Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 302 Red and green, disgusting you

Chapter 302 Red and Green, Disgusting You (Double Monthly Pass, Ask for a Monthly Pass!)
Liu Yuqing stood in the fortifications, silently watching the battlefield hundreds of meters away where fierce gunshots suddenly erupted, and then turned to look west. Cangcheng, further west, was still trembling under the Japanese artillery fire.

The gunpowder smoke and faint flames rising into the sky were reflected in the quiet eyes of the lieutenant general, like two jumping flames.

The lieutenant general was worried and angry.

All his subordinates are struggling in purgatory, but he is powerless to do any rescue.

Perhaps, brazenly sending hundreds of troops to launch a ground-breaking counter-attack against the Japanese army who had laid traps in the block was not just to save one person, nor was it even to boost the morale of the entire army. It's just another stab at the already bruised Kunisaki detachment.

If you kill my subordinates, I will naturally kill your people to be buried with my subordinates. The famous lieutenant general in the east of Sichuan is not a good man and a faithful woman. He has some characteristics similar to Tang Dao. Today's Qiu Laozi has to report now, don't Said one night, one hour can't wait.

Of course, no one knew that the Lieutenant General was most worried about Tang Dao.

That outstanding young man not only gave him enough surprises, but even some of the words he said gave the lieutenant general a new understanding of war.

For example, when Tang Dao bid farewell to the Four Elements Camp, he said: "A soldier is not a politician. He can give up everything except himself for the benefit. The existence of a soldier is to guard, to guard his home and to guard himself. Faith, even if you pay your own life for it!
The comrade-in-arms, Paoze, is the most worthy of guard on the battlefield besides the gun. If you can even discard the person you want to guard at will, then what else can you not discard?

Your comrades-in-arms are by your side, and they are also in Songjiang, so even if you are the last person in the battle, you must guard the Baihegang Bridge for me. "

After the words were relayed to Liu Yuqing by Guo Zhongjiang, no one knew about the huge impact these words had on him.

Isn't this what his teacher in the military academy said when he was young?Isn't that what he has pursued diligently?
It's just that as his status got higher, he became more obsessed with scheming, and he didn't really say that he had to fight to the death during the Sichuan army's melee for several years. The big guys were all looking for profit and how much territory they could occupy. He had already put all these things together. forgotten.

But this war is different.

This is a war of nations and nations, and the loser will be doomed.

Who will be your strongest support?It's a gun, it's a comrade in arms.

If you want to defend your hometown and live, you must first protect the people who stand side by side with you.

What kind of person is it that can teach such an excellent soldier? If Lao Wang hadn't told him clearly that he was the son of his friend, and Tang Tao's name was also on the list, Liu Yuqing would have even suspected that he was from there.

Liu Yuqing, who had some experience with those people, knew that even though they were impoverished now, they were a group of people with ideals and beliefs.

'The world will only be corrupted by stinking interests, and only great and lofty ideals can be saved. 'This sentence seems naive and full of idealization, but after careful consideration, it is extremely reasonable.

If it cannot be broken, it cannot be established. If the old order in China is not broken, how can it be reborn like a phoenix?
It turns out that beside me, there is also such a person with ideals and beliefs, which makes Liu Yuqing very happy.

However, no matter how much he values ​​Tang Dao, Tang Dao must be a warrior first, he cannot be hidden like a flower in a greenhouse, he must practice his ideals and beliefs on the battlefield.

Just like the sentence he categorically summed up at the combat meeting: For the sake of the country and the nation, no one cannot be sacrificed.

However, watching Cangcheng being torn apart by the artillery fire of the Japanese invaders, the lieutenant general was still resentful.

Therefore, he sent troops, and he wanted the Japanese army to flow blood into rivers under Songjiang City.

Even if only one person is killed, the blood can flow several catties.

Futoshi Nakamura was stunned by hundreds of shell guns, dozens of submachine guns and more than 20 machine guns.

Damn Chinese, totally unruly.

Are they not afraid of being bombarded by their own artillery on a large scale?It would be a strange thing not to bury hundreds of them all in the block after a single shot was fired.

However, when the Japanese captain who gnawed on the tiger's butt and was almost stunned by the tiger's slaps and fangs in a row turned his head to look in the direction of his own formation, he discovered a sad fact.

For Baga, don’t say that because they are still there at this moment, the artillery brigade will not rush to fire support. Even if there are only Chinese left in the block, the artillery brigade of the detachment may not shoot a single shell.

Because Cangcheng hundreds of meters away is like an erupting volcano, being bombarded wildly by dozens of artillery pieces. It is estimated that the attention of the detachment captain, regimental captain, and battalion captain is there. Who would be too focused on only one infantryman? Squadron's block battle seriously?

Three red flares were fired into the air.

That was the highest-level emergency signal sent by the Japanese captain to the formation, which meant that he was in a tight siege and needed the support of the formation.

Not only did the Japanese army see it, but Zhuang Shisan, who was leading people around in a circle to try to get close to the Japanese army so that he could use his pistols and submachine guns to attack them, also saw it.

"He's so good, but you can't beat him and you want to ask for help? Come on, I'll hit three for fun too! Hit three green ones." Master Zhuang rolled his eyes and said to the squad leader of the guard who was following him.

Three green flares were shot into the sky.

As soon as the observation post at the Japanese joint headquarters reported to the joint headquarters for help in the neighborhood, they watched three green signal flares representing safety rising into the sky. After being stunned for a while, they had to report again: "The neighborhood says there is a crisis. lift"

"Nani?" The captain of the Japanese Army General Commander who was ordering to send two infantry squadrons to reinforce the block was taken aback for a moment.

Walking into the trench with a telescope, he had to take a good look at what was going on.

Futoshi Nakamura wanted to vomit blood.

Of course he saw the three green flares, which meant it was safe now, but he had never fired them. It was the fault of the Chinese. Don't misunderstand the team headquarters.

"Fire two more red flares!" Futoshi Nakamura had to order again.

"Fire two more green flares for Lao Tzu!" Zhuang Shisan also ordered immediately, as he was blessed with happiness.

Red and green, what a shit race!Zhuang Shisan didn't stop the ambition of the Japanese army to send reinforcements by firing a few flares. He did this purely to disgust the Japanese.

The usual tricks in the arena, even if I can't beat you, I will disgust you to death if I am disgusted.

If you hit a red one, I have to pay for a green one. Cannonballs may not be as good as you, but I still have no shortage of worthless things like signal flares.

Futoshi Nakamura was almost disgusted.

But fortunately, his captain of the Dazuo United who was watching the battlefield with a telescope for a long time was not stupid. He watched the red, green and green signal flares hit the sky without money, but he still realized that there was something wrong in the block, and it might be the big one. question.

With one order, two infantry squadrons rushed to the block for reinforcements.

Then, two artillery observation posts mounted on high watchtowers in the west city quickly reported to the prepared mortar positions, and 16 150mm mortars fired at the edge of the block.

Although the firepower of 16 guns is really weak for a block with a width of 2000 meters, it is not the case for the Japanese army attacked by artillery.

Don't look at the cannonball exploding two 300 meters away from me now, how about 1 minute later!Can't tell whose head it falls on.

Gun defense matters.

Of the two infantry squadrons, at most two or three infantry squads as the vanguard entered the block, and the rest retreated before they had time, and hid in the first-line trenches several hundred meters away.

In the neighborhood, the Japanese troops who had encountered such a large number of continuous firepower were no longer able to maintain the encirclement circle around Xilin Temple, and retreated to the periphery one after another.

The two infantry companies persevered through various back streets and alleys, and pursued the retreating Japanese army.

In other places, the security team may be afraid of you three points, but on this familiar battlefield, the security team that has already played confidently is not afraid of anyone, and if they don't take the opportunity to gain more military exploits, when will they have a chance?

The infantry company responsible for sweeping the formation on both wings was also very happy, only responsible for climbing to the commanding heights and shooting at the 'shit yellow' visible in their vision.

Although there are several streets across, the straight-line distance is actually more than 100 meters, which is definitely within the range of their rifles and machine guns.

And Zhuang Shisan personally led an infantry company to kill Xilin Temple.

However, nearly 10 minutes have passed from troop deployment to assembly to battle. Can the crow on the pagoda wait?

(End of this chapter)

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