Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 283 The security team running away

Chapter 283 The Running Security Team (Please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly pass!)
Use the mantra of the future famous basketball commentator 'Zhang Lili' teacher: This is unreasonable!
Yes, according to normal procedures, even if the Japanese army did not reorganize their forces to attack, they would definitely use this spare time to bombard, destroy the houses and at the same time try to kill and injure the enemies hidden in the houses.

But this time, they were already gathering their troops, but there was no artillery fire, as if they were waiting for something.

Not waiting for artillery fire, is it waiting for the plane?

Looking up at the sky, the gloomy sky may rain at any time, and there is no frightening buzzing sound.

Looking into the distance for a long time, Tang Dao narrowed his eyes slightly.

Finally, he found something unusual.

The Japanese infantry has two trenches, one is located 800 meters behind, which is their main trench, and the other is located 500 meters in front, which is where the infantry will enter when the attack on Cangcheng is about to be launched, so that it is convenient for them to start the shelling Afterwards, troops can be deployed in the direction of the Cangcheng position faster.

But this time, hardly any Japanese infantry could be seen in the first-line trenches 500 meters away, and even the routinely deployed sentries seemed to have disappeared.

All that shows that this is an unconventional offensive and defensive battle.

Turning his head suddenly, Tang Dao ordered to the army captain beside him: "Captain Peng, the Japanese army, which has been frustrated continuously, may have used unconventional tactics in this attack. You should report this phenomenon to the headquarters immediately, and the commander-in-chief will send an order to the security regiment. , Their task has been completed, and the whole army, with the wounded, retreated to the city in batches as quickly as possible without disturbing the Japanese army.

At the same time, I ordered the defenders of Cangcheng to cover the ventilation holes in the bullet shelter with sandbags and various cotton cloths soaked in water, and not to go to the surface unless necessary.Additional observation posts were sent, and each observation post covered his mouth and nose with a wet towel and wrapped his exposed skin with a wet cloth as much as possible. "

"Sir, what do you mean?" Peng Chong's pupils suddenly shrank.

Tang Dao's order gave him a sense of foreboding.

"Yes, the Japanese infantry has been dispatching troops for a while, but they have not been covered by conventional artillery fire. The Tenth Army has just disembarked from the transport ship, and the ammunition reserves it has prepared are enough for a battle-level battle. There is no reason to start now. Saving, that can only show that they are waiting, waiting for new types of bombs, such as poison gas bombs." Tang Dao looked into the distance with terribly cold eyes.

"You son of a bitch, if you can't win, you'll use these things that don't make it to the table." Peng Chong gritted his teeth.

Although Peng Chong had never experienced poison gas bombs, he was definitely no stranger to them.

An infantry regiment of the 67th Army encountered this on the North China battlefield.

After being attacked by Japanese gas bombs, the regiment, which fought to the death without retreating, had to withdraw from its position. In the end, the regiment lost 70.00% of its staff, and half of that 70.00% was due to the raging Japanese gas bombs.Many wounded who had to be evacuated due to inhalation had their throats and lungs festered and died in the field hospital as well.

Tang Dao's warning was quickly sent to the city by phone.

"Will the Japanese army use gas bombs?" Wang Gongyu, the commander of the security regiment at the headquarters, gasped. "That's something that's banned internationally. There are also observers from the League of Nations in the Songhu theater."

Wang Gongyu naturally has his reasons for saying this. At least, on the battlefield for Songhu, the Japanese army did not use gas bombs on a large scale because of the presence of many German military advisers in the Western Concession and the Chinese army.

However, what Wang Gongyu, who had never been on the battlefield, did not know was that the reason why the Japanese army, which was competing with the Chinese army for control of Songhu, did not use gas bombs on a large scale was not because of the existence of those blond international military observers, but rather After entering autumn, the windy and rainy weather in the south of China is not suitable for the use of gas bombs. Once the wind from the East China Sea blows and there is rain, the effect of gas bombs will be much smaller.

Those blond-haired and blue-eyed Westerners can watch the Japanese increase their troops and invade a sovereign country in an all-round way. How can they sanction the Japanese whose military strength is almost comparable to theirs because of a small gas bomb?
After all, on the big stage of the international community, it is not your land area, population, or even wealth that determines the right to speak, only your fists.

Just like Tianzhu in the future, the land area is large enough, and the population is the largest in the world. It dreams of becoming a permanent member of the council.

Is the negative vote in China really useful?

What is useful is the power in the hands of China in the future that can destroy the entire earth dozens of times.

The island country, which gambled wildly on its national luck and failed, accumulated dazzling wealth after the war, even threatening the existence of its master. Therefore, the dog owner promulgated a small economic policy, which burst the economic bubble and made a huge amount of wealth for bubbles.

Whether it is a country or an individual, the destiny can only be grasped in one's own hands, and one cannot count on anyone else.

It's just that it is extremely sad that a certain high-level person at this time actually entrusts the fate of his country and nation to those Western plutocrats who practice robbery under the guise of democracy.

And more importantly, poison gas bombs did not originate in the East.

When it comes to playing this, Western talents are the originator.

Throughout the First World War, Western generals threw all kinds of special bombs on their opponents like crazy, such as poisonous arsine, hydrocyanic acid, and mustard gas. More than one species.

In just four years, the amount of poison used on the battlefield reached 12 tons, resulting in about 130 million casualties.

War is not a boxing ring. The so-called conventions and rules are only for the weak who cannot resist.Only the state officials are allowed to set fire and the people are not allowed to light lamps, which is the essence of power.

Any soldier who desires his opponent to abide by the rules in a war is ridiculous. The rules themselves are formulated by the strong who actively provoked the war.

The final victory is what the human beings who wage war need most. This is a bloody fact throughout the thousands of years of human society's development history.

"When the Japanese slaughtered the people in Jinshan County, did they ever worry about the existence of those western war reporters and military observers?" Zhongjiang Guo asked with a sneer.

Wang Gongyu was silent.

The commissioner realized that the war he was about to experience was no longer the hail of bullets he had imagined, and that both sides would do whatever it took to win.

Both Wu and Guo are experienced fighters, and they believe in the analysis of Tang Dao, who is at the forefront.

The retreat order was quickly passed to the three battalions of the security regiment that were still in the ruins by phone.

Although they did not last to the 6 hours stipulated before the war, but when the Japanese army used this trump card, it was meaningless to let them die there.

"Damn it, the devils are going to release poison gas bombs, blow the whistle to notify everyone, and retreat to the city." After receiving the call from the city, Zhuang Shisan lost his soul. "Also, I don't care about the dead ones for the time being, but as long as they are still alive, I will carry them back to me."

For a moment, the entire residential area seemed to explode. The soldiers of the security battalion who received the evacuation order rushed out of their respective hiding places, some carried their backs, and ran towards the city with the wounded.

Don't tell me, letting these guys charge may not be able to run very fast, but the speed of this run is definitely first-class.

It took almost no use for 10 minutes, and more than 1000 people came back from the specially opened city defense channel.

Lieutenant General Liu Yuqing, the commander of the 26th Division who came to greet them with Wang Gongyu from the headquarters, could only say dumbfounded: "Commander Wang, your army is not only brave in combat, but also the speed of retreat is really admirable!"

Commissioner Wang blushed when he was teased by the lieutenant general, but he was still happy when he saw the return of thousands of people without saying a word.

You know, the pensions of regular troops like the 67th Army and the 43rd Army can be obtained from the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs, but the pensions of his Songjiang security regiment have to be borne by the Songjiang locality. When the Japanese came, Songjiang was gone. Wang Gongyu's private pocket?
It would be fine for him to play tricks now, but the battle will always be over, even if Wang Gongyu is dead, as long as the families of those soldiers who died in battle are still alive, they will come to his Wang family sooner or later.

Dare not to give?I really thought that the noble gentry could take the common people as food!Since then, his Wang family's reputation in Songjiang and even in the whole of Jiangnan has been stink.

Come back now and talk about half of the people, but the pension is much less than he expected before, do you think Lao Wang can be unhappy?

But then again, it was very pleasing to the eyes of Lao Wang's subordinates who ran back looking a little embarrassed when he saw himself running around like a pig, but these guys who usually don't have much reputation gave him enough face all day and night.

Didn't the regular soldiers in the fortifications of the city wall look at the security guards with irregular uniforms in the same way as before?
That is a tribute from the heart.

An homage to a group of vigilantes who run as fast as they can.

This is almost impossible for a certain regiment of the 67th Army defending the city wall, but it really happened.

Because the battle between the security regiment and the Japanese army in the residential area was almost in front of their eyes. Except for the soldiers in the Tang Dao and Cangcheng positions, they were the ones hiding in the fortifications of the city wall who could see it most clearly.

If it were them, they didn't know if they could do better than these 'jianghu soldiers'.

The fortifications of the city are still open, and the soldiers of the security regiment who received the news later rushed to this side.

Zhuang Shisan, who was sweating profusely, stood by the fortifications and asked the signal soldiers to count the soldiers belonging to his battalion.

When the number of 350 is reached, it can no longer rise.

"No, where's the crow!" Seeing that no one had returned from the evacuation passage, the security battalion commander with desperate eyes shouted to the soldiers who hid in the trenches.

"I watched that kid run away! He's so damn right in front of me! Where are the others?"

The voice did not fall.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The Japanese fired.

Not only the gunpowder smoke after the explosion, but also a huge fireball and a strange light green smoke rose from the residential house.

(End of this chapter)

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