Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 292 To save or not to save

Chapter 292 To save or not to save (Double monthly pass, please ask for a monthly pass!)

From the two sides of Xilin Temple, the Japanese army moved towards the pagoda in a continuous curve movement.

But this time, Crow and Xiaobald, who were already on high alert, would never allow the Japanese army to enter the temple so easily.

As soon as the Japanese infantry began to move, Xia Dayu, who was in charge of the observer, reminded the crow where the Japanese army was hiding and where they were about to come out.

Although Crow's arms were numb from continuous shooting of more than 100 bullets, he still kept raising machine guns, shell guns and even rifles to shoot at the approaching Japanese infantry on both sides.

People's self-confidence is really a wonderful thing. After thinking that one's marksmanship is good at short distances, Crow's marksmanship miraculously becomes accurate.

Although it can't be as accurate as the veterans of the Four Lines Battalion who have been honed by the war for three months, they can shoot one by one at a distance of tens of meters, but after shooting five or six bullets, there will always be a result.

Some Japanese soldiers were shot in the leg, some were shot in the arm, and the more unlucky ones were naturally hit directly to the vitals and died.

Not to mention that the two blasting teams were beaten to the point of jumping here and there, and Sergeant Xiong Yi of Xiaocun, who was hiding in the ruins tens of meters away, was also in a daze.

Could it be that his judgment was wrong?
The Chinese have been forbearing until now to show their true skills?

But this is not logical. With this kind of marksmanship, he could have reaped several lives during the previous surprise attack.

Could it be that he likes to see blood splatter up close?It might make sense to explain it this way.

Japanese veterans who have experienced the battlefield know that some people like to see the dripping blood in front of their eyes. Therefore, they like to use the sharp tip of a knife to pick open the chest of the Chinese who have kneeled and surrendered, not just because of saving bullet.

"Baga! Damn Chinese." The Japanese Army Sergeant Cao, who felt that he had found the reason, gritted his molars.

This self-selected Jedi Chinese is a devil, not to mention his own life, preferring to watch his opponent struggling in a pool of blood.It must be like this to kill the opponent in the alley so that he can't appreciate it too freely.

The devil, will imagine everyone as a devil.

Unfortunately, the crow is not, even though he was kneeling in that dark night, because of losing again, he also scolded God angrily, preferring to become a demon.

But he still didn't after all, hatred made him feel pleasure in killing, but the boy who had a similar experience to him is still hidden by him so far from being discovered by the Japanese army, which is the brilliance of his humanity.

Death, for him, is no longer a fear, otherwise he would not take the initiative to shoot at the Japanese army in this Jedi, he can choose to hide, and then take advantage of the dark night to get familiar with the terrain and leave here.

Although the chance of surviving is very small, it is much better than being surrounded by dozens of Japanese soldiers and almost dying.

Demons, under the stupa.

On the pagoda, there is just an ordinary person trying to kill demons in a desperate situation.

It's just that some people give up on themselves in a desperate situation and give up resistance, while some people can explode with extraordinary energy in a desperate situation.

Crows, for example, belong to the latter.

The surge of adrenaline kept him in an extremely excited state, and his self-confidence became stronger and stronger. Naturally, shooting became more and more handy.

More importantly, he also has a good friend. Not only is the speed of loading bullets faster and faster, but he always reports the position of the Japanese army so accurately that the crow doesn't even look at it later. Just aim at the position that the little bald head said to shoot.

Even if Tang Dao is here, he has to be amazed by this duo who cooperate tacitly. This is completely a model of a future sniper and observer!

The two blasting teams of the Japanese army injured 5 people, killed 2 people, and only 3 people shrank in the ruins and dared not move forward.

Komura Kumaichi also had some numb claws, even if he went up, there was no guarantee that he would be able to cross the 20-meter death zone intact.

The battle situation fell into a brief stalemate again.

Hundreds of meters away, in the Xicheng security post fortification.

Wang Gongyu and Liu Yuqing, who had come to meet the security team but hadn't left because of the poison gas bombs fired by the Japanese army, were looking into the distance with binoculars.

Cangcheng, 800 meters away, was under fire, showing that the Japanese army and the defenders of Cangcheng, who had changed their main attack direction, were fighting fiercely.

There is an entire infantry company of the 26th Division there, which is one of the few assets of the 700th Division with only 26 people left. As the division commander, how can Liu Yuqing not care?

I called the front line of Cangcheng and wanted to ask how the battle was going. I didn't know if the phone line had been completely blown up or Tang Dao had already gone to the front line, and no one answered at all.

There was no other way, Lieutenant General Liu Yuqing, who was concerned about the situation, could only go up to the simple guard post built with only sandbags and logs on the wall, and looked into the distance with a telescope.

The anti-heavy machine guns in the fortifications of the guard posts are okay, but if they encounter shelling, if they are unlucky, they will be ruined. Wang Gongyu doesn't want to, but he is a major general and Liu Yuqing is a lieutenant general. Huohai also had to risk his life to accompany him.

Fortunately, there are loyal people around Commissioner Wang, who are not afraid of life and death by his side.

That was Zhuang Shisan, the commander of the first battalion of the security regiment. This guy didn't know which muscle was wrong. Even though the security regiment was allowed to retreat to the air-raid shelter 300 meters away from the west gate for repairs, this guy insisted on accompanying him. The chief goes to the top of the city.

Commissioner Wang was moved for a while, and the other two battalion commanders ran quickly with their people after they got the order. It was like this second-rate battalion commander who was usually complained the most by rich households in the city, and chose to accompany him. What? Call time to see people's hearts?This is.

Afterwards, Commissioner Wang soon understood that seeing people's hearts after a long time only belonged to men and women.

The sudden dense gunfire from the block three 400 meters away made Zhuang Shisan almost jump up.

"Commander, that's a crow, it must be a crow! I know that guy won't die so soon." Zhuang Shisan grabbed Wang Gongyu. "Commander, save him. Half of my brothers in the first battalion are gone, and we can't die anymore."

save?What can I do to help?Send someone over there?is it you or me?Wang Gongyu's face turned bitter, and he looked ahead with a telescope without saying a word.

"Why, didn't you notify the brothers of the security team to retreat almost half an hour in advance? Why are there still people stranded?" Liu Yuqing, who had been paying attention to Cangcheng, frowned.

"I don't know, maybe there are some brothers who haven't received the evacuation message!" Wang Gongyu shook his head with bitterness on his face. "Listen to the gunshots. There are machine guns and shell guns. I'm afraid there are quite a few people."

"No, it's just one crow. I just counted it. Almost all the surviving ones from each company and platoon came out, even those like Wang Laoshi who could only hang on their breath." Zhuang Shisan shook his head very sadly. Shaking his head, pleading in his eyes.

"Sir, you save him. That bastard is not very good at ordinary times, but this time he killed two small Japanese tanks with Molotov cocktails and saved our first battalion. There's not even a third left."

"Oh? He even killed two 94 armored vehicles? It's someone." Liu Yuqing's eyes narrowed slightly.

To be honest, not to mention that Wu and Guo planned to throw the 2000 people from the security regiment as abandoned children in the block outside the west city. They just thought of the effect of delaying the Japanese army's attack on the main city. As far as the division commander is concerned, he is even more aware of the combat effectiveness of the so-called local security regiment, so he doesn't look down on these 26 people from the bottom of his heart, and even predicts in his heart that they can defend for more than 2000 hours, even if they have the guts.

However, the security team's explosive fighting power in an area suitable for them shattered the glasses of a group of regular army generals.

Even Liu Yuqing, who personally led the army to resist the Japanese army for seven days and nights in Dachang Town, had to admit that even if he sent the last 700 elites there, he would not be able to do better than them.

Take the little Douding armored vehicles that deal with the fearless heavy machine guns of the Japanese army as an example. If the 26th Division, which lacks heavy firearms, wants to blow up one, it often needs to sacrifice an infantry squad or even two to do so, while a soldier from the security regiment can do it Arrived, even if there is an advantage in terrain.

Such a person is a talent.

Moreover, a battalion commander who has been promoted to lieutenant colonel due to his military exploits begged him so much, this face must be given.

Of course, this face was also earned by the security team by relying on their military exploits.

"Ah Qiang, take my military order, find a brother from the security regiment who is familiar with the terrain, take it, change into the Japanese military uniform, sneak out of the city, and check the situation. If it can be rescued, I will notify you with a red signal flare. The mortar battalion will provide fire support for you." Liu Yuqing turned her head and called out to her security squad leader. "Also, if you can, go to Cangcheng to see the battle situation. If the battle situation is urgent, I can use a green signal flare as a sign, and I can notify the headquarters to use the whole army's artillery support."

"Yes!" The soldier's low voice of command came from outside the guard post.

(End of this chapter)

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