Chapter 223

In the dark night, the Chinese defenders in Songjiang were sleeping collectively.

However, the Japanese army is furiously raising its troops.

It is not an easy task for an army of more than 100,000 people to land from a large transport ship.

In addition to people, there are also a lot of equipment, such as cannons, trucks, horses, etc. It is not a simple victory in the beach landing battle that can be completed unimpeded.

It took almost the entire day for the three divisions and one detachment of the Tenth Army of the Japanese Army to assemble on the shore.

Such efficiency is actually fast enough.Just wait until tomorrow day, the whole army can go south to Songjiang and point directly at Huxi, completing the strategy of completely defeating the Chinese army that has already lost its morale.

However, as the commander of the Tenth Army of the Japanese Army, Heisuke Yanagawa, who was standing in the only private house in Jinshan County that did not collapse, was shining brightly.

In his vision, at this time, an infantry brigade and a detachment of the 114th Division that were the first to go ashore should have arrived at the outskirts of Songjiang, the place they must pass through. The way around Songjiang.

Through the tidal flats and the battle of Jinshan County, the tenacious Chinese soldiers have made Yanagawa Hirasuke realize that in order to prevent his main force from being wiped out, the Chinese high-level must issue a death order to the Chinese army that is blocking the way of his army.

If they were all tough bones encountered during the day today, by the time he gnawed through them one by one, the main Chinese force in Huxi might have fled long ago, so what's the use of his Tenth Army coming here?Came here specifically to scare the Chinese?
Tactical failures may be acceptable to the headquarters, but Hirasuke Yanagawa absolutely cannot.

No one knows, including the Japanese base camp, how ambitious this Japanese lieutenant general commander is.

The strategy formulated by the staff headquarters of the Japanese base camp on the main island was to wipe out hundreds of thousands of Chinese elites in Songhu, and then to stabilize the occupied area before making a new strategic deployment.

Although the Songhu Expeditionary Army Headquarters blew out the "rhetoric" of occupying the whole of China in March, not only did the Songhu Battle in March crush their cowhide, but in fact, the Japanese high-level officials who were not fully prepared did not really want to take a bite. Swallowing up the elephant of China, bit by bit, is their original strategy.

It's just that the Japanese high-level ignored the ambitions of middle and senior generals like Yanagawa Heisuke who were born as civilians.

For a country with a constitutional monarchy like Japan, if it wants to have the right to speak in the top circle of society, a general in the army is just the starting point. Only by sealing the borders and splitting the soil, princes and princes become nobles can they truly stand at the top of the pyramid.

How can this almost conservative strategy of the base camp be accepted by an army general like Yanagawa Hirasuke?
So in the past time and space, the Tenth Army blatantly "below the top", completely abandoned the strategic deployment of the base camp, and took advantage of the opportunity of chasing the retreating Chinese army in Huxi, the whole army went straight to Jinling. After encountering a fierce counterattack and being injured, it finally caused In the massacre, the famous Butcher Sixth Division became a demonic existence with the acquiescence of the commander Yanagawa Hirasuke.

The reason why Tang Dao stayed in Songjiang and refused to go to Baihe Port was not because he was worried that the 67th Army would not be able to defend Songjiang, but because the demons Yanagawa Heisuke, Tani Hisao, and Ushishima Man had already set foot in southeast China, and that was the main reason. .

Tang Dao hopes to nip the devil in the bud.It's hard, but how do you know if you don't try?
The idea of ​​Yanagawa Heisuke, who wanted to make great achievements and advance to the nobility, came to naught on the first day he landed in southeast China.

It took a full afternoon for the 114th Division and Guoqi Detachment to conquer Jinshan. When his main force arrived and established a headquarters in the ruined Jinshan County, those bastards stopped 40 kilometers away from Songjiang.

Forget it, marching at night is very risky, and even if they arrive near Songjiang, they still have to wait for the engineering troops. There is also a Huangpu River between Jinshan and Songjiang. Although it is not wide, the bridge must have been bombed by the Chinese. If people and materials want to cross over, they must build pontoon bridges with engineering troops.

However, if the Chinese want to delay the advance speed of his army, they will inevitably deploy troops on the opposite bank of the Huangpu River to stop it.

Bing is expensive, and if he wants to realize his dream, he must conquer Songjiang as quickly as possible.

Therefore, he thought of asking the navy for help, and asked them to send light destroyers and gunboats to go south at night, not only to scout the enemy's situation, but also to use naval guns and machine guns to drive away the Chinese on the shore.

It has to be said that Hirasuke Yanagawa made good use of his idea and made the best use of time. With the help of the navy, the forward of the Tenth Army could cross the Huangpu River on the afternoon of the 6th and launch an attack on the small Songjiang River.

If you are lucky, Songjiang can be conquered when the lanterns first come on, and you can reach the Huxi battlefield at the latest on the 8th, and wipe out the main force of the Chinese side that has not had time to escape. As for the part that escaped, they can escape the Tenth Army Are you chasing after your tail?
But Yanagawa Heisuke obviously overestimated his own face, and the commander of the naval fleet responsible for transporting them arrogantly rejected his request.

There were only a few words in the call back from the vice admiral of the same rank: "Our military mission has been completed!"

The meaning couldn't be more obvious: I'm just responsible for transporting you from North China to the southeast, and you dare to direct me, what kind of onion are you?
Liu Chuanheisuke thought with his ass, and he could imagine how contemptuously the vice admiral with a mustache threw his telegram into the trash can. If it weren't for the fact that the telegrams between the two parties would be recorded, then the guy would have done a good job. The words 'Army Malu' will also be added.

It is strange that the commander of the first army is not furious.

Within 50 meters of the temporary headquarters of the Tenth Army, which was at least double-ventilated, the roar of the Lieutenant General Commander of the Tenth Army of the Japanese Army resounded: Navy Malu!
Translated into Chinese, Malu means idiot plus fool.Basically, it is the daily name of the Japanese navy and army to each other.

It can only be said that the vocabulary of Japanese curses is too poor, and the insults between the two armies are just a word repeated over and over again.If you want to put it aside in China, the provinces can do it for half an hour without duplication.

Japan invaded China, not to learn this!At least, in the future, they will add 'Yalu' to the end of Baga!
But the dignified lieutenant general commander can only scold him. He is still a figure in the army, but in the eyes of the Imperial Japanese Navy, he is just a Malu.

The two armies of Japan, the navy and the army are definitely not just talking about each other on paper. The grievances and grievances between them absolutely subvert anyone's imagination.

The most famous pig teammate in World War II, it is estimated that many people can blurt it out, that may also be the most regrettable thing in the life of the mustache head of state, what kind of friends are you looking for, is it not good to be proud and lonely?He didn't meet a god-like opponent, but he encountered a lot of pig-like teammates.

Compared with the famous pig teammates who couldn't pry open the shell box during the war, Japan is actually not the worst pig, but in Japan, each has pig teammates, which makes the mustache head very depressed.

The two sides thought that the only people who met pig teammates could only be the Japanese navy and army, and there was no third person, perhaps because Japan did not have an air force.The two pig teammates of the navy and the army alone are enough for the big shots in Japan to have a headache.

If you want to say how weird it is, after the Battle of Midway, the high-level Japanese army who received the news of the defeat of the Imperial Navy is not a big deal.

In order to counter the Imperial Navy's awesome "Zero" fighter, the Japanese Army purchased the Daimler-Benz DB 109 engine patent used on the BF601 fighter from the Germans and used it on the Army Aviation fighter.

The arrogant Imperial Navy was also very interested in this engine, but couldn't bear to ask the Army to ask for it, so they bought the patent themselves.
The Germans who made double the money: Are the Japanese stupid?

No, things that can be solved with money are nothing.

The climax of the fight between the two sides was that the Imperial Navy had mastered a large amount of steel resources in Japan at that time, so it could build aircraft carriers and even two Yamato-class battleships, but they just didn’t give them to the humble army. As a result, the army tanks couldn’t even guarantee the iron skin. The Bean Ding Tank was born.

Don't blame the top Japanese army for being too aggressive, just blame the navy for being too domineering.

Then, the Japanese army controlled most of the oil fields in Southeast Asia (because the Japanese army logged in, whoever grabs it first will get it), but the army's fuel consumption is not high, but they just don't give it to the navy.

As a result, in the Mariana and Wright Island battles, the navy obviously had a fleet nearby to support them, but because they ran out of fuel, they could only watch their ships and planes being sunk.
People who read these allusions might just want to say 'Fuck! ', but for the Japanese navy and army, it is just commonplace.

It was nothing more than a routine operation for Yanagawa Heisuke's request to be dismissed by the vice admiral without showing any sympathy.

Fortunately, for the sake of his dream, Liu Chuanping, a lieutenant general who was born as a commoner, did not have the so-called arrogance of nobles in his bones.

After cursing furiously, he bent his knees after all, and sent another letter of "love and loyalty" to the vice admiral. In fact, it was just a telegram to express his softness. Auxiliary, the big brother of the Imperial Navy, who is the main attacker, can't justify not sending warships!

For the sake of the softness of the army, the navy fleet sent three gunboats symbolically, carrying two infantry squadrons of the 114th Division of the Japanese Army at the mouth of the sea, and went down to Songjiang along the Huangpu River overnight.

It wasn't that Liu Chuanpingzhu was a scumbag, and Tang Dao's artillery rapid response unit had to work for half the night in vain.

The Big Stick project almost ran aground.

. . . . . . . . .

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I recommend a book by a military author, "My Teacher Feng Tiankui", a very good anti-war essay by colleagues, with 200 million words, you can read it if you like it.

(End of this chapter)

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