Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 432 Forward!

Chapter 432 Forward!

Charge, charge wildly, the Chinese cavalry brandished their sabers and rushed past the disintegrated Japanese infantry positions, rushed past the first artillery position, hacked to death most of the khakis that could be seen in the field of vision, but did not stop footsteps, and did not care about the Japanese artillery who had lost their fighting spirit and fled around.

There was no need to fire flares at all. In order to see the enemy in front of them, the panicked Japanese army was full of rising flares on the huge battlefield, and the sight was clear to 300 meters.

"Come on!" Gong Shaoxun hacked a Japanese soldier to death, kicked the horse's belly and swung his knife forward.

Keep moving forward, like a sharp knife, cutting the heavy artillery brigade, which can be called a huge cake, into pieces. This is the main combat task of the cavalry.

With the speed and power of the sabers, the cavalry passed by the Japanese army like snow in soup, disintegrating in an instant, and the smooth progress was far beyond Gong Shaoxun's surprise.

But Gong Shaoxun was not dazzled by the victory in front of him. He strictly ordered the cavalry not to chase and kill the rout of the Japanese army, and he did not blow up the giant cannon that was shining coldly under the flares. That was what the infantry did.

With the speed of their horses, the infantry couldn't keep up. They may be surrounded by the Japanese army after the Japanese army reacts, and they will be killed by the huge Japanese army with various guns in the wilderness. It depends on the cavalry commander. command art and will.

Whether it can break through obstacles with speed, and smash all resistance with a saber.

200 meters away, a group of khaki-yellow figures in a hurry were clearly visible. Gong Shaoxun vaguely saw the cold light flickering from the muzzle of the khaki-colored gun, and felt an inexplicable shudder down his spine.

"Get rid of them!" Turn the horse's head and increase the horse's speed at the same time.

The cavalry followed their commanders and headed towards the Japanese positions that were trying to shoot at them.

So much for the cavalry battalion's good luck.

The group of Japanese troops on the opposite side had obviously set up their defenses. Before the Chinese cavalry rushed over, there were eerie shots from the Japanese positions!

"Boom boom boom!"

Gong Shaoxun, who was riding on a horse and started to accelerate, suddenly felt two gusts of wind passing by his ears, and the always obedient horse let out a long neigh and then slowed down. It was a machine gun that made a well-trained horse instinctively feel terrifying. .

The horse neighed again and again, and when I turned around to look, I saw that the two cavalrymen next to me had been killed by machine guns, the head of one cavalryman had disappeared, and the right body of the other cavalryman had disappeared.

Blood gushed out, but the remains were still sitting on the horse. The horse under him should have felt the warmth of the blood of his comrades-in-arms, raised its front hooves in panic, and the horse's shrill hiss resounded across the battlefield.

"A machine gun! This is a machine gun! The Japanese army is also equipped with a machine gun!" Gong Shaoxun's eyes suddenly turned red.

The cavalry who were speeding up should have been frightened by this extremely tragic scene, and their horse speed quietly slowed down.

But the battlefield will not stop because of the hesitation of a group of Chinese cavalry.

"Boom, boom, boom..." On the front position, the terrible machine guns of the Japanese army rang violently again.

As if being slashed by the scythe wielded by the god of death, the cavalry who rushed to the front either fell off their horses silently, or fell heavily to the ground with their horses and men.

There is no human voice, only the desperate neighing of the horse before it dies.

That was definitely an extremely bloody scene, but anyone who was hit by machine gun shells was basically in a half-shattered state, and even the huge body of the war horse left big holes visible to the naked eye, and the strong bloody smell lingered on this battlefield Ripple up.

The Chinese cavalry didn't know that this was a 6mm cannon equipped by the Antiaircraft Artillery Wing under the 25th Heavy Artillery Brigade. It was specially used for air defense, and there were as many as 18 guns in total.

This type of anti-aircraft machine gun named Type 96 in Japan has a theoretical rate of fire of 260 rounds per minute. It is the only standard machine gun equipped by the Japanese navy and army. a system.

What the cavalry encountered was a pair of 25mm cannons.

Fortunately, they were not facing the entire anti-aircraft artillery wing. According to the principle of triangular air defense, the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade placed the 18 25mm machine guns of the anti-aircraft artillery wing in three directions of the position. Each air defense position had Six 25mm cannons mounted in twin mounts.

Fortunately, since the Chinese fighter planes in the sky disappeared, the anti-aircraft artillery wing in charge of air defense found that it was useless at all, and the autumn in southeast China was too humid, and the exposed gun barrels would damage the life of the weapons too much, so At night, the anti-aircraft guns were disassembled for maintenance and put into special wooden boxes.

So far, this group of Japanese anti-aircraft artillery has been hurrying, but they have only installed two cannons.

If they had known that their anti-aircraft machine guns were going to fight infantry, six anti-aircraft machine guns aimed at Gong Shaoxun and the others with a single round of flat fire, and this group of Chinese cavalry elites could be half disabled.

The Chinese cavalry didn't know that their opponents were actually panicked. The two newly installed machine guns seemed awesome, but in fact, the Type 96 machine guns only had 15 rounds of springs, and it would take them Stop shooting and reinstall the springboard, the fire continuation is not as terrible as it just showed.

But the Japanese also didn't know that the opponents in front of them were also a little hesitant when they were frightened by the tragic sacrifice.

Although the distance is only 200 meters, this 200 meters is definitely the road to hell. If you continue to charge, I don't know how many cavalry will die on this road full of machine gun shells that are stained and dying.

It is not impossible for cavalry to die, but they should not die in a near-suicidal charge, and now it is far from the time for a suicide charge.

Gong Shaoxun hesitated rarely.

However, the time left for hesitation may only be a few seconds or even less.Because the machine guns of the Japanese army may continue to fire soon.

It was too late to wait for the infantry's mortars and machine guns to come up. If they didn't speed up and rush over to completely smash the Japanese resistance and give the Japanese enough time to regroup, the consequences might be more terrible than the death of the entire cavalry battalion.

"The whole army follows me, kill!" Thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind, Gong Shaoxun pulled out his dagger and stabbed it in the ass of his beloved war horse without hesitation, and yelled loudly.

The war horse, which was still hesitating just now, raised its hooves and galloped forward under the severe pain.

The terrifying sound of the machine gun rang out again, but it didn't affect the horses or men on horseback.

In the choice between life and death, the brave cavalry major resolutely chose the latter.

"Kill!" The cavalry behind him followed suit.

Some leaned as low as possible on the horse's back, holding the knife flat in their hands, and the light of the knife flashed across the shadow in the cold wind; some bit the knife in their mouths, pulled out their carbine, and fired while galloping.
Lu Sanjiang almost rushed to the same position as his battalion commander.

He didn't do anything to avoid it. The eyes of the strong cavalry squad leader were red, and the tears that had just flowed from the corners of his eyes were blown dry in the autumn wind.

Two cavalrymen in his squad, right beside him, were shattered by the terrible machine gun shells, and the blood spattered on his face, and the warmth of his lips reminded him that it was brother's blood.

At that moment, it reminded him of the veteran squad leader.

The veteran squad leader used his body to protect everyone, but he witnessed the death of his comrades again.

Just like that, they all died!
That old man is no longer alive!

Then don't live!

Lu Sanjiang was already insane, the bay red horse under him might also feel his master's intentions, his muscles swelled up angrily, and he pushed forward with all his strength.

Chinese cavalry, forward!
To death!go ahead!
(End of this chapter)

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