Chapter 280

The veteran Kato hero already understood at the moment when the flames of the armored vehicles shot up into the sky, the two 94 armored vehicles were finished.

It is not the key that the biggest support is gone, the key is that the fresh bait he throws is too tempting, and there must be more Chinese people attracted at this time than he imagined.

This is equivalent to a hunter who dug a trap and waited for the wolves to take the bait and catch them all. As a result, the wolves came, but the hunter found painfully that his gun was broken.

No one knows what kind of mood this is, but Kato Hero is extremely wise and issued the military order to retreat.

Sure enough, when Hero Kato led the infantry and started running back along the eaves of the long street, gunshots on both sides of Zhongshan Road suddenly rang out.

Hero Kato's bait strategy was really too successful. More than 200 soldiers from the first security battalion gathered here. Frightened by the power of the heavy machine guns of the 94 armored vehicles, the soldiers of the security regiment who silently hid in the houses nearly [-] meters away on both sides of Zhongshan Long Street could only Watching the armored vehicle dragging his companions, watching the two infantry guns unscrupulously bombard any area that dared to shoot bullets.

But now, the two armored vehicles were miraculously lit into a large bonfire by a few Molotov cocktails, and the Japanese infantry began to flee.

Maybe they can't do this head-to-head with the Japanese, but it's still no problem to beat the dog in the water, even if their marksmanship is not very good.

Facts have proved that when the courage has dissipated, the so-called "steel army" may also become an "anal army". In the imprecise but dense enough stream attack of Chinese soldiers, Kato Hero and the more than one hundred infantrymen under his command could only Retreating as fast as possible, without even a decent counterattack.

Even if soldiers from the security regiment jumped out of the shop at the risk of shooting at the Japanese infantry who had already run out 80 meters with their rifles at the gate, they did not turn around and shoot.

They didn't even get into those deep alleys to avoid the continuous gunfire behind them. Compared with the maze-like alleys, they were more willing to bet that the Chinese soldiers behind them were inaccurate, even if as the gunshots sounded, one after another The companion wailed and fell on the way of retreating.

On the way of fleeing over 600 meters, no less than 60 Japanese infantry fell down, and the casualty rate was as high as 50.00%.

Many were not even killed by gunfire, but by grenades thrown by increasingly emboldened security regiment soldiers.

As for those who were injured and unable to move, with their previous attitude towards Chinese wounded soldiers, could they possibly survive?
Not even the most whimsical Japanese ever dreamed of it.

Their clever little brains made them guess right again.

Zhuang Shisan, who was thoroughly enraged by the use of wounded soldiers as bait by the Japanese army, ordered that no one should be left alive, while the wounded Japanese soldiers huddled in a corner and fought desperately. The darkness in the hearts of the soldiers of the security regiment was completely aroused.

There is no tactical or non-tactical, but purely for revenge and to kill the enemy, they directly used the Molotov cocktail as a secret weapon.

No matter what corner you hide in, even throwing grenades and grenades can block the debris, but you can't stop the fire!You can set buildings on fire even if the flames attached to your body can't be burned by splashing around.

Relying on smoke or roasting, it can kill you no matter what, even if it means setting the whole house on fire.

The wounded Japanese soldiers who were trapped were either burned alive in the house, or rushed out and were shot to death.

However, the Japanese infantry were by no means the most miserable group.

The worst ones were the two infantry artillery squads.

They were indeed located at the rear of Hero Kato, and there were two infantry squads covering them. Logically speaking, even if they were retreating, they should be the first group to slip away.

It's a pity that two infantry guns weighing 200 kilograms and boxes of shells became a drag on their speed.

It is true that the Japanese place too much emphasis on equipment. At the moment when the commanding officer can run faster than a mule, the two infantry artillery squads are still carrying the shell boxes and pushing the infantry artillery to run back. How fast can that be? ?
No matter how blind the soldiers of the security regiment are, don't they have to focus on this idiot!
At least six 70 people took the initiative to attack the two groups of nearly 20 Japanese artillerymen. What's more, apart from the two cannons, only one-third of them seemed to be carrying rifles and pistols.

With their own side on the offensive, the artillerymen holding two direct-pointing guns in their hands are really awesome, and the protagonist of the God of War is properly aura.

But at this stage of the retreat of the whole army, it seems that there are people shooting at the front, back, left, and right. Where is the muzzle pointing at?

Under the control of the desperate Japanese artillery, the two infantry guns fired only three shots, and then they completely misfired and could no longer hear any movement.

Artillery, which is close enough to fight and stab, encounters infantry, and its combat effectiveness is not as good as that of a chicken.

Dozens of Japanese infantrymen ran hundreds of meters of escape route under the leadership of Kato hero, but the 20 artillerymen were all left in the middle of Zhongshan Long Street, and the two infantry artillery were left alone on the long street. superior.

"It was a road of escape full of blood and shame." Lieutenant Hideo Kato, the captain of the 5rd Squadron of the 3th Infantry Brigade of the Kunizaki Detachment, wrote such a passage in his diary on November 11.

No one knew how depressed he was at that time, because he had no chance to confide in anyone.

After writing this diary of less than 500 words, the Japanese captain who was forced to retreat acted as the commander of the "Death Squad" and led the group of more than [-] people who were withdrawn from the block to another position. Desperate attack.

The so-called death, of course, is absolutely dead.

Yes, it was during the less than one-hour battle of the first attack launched by the Kunisaki Detachment on the morning of November 11, the face of Major General Kunizaki, the captain of the Major General of the Kunisaki Detachment, was slapped by the Chinese under his command There are stars in the fan's eyes.

Not only did they fail to take down the block within the time limit of one hour, but the nearly 900 people who entered the block suffered more than 300 battle damage, and two 94 armored vehicles and two infantry guns were all damaged.

The Chinese were completely uninterested in the captured two infantry guns, and directly used the grenades captured from the corpses of the Imperial Japanese Army warriors as detonators, and blew them into pieces in the field of vision of the Japanese Major, the captain of the Fifth Infantry Battalion. .

They were really a bunch of bumpkins, and the corners of the Japanese Major’s distressed eyes twitched. Those were the two most powerful heavy weapons in his infantry brigade, and they were blown up by the ignorant Chinese.

That's not to mention, the ignorant Chinese were so arrogant that they placed the remains of the soldiers of the Imperial Army who had been killed from the block on the long street and arranged them in a neat queue.

The corpses of more than 300 people, looked through the telescope, a row of khaki, really long.

"Bombardment! Gather all the artillery of the detachment and bombard the area!" Kunizaki, who arrived at the front line, put down his binoculars and ordered with a livid face. "Also, send a telegram to His Excellency Moji Suematsu, requesting support from the Artillery Wing of the 114th Division."

"There are the remains of imperial warriors there." The Japanese lieutenant wanted to give such a suggestion.

Seeing His Excellency Major General's livid face and disregarding his face to ask for support from the 114th Division, which he despises, he knew that this suggestion was in vain.

Five minutes later, the Japanese retaliatory shelling came.

The neighborhood is under fire again.

However, before that, most of the security regiment soldiers hid in their cellars or basements.

Crow took his own infantry platoon, more precisely, an infantry squad, and huddled in a cellar with an area of ​​15 square meters.

Of the 50-man infantry platoon, there are now only 15 left.

Regardless of the heavy losses of the Japanese army, the security regiment actually lost a lot in battle.

Two consecutive battles last night and early this morning, plus the losses in artillery fire, the No. 300 Security Battalion, the most active combatant, suffered more than [-] casualties.

Zhuang Shisan and the officers under his command were very sad, but they didn't know that if this loss ratio could be maintained until the end of the Battle of Songjiang, they would shock the entire army and the whole country.

Even Tang Dao, who personally guided them, would be extremely surprised.

His original best expectation was that this group of "jianghu people" could really drag on for 6 hours as the military order said. As for how many Japanese they could kill, that was just a matter of fate.

200 is not too much, and 100 is not too little.

Who would have known that a group of low-level guys actually lost more than 600 people in battle, and nearly 600 Japanese soldiers were killed.

The crow was heartbroken, but also very relieved.

Honestly, life is really not that hard.

Perhaps the Japanese army saw that he was dying and it was not worth wasting bullets, or maybe it was too late to refill his guns in a hasty evacuation. Even the large "campfire" that was burning and splattering flames seemed to have forgotten the tossed "bait". No flames fell on him.

Until the crow ran out regardless of the danger and dragged his 'body' into the house, before tears could shed, the 'body' rolled his white eyes and said: "Platoon leader, I'm not dead!"

I've seen a hard life, but I've never seen such a hard life.

Crow rolled his eyes and smiled.

This bastard is alive, so let him take care of his wife and children!I can still keep my big yellow croaker.

(End of this chapter)

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