Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 447 Air Bomb

Chapter 447 Air Bomb

It's too late to leave a message for my comrades!
It's too late to say my last prayer to God!
I don't even have time to miss my parents who are far away in my hometown!

Fight broke out.

In the first wave of the Japanese attack, two infantry squads were thrown in. Less than 50 meters behind them, there were four infantry squads just around the corner.

There are only two guard platoons that can stop their attack.

The shooting range of all machine guns and heavy machine guns is mainly set to attack the Japanese army attacking the trenches 500 meters to 1000 meters away, and has limited lethality against the infantry under the hills.

And at this time, the main force of the Japanese army attacked the trench defense line again.

The few surviving machine guns and heavy machine gun fire points resolutely gave up supporting the infantry defense positions that were only tens of meters away from them, and poured all their firepower on the death line.

In fact, the Japanese army had already absorbed the previous experience of heavy casualties caused by intensive charges. The distance between individual soldiers was extremely far. The bullets fired had no effect.

The red bullet marks formed by shells and bullets are like the steel whips of the god of death constantly waving, grazing wounds and dying. Especially the 500mm machine gun shells that can penetrate 25mm steel plates at a distance of 20 meters can often penetrate a human body. Afterwards, the momentum continued, and it would only count if one or even two were knocked down, which was a great threat to the Japanese infantry.

The Japanese infantry who had just got up from the mud and rushed into the icy river had no choice but to retreat again aggrieved.

Kanda Masakae, who watched all this with a telescope, turned pale.

It was under his order that the infantry began to attack the small hills, which caused the artillery fire that could have suppressed the firepower of the Chinese machine guns and heavy machine guns to be suspended, which made several heavy firepower points of the Chinese so unscrupulous.

Does this count as shooting yourself in the foot?

"Order the two infantry squadrons of the 47th regiment. I only give them 30 minutes. If they can't attack the position in front of them, the supervisory team in the rear will replace them." Kanda Shochu once again issued a strict military order.

At that time, it would be better for all members of the two infantry squadrons to die in battle than to resolve the death order of the battle within 30 minutes.

The Japanese are not like the Chinese who need to raise their heads to see them. They require all of their subordinates to die on the battlefield. Nogi Nozomi did this before, and it will be more common in the Pacific battlefield in the future.

The Chinese position is mainly composed of two trenches, the first-line trench and the second-line trench. Basically, there is one guard squad in the shorter first-line trench, and two guard squads in the second-line trench.

The distance between the two trenches is about 30 meters, and because of the urgency of time, there is only one communication trench connected to it.This is mainly to facilitate the evacuation of the first-line trenches or the reinforcement of troops from the second-line trenches to the first-line trenches in times of emergency.

But after the second-line trenches, there are already various firepower points set up under the top of the hill, and there is no way out.

When the Japanese army began to bow their waists and enter the distance of 100 meters, a guard squad in the first-line trench had already fired.

There is no small river on the hill, which can slow down the charge of the Japanese infantry like the side of the trench defense line. Once the Japanese army advances to 60 meters, their heavy machine guns start to suppress frantically, it will be troublesome.

All the Japanese infantry were beaten to the ground.

However, they did not stop their attack.

300 meters away, the siren sounded continuously and screamed, which was a signal for the Japanese army to continue to attack.

The Japanese infantry under the hill, suppressed by shell guns and submachine guns, went crazy, almost crawling up the hillside against the rain of bullets from the Chinese side.

The Chinese defenders are not only spraying bullets at the enemy, they are also being baptized by the bullets themselves.

The entire altitude of the hill is only a dozen meters above sea level. The trenches of the Chinese infantry are basically halfway up, and the height is no more than seven or eight meters at most. The slope is actually extremely gentle, and the Japanese infantry crawling forward will not take too much effort.

Although the Chinese side has a height advantage and is condescending, it is very easy to shoot or throw grenades.

However, this terrain is equally beneficial to the Japanese support firepower.

Responsible for providing fire support to these Japanese troops was a heavy machine gun brigade that approached the position to 400 meters away.

There are 12 heavy machine guns, and 6 Type 92 heavy machine guns are installed on the left and right sides.

Because the Chinese defensive position was high enough, the Japanese heavy machine guns did not even need to shoot from the two wings. They fired wildly at the Chinese position from the front of their respective battlefields.

一挺92重机枪的射速达500发每分,6挺92式重机枪理论上可以在1 minutes内朝中方阵地倾泻3000发的子弹。

A line of trenches is only 50 meters wide, which means that within one meter, there are 60 bullets whizzing through the air.

Almost like a stormy baptism.

But that is not rain, but a bullet that can easily take a person's life.

Crazy bullets hit the edge of the trench and splashed mud, and almost no one dared to look up.

At most, you can only put the gun on the edge of the trench, stretch out your hand and pull the trigger desperately. As for where the bullets fly, that's no longer a concern.

The defensive effect can also be imagined.

Hand grenades were also thrown, but because the Japanese infantry were scattered at a distance, and there were not many hand grenades, they could be easily wasted there.

The Japanese infantry crouching on the battlefield were also veterans who had experienced the battlefield, and they immediately felt the weakness of the Chinese firepower.

"Kill the chicken!" The junior Japanese army officer roared to cheer up his soldiers.

The speed of the Japanese army increased again.

"Damn it, Zhou Dafu, you bastard, can you still hold your ground, fight back immediately, and fight back to me." Major Scar's roar resounded in the trench, and because he tried his best to raise his voice, his voice was completely broken.

In the establishment of the Chinese army, regiment-level troops have a uniform number for the entire army, which is the same as the regiment level of the Japanese army. At the battalion level, they are basically sorted by numbers one, two, and three.

And "one" represents more than just a number. In the establishment of the Chinese army, "one" is almost the strongest synonym.

The first battalion is the sharp-knife battalion, the first company is the sharp-knife company, and the first row is the sharp-knife platoon. Even at the lowest infantry squad, the soldiers will be proud of being a squad.

Because they are soldiers of the sharp knife squad.

Zhou Dafu is the first platoon leader of the 108th Division Guard Battalion under Major Scar.

Except for Major Scar who personally sits on this front, the highest commander.

At this moment, the second lieutenant platoon leader, who was personally named by Major Scar, was in the front line of the trench, leading a group of 13 people in his platoon.

To be precise, there are only 12 people in total including him.Two people were killed on the spot in the shelling just now.

"Damn, brothers, I'm going to fight with the dog." In the trench, a soldier wearing a helmet and only a shirt of an invisible color stained with mud turned over and lay down on the trench, lowering the submachine gun in his hand as much as possible, roaring A shuttle of bullets swept away.

The heavy machine gun bullets shot into the soil around him visible to the naked eye, and a bullet even grazed the side arc of the helmet. Fortunately, it was not shot directly, and the rounded arc of the helmet also played a role. The terrifying flames did not cause substantial damage to the second lieutenant.

Seeing that the platoon leader was like this, the soldiers followed suit, lying on the trench with gritted teeth and shooting wildly downward.

Only, not everyone has the luck of a second lieutenant.

Just in this round of counterattack, a soldier was continuously hit by heavy machine gun bullets on his shoulder and chest, and fell into the trench screaming.

One soldier didn't even say a word, just lying on the trench silently, waiting for the soldier who emptied the bullet and retreated to the trench to find the abnormality, and when he dragged him back to the trench, he found painfully that he had already died.

A bullet from a heavy machine gun pierced through his helmet, and while the thick 7.7mm bullet penetrated the helmet effortlessly, it also lifted half of his helmet.

The sound of blood spurting from the head and hitting the helmet is a 'sizzling' sound that would make even the strongest warrior have nightmares.

"My day you are good!" Another soldier who witnessed all this was obviously stimulated by the tragic death of his comrade.

With a roar, he picked up a grenade that had been unscrewed from the ground of the trench, pulled the fuse, and raised his arm to throw it.

Unexpectedly, because the arm was raised too high, a heavy machine gun bullet just hit the wrist, and the entire wrist was shattered. The soldier didn't even have time to scream, and the palm and the blue-smoke grenade fell back into the trench.

The soldier who was still supporting his comrade's body had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and stepped forward to pick up the grenade that was still in the palm of his comrade's hand and threw it out.

The grenade, which had been delayed for almost three seconds, exploded in the air more than 20 meters below the hillside.

The Japanese army screamed.

Crawling may be able to avoid the crazy rain of bullets, but it can't stop the grenade shrapnel flying down in the air.

The Chinese soldiers in the trenches did not see that at least four Japanese soldiers were killed or wounded by the hand grenades thrown by the comrades at the price of one palm.

Just looking at the second lieutenant platoon leader here, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Everyone, give me a three-second extension before dropping the bomb!"

"Boom boom boom!" Most of the seven or eight grenades thrown from the trench exploded in the air after flying 30 meters.

The Japanese infantry, who were about to enter the bombing distance, were directly blown to tears by the artificially delayed throwing of the 'air bomb'.

(End of this chapter)

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