Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 434 The Stupidity of Juxtaposition

Chapter 434 The Stupidity of Juxtaposition

This may be the first time that the Japanese soldiers of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade experienced the power of their 150-caliber heavy artillery so closely.

It's just that most of them can no longer express their feelings with their own mouths.

A shot that hadn't fully hit destroyed two twin-mounted 25mm cannons and more than [-] people related to them.

"I'll wipe it, that bastard Tie Tou is taking revenge on me!" Lei Xiong wiped off the dirt and dust on his face swept by the air wave, muttering in a low voice.

But his eyes were full of excitement.This big thing is better than a mortar. Just one shot can make two machine guns go silent.

Give the dog day two more shots!The Chinese soldiers who lay motionless on their stomachs actually thought the same as Lei Xiong, that is, it is better to stay away, so as not to be killed by Japanese guns, but to be killed by their own cannons.

Cheng Tieshou lived up to expectations.

In the anticipation of the Chinese soldiers and the dumbfounded waiting of the Japanese army, the 150mm heavy gun that was tried to lower its muzzle blew the horn of death again.

"Boom!" Another shell exploded.

However, this time it hit the position, a large pit with a depth of two meters and a diameter of about three meters appeared, and more than 20 dilapidated corpses of Japanese soldiers were scattered in the position.

"Baga! It's over!" Hisashi Komura almost collapsed in the trench on the other side.

Human beings are very adaptable. He can now accept the fact that the brigade is being attacked by the Chinese, and he can even accept that part of the brigade's position has fallen into the enemy's hands, but he must not accept that his own position is being attacked by his own heavy artillery.

As the captain of the heavy artillery wing, he is well aware of the power of those 150 caliber heavy artillery.

The position he is staying in now seems not small, and he also has four 25mm machine guns and hundreds of infantry artillery, but under the constant bombardment of that heavy artillery, sooner or later he will become a dead soul under the artillery fire.

And what if the Chinese find that one cannon is not enough, and then use other heavy cannons?In other words, their purpose is not to destroy these heavy artillery, but to capture them and aim their guns at those stupid pigs of the 18th Division?
Yes, in the current definition of the Japanese Artillery Commander, the 18th Division is all stupid pigs from Ushijima Sadao down. If they hadn't transferred the Guard Infantry Regiment, how could their Heavy Artillery Brigade encounter such a situation?

However, Hisashi Komura is definitely a "noble" person, and he will never let his colleagues report to Amaterasu just because they are a bunch of pigs.The grand plan of the empire still needs the pigs to help dig the ground.

Therefore, after the second artillery bombardment entered the position, the Japanese artillery commander quickly issued the most difficult, most resolute, and most important military order in his life.

"Blow up the cannons! All the imperial soldiers who are still holding on to the artillery positions, blow up the artillery, and must not let the heavy weapons of the empire fall into the hands of the Chinese."

Compared with the Chinese army, the Japanese army has already entered half of the modernization in advance, especially for the artillery, a high-tech military branch. In order to facilitate ordering, each artillery position has a telephone. It can also be connected to each gun position.

On the position of the 150 heavy artillery that was attacked first, the Japanese army lost their unified command in the panic, and basically defended with the forces organized by each artillery position.

Although only the second lieutenant who led the team had a poor Nanfang [-] small pistol and a few spare [-] rifles that would be taken out during training.

Therefore, there are still as many as 24 artillery positions that can receive military orders from His Excellency Captain Dazuo.

"Blow up the cannon?" Many Japanese second lieutenants naturally couldn't believe it when they received this military order, but it was a military order from the highest commander of the regiment, and they were not allowed to question it.

No matter how distressed, the cannon has to explode.

So, in the afterglow of the flares, Zhuang Shisan, who was studying how to completely blow up the 3-ton behemoth into slag, was stunned.

The cluster grenades were being placed under the 150 heavy artillery, and they even felt that it was not enough. The soldiers of several blasting teams who took the trouble to move shells weighing more than 20 kilograms as detonators also stared at the distance.

They are still carrying out technical operations here, why are there explosions on the Japanese artillery positions that have not yet been occupied?That is much more gorgeous than the fireworks set off during the New Year.

The sound of the huge explosion shook people's ears hundreds of meters away, and the soaring flames more than ten meters high proved one thing-the Japanese bombs exploded.

Bombing cannons sounds easy.

In countless TV dramas in the future, such scenes will often be thrown into the gun barrel with a grenade, and the gun will be destroyed.

But in fact, how strong is the gun steel for the barrel?
What's more, if the gun barrel is destroyed, people won't get another gun barrel to install it?

If you don't get more explosives and detonate them from a long distance, you really can't take this kind of behemoth that can send 20 kilograms of shells to a distance of 10000 meters.

But obviously, in this regard, only oneself can understand oneself better. The professionalism of the Japanese artillerymen in blowing up their own artillery is definitely ahead of the Chinese soldiers.

"Is the cavalry battalion so awesome?" At that moment, Zhuang Shisan could only think of the cavalry who had charged into the distance, and it seemed that they were the only ones with this ability.

It's just that the cavalry battalion is too strong, and the Japanese still have thousands of people!Not to mention being rushed in by them so abruptly, there is still room for bombing.

No wonder Chief Tang chose them to pave the way for the whole army!This combat power is too strong.

As everyone knows, the cavalry who had already killed the Japanese anti-aircraft artillery position felt a little bit confused when they felt the ground shaking behind them and a dozen flames rising into the sky.

Are the infantry so good?In just a short time, not to mention running so fast, and even blowing up the cannon, we have six legs, isn't our combat effectiveness too weak?

"Brothers, the infantry are coming up, keep charging forward with me!" Gong Shaoxun shot and killed a Japanese soldier who was fleeing frantically into the darkness with a single shot, his confidence greatly increased, and he roared loudly to gather his formation.

The cavalry who had already killed the red eyes and were chasing the Japanese army received orders and moved closer to their commanders.

The cavalry regrouped, and no one looked back.

Even if there are comrades-in-arms they get along with day and night lying there.

As comrades-in-arms, their mission is to move forward in the direction where their comrades fell.

Because this is the battlefield.

The Chinese soldiers reacted to the sudden bombing action by the Japanese army, while the morale of the Japanese army fell to the bottom.

"Baga! Are the Chinese attacking so fast? How many people have they come?" Looking at the flames soaring more than 500 meters away, the man who had just sent a telegram for help to the 18th Division and the 36th Infantry Brigade The commander of the Japanese 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade, Sumita Saishiro, was dizzy.

Does that mean that the thousands of Chinese people I estimated before are still too few, and did the Chinese come to an infantry division?
The staff officers in the headquarters of the Heavy Artillery Brigade looked at each other, but no one could give an accurate answer to the pale-faced brigade commander.

Hisashi Komura of the 3rd Artillery Regiment, which is in dire straits, has lost contact, and the sound of horseshoes of the Chinese cavalry is also rumbling, showing the prosperity of the Chinese soldiers.

As a result, Sumita Laishiro, who had never encountered such a situation, made a wrong judgment. The Chinese had at least two infantry regiments or even more troops to participate in the attack. In the direction of the 18th Division.

"My 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade will stand by and wait for reinforcements until the entire army is smashed, so that the heavy weapons of the empire will not fall into the hands of the enemy, and will explode by itself!"

As a result, the major general of the Japanese Army, whose confidence had collapsed, sent a farewell message to the Tenth Army Command.

Sumita Raishiro, who still maintains a brave heart, is not cowardly enough to order the entire army to retreat. It is worthwhile for future military experts not to put him on the pillar of shame in history, but the trait of stupidity is tied with Komura Hisashi .

According to the analysis of the battle situation at the time, it would take at least three to four hours for more than 1000 Chinese to annihilate the thousands of Japanese artillery scattered in various positions on an extremely wide battlefield. time.

But the whole of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade artificially shortened this time to less than two hours, which caused the 36th Infantry Brigade, which bravely extended a helping hand, to also have its arm broken.

I am an artilleryman!Not being an infantryman, Major General Sumida Rishiro who drank tea at Amaterasu's place may only be so desperate to complain.

But no matter what the choice is, it can't change the fate of a group of Japanese artillery who have no guns but cannons, even if their number is as high as thousands.

No matter how many sheep there are, they can only be shaved or turned into broth.

And the Chinese army, which has all kinds of long and short guns, machine guns and even mortars, is the wolf pack on this battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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