Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 226 Strange Choices

Chapter 226 Strange Choices
The cavalry battalion commander must be surprised.

The three gunboats had the intention of moving closer to the shore, but the choice of the long riverside line, why would they move closer to that position?

What kind of tricks are the Japanese playing?
From their point of view, they are condescending, and their field of vision is much clearer than that of the Japanese army in the middle of the river. Naturally, they can see very clearly. The open land on the riverside where the three Japanese gunboats are rushing under the gunfire is actually not the real shore. .

It was a river bank sandbar 30 meters away from the real shore. Did the Japanese gunboats plan to use Jiangxinzhou as a shelter?

Gong Shaoxun saw it, and of course Tang Dao saw it too, and he was also thinking about what the Japanese were crazy about.

According to the sight of the Japanese infantry on the gunboat seeming to be sorting out their equipment in the field of vision through the telescope, they should be preparing to land.

With three naval guns and more than a dozen heavy machine guns as fire cover, the infantry went ashore, the middle one attracted the attention of the Chinese accompanying infantry, and the other two were surrounded by two wings, which was the conventional tactics of the Japanese infantry.

Simple, yet extremely effective.

If the four rapid-fire guns were dealing with four tanks, there might not be much problem, but if they were dealing with three 50-meter-long steel behemoths, even if they could leave a lot of bullet holes and blast marks on them.

The power of the 37mm caliber artillery is still a bit too small after all, and the threat to the gunboat is not great, unless it can hit the key position of its bow command center or ammunition warehouse with one shot.

Otherwise, the three gunboats would not have approached so confidently to put down the infantry at such a close range, intending to kill the Chinese infantry artillery that attacked them in one fell swoop.

As Tang Dao guessed, the three gunboats were attacked. As the supreme commander of the gunboat formation, Akita Zhizhong Zuo did not ask the fleet for fighter support, and he did not even send a telegram to report to the fleet.

The majestic Imperial Japanese Navy was invincible in this battle of Songhu. The Chinese navy was sunk in the Yangtze River without even the courage to go out of the mouth of the Yangtze River, and the army horses were on board. How could it be possible to encounter a few small cannons? How about reporting to your superiors in a hurry?

As the most handsome boy in the Songhu Battle, what he has to do is to wipe out the enemy army and show the bravery of the imperial navy in front of a group of stupid soldiers.

Therefore, after several soldiers were wounded by Chinese small-caliber artillery, the disgraced Akita Nakazuo angrily ordered several staff officers to find a suitable landing site for the Army Malu on the shore.

This is not because the navy Malu feels sorry for the army Malu, but because of the quality of professional soldiers.

It can't be said that the army Malu will swim directly from the center of the river!Although the navy thought so for several moments.

Several staff officers stared at the eyeballs with binoculars, and what they saw was either a vertical river bank a few meters above the river, or a swamp full of reeds. Such places are not suitable for infantry landing, especially that kind of swamp. Don't be killed by Chinese guns, but get stuck in the wetlands and drown.

Army millipedes are all soil turtles, and it is expected that all of them will know how to do it and will never show it.

Therefore, the staff members focused on the three-400-meter-long open land covered by mist on the bank of the river. Although the fog covered a large part of it, it was difficult to judge whether it was closely connected with the land by visual inspection. The lush shrubs on it have actually proved in disguise that it will never be too far from the shore.

Besides, the Army Malu landed, and they didn't land?Why are you worrying so much?As long as the area is suitable for infantry landing.

Even if the calculation is wrong, the distance from the shore is at most ten meters, and it is enough to wade across the water, or it is not enough to return to the gunboat.

After a brief discussion, the naval staff provided the selected target to Lieutenant Assistant Akita who was furious.

The soldiers were extremely fast, seeing that the Chinese artillery was getting more and more accurate, big holes were blown out of the bodies of the three gunboats, although they didn't hurt their muscles, but they looked quite embarrassed, Akita Zhizhong quickly accepted a few Suggestions under the name.

Therefore, the three gunboats approached Jiangxinzhou at high speed. They waited until they were tens of meters away before they could see that this was not the real river bank, which was more than 400 meters long and less than 30 meters wide.

But fortunately, the part of the tail is faintly connected to the river bank from this end. From where to go, even if you have to wade, it is better than struggling to climb up the vertical river bank.

Of course, that's all taken for granted.

As for what the infantry think, it doesn't matter, the lieutenant officer is the most handsome guy on these ships, and he will do whatever he says.

"They found the wrong landing location." Tang Dao finally made his own judgment based on the extremely strange behavior of the Japanese army.

"You mean, they think there is the most suitable landing position?" The cavalry battalion commander opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

From their point of view, it couldn't be more clear.

Many sandbars are called Jiangxinzhou, because the river bed is piled up with sand and gravel, just like the one where the Japanese army is landing, the widest part is 30 meters away from the shore, and the narrowest part is about ten meters away. .

When they came here at night, they asked the local guide, because the special terrain of Jiangxinzhou suddenly appeared, and the water became very turbulent here, and the water depth was at least four meters above. Fishermen can often catch large fish here. .

If a person jumps in, he is proficient in water to be fine, but if he has more than [-] kilograms of equipment on his body, he should be prepared to be a weight!

Taking this place as a landing place is simply a stupid choice.

However, if the Japanese are so stupid, why can't we win?
When he asked himself this question, the commander of the cavalry battalion obviously felt blocked in his heart.

Although the commander of the major cavalry battalion was upset because the whole of China could not win against a group of Japanese who were clearly out of their minds, this did not stop him from sneaking into the positions that the cavalry had set up and ordering the whole army to prepare for the Japanese infantry that arrived in Jiangxinzhou. Attack.

The five cavalry companies have become standard infantry, and temporary field fortifications have been established along the river bank. The position about 800 meters long is just in front of Jiangxinzhou in a semi-arc.

The position that was originally used to block the Japanese landing infantry has now become a purely offensive position, which makes the cavalry quite uncomfortable.

However, amidst the orders of the officers, the guns were still aimed at the Japanese infantry who were jumping from the gunboat into the river and landing on the sandbar more than 300 meters away.

The distance of more than 300 meters is by no means the limit for the effective range of rifles at this time. In China, although most rifles do not seek it, there are several rifles that can meet this standard. .

For example, the Hanyang-made and single-handed ones equipped by the main equipment of the Sichuan Army can basically only stare at them, and the official rifles equipped by the Central Army have a straight ballistic trajectory at this range.

Fortunately, in addition to the official rifles equipped by the Central Army, China also has an army equipped with rifles that are not inferior to the official rifles.

The cavalry equipped by the cavalry of the 67th Army is the 13-type rifle made in Liao Dynasty. This rifle comes from the design of Fengtian Armory more than ten years ago. The rifles combine to become one of the best performing rifles made locally in all of China.

The 7.92 mm caliber bullet is powerful, and its range is no less than that of the Japanese [-]-type rifle.

The five cavalry companies also have thirty Liao-made 17-type light machine guns. In fact, those things are completely imitated from Taisho 11 years, that is, crooked light machine guns.

To put it bluntly, the strongest oppressive light firearms used by the infantry of the two armies that are about to fight will be the same model, but the Chinese side is OEM.

However, the OEM goods are obviously more than the 12 light machine guns equipped by the two infantry squadrons of the Japanese army.

Braving the artillery fire, the two Japanese infantry squadrons who were bravely jumping into the shallow water and quickly advancing towards the sandbar had no idea what kind of disaster they would face.

Because, not only are they about to be at a disadvantage in terms of equipment and troops, but more importantly, there is not even a mound of soil on Jiangxinzhou except for some bushes.

(End of this chapter)

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