requests, you can just ask them."

"I need 12 anti-aircraft machine guns!"


"An infantry company of the 43rd Army staying at the station and more than 200 wounded will move together with the Four Lines Battalion!"


"Major Lei Xiong, the deputy battalion commander of our Four Elements Battalion, will serve as the supreme commander of the defense of the Baihegang Bridge."


Obviously, Tang Dao's request was quite beyond the expectations of the boss.

Because, the deputy battalion commander is the supreme commander, so what does Tang Dao, the battalion commander, do?
. . . . . . . . . .

ps: It’s noon, let me report the results to everyone. The first order in 24 hours is 1300, which is exactly 1000 more than the basis of 300 first orders. You guys are really thieves.In fact, for the collection of 22000, the first order of 1300 is not considered good, it can only be regarded as an average, quite satisfactory listing result!Fengyue would like to thank all the book friends who spent money to subscribe to this book, thank you very much, and strive to write more exciting stories later.As for the brothers who are still keen on whoring for nothing, you should have missed this passage.There will be another chapter later, which can be regarded as an addition.

(End of this chapter)

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