Chapter 405 Bold and Bold

For a distance of 500 meters, for a bullet, it may only take more than half a second, and the sound comes only after the death of a person!

But for a mortar shell, it takes a 'long' two or three seconds.

However, it was still too fast for the reaction of several Japanese soldiers including Sano Torata and the alcoholic captain who followed behind him after the "take off in place".

It wasn't that they didn't hear the sound, but, exhausting all their imaginations, it was hard for them to believe that someone would have moved a cannon here.

Even without mentioning the 23 to 3000 infantry temporarily resting in this wilderness, there are only [-] people in the [-]rd Infantry Regiment at the front of the army as a blade.

Someone moved the cannon here, it was almost like two groups of young and Dangerous boys were going to fight, but the opponent rushed over alone, and arrogantly threw a bunch of shit at hundreds of heroes in the rivers and lakes who were armed with knives, guns and sticks. Everyone, with a little bit of a face.

Much hurt, much more insulted.

But obviously, Tang Dao's precise shot would do far more damage than throwing a lump of poop.

"It turns out that the mortar is so powerful!" When Sano Tiger Taifei was in the air, the last thought that flashed through his mind made even himself a little strange.

Perhaps, this is also the normal reaction of human beings after trying new things!
Except for the Japanese army commander who "takes off on the spot", the Japanese army captain with a red face and smell of alcohol, four guards and two Japanese army second lieutenant captains who ran over from a distance to receive the commander's instruction, all were 3.8 kg Fragments from the heavy grenade were involved.

As long as people who have been on the battlefield for a few days, just look at their blood-spitting flesh, and don't need to feel any pulse or heartbeat, they will know that there is almost no need for rescue and they are absolutely dead.

The Chinese mortars may have limited destructive power against solid fortifications, but they are extremely lethal to infantry. It is almost impossible for anyone to survive within a radius of 3 meters of the impact point.

What's more terrible is that when the shells flew over, several Japanese military officers were still standing upright, looking like iron-blooded soldiers.

Then, there will only be bloodshed.

The panicked Japanese infantrymen still didn't give up, and frantically pressed the first aid kits on their officers.

It's a pity that all the Japanese officers and officers were blown into rag dolls by the more crazily flying shrapnel, and Sano Torata, who took off on the spot, had half of his head chopped off by a shrapnel.

This also reminded the Japanese infantrymen who survived by chance. Even if they sleep in the future, they must wear helmets in case another shell comes flying!

"Enemy attack!" The bright bonfire was swept around by the air waves, and the faces of the anxious and sad Japanese infantrymen looked like ghosts.

Your Excellency the Alliance Captain is dead!The squadron leader is dead!The captain is dead too!This is definitely an unimaginable nightmare for the surrounding Japanese infantry.

But the nightmare is still not over.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The continuous gunshots were like the scythe of death constantly waving, and the panicked Japanese soldiers fell in the flickering flames.

In less than half a minute of shooting, more than 10 Japanese soldiers fell in this area.

Don't listen to the gunshots, just look at the casualties at the scene, it's like a large-scale Chinese attack.

But what frightened the combat-experienced Japanese infantry was that it was not caused by continuous firing of machine guns, but pure rifles.

Several of the fallen colleagues had actually made tactical evasion actions, but none of them were spared. The accuracy of the enemy's shooting while hiding in the dark simply made them misunderstand the veterans who were confident that they could kill moving targets at a distance of 300 meters. Thought it was just a nightmare.

This is because they have not yet found that the location of Tang Dao is 500 meters away from them, otherwise, this group of Japanese infantry who has always claimed to be the world's number one army will definitely doubt Risheng.

However, after a short period of panic, they finally found the main reason why their opponents were able to accurately kill them in the dark.

Bonfires scattered around.

It is impossible to stand out by making their khaki figures look like lumps of stuff in the dark.

"The enemy is in the southeast direction, throw a grenade, find his specific position, fire a grenade, and kill him." The Japanese soldier Cao Chang who was hiding in the grass yelled, gnashing his teeth.

The grenadier soldier, who also hid his body in the dark, wanted to give his boss a big roll of his eyes at that moment, and threw the grenadier over by the way.

After being killed so many people know the approximate direction, but what is the approximate distance?You brother, this small barrel is a cluster of artillery!You can, you come!

An infantry squad, suppressed to death by one or several guns, didn't even dare to show their heads, only dared to shoot indiscriminately in the general direction.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before the Japanese infantry finally realized the benefits of being more powerful.

The patrol located more than 100 meters away from the infantry squadron's camp finally realized that their camp was under attack.

Fired several flares in succession into the darkness far away.

In the snow-bright light of the slowly falling flares, the Japanese soldiers who did not dare to look up easily saw a guy covered in grass, with a long gun on his back, and a large cannon barrel on his shoulders, nimbly dodging the sweeping machine Rifle bullets, with long legs, jumping down the hill

That speed is like a wild boar being hunted.

The Japanese army was stunned.

It's not that the opponent's body is too strong, but, that means, attacking them alone?

A person, with a gun on his back, and a cannon?

Who are you kidding!
Ushishima Man, who was awakened by an urgent telegram in the middle of the night, thought so too.

Of course, his focus was not on how many people were the attackers, but that, like his competitor Sakai Tokutaro, he did not even have an infantry regiment captain of the main regiment.

"Master Sano Tiger was attacked and killed? How is this possible? They were ambushed by the Chinese because of their greed for meritorious deeds?" Ushijima took the telegram sent by the 23rd Infantry Regiment and continued to talk to the person who sent him the telegram. The Chief of Staff of the Lieutenant General conducts soul questioning.

Perhaps, in the mind of this Japanese army major general, he can still accept that being ambushed by the Chinese tactics has broken the captain of his own team.

After all, in that case, the army under his command can bite the main force of China, and the death of the dead ghost army commander is not in vain.

Unfortunately, the answer given to him by the Chief of Staff of the Lieutenant Commander was: "Sano Tiger Taisao was shot by the Chinese at night to attack Yu Sui!"

"Asshole, when did the Chinese artillery range so far?" Niu Daoman stared at him in disbelief.

"The Chinese opened fire about 500 meters away from the camp! According to the telegram from the 23rd Infantry Regiment, the attacker was one person!"

"one person?"

Ushidoman's face turned from red to green and then to black. Those who didn't know thought he was a spy from China.

The face-changing of authentic Sichuan opera is not as fast as he does!

"Baga! Shame, this is the shame of the Imperial Army!" Ushishima Man's roar spread far and wide in the silent night, like the howling of a wounded wild boar.

"I see, it's the Chinese, the Chinese who attacked the division commander! Order the 23rd Infantry Regiment, at all costs, to find that Chinese, dead or alive, I will peel off his skin to make The lanterns are hung in my military tent." The Japanese Army Major General Fuku, who was walking back and forth in the field tent like a trapped animal, was so moved that he classified the two attackers into one.

Although one uses a gun and the other uses a cannon, the pattern of audacity is the same.

Even if it is not a person, it must be a person, as long as he can be found and killed.

Don't tell me, Ushidoman, who was burning with anger, was right this time.

In the heavy siege of the Japanese army, he was able to successfully snipe and kill a lieutenant general in the army and escape from birth, and dared to send him to the sky with a cannon shot at the Japanese army commander with thousands of troops in the dark, except for Tang Dao, who came from The future king of individual soldiers, the millions of Chinese and Japanese troops gathered in Songhu, really can't find another one.

However, although he already knew that Tang Dao, the sneak attacker, was more courageous than ordinary people imagined, Ushijima still underestimated Tang Dao's courage.

On the battlefield during the day, the Japanese army became the king of this land by virtue of its superior force and artillery clusters, but when it entered the night, the Japanese army became the king of the land.
Tang Dao is the spokesperson of the god of death.

Even in order to pursue him, the sober 23rd Infantry Regiment was not only on full alert, but even sent an infantry squadron to pursue him from three sides.

An infantry squad was in the center, chasing Tang Dao's escape route, and the other two infantry squads were separated by a hundred meters, ready to outflank at any time.

Each infantry unit is no more than 10 meters apart, and nearly 200 people of Japanese infantry form a huge net.

In the eyes of the Japanese army, Tang Dao, who did not forget to bring the heavy mortar with him, was like a fat and cumbersome fish, and sooner or later it would become their fat prey.

. . . . . . . . . . .

ps: The monthly ticket is doubled at the end of the month, fellow book lovers, in the last three days, Fengyue relied on everyone's support.Also, book friends who want to join the group, please join the second group, the first group is full, and it has not had time to be promoted to thousands of people, it is estimated that it will be upgraded on November, and everyone can join.

(End of this chapter)

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