Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 294 Weeds

Chapter 294 Weeds
When it was discovered that the Chinese defenders re-emerged like weeds after the spring breeze, the Japanese infantry finally retreated after three consecutive attacks.

The battlefield fell into a brief silence.

Qian Dazhu couldn't live or die.

According to him, this is the position that his entire platoon of brothers are defending with their lives. What is he doing going back alone?Sitting alone in a bullet hole in a daze?Let him stay on the ground, at least let him feel that the brothers are still there.

Liu Zhenshan couldn't persuade him for a while, seeing him leaning on the trench alone and smoking a cigarette, he didn't want to use military orders to make this lonely soldier withdraw from the position.

At least 100 Japanese soldiers fell in front of the position, which shows that the Japanese army did not say that they were not desperate at that time. No one knows how he survived those 5 minutes alone, but he did.

Fortunately, after careful search and screening, the soldiers found two still breathing weakly from the remains in the trench. They should have been stunned after being shot in the bunker, and their faces were as pale as paper. At first glance, they looked like dead people. different.

But it can definitely be rescued. One of them is the youngest messenger in Qian Dazhu's infantry squad.

Hearing that there were still people alive in the platoon, Qian Dazhu, who was stuck in his throat, no longer insisted on his own opinion. Taking advantage of the gap when the Japanese army did not attack again, he and several soldiers used stretchers to carry the two wounded who were still in a coma to avoid the bombs. Hole.

As for the remains, the battle situation is urgent, so they can only be ignored for the time being. They will be piled up on the side of the trench first, and we will talk about it after the battle is over.

Not only the Chinese suffered heart-wrenching pain, but the Japanese as the attacker suffered even more.

Under the walls of Cangcheng and in the gaps, the Japanese army left more than 300 dead, not counting the casualties.

For the two Japanese majors with livid faces 500 meters away, this was also a tough battle that they had never experienced before.

I'm afraid they, who were the instigators, didn't expect it themselves, but the 40-minute attack, with one and a half infantry brigades, the battle damage was close to 40.00%.

Consumed at this speed, in another hour, the infantry brigade under the two of them can announce the cancellation of the establishment.

"Sakio-kun, how many troops have the Chinese hoarded there? Why can't they kill them all? What should we do?" A Japanese major asked his colleagues.

He finally knew how the hapless two and a half infantry squadrons beside him were exhausted in the previous attack. It was really not a wrong strategy, nor was it that the Imperial soldiers were not brave enough.

Rather, the Chinese are like damned weeds, which were killed and extinct by the severe cold, but who would have thought that they would pop up again when the spring breeze came.

"What can we do? Your Excellency, the detachment leader, has ordered that he does not need the number of casualties, but only the results." Another emaciated Japanese major had a bitter expression on his face. "So, even if you and I are to destroy all the infantry under our command, you must complete the military order of the detachment leader, and ask the detachment leader for more artillery support! In the next round, I will personally lead the rest of my troops to carry out the long live charge."

"Sakio-kun, you" the Japanese Major was shocked.

Long live charge is a charge that cannot stop the attack unless the whole army is dead. The attack is strong and powerful, but it is also a double-edged sword. Once the opponent's momentum is not defeated, wait for the Japanese army major and him The last 200 infantry under his command are the entire army.

"The block was defeated, and the first round of attack here was also defeated. Do I still have a choice?" Major Sakio's eyes were hopeless and calm.

The Japanese Army Major was speechless.

As his colleague said, there is no choice, and the captain of the major general who is arrogant by nature can tolerate two failures and will never allow a third one.

Rather than being thrown with a command knife and ordering him to apologize to His Majesty the Emperor by cutting open his stomach, it would be better to die heroically on the battlefield.

The two Japanese infantry captains have been cornered by the extremely strong Cangcheng.

Tang Dao, who was hiding on the ground holding a sniper rifle and looking into the distance, also looked a little embarrassed at this time. Although he was not seriously injured, his arms and chest were also wrapped in bandages, and the military uniform was even more sparks that had been blown out by shells. Burnt black in several places.

However, for this supreme commander who came to the frontline battlefield in person, no matter how embarrassed he was, the soldiers looked at him with almost reverent respect.

It was not because of his superb marksmanship, in just a few 10 minutes of battle, the Japanese soldiers who died under his guns would never be the next infantry squad. He almost contracted all the strikes against the most threatening Japanese infantry.

For the heavy machine gunners 300 meters away, the Japanese army replaced at least 20 of them. As long as the Japanese grenadier players who hid behind the bunker dared to expose their heads to observe, no less than 10 people died. As early as the second round of charge, the flag had already been removed on its own initiative.

Because there were too many dead, Tang Dao hardly gave the Japanese Sergeant who took the initiative to expose the target any chance of survival.

It wasn't his incomparably terrifying combat instincts, he could always predict danger before it came, and avoid the attacks of Japanese grenadiers and light and heavy machine guns who also paid attention to him.

Instead, as the supreme commander who made the choice to rotate into positions, he was the only soldier who did not participate in the rotation, and he has been sticking to the front line.

All infantry platoons who come to this position can always see their supreme commander.

Tactics are the best way for a commander to control the battlefield, but Tang Dao only uses one tactic, fighting to the death, I will be with you.

This may also be the main reason why Cangcheng's entire army can still firmly hold the front line despite heavy losses.

But when General Guo heard the description of their commander from the Cangcheng remnant army in this way, he remembered what Xie Jinyuan told him, Tang Dao was already very strong in commanding battalion-level operations, and he couldn't help but sigh and shake his head: "Xie Zhongmin, It's really too modest, it's extremely strong here and there, but it should be like his individual ability, no one can match him!"

It's just that reverence is reverence, but no one dares to come within three meters of Tang Dao.

Looking at Tang Dao from a distance, his eyes seemed calm, but the jumping flames in it were more scorching than the lava that was about to erupt. Even Peng Chong, who wanted to report to him the battle damage of each company, chose to wait temporarily, not wanting to disturb This commander exudes a dangerous atmosphere.

That is the instinctive fear of higher-level creatures on the upper and lower levels of the food chain.

Tang Dao, who killed dozens of Japanese soldiers alone, is qualified to be called the most dangerous creature on this battlefield.

"Say, how much is our army's current battle damage?" Tang Dao didn't turn his head, and a cold voice came.

"Sir, plus the previous battle, our army currently has 268 troops." Peng Chong reported softly.

This is the number given to him by two infantry majors. At this time, the two grieving two have refused to report the number of dead in battle, and only reported the number of people who can still fight. Among them, there are still 80 people in his guard company.

The full-staffed guard company of 150 people, from early morning to now, has not survived a day, and has gone halfway.

"Is there only more than 200 people?" Tang Dao's eyes remained calm.

Only those who are very familiar with him may know that his emotions are not as they appear on the surface.

The angrier he is, the calmer he becomes.

"Let the brothers who are still alive carry the bodies of the brothers who died in battle to the unused bullet holes, and then blow up the hole. The brothers who were seriously injured should all be concentrated in the two largest bullet holes." Tang Dao took a deep breath In one breath, he ordered.

"Yes!" Peng Chong accepted the order in a low voice.

"Also, besides me, Major Yue Zhizhou, Major Liu Zhenshan, and your Captain Peng Chong will be in command of the three sides of Cangcheng. If something happens to me, I will take over the command of Cangcheng in this order."

"Sir, you." Peng Chong was anxious.

In his opinion, this wise and tough lieutenant colonel suddenly explained the order of command transfer, which is clearly a desire to die. This is by no means a good sign for a supreme commander who still commands nearly 300 people in battle.

"Don't worry, I'm not that fragile." Tang Dao glanced at the sweating captain of the guard company, and said lightly.

"It's just that the battle situation is critical, and I can't guarantee that I will be able to escape unscathed in a battle of this intensity. I made this plan just in case. Not only is it the command of Cangcheng, but the three of you remember to be on your respective positions." Make arrangements for succession of command.

The Japanese killed my 600 brothers, then they have to be prepared to pay three times the price of me, you go! "

"Yes!" Peng Chong looked at Tang Dao who turned his eyes to the battlefield again, and wanted to say something, but he turned and left without saying anything.

Yes, Tang Dao was very calm, but the battle-tested army captain could clearly feel the great sadness in his eyes.

That was the first time Tang Dao suffered such heavy casualties.

Whether it is past life or present life.

The Sihang Warehouse fought fiercely, but with the presence of the fortress, the casualties were far lower than the intensity of the battle.

But here, the generals of the two armies handed over nearly a thousand of the most elite soldiers under their command to Tang Dao. Facing the fierce Japanese artillery fire, Tang Dao had the Chinese army's decades of refined combat experience and unparalleled individual combat skills. With all his strength, he could only watch helplessly as the corpses littered the ground on his own side!

Moreover, Tang Dao had no choice but to choose the tactics used by the Chinese commander on the ice field more than ten years later, and personally pushed the soldiers of the infantry platoon after infantry platoon to the abyss of death.

This was a huge shock to the young Tang Dao.

This is the most authentic Patriotic War, and there will be no major changes because of the arrival of this little butterfly.

In the past, China sacrificed tens of millions of people and soldiers in exchange for victory in the Great Patriotic War.

In the eyes of Tang Dao and the people of the future, it is only numbers after all, but now, the blood dripping in front of Tang Dao's eyes is many times crueler than the imagination of looking at the numbers.

Tang Dao also needs to adapt, adapt to the cruel reality, adapt to more sacrifices, adapt to that he is not a god, he is just a soldier who is better than ordinary soldiers.

The flames of war are not only transforming scumbag militiamen like Zhuang Shisan, Tang Dao is the same.

Only by growing continuously in the war can we win this war with disparity in power.

The artillery fire of the Japanese army was more cruel than the severe cold. Then, the Chinese can only be treated as weeds, leaving only a few roots, and they will eventually break out of the ground and tell everyone that they are still there.

(End of this chapter)

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