Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 277 Fresh Bait

Chapter 277 Fresh Bait

At a distance of nearly 40 meters, the crow couldn't see the expression on Wang Laoshi's face clearly.

However, he knew that Wang Laoshi, who was dragged out of the ruins by the Japanese army, must still be alive.

Because his hands were weak and in vain trying to hold something, he wanted to resist, but he was powerless under the rough dragging of the Japanese army.

In the sight of crows swarming into blood again, the Japanese army brutally dragged the prisoners who had completely lost their resistance to the long street.

One of Wang Laoshi's legs should have been broken by the shelling, and it was bent strangely, and the other leg was also dripping with blood, but the real reason why he couldn't stand up was probably because his waist was severely injured.

The very conspicuous Wang Laoshi who was thrown on the long street tried hard several times to support his body with his arms, but it was all in vain. He could only lie helplessly on the long street on his back, waiting for the judgment of fate.

In the corner blocked by the armored vehicle, the crow had no way of knowing what order the Japanese commander gave. He only saw that after 1 minutes, two Japanese soldiers brought a set of ropes with grim smiles, and put them on his two injured legs. superior.

Then the other end was tied to the second 94 armored vehicle, and then the two armored vehicles started to start, and began to walk slowly on the long street.

What kind of pain will it be if the already distorted leg is dragged like this?Raven doesn't know.

But at the moment of dragging, Wang Laoshi's eyeballs protruded instantly and his miserable howl broke out, so that all the soldiers of the security regiment who saw this scene could feel his severe pain.

Too cruel!

At least half of the Chinese soldiers who were watching the scene from the dark lowered their heads silently, not daring to watch this extremely tragic scene.

The Japanese are not only demonstrating, but also venting, venting on a Chinese soldier who has lost all resistance.

What Tang Dao told them once again appeared in the crow's mind: the Japanese army will treat everyone in the occupied area like pigs and dogs, and slaughter them wantonly!
Sure enough, Lieutenant Colonel Tang Dao was right, the Japanese are animals.

Wang Laoshi was in pain, his nose was sore and tears were all over his face. After he howled a few times because he couldn't stand the severe pain from his legs, he heard the proud Japanese infantrymen in his ears. Laughter, he probably knew that the more miserable he shouted, the happier these Japanese people would be.

This honest man who just joined the security forces for his livelihood became stronger unexpectedly, stopped crying loudly, the veins on his forehead popped up high, he clenched his teeth and could not make a sound.

This made the Japanese army extremely dissatisfied.

After marching for more than ten meters, a Japanese soldier directly stabbed his wounded leg with a bayonet at the order of the officer. Seeing that the middle-aged man clenched his teeth finally couldn't help crying and cursing loudly, he was satisfied again. Hide under the eaves of the shops on the street.

The Japanese do this on purpose.

Because, they are fishing.

The crying Chinese wounded soldiers are the freshest bait, just like a lure fisherman, the plastic bait that is constantly being pulled can attract ferocious mandarin fish and perch.

Hideo Kato has found the shortcomings of the Chinese.

The biggest advantage of the Chinese hidden here is their familiarity with the terrain. It is not wise to chase and fight with them in this complex residential area. There is no advantage at all.

But the Chinese also have shortcomings. If they want to take advantage of the terrain and give full play to the characteristics of mobile combat, they are doomed not to have heavy firepower. Light firepower alone means they can only do harassment.

However, just this kind of harassment hiding in the dark like a gopher is already a headache.

The bullets that are swept out from time to time may only result in one or two people each time. After a long time, they can also gather sand into a tower.

What Hero Kato would like to see most is that the Chinese can come out like a man and confront him with hard steel. Two 94 armored vehicles and two infantry guns can beat those Chinese with only light firearms into dogs.

Since the Chinese didn't do this, he used wounded Chinese soldiers as bait to torture him, so that the Chinese who watched his fellow soldiers being tortured jumped out to save him.

Only in this way can we use our own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses, instead of falling into the opponent's rhythm.

It's a brutal tactic, but that's also the best way for Kato Hero.

He has a great chance of success.

At least, Zhuang Shisan, who values ​​brotherly loyalty very much, has ordered his guards to move closer to him. He wants to gather his forces to fight this group of cruel Japanese soldiers. , and may not live.

But people in the Jianghu are all about the word 'righteousness', if they don't even respond to the torture of their own brothers, who will listen to him as a battalion commander in the future?
No one listened to the cliff, even if he went to Wang Laoshi's bun shop to take care of business, he would definitely be spit on the face by Wang Laoshi's wife.

Zhuang Shisan, the highest officer of the security regiment in this area, was furious, and quietly assembled his troops to prepare for a decisive battle with the Japanese army who had laid the bait. As Wang Laoshi's direct subordinate officer, Wu Ya was also clenching his teeth and thinking about what he should do.

He only has a shell gun in his hand, plus the Hanyang made by three other people, and maybe there are two Czech light machine guns and dozens of rifles that have been quietly set up around.

But then, can it pose a threat to the two Japanese armored vehicles?

The answer is cruel, no.

The wooden doors and windows used extensively in Jiangnan Mingju can provide Chinese soldiers with shelter, but they cannot be used as shelters. Two 7.7mm heavy machine guns can almost wipe out any firepower point that can shoot continuously for more than 10 seconds.

How to do?
There are more than five ways to save people in the crow's mind, but in this environment, none of them are useful.

He knew that Wang Laoshi persisted in his obsession with death until now, and he still had five children and parents to support, especially in this time of turmoil, when his pillar died, what should the children do?Throw it all to his weak wife?He doesn't want to!
The crow has never been a father, but he can understand a father.

At the last moment when his father passed away due to a serious illness, didn't he stare at his face with gray eyes?
There is no fear of death, but only worry and reluctance for his young son. The nine-year-old crow will never forget the look of his father before he left.His father wanted to live hard because he loved him.

Ever since her father left, she was only a young girl who looked at him lying on the corner of the street waiting to die with a worried look on his face, so he remembered it all his life, that was the last light left in his heart after losing his parents.

Wang Laoshi wanted to live, and Crow also hoped that he could survive, for the sake of the five young children.

But can he save him?As the Japanese army convoy slowly approached, gunshots continued to ring out, and soldiers from the security regiment who couldn't bear it began to attack this group of extremely cruel Japanese troops.

They fell prey to Japanese troops who threw out their bait.

The ferocious strafing of two 7.7mm heavy machine guns that had been waiting in full battle made screams everywhere, and at least six people died in the asymmetrical shooting.

Crow, whose eyes were already red, waited until the Japanese armored vehicle was no more than ten meters away from him in a straight line, and could only judge desperately that he could not save him.

Even if he had an explosive package that could be thrown out to blow up the ferocious Japanese armored vehicles, it would not save him.

The Japanese had already calculated the distance. The armored vehicle marched in the middle of the long street, and the rope that caught Wang Laoshi was no more than four meters away. Not to mention the explosive package, even if a grenade or grenade was thrown, it would not only attack the armor, but also kill Wang Laoshi. Blow up.

Seeing the Japanese army convoy approaching little by little, Crow could only curl up in pain and lie on the floor of the second floor.

He didn't know what he should do.

Wang Lao was dragged by a Japanese armored vehicle, leaving a bloodstain that was tens of meters long on the long street. As long as he didn't shout, the Japanese would stab him with a bayonet, and it didn't take long for him to bleed Too much is enough to kill him.

But he could only watch helplessly, watching Wang Laoshi being tortured to death like this.

Yes, he has a shell gun in his hand. According to the current distance, he can kill at least two Japanese soldiers with a burst of random shots.

But what's the use?Since Wang Laoshi could not be saved, he himself might be swept into a sieve by the 7.7-meter heavy machine gun on the armored vehicle.

At this moment, Crow hated the two Japanese armored vehicles even more than the Japanese commander who gave the cruel order. If it weren't for these two armored vehicles, they would never have dared to do such a cruel act.

Guns and grenades cannot solve this crisis.

Crow's mind was almost completely filled with the three words 'what to do'.

Until he looked around in a daze, he saw an object handed over to him by a soldier who climbed up from the stairs.

The crow's eyes suddenly lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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