Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 428 The Feast of Uncle Death

Chapter 428 The Feast of Uncle Death

11 o'clock in the middle of the night!
In the field outside Liuxi Town, Jiashan.

"Damn Chinese, damn Xiaochuan." A Japanese soldier, Cao Chang, sat on a cold tree stump, cursing in a low voice while scraping off the mud on his military boots with a bayonet.

It is true that the temperature in late autumn in southeast China is not low, but the damp and cold characteristics make people extraordinarily cold, especially at such a time period, it is even colder to the bone marrow, which makes people have an illusion that it is lower than zero in Northeast China. The low temperature of tens of degrees is even more unbearable.

In this kind of weather, at this time, people should get into a warm bed, or in front of a warmer campfire, instead of struggling in the mud in the dark.

Moreover, shouldn't this be something the infantry do!How could it fall on the Imperial Artillery?All this should be attributed to the desperately resisting Chinese and their immediate superiors.

From the point of view of Artillery Commander Sato Kogi, if it wasn’t for the desperate resistance of the Chinese that caused the 18th Division to transfer the Guard Infantry Regiment, or if it wasn’t for the order of Lieutenant Ogawa of the artillery squadron to which he belonged, how could he, the majestic artillery commander, become a patrol officer? team?
Yes, the desperately resisting Chinese are the 'culprits' that caused the noble technical soldiers of the Japanese artillery to become the lowest patrol soldiers.

Because, since the Guard Infantry Regiment of the 18th Division left, Major General Sumita Raishiro, the head of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade, looked deeply disturbed at the two remaining infantry squadrons under his command.

It is true that after the 6 heavy artillery of the 200,000th Heavy Artillery Brigade are deployed, the entire position covers an area of ​​400 square meters, and the No. [-] infantry has to fortify in four directions, the southeast, the north, and the west. The strength of the defense can be seen by any soldier. to describe.

Especially when he thinks that in the dark night, there may be Chinese people sneaking into the position through the gaps in the barbed wire. This situation has happened several times in a row in the positions of the 18th Division on the front line, which makes Sumita Saishiro shudder.

Therefore, Sumita Raishiro ordered that the artillery squadrons of each artillery brigade draw out manpower to form a patrol team to patrol the periphery of the position.

In the wide field outside the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade's position, there are 30 patrol teams composed of artillerymen like Sato Kogi.

There is a shift every 2 hours, starting at 6:[-] pm.

This kind of patrol intensity is enough to discourage any incoming enemy, which also shows the caution of the major general brigade commander of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade.Sumita Saishiro did not let down his vigilance just because the front line had the upper hand.

Perhaps the only mistake he made was that he misjudged the abilities and mentality of his men.

Artillery, not infantry.

They caused huge casualties to their opponents, but limited by space and distance, they almost never really witnessed the real appearance of death.Moreover, as the technical arms of this era second only to pilots and crews, they have always been well protected by infantry.

The principle is almost the same as that of children who are well protected by their mothers and have never made great achievements. Let them serve as patrols, and their ability to pretend far exceeds their actual combat effectiveness.

Just like the current Sato Kogi, he not only complained about his superiors, but also, during such an important patrol time, he did not raise his vigilance against possible dangers in the dark, and even, under the order of ten When the people were resting in place, they didn't even place the minimum sentinel.

Together with him, the patrol team of 11 people was sparsely scattered on the field ridge more than 30 meters away, smoking and talking and laughing, none of them had the awareness that a patrol team should have.

And this is on the battlefield.

From the perspective of soldiers, to say that they are scum is to think highly of them.

Therefore, those who do not respect the battlefield will die.

The first to enter death was, of course, Sato Kogi as a sergeant.

It wasn't his military collar badge that revealed his identity, it was almost pitch black and no one could see his face clearly, not even Tang Dao, who had extraordinary eyesight.

But the stupidity of shouting orders in the dark and lighting a cigarette by himself sent him to hell.

'Just sit here for a while, and the shift will be over in an hour. Sato Kogi, who had just come up with the idea of ​​lying flat, suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

That didn't come from the coldness of the autumn wind, it seemed to come from the bottom of my heart.

A sharp blade suddenly pierced through the back, piercing through the heart, maybe anyone would feel the coldness from the heart!
There should be no heat generated by the friction between sharp blades and flesh and blood.

Terrified, I wanted to turn my head.

However, a pair of powerful big hands just covered his mouth from the depths behind him, not to mention turning his head, even if he wanted to make a sound, he couldn't do it.

Total incontinence.

Not because of the fear of death coming to be frightened, but because of death.

Lei Xiong doesn't have the rich killing skills of Tang Dao, but he is ferocious enough, like a crocodile that has been waiting for a long time. Once it attacks, the prey can only be swallowed by its huge mouth, which is unreasonable.

At about 9 o'clock, he led the army to arrive one kilometer away from the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade, and Tang Dao, who was a scout himself, found that the Japanese army was more cautious than he thought. response.

In order to ensure that the one-hit kill would not alarm the Japanese troops in the Japanese positions 300 meters away, this raid team lurking on the route that the Japanese patrols must pass almost gathered Tang Dao's most powerful individual soldiers.

Tang Dao, Lei Xiong, Leng Feng, Cheng Tieshou and even a powerful machine gunner like Heizi were all picked out by Tang Dao himself.

Each had a knife, whether it was a [-] bayonet or a saber borrowed from the cavalry, ten strong soldiers who launched a surprise attack had only one chance to silence their opponents.

Once the Japanese army was alarmed, the raiding army ambushed 700 meters away with the Four Elements Battalion as an arrow could only attack by force.

Facing the 700-meter charge of the Japanese guns, how many casualties will be caused, that is definitely a heart-wrenching figure.

Everyone did their best at the moment Lei Xiong launched the attack.

Heizi held the sharp saber that Tang Dao lent him, and his huge body jumped up from the mud. If there were flares at this time, he would definitely be able to see the high and bulging muscle lines on his arms.

The horrified Japanese army only left a huge shadow enveloping him, and then it froze.

Because, his head flew up high.

It turned out that if the saber is sharp enough and powerful enough, the head can really be chopped off.

In other words, it was blown away by the pressure from the inner cavity of the human body, after the human head broke free from the shackles of the muscles and bones.

Heizi, who worked hard all his life, killed the enemy with a single blow.

It's a pity that no one can appreciate the bright blood spraying more than 3 meters high in the dark night.

Compared with the simplicity of this kind of one-shot killing, Leng Feng is a little more complicated, but the brutality is not lost.

He used his bare hands, and before the Japanese soldier in front of him had time to react, he threw him to the ground, rode on him, grabbed his neck with his hands, and strangled him to death. During the whole process, No matter how hard the Japanese soldiers thumped, they were always pressed down by Leng Feng's strong and powerful body until his legs straightened in despair.

It took a minute and a half for my life to go from exuberant to unwilling to disappear.

Except for the client himself, no one knew his despair for a minute and a half, and this was the cruelest thing.

Perhaps only those who are familiar with Leng Feng can understand him. Only such a killing can slightly ease the hostility in his heart.

If he didn't watch the devil die in despair under his own hands, how could he be worthy of the family members who were massacred and the younger brother who died in his arms?
Hatred cannot be wiped out by killing, but at that moment, it can be vented.

A patrol team composed of Japanese artillery was quietly wiped out in the fertile fields that were trampled into mud in southeast China.

And this is just the curtain that has just been drawn on the theater of death.

The feast that Uncle Death cheered is about to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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