Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 48 Black Humor

Chapter 48 Black Humor
It's not that at least one infantry squad under his command was buried in the rubble just in the area of ​​the fan shock wave, and the Japanese major was howling like a pig.

Regarding the matter of being buried, really, others may still be brokenhearted, but for the Japanese, it is really not that scary.

Looking at the world, is there a block whose crustal activity can be compared with that of the main island of Japan?

What is the taste of hometown?This is.Anyway, there are not many heavy objects in the ruins. Japanese officers and soldiers who are used to being buried in their hometown are not afraid.
The Japanese Army Major was not because of sadness, but was stunned by the extremely tragic scene, and then 'shocked' by the aftermath of the shock wave, and the telescope in front of him slammed into the Japanese Army Major's mouth.

It doesn't matter that his lips swell into sausages quickly, it's a bit painful to have a front tooth broken.

Of course, it was Captain Bei Cang Mandu, who was on the left wing of the battlefield, who was truly heartbroken.

What Toyota Hideo lost was a tooth and an infantry squad that could be rescued if it was buried, but the entire infantry squad in Beicang Mandu was turned into fly ash.

Perhaps the only consolation is that he doesn't have to bother to collect the corpse, blew up the whole building into a super explosion of a blooming flower, and helped the Japanese army complete the death and all the processes after death.

Hundreds of meters around the center of the explosion are so miserable, if you think about it with your butt, you can imagine what the explosion center is like.

"The Chinese must be crazy! Crazy!" Beicang Mandu's face faded, and he muttered to himself in despair.

"Aren't they afraid of Westerners making trouble?"

In fact, except that he knew he was talking, the vast majority of Japanese troops in the field command could no longer hear their commander's voice.

Not killed.

The distance is more than 300 meters, and there are buildings as shields, and death is definitely not dead.

It's just that the loud noise generated by the explosion was too loud, and when caught off guard, at least two thin red lines flowed out of more than a quarter of the ears of the Japanese army here.

That is the phenomenon of the eardrum being shattered.

Even if the eardrum was thicker than the face, it was buzzing at the moment, and it felt like I was the whole world.

As for what the Japanese captains worry about for the Chinese army, really, there is no need.

He must have never heard an old Chinese saying: the barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, and the insane is not afraid of death.
The strategic goal of the lonely army trapped in a corner is to guard the last position of Songhu with life.

As for the Westerners, if you want to protest against them, hehe, go to the King of Yama and complain!The brothers were drinking tea and playing mahjong, waiting for them.

The Japanese captain may not understand that this battle, from the very beginning, was a battle of lunatics.

There are only 400 of them, and their strongest firepower is only two machine guns. What they have to face is the hundreds of thousands of Japanese troops with naval guns and aircraft. If they are not crazy, how can they hurt their opponents?
Yes, those people never thought of winning any battle. For such a group of lunatics, if the Japanese were hurt, it was victory.

Now, the Japanese army is already very painful.

The highest-ranking army major, Hide Toyoda, lost his front teeth. The once smug captain of the Japanese army had a small face that matched the powder applied by his favorite Kyoto geisha, making it like a parody.

In fact, not to mention that Bei Cangman, who was the opponent, was almost destroyed, even the initiator was a little dumbfounded.

Lei Xiong on the top of the building had already issued a semaphore warning from the signal soldiers downstairs. He jumped out of the cannon seat and shrunk into the simple anti-gun fortification that had been built with logs and steel plates, but he was still dizzy and dizzy. Eat a mouthful of sand.

When the gravel in the sky was almost falling, he stuck his head out and looked into the distance, and couldn't help but grinned: "Ri Xunliang! Did this boy Tang Dao put all our explosives there? ?"

If there are not many explosives, how can you blow up a building in one explosion?

As far as the eye can see, the original four-story building has disappeared, leaving only a pile of reinforced concrete and countless gravel and rubble piled in place, like a huge tomb.

The explosive energy of a mere 500 kilograms of explosives is naturally not enough to blow up a building completely, and the collapse is already the limit, but the little butterfly from the future has the blasting technology that is nearly a hundred years ahead of this era, supporting columns, main load-bearing walls, etc. The amount of explosives at key points has been strictly calculated.

The power of the energy flow formed by the energy accumulation of 1+N blasting points is actually far greater than the destructive power that 500 kilograms of explosives can create.

Rather than saying that the building was blown up, it was better that it collapsed as a whole. That is, the collapse was exaggerated. The original four-story building now has only one floor, so it created the illusion of being blown up.

If it is placed in the future, it will not be much, but it is just a blasting and demolition.

"The burning life can only be turned into cold ashes!" Tang Dao made another literary gesture and recited a poem while looking at his masterpiece.

"Brother Shanzi, what do you mean by the commander?" Niu Er, who even had difficulty writing his own 'er', didn't understand at all, so he could only ask Yang Xiaoshan for advice.

"Probably, after people burn, only ashes are left!" Yang Xiaoshan held back for a long time and explained it with realism.

"What are you two babbling about! The talent of the officer is what you can guess? Hurry up and enter the battle position, the devil is going to dig people out of the rubble, and our job is here." The old soldier over there was excited. His nose was red, and he greeted his two younger brothers.

Veteran Youzi has an extra scope on his mid-range rifle, which Tang Dao threw to him after he stunned everyone with his arrogance.

Although Yang Xiaoshan has potential, he is far inferior to Li Jiujin in shooting at present. Tang Dao simply threw the other sight from the telescope he grounded from the battalion commander Yang Ruifu to him.

The two snipers had their own dedicated battle positions on the third floor, while Yang Xiaoshan continued to be his junior apprentice.

Tang Dao's side is full of literary style and recites a poem, but the Japanese army's side is really a miserable world.

After discovering that his 2nd Infantry Squad disappeared with the building that could suppress the opponent's firepower, Beicang Mandu gave the signal for the entire army to retreat.

An infantry squad of more than 50 people has been wiped out, and he can't bear any more losses.

At least, he wants to keep the heavy machine gun squad and infantry artillery squad assigned to him by the brigade. As for the 50st infantry squad, which is still 1 meters in front of the Chinese firepower net, it depends on how fast they run.

Yes, there are more than 30 surviving Japanese forwards, and they are destined to be strategically abandoned.

If Beicang Mandu is still stubborn and stubborn, the four mortars that just hid downstairs will be deployed in 2 minutes, and will focus on the heavy machine gun positions of the Japanese army's left-wing position.

Beicang Mandu is quite reasonable.

The Japanese vanguard team, who had been smashed to death by countless rubble in the sky, was absolutely desperate at the moment when they saw their troops retreating frantically.

From this moment on, they have no backup troops, no fire support, no solid concealment, and they have nothing but their fairly good tactical execution.

And their opponents, the Chinese, seem to have everything.

This is really dark humor!

"Yo! The devil can't escape!"

"Haha, Dog Day is dead!"

"Brothers, do what they do!"

. . . . . .

Even people who don't understand the military can see the situation in front of them clearly!
More than 100 meters away, many Chinese people lying on the ground were bruised and swollen by the crushed stones, but they laughed very heartily.

Shouting is also a mountain sound.

(End of this chapter)

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