Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 247 The little hoe didn't dance well

Chapter 247 The little hoe didn't dance well
The young deputy monitor couldn't help clenching his hands tightly.

Even when he felt the turbulent waves of Japanese artillery fire as an observation post in the precarious fortifications, he might not have been so nervous.

Although he is not familiar with Tang Dao, he knows that it is the highest commander in Cangcheng, and now it is just the first head-to-head encounter with the Japanese. Morale is undoubtedly fatal.

Anyone can die, but he cannot die.

But this is not something he can worry about as a soldier. What really makes him nervous is because he doesn't want to see similar situations happen before his eyes again.

Yes, it is not the first time the young deputy squad leader has seen the supreme commander personally go to the front line to fight.

In a daze, he seemed to see his colonel leader who personally led two infantry companies to counterattack the position with a pistol, until his figure disappeared in a cloud of gunpowder smoke that suddenly rose.

That was definitely the most tragic moment the young soldier had ever seen. The regiment commander disappeared, the entire infantry regiment went crazy, and the roar of "revenge for the regiment commander" resounded throughout the entire battlefield.

They jumped out of the bunker one after another, without fear of death, just to shoot the bullet in the gun chamber before they died, even if the bullet could not hit the enemy, as long as the bullet flew in the direction of the Japanese army.

There is no need to draw lots to get under the tanks to blow up tanks. If an infantry group cannot blow up, then an infantry squad will be used. If an infantry squad cannot, then an infantry platoon will be used.

For a tank, it is not uncommon for more than forty infantry to fall around.

The Japanese army with tanks could only retreat in the face of madness.

In the end, they regained the previously lost position. A total of 600 people remained in that position. Half of the regiment was gone, but their regiment leader disappeared.

Even an infantryman searched through the dust in a radius of [-] meters with tears in his eyes, but only found a few fragments of bones.

He didn't want to see such a scene again.

Fortunately, Tang Dao is not only determined, but also luckier than he imagined.

Shrapnel and splashed masonry flew around him, but they didn't touch him.

Tang Dao's luck is good, but his opponent's luck is bad under the ups and downs.

The last four rounds of the 20 rounds of the spring board all hit the crazily maneuvering Type 89 tank. One should have hit the corner of its turret steel plate, and the round that flew off the corner changed its direction and hit a man who was not far away. The grenadier who shot at Tang Dao crazily, a blood mist erupted on his body visible to the naked eye.

From a distance, the bright and thick blood-colored mist still has a kind of mournful beauty on the blazing battlefield, but it is definitely not a good experience for the Japanese infantry at close range.

The Japanese grenadier, whose half of his body was almost shattered, still couldn't die for a while. Not only was his body still wriggling with difficulty, but he was still muttering: "Yamamoto-san, help me, I don't want to die!"

However, the health soldiers rushing over knew that the sergeant in front of him was dead. The shells made a big hole the size of a volleyball in his shoulder blade, and he could vaguely see that his lung lobes were still struggling to shrink, even though they were already covered with dust. .

Massive amounts of blood gushed out as if soaking his whole body in the blood. Perhaps within a minute, he would be heading for death.

But the health guards never expected that Sergeant Fujita, who used to be so ruthless enough to pick Chinese babies under the moon on the tip of a bayonet to show off his martial prowess, would be so fragile. His eyes were full of prayers, praying that he could use a first-aid kit to stop him from witnessing. The wound, a good right hand tightly grabbed the health guard's ankle to prevent him from leaving.

How could a dying person be so strong?
The health guard's thoughts came to an abrupt end.

"Boom!" A loud noise caused all the Japanese soldiers around to look in the direction of the loud noise.

The Type 89 tank that bounced off one shell used up the last light of luck bestowed by Amaterasu, and the other three shells all hit its flank accurately.

However, under the terrifying kinetic energy of the 17mm machine gun, the 20mm steel plate was pierced in one hit, leaving three shocking bullet holes.

Of course, these are only superficial scars, and the bloody storm caused by the three warheads that broke into the tank is terrible.

Inside the tank, where everyone's eyes were blocked, the three warheads that had formed a ricochet effect directly tore the three tank soldiers into blood gourds. The high temperature formed by the intense metal friction caused the blood splashed on the metal surface to turn scorched black directly.

The end brought by the high temperature is the martyrdom of the shells. When the last five shells stored in the tank exploded, the violent explosion sound attracted the Japanese infantry around the tank. What they saw was the once majestic Type 89 tank from the inside. Flames spouted out to a height of more than two meters, until the turret was blown away by the accumulated explosion energy and flew high
Then, like a huge fly swatter, it slapped the horrified health guard, together with the sergeant-level grenadier hand who was still holding him tightly.

All the begging and surprise disappeared.

All that remained was a smoking turret and a distorted barrel.

With the destruction of this "heavy" tank, the Japanese infantry who were still firmly suppressed 130 meters in front of the position finally stopped, and hesitated to hide in the broken wall and shoot at the Chinese position until the iron whistle that ordered them to retreat sounded.

The tide of the Japanese army generally receded.

It was not until the Japanese army withdrew more than 300 meters that the young deputy squad leader lay flat behind the sandbags with his gun in his arms, panting heavily.

Just this moment of fighting seems to have exhausted all his strength, but he still tried his best to pull out the bayonet hanging from his waist, and solemnly drew another stroke on the butt of the gun. The third devil.

In terms of personal value, he has made a lot of money, but if you look at it as a whole class, it is not enough. In the battle of Dachang Town, his infantry squad had 12 people, and only he and the old squad leader survived. Originally, he had to kill 7 more devils.

This difficulty is not small.

A cigarette was thrown into his arms.

"The soldiers under Battalion Commander Liu? Did a good job." A voice rang in the ear of the young deputy squad leader.

He looked back and saw that the supreme commander who had just coaxed and killed a Japanese tank to relieve the pressure on the position had a cigarette in his mouth, squatting in the fortification and looking at him with a smile.

"Hello, sir!" Instinctively, the young deputy squad leader wanted to stand up and salute this soldier.

"Oh! Fuck, you must kill me, don't you?" Tang Dao, who was still smoking comfortably, trembled in fright, and a tiger sprang over and pinned the young soldier's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, sir, I." Only then did the young deputy squad leader realize that they were currently in a frontline trench, and the Japanese army's ruthless gunmen might be aiming at this side, and their faces turned red.

"Boy, you have to pay attention in the future." Tang Dao wiped the hot sweat from his forehead, patted the young soldier who had behaved well just now, saw the shame on his face, and said with a smile: "However, if you look at that If the officer is not pleasing to the eye, then give him a military salute on the battlefield."

"This" young soldier didn't expect that the commander, who was so cruel to him just now, would joke with him like a friend. Under the excitement, he didn't know where his usual cleverness went.

"You're good. If we don't die after this battle, as long as you want, I'll tell you Commander Wang and Battalion Commander Liu that you will be transferred to my Four Elements Battalion, and I will promote you to be the deputy sergeant squad leader." Tang Dao patted On the shoulders of young soldiers, unprecedented solicitation.

The Four Lines Battalion now has 100 people, which is really too inaccurate, and it is imperative to replenish troops.As the battalion commander of the Four Elements Battalion, Tang Dao must perform his duties.

The first-class soldier of the Sichuan Army in front of him is a good seedling, which is very suitable for the personnel selection of Tang Dao's plan to form a special team after the war.

As for whether Uncle Wang would scold him for poaching corners, Tang Dao felt that scolding could not kill anyone, not only the Sichuan Army, but also the 67th Army was thinking about it!
Crying children have milk, this trick is not uncommon for Tang Dao in the special brigade.The two big brothers Guo and Wu are now his most solid support, and it is necessary to help the younger brother after the war.

"I'm sorry sir, I'm the deputy squad leader now!" The young deputy squad leader could only answer honestly.

"Then I'll give it to you, monitor." Tang Dao also made a capital investment.

The Four Elements Battalion wanted to expand its troops, and the 100 people who followed him were basically the backbone. It was the limit to give this senior soldier a sergeant squad leader, even if it was Tang Dao.

"Sir, I'm going to our company's position first." The young soldier didn't give Tang Dao an accurate answer.

Obviously, Tang Dao failed to dig the corner of Pharaoh's wall with a small hoe for the first time.

However, Tang Dao was not disappointed when he saw the back of the young soldier leaving in a hurry.

On the contrary, he appreciates it even more.Such soldiers are what he needs most.

It's just that, no matter how much he appreciates it, the young soldier must first survive the war.

The smile on his face subsided, and Tang Dao looked coldly at the Japanese army's position hundreds of meters away.

In this first wave of tentative attacks, the Japanese were more determined than he had imagined.

The Battle of Cangcheng was even more difficult than the Sixing Warehouse.

(End of this chapter)

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