Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 472 Riding a white horse without a knife

Chapter 472 Riding a white horse without a knife
All of Seto Nelli's luck was shattered at the moment when the second round of shells hit 500 meters in front of his temporary headquarters, together with nearly a hundred Japanese infantry who were wiped out in ashes.

The senior officers of the 36th Infantry Brigade thought that the idiots of the 6th Heavy Artillery Brigade would be killed by the Chinese, and that heavy artillery would be captured by the Chinese. The heavy artillery was transported away.

But they never thought that the Chinese would bombard them with heavy artillery from a space of more than 6000 meters.

Artillery is not a rifle or a machine gun, which anyone can play with.Artillery soldiers without enough actual combat experience, let alone bombarding targets in the dark at a distance of 6000 meters, are gods who can shoot out shells. . . . . . .

It's a pity that the facts are right in front of us. The Chinese not only seized the heavy artillery, but also fired it, and the most terrible thing is that they can shoot accurately.

This absolutely impossible fact only had the truth after the war, and those who put the cannonballs in their own hands came from their ethnic group.

This, on the contrary, relieved the Japanese officers who survived the battle.

It's good that the Chinese are not so magical.

It is so strange that China can produce traitors, but Japan can produce a few Japanese traitors?
It's a strange perspective, but it's really Japanese.

"Evacuate! Evacuate the entire army!" Seto Nelli did not ask Ushishima Mitsuru for instructions at all. He gave the order decisively at the moment when the fireball from the 150 heavy artillery shells burst into the position.

Seto Nelli was decisive enough.

The Japanese infantry was not like the Chinese. At any rate, there was a trench to avoid the turbulent air waves and flying shrapnel. Under such heavy artillery shelling, they could only prostrate in the wilderness, praying that they would not be so unlucky.

But the 6 shells fired by six 150 heavy guns in six rounds covered a wide area. Where could the frightened Japanese infantry run away?

When a shell hits, the killing radius exceeds 20 meters, and all creatures within a radius of nearly a thousand meters will die.

If the Japanese soldiers who were killed in the artillery fire could not tell others about the horror of the heavy artillery, then those who survived on the edge of the artillery fire can definitely tell you how dark the psychological shadow caused by the heavy artillery is.

Potatoes are perhaps one of the soldiers closest to death in the entire line of defense.

According to the tactical requirements from the company, he had already shrunk his body as much as possible, folded his hands in front of his chest, and his back and chest were not touching the trench wall, and his ears were stuffed with cotton.

But when a deafening loud noise penetrated the cotton and passed into the cochlea, and the ears were already filled with dizzying screams, the trench seemed to be shaking, making the whole person feel as if he was on a small boat in a stormy sea, feeling like he was on a boat in a stormy sea. The scorching hot wind blew past the top of the head, and the trench twisted violently again, almost without throwing the soldiers out of the trench.

"Bah bah!" Potato, who had opened his mouth wide, was filled with a mouthful of sand, and his body was covered with dirt, like a clay figurine.

"My god! Damn artillery!" Potato, who was desperately spitting out the sand in his mouth, couldn't help cursing.

Then, a lump of water fell directly on the scolding soldier, bathing him from head to toe, and the soldier who was dazed by the water stared blankly in front of him.

A chopstick-long white fish writhed weakly in front of him.

What's the matter?God gives free showers and fish for supper?Because I scolded the artillery?
"Ouch! It's so cold in Teliang!" Tudou took off his soaked military uniform tremblingly, and wrapped it in the blood-stained Japanese military overcoat, which was picked up by him when he was picking up guns and bullets in front of the camp. Return the loot.

It was a woolen military overcoat that was only standard for the rank of second officer in the Japanese army, and it was first-class in keeping out the cold.Its original owner was stripped into a bald pig and frozen in the autumn wind to be as pale as a dead pig.

The so-called nobility can only be worthless in the face of death.

The water fell from the sky like this, of course it was not the credit of God, it was caused by a shell that fell just in the creek in front of the trench defense line.

Several tons of water and fish in the water were sent high into the air by the energy excited by the shell explosion, and the small river that could have blocked the advance of the Japanese army completely exposed the wet riverbed and left a huge crater on the riverbed.

For more than ten seconds, the small river was in a stagnant state. It was not until the river surged up again and filled the crater that it roughly returned to its pre-explosion appearance.

Across more than 30 meters, with the protection of the trenches, the potatoes were almost sent away by this shell that could stop the flow, let alone the Japanese infantry lying in the wilderness.

For this artillery shell, several Japanese infantry soldiers who were more than 100 meters away from the explosion center were hit by the madly swept air wave and vomited blood, and several people were forced to shake from the lying ground. Ten centimeters off the ground, and then lay down on the ground moaning in pain.

Even if he won't die for a while, his internal organs will be shaken and he will lose the ability to move and fight.

Under the power of such terrible heavy artillery, it is no wonder that the Japanese infantry were not bombed to the point of crying.

That is to say, the terrain here is open, and the Japanese infantry with a strength of more than 1000 is scattered on the battlefield of nearly [-] square meters. Otherwise, even if this round of artillery comes down, half of the Japanese troops on the front line can be removed.

After the war, according to the statistics of the 36th Infantry Brigade, more than 300 infantrymen were killed and injured by the Chinese miraculously precise bombardment. If it weren’t for the decisive retreat order of Lieutenant Sato Seto Nellie, the casualties would have doubled even for 1 minute at night. .

According to this reasoning, Lieutenant Sato Nellie is definitely the most outstanding senior officer of the 36th Infantry Brigade that night. Even if he is a general among dwarfs and a frog among toads, Lieutenant Sato Nellie should be rewarded.

It's a pity that this army lieutenant staff officer who performed well enough on the battlefield was really unlucky.

The decisive Chief of Staff of the 36th Infantry Brigade was not only decisive in his military orders, but he also ran very fast himself.

However, he saved many imperial officers and soldiers, but let himself lose his life.

This also comes from Pang Dahai's observation of the battlefield.

Pang Dahai should be the craziest guy in the entire defense line. The air waves created by the heavy artillery shells did not make this round-headed army captain hide in the trenches, but instead became the accompaniment and fireworks for his dance.

"Haha, my calculations are correct, just hit like this, and blow up the son of a bitch." Fat Dahai danced excitedly in the trench, yelling.

Leng Feng, who was more than ten meters away from him, was sweating on his forehead.

Damn it, he has met a ruthless person again, and he is also an artilleryman.

Really, Leng Feng is sure that the fat guy in front of him is the most powerful artillery he has ever encountered in his life.

more than 20 minutes ago in the hand-to-hand combat, he was the first to rush into the Japanese infantry group, and he saw this lively fat man at a glance. He didn't hold anything in his hands, but he was holding a Japanese infantry by the neck with both hands, and his hands and feet were desperately used by the opponent. When kicking him and hitting him, the fat man took his fat head, which was a circle larger than ordinary people, and slammed it into the face of the Japanese infantryman.

Once, twice, three times, four or five times, the Japanese infantry did not stop until their bodies were limp and feces were pouring out.

Leng Feng looked at the fat man who was bleeding from his face and head, not knowing whether it was his own or his opponent's blood, and he had already defined this man in his heart as 'this is a ruthless character'.

But I didn't expect that this fat guy had already gone out of the sky, and on the battlefield where the air waves and shrapnel were flying, he was dancing excitedly with a broken telescope, because he was afraid that he would not die!

Leng Feng moved in the direction of the crazy fat man, intending to seize the opportunity to throw him in the trenches. He admired this fat colleague of his level from the bottom of his heart, and never wanted him to be caught by unpredictable shrapnel because of his excitement. kill.

However, before he could act, Pang Dahai took the initiative to regain his composure.

"Hey, the shitty Japanese want to run away!" Fat Dahai suddenly lay on the edge of the trench, calmly looking at the battlefield with a telescope.

In the shadow of the flashing artillery fire on the battlefield, the Japanese infantry kept running and then crawling, but the distance kept getting farther and farther away. Didn’t they want to run?

"Six rounds of rapid fire are over, the artillery fire extends 600 meters, no, 800 meters, continue six rounds of rapid fire!" The artillery captain who regained his composure roared loudly, and the telegraph operator sitting in the trench beside him immediately put on his earphones to send a report.

The life of Lieutenant Sergeant Seto Nellie was thrown into the hands of this crazy but calm fat man on the Chinese side.

Timely orders, precise coordinates, and the skilled artillery of the Japanese army are all the reasons for sending Lieutenant Sato Nichiro, who was running wildly on short legs in the wilderness, to heaven.

A shell exploded 20 meters to the left of more than 20 Japanese soldiers running wildly.

Unfortunately, this is a group of people from the frontline headquarters of the 36th Infantry Brigade, including five combat staff officers, telegraph operators, signal soldiers, and infantry escorts, including Lieutenant Sergeant Seto Nellie.

Destroy the group!

Ushido Man, who stayed farther away, finally got on his big white horse.

If he didn't run faster, he might not even have the chance to be sniped.

Riding a white horse, without a waist knife, the once high-spirited major general of the 36th Infantry Brigade looked at the artillery fire in the distance with a sad face.

(End of this chapter)

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