Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 23 There are pig teammates!

Chapter 23 There are pig teammates!
The two consecutive explosions of landmines and the surging rain of bullets not only stunned the Japanese team that had entered the minefield by mistake, but also felt a little overwhelmed by the Kurokawa weaving behind the flank.

On the battlefield of the Battle of Songhu, it was not that he had never seen tenacious Chinese soldiers. He even saw nearly one infantry company's Chinese soldiers killed by gas bombs in the trenches.

The corpses were scattered all over the field, but it was rare to see anyone collapsed in the field behind the trenches.

Even though many soldiers were dead, they were still crawling forward, and their guns were aimed outside their positions.

From a soldier's point of view, he actually admires those poorly equipped Chinese soldiers, even if they are opponents or enemies.

The imperial slogan of 'occupy the whole of China in three months' has proven to be nothing but an unrealistic fantasy.

It's just that the Battle of Songhu has been fought for almost three months. Even though they have occupied the largest financial city in Asia in the past, there are still tenacious Chinese who resist in the ruins.

But he had never seen such a reckless Chinese. Under the pursuit of his full infantry squadron, they not only did not hide in the only building opposite that could provide them temporary shelter, but they were still fighting back.

No, rather, it was an ambush, an ambush of the [-]st Infantry Squad at its head.

This is no longer daring, but madness. Who gave them such confidence?

Don't these crazy Chinese people know that they have two complete infantry squads under their command?With the squadron, there are at least 120 troops.

As far as the remnants of the Chinese are defeated, even if there are two or three hundred people, if they leave the bunker, what kind of waves can they turn out?
I can't blame the Japanese lieutenant for being a little stunned at the moment.

According to the establishment of the Japanese army in this period, an infantry squadron has three infantry squadrons with a strength of 54 people, and there is also a squadron of 19 people. If there is a major war, an additional machine gun group and an infantry squadron can be sent to the infantry squadron. The force can reach about 200 people.

As the most basic combat unit of the Japanese army, the infantry squadron is not equipped with artillery, but an infantry squad is equipped with two grenade launchers, then a complete infantry squadron will have six that can throw grenades 500 meters away. The grenade launcher is enough to guarantee the heavy firepower against an infantry battalion of the Chinese army.

The northern battlefield and the southeastern battlefield have proved that an infantry battalion of China's most elite garrison is equipped with 6 heavy machine guns and two mortars. Small artillery such as cannons are often only found in regiment-level units.

For an infantry squadron of the Japanese army, even if a Chinese infantry battalion has two or three times as many troops, it is difficult to say that it can pose a big threat to it when its heavy firepower is insufficient.

This is almost an inherent concept of middle and low-level officers in the Japanese army.

This inherent concept is not even just this period, but almost throughout the history of the Sino-Japanese War.

It was not until the end of the war that the Japanese veterans in inland China were completely injured, and the Pacific War consumed a lot of resources in Japan, and the Chinese side received a steady stream of support from the United States through the China-Myanmar Highway, which gradually reversed the situation. .

But now, Tang Dao has suddenly organized two infantry squads. Even if he has 22 submachine guns, he dares to launch a siege on a Japanese infantry squad, and regard the two Japanese infantry squads at the back and protect the more than 100 troops as Nothing, indeed some of the three views that destroy the Japanese lieutenant.

The roar of the MP28 submachine gun continued. Lao Hei and veteran Youzi had already received orders from Tang Dao before the war. They didn't need to save bullets, they just aimed at the area where the Japanese army was and shot the bullets.

In the words of Tang Dao, if one bullet can't kill you, then use ten, if ten can't kill you, then use one hundred.
Nothing but firepower advantage.

The 22-bar MP28 submachine guns are equipped with four 32-round magazines each, with nearly 3000 rounds of bullets. Even if they can't kill you, they will scare you to death.

The Japanese army team located in the minefield is indeed walking according to the script designed by Tang Dao.

Don't talk about tactical sports. The Japanese army who hid in temporary shelters and did not encounter landmines were thanking their own Amaterasu God for blessing, and fortunately their lives were temporarily preserved, facing the fiery bullet flow of MP28. dare not lift.

The scattered shots of the [-]-style rifle were quickly extinguished by the Tang Dao and Yang Xiaoshan rifles that occupied the favorable terrain.

For Yang Xiaoshan, a potential seedling, Tang Dao didn't want to help him grow, but the war is so cruel, if he doesn't grow, he may not even have the opportunity to grow.

That being the case, then use the battlefield as a training ground. If you pass the qualification, you will continue to live. If you fail, you can only die.

At present, it seems that Yang Xiaoshan is doing well and his luck is good enough. In the face of the bullets that the Japanese army counterattacks, he is not damaged at all, and his gun is also very stable. He emptied a clip and killed two Japanese soldiers.

Veteran Youzi gave up the cold gun he was good at, and carried an MP28 submachine gun, aiming at the faintly visible Japanese soldiers 40 meters away, shooting very happily.

This is for a veteran who is very good at preserving himself, even if his comrades are torn apart by cannonballs and poured on his face with blood Said, never had.

But I don't know why, watching the Japanese army have to try their best to lie down and beg for their lives under the torrent of bullets from themselves and their comrades in arms, and at the moment when they didn't dare to move around in order not to step on landmines, veteran Youzi suddenly felt very refreshed.

Shit, you are also afraid of death!Isn't there some shitty samurai spirit?Then you come!Take your three-eighth big cover, don't you hit it very accurately?What are you doing just lying there?
Veteran Youzi shot frantically at the area where a Japanese soldier was hiding. A full 32 rounds of bullets shot the originally weak bunker with sparks. I don’t know if the bunker was finally penetrated, or because of ricochet. The Japanese army collapsed with a howl.

In such a battlefield, whether it is light or serious, as long as they lose their mobility, it basically means death, unless they can wipe out the opponent.

Perhaps, their lieutenant commander thought so.

So, Kurokawa Weaving, who came back to his senses, gave an order, "Baga, fire flares at the front of the 1st Infantry Squad and the 20-meter area on the left and right sides!"

In a sense, his order was not wrong.

Find out the enemy firepower that is besieging his infantry squad. The remaining four-shot grenade grenade of the two infantry squads less than 100 meters away will surely let the Chinese know why the flowers are so red - they are all stained with blood red it.

When the bright light of the three flares that began to fall slowly illuminated the snow-white hundreds of meters below, the small faces of all the Japanese soldiers in the minefield were pale and pale.

The Japanese captains in the minefields, from the first lieutenant to the second class, really dared to swear at that moment that they did not have the habit of rubbing powder before going to the battlefield.

As for why it's so white, it's really scary.

Scared by 'pig teammates'.

Originally, although the firepower of the Chinese was fierce, they still had poor sightlines. They could still survive in the shadow of the ruins, but what should we do now?At a distance of less than 40 meters, under the light of the three flares, those with better eyes could even see clearly their chapped lips due to nervousness.

This is particularly good because he thinks the brothers died fast enough, right?

As for why Mao didn't fight back, the Chinese people are also in their sight. Try your special rifle against other people's submachine guns!

And the Chinese obviously came prepared, and the places they stayed were either solid brick walls or specially built bunkers with sandbags.

What's even worse is that there are basically two people in a group, one person is attacked, and the other person will quickly cover the position of attacking their comrades indiscriminately.

Just can't live.

However, this is not the most desperate time for the Japanese army in the minefield.

Even if the pig teammate named Kurokawa made them have indescribable behavior with all the women in the Kurokawa family in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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