Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 300 Surrounding soldiers for reinforcements?

Chapter 300 Surrounding soldiers to fight for aid? (Double monthly ticket, ask for a monthly ticket!)

From a tactical point of view, the position chosen by the soldiers of the security regiment is the best blocking position in this block.

The only way for the Japanese infantry without heavy weapons to kill him was to blast the stupa through the relatively wide square around it.

But obviously, the soldiers of the security regiment, who were full of ammunition and courageous, did not give them such a chance.

However, for Zhao Daqiang, who was about to carry out the rescue order, this blocking position, which originally possessed an incomparable advantage, was a position where he could not do anything.

Because, this is a Jedi, a deadly place.

If the entire battlefield is described as a pile of fire, then the soldiers who stick to this position are the dry wood in the fire, which glows and radiates heat, but it is themselves who burn.

If he wanted to fly into the sky, even if he wanted to put wings on the people on the tower, he would have to face the guns of dozens of Japanese infantry soldiers, and it was impossible for him to escape the firepower net.

It is even more impossible to escape from the ground. When the pagoda was descended from a height of more than 30 meters, the Japanese army had already surrounded the pagoda airtightly. How to escape?
Even if the mortar group shelled this place with all its strength according to the previous agreement, the Japanese troops scattered around the temple had enough depth to avoid the artillery fire, but the soldiers of the security regiment who came out of the pagoda were very likely to be bombarded by the artillery fire.

Unless, at this time, an infantry platoon or even an infantry company came out of the city to attack this place, defeating these dozens of Japanese troops in the shortest possible time, there might be a chance to rescue the soldiers of the security regiment who were in the dead zone.

However, unless the commander is crazy, he will only do this.

Not abandoning one's comrades-in-arms is indeed the rule of a soldier on the battlefield, but to save him alone, he has to sacrifice dozens or even more of his life. Needless to say, the commander will not make such a decision lightly, even if that If the soldiers of the security regiment can survive in the end, it will be extremely painful!

Because, although there are not many Japanese troops in the block now, but only these Japanese troops can entangle the reinforcements for 10 minutes, the Japanese troops outside the block will rush like wolves smelling blood.

If there is a slight mistake, the whole army will be wiped out, and the probability of success will never be higher than 20.00%.

The current battle situation is a situation with no solution.

This is Zhao Daqiang's conclusion based on his many years of fighting career.

When he saw that the Japanese army had put on protective clothing from the latent point, Zhao Daqiang understood that the Japanese army was going to put all their eggs in one basket, and the lives of the soldiers of the security regiment had entered a countdown.

At his wit's end, he could only leave the decision to the division seat who was still waiting for his signal flare.

"I want to save your platoon leader. This is the only chance. Run back as fast as you can and convey my message to Mr. Liu. He will decide how to save you. Do you understand?" Zhao Daqiang turned his head to look To the soldiers of the security regiment who were already in tears lying beside him.

"You don't have time to lurk back to the city. After you leave ten meters from here, you have to run as fast as you can, even if you will be completely exposed to the Japanese observation post.

Perhaps, you will be shot and killed by the Japanese who found you, or maybe they are smart enough to let you go, so that you can bring more people to their traps to grab the bait that was not the bait.

It's just that no one knows the choice of the Japanese.Whether you can live or not depends only on your child's luck.But whether your platoon leader can live or not depends on you. "

The experienced security squad leader used his battlefield experience to remind the soldiers of the security regiment who came to lead the way.

"Yeah!" The security regiment soldier who picked up his dirty sleeve nodded fiercely.

Turning around and going downstairs quietly, after leaving more than ten meters according to the agreement, he took a big step and ran wildly. In order to run faster, he even lost the three-eighth cover used to hide his identity.

Just as Zhao Daqiang expected, the Japanese infantry who first noticed the figure of the "Japanese army" running wildly were just slightly taken aback, and didn't pay much attention to it. Maybe it was one of his signal soldiers?
When the Japanese army found out that the "colleagues" did not run to the block but went straight to the direction of Songjiang City, they found something wrong and reported it. The soldiers of the security regiment had already rushed out for 200 meters, only more than 200 meters away from Songjiang City.

"He's Chinese, kill him." Under the command of the commander, the Japanese infantry occupying the heights picked up their guns and aimed at the khaki figure who was still running wildly.

The distance of 200 meters is not difficult for the extremely high shooting level of the Japanese infantry.

What's more, in order to be quicker and faster, the soldiers of the security regiment had already run up Zhongshan Street, strode forward, and ran with their heads buried in the fastest speed in their lives.

In order to save the platoon leader, this soldier who had witnessed the crow take huge risks to save Wang Laoshi really risked everything, including his own life.

"No, let him go!" The Japanese captain who had been watching the running infantry with a binoculars suddenly ordered.

"He first appeared in the direction of that temple." The Japanese captain said coldly. "If my guess is correct, he was with the recalcitrant Chinese on the pagoda in the temple. His purpose of running back to the city was naturally to ask for help. Then, why don't we wait for their reinforcements?"

"But the squadron leader, the Chinese will send someone to save a person unless they are crazy." A second lieutenant of the Japanese army expressed disbelief at his boss's brain hole.

"That's Akagi-kun, you still don't understand Chinese!" The Japanese captain snorted coldly. "China is a very contradictory nation. They are sometimes cowardly to the extreme and at other times extremely strong. I believe that these two extremely contradictory manifestations are not uncommon in the North China battlefield.

But whether they are weak or strong, they all have one thing in common, they are extremely respectful of role models, and the weak naturally follow those who are weak enough to forget that their ancestors surrendered to us who they consider invaders, while the strong follow those who are stronger Fight side by side until death.

In other words, whether they are sheep or lions, they rely heavily on their leaders to hold them together.

I believe that for the strong Chinese like Songjiang, the fearless Chinese outside the city is the best example in the eyes of their commanders. For this example, they would rather pay enough.

And we need them to pay such a price, whether it's Akagi-kun, you, me, or the detachment leader, yours, understand? "

"Hey! I understand." The second lieutenant of the Japanese army bowed his head heavily after being told by the Japanese army captain's inscrutable truth.

You are an official, what you say is right!Even if he didn't understand, the second lieutenant of the Japanese army still understood the world. If God can give him a small tail at this moment, it might enrich his educated emoticon.

"Notify Sergeant Komura Xiongyi, let him make a siege even if he has already killed the Chinese. I need more Chinese lives to wash away the shame of the entire brigade's defeat today." The Japanese captain's eyes were full of pride.

For my own wisdom.

That is, there is no sake here, otherwise he would have to pour himself a cup to celebrate.

After searching for half a day, he basically confirmed that the Chinese in the block did not know how to get an early warning and evacuated the block in advance.

Here, there is no danger.

But if he wants to gain military exploits, it is not just to report to his boss that there are no enemies in the block. He needs the corpses of Chinese people to prove his military exploits.

Now is the best opportunity.

After all, after the infantry brigade suffered consecutive defeats, as the only squadron leader of the infantry squadron who can achieve results, he will leave a deep impression on His Excellency the regiment captain, and maybe the squadron leader will know his name.

He, Futoshi Nakamura, might be the candidate for the next captain of the 4th Infantry Battalion.

Lieutenant Futoshi Nakamura, with his dream of being promoted, quickly deployed his infantry squadron scattered in the neighborhood to gather around Xilin Temple. He has already judged that even if the Chinese want to come to the rescue, they will not send more under the absolute disadvantage. troops.

And his infantry squadron is enough to deal with two infantry companies or even an infantry battalion, especially when he has already arranged a blocking position.

If he could, he would choose to let the Chinese into the temple area, then surround them and swallow them in one gulp.

Futoshi Nakamura thinks he understands the Chinese well enough.

But he was still wrong. His theory was only formed on the North China battlefield for several months.

If you want to understand the real China, you don't just have to see and hear it, even if you live with them for several years.

Because China still has thousands of years of splendid civilization, and there are many inheritances imprinted in genes.

No one can truly understand China without understanding Chinese traditional culture.

If you make a mistake, you will pay the price.

Make a mistake on the battlefield, and there is only death.

(End of this chapter)

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