Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 296 I ask, shoot at me

Chapter 296 I ask, shoot at me

Yes, even if the Chinese are all killed by bombing, there must be something left!

Just relying on the few corpses of Chinese soldiers in sight?

This is impossible.

Not counting yesterday's strategy of the 114th Division, just talking about today, the two infantry brigades took turns to attack, and the combination of the two infantry brigades is not enough for one of the full numbers.

Thousands of people died in the mighty Imperial Japanese Army, but the corpses of Chinese people will never exceed one hundred.

What about funny?No matter how stupid people are, they also know that the Chinese will never have such strength.

Even if it's just for the pride of the Imperial Japanese Army, the Chinese can't just have these.

It was even more impossible for Sa Yazi to run away. Cangcheng was besieged on three sides, leaving only one side, but on that side, there was also an infantry squadron and a heavy machine gun squad monitoring them on the flanks. As long as they dared to step out of the position, they would surely die.

It is impossible to fly into the sky, so they can only hide in the ground, just like they have escaped several rounds of heavy artillery. This is the conclusion that Japanese commanders at all levels have long inferred.

The Chinese must have relatively complete underground fortifications.

"Baga! Dig, dig for me, the hateful Chinese must be hiding in the ground! I don't care whether they are alive or their corpses, dig them out for me." Major Sakio, who came to his senses, almost roared and gave the order A wise order.

Even if he couldn't find the living one, he still had to find the body, otherwise, what would he use to report to the detachment leader?Our side lost more than a thousand people in battle, while the Chinese left dozens of corpses, and the battle loss ratio was as high as tens to one?

If this is the case, let alone the captain of the major general, I am afraid that even he himself will not be able to forgive himself!
Hundreds of Japanese soldiers walked down from the top of the city and marched towards the interior of Cangcheng, which had been blasted into ruins.

As expected, they came from the [-]th Division known as the "Steel Army". They have extremely high combat literacy. Even in this big victory, they still maintained a high level of vigilance. The barrel has already occupied favorable terrain and can provide fire support for infantry at any time.

If the Chinese jump out from the ground and want to resist stubbornly, the firepower points occupying the superior terrain at high altitude will give them a devastating blow.

The Japanese army thought of all the possibilities, but they didn't expect that the Chinese were weaker than they thought, and even at this time, no one got out of the ground.

Quite kind, you will not be stingy if you kill me and don't come out.

It's not that the Chinese defenders are not stingy.

Instead, 5 minutes ago, Tang Dao used the field radio to send a report to the Songjiang headquarters: "I request that all artillery in the entire army, subject to our department's signal, fire at our Cangcheng position!"

All the combat staff officers in the Songjiang City Command Headquarters raised their heads in horror, but no one spoke, and the air almost froze.

Shoot at me, what a terrible fighting will the person who said this must have?

That means that the defenders of Cangcheng will be bombed into the sky by their own artillery when they are fighting fiercely with the Japanese army on the ground.

This is death, and it means dragging the Japanese.

All eyes were on Lieutenant General Wu who was staring at the Songjiang city defense map with his back turned to them.

Since receiving this telegram from the front line of Cangcheng, the appearance of the lieutenant general commander has not changed.

The staff members understood that the commander who had already sent his soldiers to a desperate situation had to personally order to use his own artillery to send them into the abyss of death. This order was really too cruel for this supreme commander.

After being silent for a while, Lieutenant General Guo first expressed his objection: "Is Tang Dao crazy? Use this kind of suicide style of killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating one thousand! No, I object, I would rather the artillery of the whole army expose the target to shelling For the Japanese invaders outside Cangcheng, let Tang Dao and the others fight the Japanese invaders in Cangcheng to the death, there is still a chance of survival."

Lieutenant General Wu still didn't look back.

After a long time, he finally turned around, with extremely firm eyes, and slapped the table, "No, listen to Tang Dao, he is the front-line commander, and he has the most say on the battlefield.

I ordered all the artillery positions of the entire army to coordinate inside Cangcheng, and each cannon had 15 rounds of shells. If it is not empty, it is not allowed to stop the shelling. I told all the artillery battalion commanders that even if the Japanese shells fell on the heads of his artillerymen , and are not allowed to let Lao Tzu go, and must empty the number of shells stipulated by Lao Tzu.

Damn, I'm going to show the Japanese that I have guns in Songjiang City, and there are a lot of them. If I get anxious, I can still give them a shitty meal in the Northeast. "

"Yes! Guaranteed to execute the order!" The artillery commanders who received the order stood firm and expressed their execution of the command.

The muzzles turned one after another, aiming at the coordinates that had already been measured and recorded.

On the Cangcheng position, the heavy footsteps of the Japanese army had already reached the ears of the Chinese soldiers in the bomb shelter.

Peng Chong, who was at the entrance of the cave, was sweating coldly on his forehead.

Subconsciously, he clenched his own shell gun.

Once the Japanese army found the exit, he had to fight them first.

The Japanese army is still searching.

In fact, if the figure of a living Chinese soldier in the Japanese army was not seen, it is because their eyes are not very good.

Under a low wall in Cangcheng, a Chinese soldier was half lying against the wall.

However, his legs were broken by shells and almost half of his body remained, which made it easier for him to hide than usual. In addition, his whole body was covered in dust. The Japanese army naturally did not see him from a distance of 200 meters.

The terrible wound that was bloody and bloody and exposed the stubble was wrapped in two dirty white shirts, because the first aid kit and bandages had been used up in the second round of the Japanese attack, and the two white shirts were the brothers who died in battle. The body was stripped off to temporarily serve as a hemostatic cloth.

This hemostatic effect is obviously self-comforting. The face blackened by gunpowder smoke is strangely pale, and even the lips are bloodless.

Hei Pi knew that he was going to die, he knew it the moment he saw the shell shrapnel cut off his legs from the knee.

In other words, even if there was a one in ten thousand chance of surviving, Hei Pi didn't want to live anymore.

He had seen soldiers disabled by the war lying down and begging on Shengjing Street.

When Heipi looked at the flattering smile on the beggar's face on the streets of Shengjing in order to pick up a copper coin dropped by the rich man, he couldn't believe it. It was the same infantry battalion. The best gunner in China, the once high-spirited sergeant, had his legs broken by shells in a battle, and was rescued by luck.

However, it became like this.

Like a wild dog struggling to survive.

Hei Pi was sure that he knew himself who screamed, but he still had a numb face, and continued to smile flatteringly at the laughing rich man with the copper coins.

Hei Pi chose not to bother him in the end, he knew that the soldier just wanted to live, no matter what method he used.

However, he didn't want to live like that.

Therefore, he decided to die, especially when he heard that Tang Dao needed a volunteer to observe the movement of the Japanese army on the ground and fire a signal gun.

That way, dead at least makes sense.

He pushed away his brothers in the class and raised his hand to accept the task.

It's not for money and military exploits, he just simply doesn't want to live anymore.

Soldiers, if you lose your legs, you might as well die.

Hei Pi grinned as he turned his head and looked at the approaching Japanese soldiers, and then looked up at the few Japanese soldiers in the broken position above the wall.

He was already very close to the death he wanted, but this time, many devils accompanied him on the road.

This time, he didn't want to go to the Western Paradise. He wanted to go to the underworld of Yama, and drag these devils with him, and then, in the underworld, he united with his brothers and continued to beat them up.

Just thinking about it is a very happy thing!
"There are still living Chinese here." The Japanese infantry finally saw the Chinese soldiers half lying behind the low wall.

Because they saw him laughing.

Corpses can't laugh, only living people can.

"Nani? Don't shoot him, I want to live!" Major Sakio was overjoyed.

As long as he is alive, he can vent his anger on the angry detachment leader, so that he will not become the doormat.

The Japanese infantrymen with their guns were very cautious. They were afraid that the Chinese whose legs had been blown off would play some old trick of dying together. They had experienced such a thing more than once.

But this time, something is obviously different.

In the horrified eyes of the Japanese soldiers, they only saw the Chinese soldiers holding a short gun and shooting at the sky.

A crimson flare rose in the cloudy sky.

What does that mean?Are there any Chinese ambushing around?

Most of the Japanese soldiers looked around subconsciously, as if they were all their own people except their own.

Perhaps, only the more flexible Japanese infantry sensed the danger, because the Chinese soldier, whose legs had been blown off and surrounded by dozens of people, was still laughing.

Very satisfied smile.

Then, I closed my eyes comfortably.

"call out"

There was a sharp howling sound.

"Avoid the gun!" At that moment, Major Sakio's small face was definitely much whiter than his butt that rarely encountered wind, frost, rain and dew.

But apparently, it was too late.

Blossoming bombs exploded inside Cangcheng.

The whole Cangcheng seemed to be trembling.

Seemingly calm, the supreme commander of Songjiang, who was actually extremely angry, mobilized all the artillery of the entire army this time.

There are definitely more than 60 mountain guns, field guns, and mortars.

(End of this chapter)

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