Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 29 Unconventional Operations

Chapter 29 Unconventional Operations

Yes, the number of Chinese soldiers in the Sixing warehouse is still an unsolved mystery for the current Japanese commanders at all levels.

This is also a mystery that Tang Dao deliberately created.

If there are too few troops, the Japanese commander, who is driven to madness by the large number of casualties, may be killed and the net will be broken, and the life will be piled up.

Such a thing is not unheard of in the history of the Japanese army, which is known for its single tendons.


It lasted 150 days, the Japanese army swarmed with wolves, blood and flesh flew, Naokidian used the sea of ​​people, tunnels, night attacks, and even organized 5 death squads with white cloth on their heads to charge, all of which ended in failure, killing more than [-] Japanese soldiers. people.

To put it bluntly, this guy was called a 'foolish general' by later military historians. The so-called tactics in front of him are nothing but a pile of lives, trying to scare his opponents with stupid crowd tactics. Of course, the result is Bumped with blood.

If the Japanese army did this, the number of kills would be gratifying, but the losses at the Sixing Warehouse would be huge. More importantly, Tang Dao had to take into account the hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians on the concession side, and the crazy Japanese were thousands of people. Regardless of it, the use of naval guns and large-caliber artillery is a disaster for the civilians in the concession.

As for those countries in the Western world, Tang Dao knew all too well, in fact, they were nothing more than those who had gone all the way with the Japanese invaders.

Weak China, in their eyes, has no right to let them and ambitious Japan tear their face.

Even if the concession was bombed, at most it would be nothing more than a painless statement of condemnation.

That is to say, the current Japanese high-level officials do not dare to act recklessly without trying to understand the bottom line of the Western world.As the war progresses, they will look less and less at the Western world.

But the one who is currently sitting at the highest position in China has always regarded the Western world as a life-saving straw for saving the country.It will eventually be proven by history that it is a joke.

People, have to rely on themselves, the country and the nation, too.

Perhaps the lieutenant colonel thought so too.

The sky finally turned white, and dawn came.

In the warehouse, with the shouts of the officers, the soldiers got up from their bed covers, and while eating the baked potatoes prepared by each company's cooking class, they habitually wiped their firearms and pressed the Double check the bullets in the magazine again.

The faces of most of the soldiers were a little tense. Although the contact with the Japanese army last night was considered a small victory, these soldiers who have fought for the rest of their lives know that the day is the time for the real decisive battle.

The Japanese army will no longer be an infantry squadron. The strongest firepower is only light machine guns and grenade launchers. It will be an infantry brigade or more. The attack on the warehouse will also be replaced by infantry artillery and mountain artillery.

At this time, the sky is full of dawn, and the light is getting brighter and brighter, and it is already possible to see the situation hundreds of meters away.

Dozens of feces-yellow Japanese corpses still left in front of the minefield 200 meters away from the warehouse were unusually conspicuous in the rubble.

"The Japanese are here!" The soldiers on the watchtower shouted.

Some soldiers held unfinished baked potatoes in their mouths, some simply shoved the potatoes into their arms, or threw them away, buckled on their helmets, carried guns, and carried bullet bags on their backs. Good fight.

More than 400 meters away from the front of the warehouse, the yellow figure of the Japanese army faintly flashed in the ruins.

. . . . . . . .

"Pass my order. At this time, it is close to the enemy's defense zone. The infantry squads should keep a sufficient distance and pay attention to their feet. The Chinese are very cunning."

A Japanese captain hiding behind a broken wall put down his telescope and gave orders to the signal soldiers following him.

As the brigade deputy of the 1st Infantry Brigade and the squadron commander of the [-]th Infantry Squadron, Captain Koizumi Lingcheng naturally became the top commander of the frontal advance of a half-infantry squadron and maintained sufficient vigilance.

Not because the idiot's [-]st Squadron of Kurokawa Weaving suffered heavy losses, but all the reports of fighting against the Chinese last night.

The Japanese captain who was lying on the marching bed last night became more and more frightened. It seemed that the imperial officers and soldiers stepped into the trap carelessly and were attacked by the heavy firepower of the Chinese to cause such a huge loss, but there was always a premonition that made him feel Not so simple.

After he couldn't sleep, he played with war chess. He was surprised to find that even if he knew that there was a trap ahead, the imperial officers and soldiers would still choose to slam into it.

Because, the pride of the Imperial Japanese Army will not allow them to back down, especially when they find that there are only two opponents.Whoever dares to order the retreat must be pointed out by thousands of people.

The commander of the other side is strong no longer because of the subtlety of the tactical arrangement, but because of his own psychology.

What kind of tactics will such a terrible opponent use today?
Koizumi Lingcheng, who was thinking about breaking his head, didn't have a clue.

He could only make the remnants of the 300st Infantry Squadron and the [-]th Infantry Squadron under his command, a total of more than [-] people in six infantry squads, be careful and cautious as they approached the battlefield.

With the order of this cautious Japanese captain, more than 300 Japanese troops were separated by at least five meters on average, and the cross-sectional width of the slowly advancing formation exceeded 400 meters.

Warehouse roof.

"Yoha! The little devil's commander has learned to be honest today!" Lei Xiong, who was already sitting on the Su Luotong double-mounted cannon firing seat on the top floor, took the binoculars and looked into the distance, the corners of his mouth full of disdain.

"Sir, let me do it! If the Japanese army bombards you, how dangerous are you here?" A sergeant about 30 years old squatting aside said with a bitter face.

"Bombing an egg ball! After working with the little devils for so long, I still don't know their urine quality? If they don't find the firepower, they will be willing to waste shells?" Lei Xiong glanced at the squad leader of his heavy machine gun squad and laughed.

"Don't you, Lao Li, have thought about the addiction to machine guns? Hehe, then you should wait for Lao Tzu to get enough of the addiction first! Go, prepare five bullet boards for Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is going to start killing people today."

One bullet board has ten shells, five is fifty shells, Lei Xiong must be the rhythm to replace the prodigal Tang Dao.

The bullet plates for the cannon were brought up from the downstairs by a few soldiers. The cannonballs, which were thicker than Cuban cigars and shimmered with yellow and orange luster, were neatly arranged. Even people who had never experienced war looked at these cannonballs. You will also feel a chill in your heart.

You can make up your mind as much as you like, a rifle bullet with a thick little finger hits a person, and a wound the size of the mouth of a cup will be created.

Perhaps reality will tell you the answer.

The lookout on the fourth floor of the warehouse.

The lieutenant colonel of the army also held the binoculars and watched the slowly approaching figure of the Japanese army. At the moment when the Japanese army's forward approached a distance of about 400 meters, he ordered coldly: "Notify Lei Xiong, fire!"

As the signal soldiers downstairs desperately waved the red flag, Lei Xiong aimed the muzzle at the Japanese army, who was not much bigger than a ping-pong ball, and suddenly stepped on the shooting pedal.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The machine gun kept making a heart-pounding muffled sound.

The Battle of the Four Elements Warehouse has officially started.

It was not the first shot fired by the Japanese army, but the initiative launched by the Chinese soldiers, or more precisely, the first shot fired by the Chinese soldiers.

Xie Jinyuan, the top commander of the Four Elements Warehouse, performed an unconventional operation. He did not take out his most important firepower at the most critical time, but put it on the bright side from the beginning.

Others may not understand such a show, but Tang Dao knows that this is the commanding art of the commander of the lieutenant colonel. He has already started his tactics, tactical deception.

Heavy firepower such as machine guns will never be used in battalion-level combat units, just as the Japanese would not assign 92 infantry guns to infantry squadrons, and Type [-] mountain guns to infantry brigade.

(End of this chapter)

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