Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 438: The Fate Changed by War

Chapter 438: The Fate Changed by War

In the cool autumn night in the south of the Yangtze River, except for the sound of footsteps, only the sound of heavy breathing permeated the night.

Only the distant sky, from time to time, flashed a slight red light and faint muffled noises, reminding a group of Japanese troops running in the wilderness maintaining a rhythm that this night was not the tranquility they were experiencing now.

The battlefield a few kilometers away from them is absolutely fierce.

"Everyone, speed up!" A strong Japanese soldier rushing to the front of the entire queue looked up at the sky, breathed a sigh of relief, tried his best to calm the burning of his lungs caused by the long-distance running, and ordered loudly.


As a young man from a poor peasant family, he has never been to a military academy and has little education, but he was able to take up the post of second lieutenant in the Japanese army full of strong men. Aso Xiaoshu relied on the unique perseverance and bravery of peasant youths The fearless spirit rushed to the forefront in the wars against China organized by the empire again and again.

In the September [-] incident six years ago, Aso Xiaoshu, who was still a senior soldier, followed his sergeant into the Peking University Camp, and killed three soldiers of the Northeast Army who dared to resist with his precise shooting skills, including a captain and company commander. Facing the few soldiers of the Northeast Army rushing towards them in despair, he bravely stabbed two of them to death with a bayonet.

One of them, judging from his young face, should be only seventeen or eighteen years old. He had no choice but to fight to the death after being surrounded. When Aso Xiaoshu's bayonet pierced his chest, he ignored the sharpness of the blade and held it firmly with both hands. Blade, with a begging look on his face.

Although he didn't know what the young soldier of the Northeast Army was shouting, Aso Xiaoshu knew that he probably wanted to live, and he was begging himself to let him go.

Although the sharp bayonet pierced into his lung, it was not the fatal left chest. If the bayonet was pulled out at this time and he was treated with a hemostatic bag to stop the bleeding in time, the young soldier of the Northeast Army who hadn’t enjoyed life would have survived. The odds are over ten percent.

At that moment, Aso Xiaoshu should also feel compassion, but soon said, "They are the enemies of the empire, and they are a stumbling block blocking the expansion of the empire!" 'The voice occupied Aso Koshu's mind.

Twisting the rifle vigorously, the blade of the bayonet scraped in the chest of the young Chinese soldier. You could almost hear the grinding sound of the blade and the bones. The young Chinese soldier's face twitched in pain, with tears and snot all over his face. , did not arouse Aso Xiaoshu's pity again, until he gradually returned to peace.

Aso Xiaoshu didn't know what the young Chinese soldier shouted, but in the last sentence, there was a mother!The pronunciation of Japanese and Chinese has 80.00% agreement on the word calling mother.

Later, a colleague helped Aso Xiaoshu translate, and the dead Chinese soldier shouted: "Oh my god, it hurts so much!"

Sure enough, they were a group of cowardly people. As the empire said, they did not deserve such a fertile land. Aso Xiaoshu's eyes gradually became firm.

Aso Xiaoshu, who killed five enemy troops by himself, became the next candidate for the sergeant of the squad after this battle. He can become the commander of a squad only after his boss is promoted or transferred.

Aso Xiaoshu had never looked forward to war so much.

So, his wish came true soon.

Two years later, the Battle of Rehe and the Great Wall came. Aso Xiaoshu followed the army and chased tens of thousands of Chinese, crossed the ancient Great Wall of China, which the Chinese are most proud of, and approached the capitals of the last few dynasties in China. .

In this battle, the alternate army Cao Aso Xiaoshu once again killed eight Chinese soldiers, and after his own army was killed in battle, he was directly promoted to the rank of army officer.

It is a pity that the war ended in only three months. The empire seemed to be satisfied with the acquisition of Rehe Province, and retreated after signing an agreement with the Chinese.

If the status quo is maintained, Cao Chang will be the pinnacle of Aso Xiaoshu's military career without any background. After serving for a few years, he will receive a retirement fee and go home to inherit the family business and continue to be an ordinary farmer.

But how can Aso Xiaoshu, who has already seen the wonderful world, continue to live like this?He was extremely looking forward to the empire launching another war, a war against China, so that he would have the opportunity to step into the ranks of officers.

Aso Xiaoshu's ambition is not great, he never expected to be a superior officer, he only wanted to be a second lieutenant who can make dozens of people bow their heads, or a lieutenant captain who can be respected by hundreds of people.

So during the few years in the Northeast, he obeyed the command of the chief, and led his subordinates to fight against the endless rebels. In order to find out the whereabouts of a rebel, he even did not hesitate to kill ten people in an ordinary small mountain village with a bayonet. Several villagers, from the elderly to the young and strong to women and even children, finally made the Chinese surrender and handed over the Chinese resistance army hiding in the cellar.

It's not that Aso Xiaoshu can't see the hatred that the sad Chinese are trying to hide under the lowered eyelids, but what is there?It's just a group of cowardly people. If it wasn't for the fact that the boss was not interested in spending more time, he could have killed all the dozens of people left in the village.

Relying on the ruthless killing, Aso Xiaoshu has the title of "Cold-Blooded Xiaoshu" in the army.

Finally, the empire's war against China broke out again. When the "Strongest Division on the Surface" was supplementing the Kwantung Army, Sergeant Cao of "Cold-Blooded Little Tree" was transferred to the Sixth Division and promoted to the captain of the Second Lieutenant.

Aso Xiaoshu, whose ambition has expanded again, is extremely eager to become his dream lieutenant or captain in this war, so he will go forward bravely in every battle.

This time was no exception. After His Excellency the brigade commander ordered the whole army to be lightly armed and quickly assembled to the position of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade, he ordered the team members to drop all the baggage, and each person only carried 100 rounds of bullets, two grenades and one The jug of water, the extreme lightness allowed his infantry squad to rush to the forefront of the entire brigade and even the entire wing.

The infantry squad closest to him in the rear was also 150 meters away.

Aso Squad is the arrowhead of the entire 36th Infantry Brigade. After this battle, my name, Aso Koshu, will definitely be heard in the ears of the regiment captain. Aso Koshu, who ordered his subordinates to continue to speed up, has such thoughts at the moment.

Even though there was a small river of unknown depth in front of him, Xiaoshu Aso jumped into the small river without hesitation, and rushed to the opposite bank with thigh-deep water.

The body that keeps running will emit enough heat to maintain body temperature, and wait to enter the battle, because the adrenaline bursting out between life and death will make people ignore these small colds, and Aso Xiaoshu, who has experienced dozens of battles, has enough clear perception.

It is a pity that the ambition of the second lieutenant of the Japanese Army who dreams of changing the fate of himself and his family by relying on war has come to an end.

He hadn't completely crossed the river when he heard a roar, "Hit me!"

Chinese, are there Chinese here?As soon as this thought that made his heart shattered flashed through Aso Xiaoshu's mind, he heard gunshots that were so dense that "da da da" made his whole body numb.

It was the sound of the shell gun that he was very familiar with.

Not cheap but extremely effective German-made continuous firearms, the favorite of the Chinese.

Whether in the Northeast, North China, or Southeast, all battlefields have never lacked the presence of this weapon.

At a distance of 200 meters, Aso Xiaoshu can completely dismiss the shell gun that the Chinese love.

The constantly jumping muzzle and the short barrel made them inaccurate at all. Even if he stood there swaggeringly, he could not do anything to the 20-round magazine that was shot empty in one breath.

However, the almost blinding flames in the dark night ahead reminded him that the firing distance would never exceed 40 meters.

The brave and invincible second lieutenant of the Japanese army is naturally not a fool. He is eager to change his destiny in the war, but he does not want to lose his life in the war.

Almost without thinking about it, Aso Xiaoshu instinctively exerted force in his waist, abdomen and legs, and fell forward.

This is the most instinctive reaction of a veteran. No matter if there is water or something on the ground, even if there is a knife stabbed underneath, he will jump down without hesitation.

Bullets are the deadliest thing in war, and shells are not necessarily comparable.

However, 'Cold-Blooded Little Tree' was still 0.5 seconds late.

The trenches dug by Chinese soldiers beyond Xiaohe are only 30 meters away.

In order to ensure a one-hit kill, the infantry company commander who led the team waited abruptly until the Aso team basically jumped into the river before ordering to shoot.

As for the guard battalion, the equipment rate of shell guns reached an astonishing 50.00%.

It means that in this wave of bullets alone, at least hundreds of bullets were poured out.

Dozens of members of the Aso team, including Aso Xiaoshu, shared the hundreds of flying warheads together.

(End of this chapter)

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