Chapter 443
The most tragic charge in the history of the Sixth Division regiment battle came to an end.

Four infantry squadrons, depleted in 10 minutes.

The infantry squadrons circumventing the two wings, not to mention attacking, have not yet found a way to circumvent the Chinese position.

The two battalion commanders, Scarred Zhao and Lao Zhou, both came from special service platoon leaders, and eventually rose to the rank of battalion commander of the division security battalion after accumulating meritorious service. The important thing is that they are all extremely capable.

Otherwise, even if they are their own younger brothers, the two lieutenant generals would not dare to entrust their lives to them.

The location they chose to establish the blocking position was not only because there were small rivers and hills, which was the only way for the Japanese army to go to the 36th Infantry Brigade, but also because there were enough paddy fields in this area.
If the Japanese army wanted to go around the position, they had to trudge through the mud with one foot deep and one foot shallow. Let alone the slow marching speed, even if they could reach the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade, they would probably be exhausted.

More importantly, Tang Dao can guarantee that Niu Daoman will definitely choose to attack the blocking position instead of going around.

Because this night, Ushido Man is like a woman who has been teased by a scumbag man to the point of being full of love, and her mind is full of handcuffs and whips to conquer the scumbag man who dares to tease her.

The props are ready and the emotions are in place, but the scumbag is playing with another violent young woman. How can Ushijima let anyone who is related to the scumbag go?

Of course, the explosive emotions are only secondary. Tang Dao, who is familiar with Ushidoman's resume, understands his pride and self-confidence better.

Ushidoman, who was once the leader of the army in time and space, has absolute self-confidence, so he will never swallow his anger and spend a lot of time bypassing the blocking position. On the battlefield, it is very likely that he didn't get anything.

He had to make a choice, and the enemy in front of him was the closest to him.

It is determined that the 36th Infantry Brigade will definitely launch an attack, and coupled with the location of the position, the attempt of the two infantry squadrons to circumvent the two wings is doomed to be difficult.

The winner was decided in the central position. Nearly 400 Japanese troops were still advancing in the paddy fields, until the signal flares fired by the Japanese infantry brigade made them stand by.

Kanda Shochu arrived at the front of the position with the last battalion of his 45th Infantry Regiment.

The two Japanese majors stood in front of the Lieutenant with a livid face, as if their parents had died.

An infantry brigade of the Japanese army has a total of four infantry squadrons and a heavy machine gun squadron plus an infantry artillery squadron.

In the attack on Songjiang, the 45th Infantry Regiment, as the reserve force of the entire division, did not engage in large-scale siege operations, and was able to retain 90.00% of its troops, but this is good. In a field battle, the infantry was reduced by half one.

With this kind of result, not to mention that the two immediate commanders were so devastated that they couldn't even make an apology, even Colonel Kanda Shochu, who personally ordered 20 minutes to resolve the battle, felt dizzy.

"How many troops are the Chinese on the opposite side?" Kanda Masakae, who was at least at the level of the regimental captain, resisted the urge to chop two subordinates alive with a knife on the left and a knife on the right, and asked with a livid face.

"Your Excellency, Captain, according to the calculation of the Chinese firepower, there are about 500 Chinese on the opposite side. However, their heavy firepower far exceeds that of ordinary Chinese troops, but the biggest reason why the imperial warriors can't break through that line of defense is not It has machine guns and mortars, but its soldiers hold a large number of German-made submachine guns and Mauser [-]-gun pistols." A major Japanese army officer managed to calm down and answered his superior.

The Japanese commander not only has sufficient battlefield experience, but also has a very high emotional intelligence. He did not deliberately exaggerate the opponent's strength because of his own heavy losses.

He knew very well that the order to kill the opponent in one go was issued by the commander of the regiment or even the brigade. Completely pushed into the abyss.

"500 people, with a lot of short-range firepower." Kanda Masakae narrowed his eyes, lost in thought. "That shows that this is not a regular field force of the Chinese, but the guards around the Chinese generals, and they are often sent to the battlefield only when the battle is urgent."

Kanda Shochu is worthy of being a talented student who has studied at the Japanese Army University, and he immediately guessed the reason for the blocking force.

"Why are the Chinese generals willing to use the most elite troops around them as bait?" Another major subconsciously asked a question, and then suddenly realized that his face was flushed.

The current battlefield has clearly shown that the Chinese were used as bait, but the bait was poisonous, not only made their 36th Infantry Brigade dizzy, but even the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade a dozen miles away. They want to poison the target.

Not an elite, how can it be so poisonous?

"Chinese people, don't underestimate them!" Kanda Zhengzhong sighed slightly, too lazy to look at his ashamed subordinates.

"They obviously made the plan a week ago, causing His Excellency the brigade commander, His Excellency Ushishima Sadao of the No.18 Division, the Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade, and even Commander Yanagawa Heisuke to be careless."

What is shameless.

This is.

If Niu Daoman was here, he might kiss his confidant subordinates hard, and he would not blame him for losing 800 people in World War I.

The meaning expressed by the army officer is obvious. Our brigade commander made a mistake, but don't even think about putting this matter on our brigade commander. Neither the commander nor the sixth heavy artillery brigade could escape.

We are not brothers, we have to bear the guilt together.

I am Nima!After the war, Ushishima Sadao heard this statement from the 36th Infantry Brigade. It is said that he roared and cut ten small saplings with the thickness of his arms in the open space outside the military tent. The command sword bestowed by His Majesty the Emperor was destroyed Cut the gap.

"I myself will make a written apology to the North China Dispatch Army Command for this defeat, but Ushishima Mitsuru should make atonement to His Majesty the Emperor by harakiri! Yanagawa Heisuke responded to this rumor with a lot of ruthlessness and determination.

Although he, a lieutenant general, did not have the right to dispose of a major general, it also meant that Man Ushido's dream of further becoming the head of the Sixth Division had been cut off, and the conflict between the two was imminent.

Blame me!If an unlucky child who died alone in the wilderness wearing ordinary clothes heard this rumor, he would definitely be very wronged, he is too bullying an honest person!
It's a pity that Ushijima Man and his subordinates, who wanted to get rid of the crime, had already decided to do so.

Of course, while dragging all the high-level officials of the Tenth Army into the water, they must solve the Chinese troops in front of them.

Otherwise, the shame of an infantry brigade being blocked by no more than a thousand Chinese, even if the emperor himself was dragged into the water as far away as the island, would not be able to hide their shame.

"Order your two infantry squadrons to continue to implement the previous military order, and go around to the flanks of the Chinese position, and let them choose when to attack." Kanda Shochu continued to issue military orders. "At the same time, the whole army temporarily rested and waited, and dispatched signal troops to urge the artillery squadrons and artillery squadrons of each brigade, ordering the infantry artillery to arrive 1000 meters away from the battlefield as quickly as possible, and the artillery squadrons chose the artillery positions on the spot, according to the coordinates provided by the artillery observers. , shelling the Chinese positions!"

"In addition, you two only have one infantry squadron left, Major, and you will serve as the captain of the first-line supervising team, and personally kill all weak soldiers who dare to retreat without authorization." Kanda Masakae looked at the two respectful soldiers standing in front of him. The major, with cold eyes.

When the two majors breathed a sigh of relief, they continued: "But if there are more than 20 weak soldiers who are not strong enough to kill, then you two majors, you should carry out the "long live charge" yourself! I believe You will keep the spirit of the Empire alive."

"Hi!" The two majors bowed their heads together.

It's just that the legs are a little soft.

Apparently, what this Captain of the Great Zuo Lian means is that if the battle goes well, you two will be fine, and if it doesn't go well, you two will take the lead and die for me!I need the heads of two majors to show the whole army.

Just like the Chinese soldiers in the opposite trenches showing their colleagues the homemade 'glory bullets' firmly tied around their waists.

The top three figures of the 36th Infantry Brigade have basically set the tone for this battle, and they are also endless.

It is no longer a question of whether the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade can be rescued, but for their own future.

However, thousands of Japanese infantry were used as cannon fodder for them.

(End of this chapter)

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