Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 451 The Last Bullet

Chapter 451 The Last Bullet
That was the explosive that had been buried in the second-line trenches from the very beginning.

It was specially requested by Major Scar when Tang Dao distributed heavy weapons to the two guard battalions. This batch of explosives has been kept in the supply unit. It was originally used to blow up the Baihegang Bridge. Later, due to changes in the battle situation, it was only used for three minutes. One of them completed the combat mission.

The main force led by Tang Dao needs attack power. Naturally, this kind of explosives, which are powerful but cannot be thrown, can't be used, so Major Scar wants them all.

When he was building the trenches of the 'Guling', he had thought about how to use these explosives.

150 kilograms of explosives, 50 kilograms allocated to each trench, were tied firmly with ropes. In order to prevent being hit and detonated by Japanese artillery, they were all buried in the soil holes on the side walls of the trenches.

The anti-bunker holes dug by the soldiers with great effort are not for people, but for explosives.

If the second-line positions were lost, the soldiers ordered to detonate the explosives would ignite the fuzes wrapped in tarpaulins, reducing the entire position to ruins.

At that time, not to mention the people in the trenches, there will not even be a living creature within 30 meters on both sides of the trenches.

These explosives buried deep in the second-line trenches did not become the last defense of the entire 'Guling', but the last bullets for the defenders of the 'Guling'.

Once shot, it is the end of both.

But now, because of the death of the platoon leader of the sharp knife platoon, Major Scar, who was extremely angry, decided to shoot his last bullet ahead of time.

He is not afraid of death, but he wants to watch these brave Japanese die first before he dies.

It was an indescribable pleasure to die behind them.

The distance between the second-line trenches and the first-line trenches is 30 meters, and there is still a drop of three or four meters. To ensure that these tightly bound explosives can 'roll' down smoothly and kill the gangsters, their eyes are red with rage. The major even carefully reminded his soldiers to stuff the general uniform and cloth into the gaps in the ropes, and paste mud on it, just to wrap the square explosive box into a ball.

The Japanese offensive resumed, and no one dared to attack the second-line trenches from the easier-to-advance communication trenches. In that place, only two sandbags and a light machine gun were placed, and whoever entered would die. They were not bad guys.

More than 30 Japanese soldiers continued to crawl forward, and the six light machine guns were so bold that they placed the machine guns less than 150 meters away from the second-line trenches. After firing three flares into the sky, the six light machine guns roared. The bullets grazed the airspace [-] centimeters above the backs of their own infantrymen and swept on the sandbags piled up in the second-line trenches.

This is an extremely dangerous tactic. If there is a slight mistake, the machine gun bullets can hit the little butts of their own infantry, but the Japanese army used it so resolutely, using the machine gun to almost stick to the heads of their own soldiers to shoot at the Chinese trenches.

Of course, it’s not that their infantry tactical coordination is really good enough to be comparable to future special forces. If this is the case, no matter how hard China lacks sufficient industrial capabilities, it will definitely not last for eight years. That’s because the Japanese are really impatient. up.

The casualties they paid were more than twice that of the Chinese on the battlefield.They lost a lot in the Battle of Songjiang, so there is another reason. The Chinese have walls and fortifications, but this is a real field battle. The Chinese have nothing but dug a few temporary trenches.

Lao Tzu is the "strongest division on the surface" with "black skin and bright red blood". The pride of the sixth division still exists, not to mention the machine guns of the supervisory team behind are still smoking green smoke!
"My lords, rush up, kill them, and cut off their heads. Your Excellency the Captain and the Alliance Captain will celebrate for us." The eyes of Katori Asuka, who was at the end of more than 30 people, were flickering with madness, and he encouraged loudly Soldiers in their own squad.

As the second lieutenant captain of the Second Infantry Squad, Katori Asuka was already the highest frontline commander at this moment. He knew very well that only by completing this attack mission could he survive.

Yes, for this once smug second lieutenant, the goal at this moment is no longer to receive meritorious service, but to survive this extremely cruel battle.

He didn't want to be like the talented student in the first team who became a second lieutenant after graduating from the non-commissioned officer school. More than half of his neck was cut off by shrapnel from a Chinese grenade. It wasn't that the blood flowed out, but that he was covering too tightly in his eagerness, and the exposed trachea couldn't get in fresh oxygen.

To put it bluntly, under intense fear, he strangled himself to death.Even when everyone saw his milky white trachea protruding from the tender muscles of his neck, they knew that he was dead.

If he didn't want to die, he could only attack desperately, driving the dozens of people he could command now to kill the Chinese in one go.

The subordinate infantry tried their best to crawl forward under the cover of machine guns, while Katori Asuka tried his best to keep his chest and abdomen close to the ground, with his helmeted head tilted up skillfully, staring at the Chinese trench. The grenade is easy to roll and avoid.

Then, the second lieutenant of the Japanese army was shocked!
Seven or eight black 'stones' were suddenly thrown out of the Chinese trenches and rolled down the not-so-steep hillside.

"Baga! Get out of here!" Katori Asuka reminded his subordinates loudly, but a gleam of joy flashed in his heart.

The Chinese actually used stones as defensive weapons. Does that mean that they have run out of ammunition.

It's just that this is too ridiculous.

Judging by the size of the stone, which is no more than ten kilograms, even if it hits someone, so what?Could it be possible to smash a few to death?

As soon as this idea came to mind, I saw a stone rolling faster and faster after a distance of more than [-] meters, and one of them hit the heads of two Japanese infantrymen who had no time to dodge.

"Bang Dang!" There was a sound, and the Japanese infantry screamed, covering their helmets and rolling their eyes on the spot.

Obviously, even a stone, after the blessing of the acceleration of gravity, can smash a person into a fool, and this is the case when the fool is wearing a helmet.

The stones that encountered obstacles jumped high, even crossed the trenches where there were still [-] Japanese infantry soldiers and rolled down the hillside.

The most primitive rolling stone wood in ancient China has a combat history of more than 3000 years, so it is still somewhat powerful.

But this is the last stubbornness of the Chinese people!Katori Asuka watched a big stone roll two meters from his right side and fell into the trench, and unconsciously let out a breath.

But the exclamation from the trench made Lieutenant Katori Asuka's heart hang again.

Not only the voices of the soldiers under his command were extremely panicked, but more importantly, what they shouted: "The stone is smoking!"

What kind of stone smokes?Could it be that it was ignited by the scorching battlefield?

The loud noise of "Boom!" made Lieutenant Katori Asuka's mind go blank.

Whether it was the scorching air wave passing by his back that burned his military uniform to reveal his fat black buttocks, or the violent vibration that threw the body of the second lieutenant of the Japanese Army off the ground by more than ten centimeters, second lieutenant Katori Asuka was in a state of shock. That moment was frozen.

It's like a statue, even with a piece of shit thrown over its head!

The explosion energy of an explosive weighing more than six kilograms is comparable to a 105-caliber heavy artillery. The violent air wave is enough to overturn everyone in the trench, let alone seven or eight such big things.

Dozens of Japanese soldiers in the 50-meter trench, no matter standing or lying down, were all rolled up and scattered around the position like fallen leaves by the air waves with nowhere to vent.

Some are whole, some are broken, like a rain of human body parts.

There was even a broken hand that slammed hard on the helmet of Major Scar who was curled up in the trench.

Picking up the bloody severed hand, Major Scar's eyes were not disgusted, but full of joy.

The Japanese blew up his brother to death, and he blew it back ten times more viciously, smashing the shitty ones, which is really refreshing!
(End of this chapter)

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