Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 266 The word 'righteousness' takes the lead

Chapter 266 The word 'righteousness' takes the lead
Songjiang at this time!
They didn't know that Tantai Mingyue's battlefield diary put Songjiang in the eyes of soldiers and civilians across the country.

They, as Tantai Mingyue said in his diary, trembled under the Japanese artillery fire together with the whole city.

At 7 o'clock in the morning, standing on the top of the Songjiang wall and looking into the distance, a piece of earthy yellow swept across from the Huangpu River to Songjiang City like a group of ants.

That was a division and a detachment with a total of 114 Japanese troops. In addition to the [-]th Division, which was originally in the direction of Songjiang Dongcheng, the Japanese army encircling Songjiang will reach more than [-] people.

The Japanese army that was about to arrive surrounded Songjiang City from three sides. Except for the direction of Liubei City, the remaining kilometers in front of the city walls were all khaki.

The arriving Japanese troops did not rush to attack Songjiang, but built field fortifications in front of Songjiang Castle, but this did not mean that they left Songjiang Castle idle.

Since the arrival of the infantry, the howitzers deployed several kilometers away have begun test firing. After three rounds of test fire, it is a saturated shelling.

This time, it was much more terrifying than when the 114th Division arrived before.

Because, the Sixth Division that has arrived also has an artillery unit with 48 artillery pieces of several calibers, and the Kunizaki detachment also has an enhanced version of the artillery unit, which has 75 16-caliber mountain cannons, plus the supplementary supplies The 114th Division has 48 artillery pieces, and these alone have more than 100 artillery pieces.

In addition to the participation of six naval guns, the intensity of the artillery fire was more than double that of yesterday.

This wave of bombardment did not distinguish between Cangcheng, folk houses, and Songjiang City. All areas belonging to the Chinese defenders' positions were all within the bombardment range of the Japanese army.

In the original words of Hisao Tani, the head of the Sixth Division who arrived at the front line of Songjiang West City: "I want to see the trembling look of the artillery fire of the Chinese Imperial Army! Let them understand that the so-called fighting spirit is in the artillery of the Imperial Army. In front of might, nothing is!"

A very domineering declaration, but at the moment, Hisao Tani does have the confidence to be domineering.

For the Chinese army at this time, the simultaneous bombardment of hundreds of artillery pieces is definitely an extremely extravagant thing.

This round of shelling lasted for an hour and a half until the Japanese army in the wilderness basically built their field fortifications.

The entire Songjiang River was surrounded by thick gunpowder smoke, which didn't dissipate until more than ten minutes later.

From the perspective of the observation posts that survived by chance, houses collapsed and burned everywhere in the city and outside the city. The streets that were originally smooth can see hideous bomb craters from time to time.

Of course, these are not terrible, as long as no one is hiding in these houses, no matter how badly damaged the bombed houses are, the casualties will not be too great.

However, the ancient city wall of Songjiang, which was not seriously damaged in yesterday's shelling, was blasted with several large gaps.

Even the city walls with a thickness of several meters were smashed, not to mention the various fortifications laid on it. The heavy machine gun fortifications built with logs and sandbags were like paper under the power of 105 howitzers and 127 naval guns. For a frontal hit, even if it is separated by more than 30 meters, the terrifying air waves can collapse it.

Fortunately, from the beginning of the construction of Songjiang fortifications, Tang Dao took out the tunnel warfare tactics summed up by China in the future in the ice and snow in the north and the American cowboys who are armed to the teeth. I can hide.

Except for leaving enough observation posts, the rest of the main force hid in the air-raid shelter and watched the city explode into a mess, but the real damage to personnel was minimal.

However, this round, the Songjiang security group located in the residential area suffered heavy losses.

The basements and cellars they hide in are far less solid than the air-raid shelters in Songjiang City. In such a round of shelling, many people will never have the chance to drill out of the simple bomb shelters that are only more than one meter deep underground. Before even firing a single bullet, he just suffocated to death in the cellar.

"Good, the devil's shells don't need money! Hurry up and contact the brothers to see how they are. The Japanese are probably coming." When the fierce artillery fire stopped for a while, he came out of the basement of the headquarters he had set up. While complaining about the Japanese prodigal bombardment, Zhuang Shisan ordered his guard squad leader to blow the iron whistle.

That was the contact method created by the security battalion commander himself.

The inspiration comes from the early years when wandering around in the rivers and lakes, a group of green-skinned gangsters used whistles to deliver news when they were stealing chickens and dogs.

Don't tell me, this is a very primitive communication, and when it is used on this battlefield where the enemy and the enemy may fight together at any time, it has an unexpected effect.

Just like last night, as soon as the whistle blew, my own people knew their general location, and they also vaguely knew what they wanted to do, but the Japanese who also heard the whistle were stunned, because the iron whistle sounded one after another all over the block, anyway There are enemies everywhere.

While being able to communicate, but knowing nothing at the same time, it is no wonder that the Japanese army did not fall into a disadvantage.

"Beep-beep!" One long and two short iron whistles sounded.

The sound of the iron whistle used to identify and deliver messages was sharp enough to travel nearly a hundred meters, and one long and two short meant that each company, platoon, and squad were required to report their location.

Generally speaking, each infantry squad has an iron whistle hanging around the squad leader's neck. As long as the infantry squad is not finished, there will basically be a response.

Moreover, the soldiers of the security battalion, who had learned to be much smarter, had cotton in their pockets. When the Japanese artillery began to test fire, they had already stuffed the cotton into their ears, so as to ensure that their hearing would not be damaged.

Now that the artillery fire has stopped, the soldiers who can't feel the vibration are not stupid enough to plug their ears until now. What should we do when the Japanese come?
With the sound of the iron whistle, iron whistle sounded from all around.

Zhuang Shisan, who kept beating the dust on his body, showed a smile on his face, until the last iron whistle sounded, and there was no sound for a long time.

The major's security battalion commander's smile froze on his face.

Turn around and ask your security squad leader: "Just now, did you count how many voices were responding to us?"

"It seems to be twenty!" The guard squad leader replied with some uncertainty, and his face was extremely ugly. "Maybe some places are too far away, we didn't hear."

"Fart, how could you not hear me? I'm in the center, and the four companies of the battalion are located in the south, east, and north. It's not like I haven't tried it when I came here." Zhuang Shisan was furious.

"Let you read more books, this is good, I can't even count the number, how could there be only 20 sounds?
I have a battalion of 700 people, how could there be only 20 whistles, you blow the whistle for me again, no, blow the bugle for me, let the whole battalion return to the position, don't coax me, the Japanese are coming. "

According to the pre-war agreement, all platoons and squads that climbed out of the cellar had to report to their company commander with an iron whistle after receiving the bugle and returning to the position, and then the company headquarters reported to the battalion headquarters through the telephone line.

In the face of such a violent bombardment, the telephone line must have been blown up long ago. Naturally, it is impossible to report by telephone, but it can still be done with the most primitive iron whistle.

A few minutes after the sound of the bugle, the iron whistles of each company came from dozens of meters away, but this time, no matter how hard the major battalion commander and the guard squad leader listened, there were still no more than 30 whistles.

Every iron whistle represents an infantry squad, which also means that there will be no more than 30 infantry squads scattered in the block that can respond.

The security regiment belongs to the local armed forces, and the military pay is borne by the local finance. The number of personnel is much higher than that of the regular army. An infantry squad has as many as 15 people, which means that there are only 450 people who can still go to the battlefield.

There was a melee with the Japanese army last night, 80 people were killed or injured, which made the security battalion commander sad for half the night. This is good, after a bombardment, more than 100 people were lost.

"Good, before the official start of the fight, I killed so many brothers and gave me red flares. Today I will fight with the devils." The eyes of the major's security battalion commander instantly turned red.

In the rivers and lakes, one relies on the word 'righteousness'. The battalion commander of the major may not have enough sacrifice spirit, but he has heard too many scenes of Guan Yunchang surpassing five passes and beheading six generals. This brotherly righteousness is always kept in mind. Heart.

Apart from parents, wives and children, this may be the second reason why the security battalion commander can still stand here.

Outside Cangcheng, a Japanese officer wearing a major general uniform, white gloves, and a tasseled command knife around his waist looked through a binoculars at the neighborhood that was still emitting black smoke 600 meters away, with a disdainful sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"No wonder it can only be a supplementary division, even if they are given the title of a special division, it is useless!
The placement of troops by the Chinese in such a place is nothing more than adding glory to our country's Qi detachment!

Akishi-kun, tell me, if we conquered this block in only one hour, wouldn't it be too ugly for Moji Suematsu? "

(End of this chapter)

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