Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 499 Venture Capital

Chapter 499 Venture Capital

"What did you say?" Wang Gongyu's eyes gradually turned cold.

"I need manpower!" Tang Dao said indifferently.

"I was ordered to establish an independent battalion of the 43rd Army based on the Four Elements Battalion. Thanks to the attention of the two officers, Wu and Guo, the Songjiang Garrison Battalion was also placed under my command an hour ago." Tang Dao continued. "However, the troops are still not enough!"

"When the garrison battalion was established, it already had more than 500 troops. Although there were losses in the continuous battles, there were still 600 people. In addition to the rest of the Sixing Battalion, Deputy Director Tang, the strength of nearly [-] people is enough for one year. This infantry battalion has been established." Wang Gongyu's face turned cold. "Why do you still have the idea of ​​my security team? What? Why are the commanders dissatisfied with Mr. Wang? Isn't it too much to come here at this time to do this thing of rivalry?"

After calming down, Commissioner Wang pointed the finger at the big bosses in the headquarters. In his opinion, Tang Dao would not have made such a crazy move anyway if he hadn't got the instruction from those people.

With an illusory promise, let's dig into his roots as the commander of the Songjiang security regiment.

In such a troubled world, prosperity and wealth are all vain, and the truth is that someone has a gun!
"It has nothing to do with the commanders in chief, I came to find you by myself!" Tang Dao shook his head. "Only if you agree, I will make this request to them!"

"Then, there is absolutely no such possibility, Deputy Director Tang, you should completely give up on this!" Wang Gongyu directly refused. "Although Wang is not talented, he can lead these Songjiang men to kill the enemy and serve the country!"

"Nowadays, the Japanese invaders are watching from outside the defense line. The military affairs are urgent, so I won't keep you, Deputy Director Tang. Goodbye!"

Obviously, it was Commissioner Wang's last restraint not to speak harshly at Tang Dao who wanted to dig out the roots.

"Hey!" Tang Dao chuckled.

Contempt, not even the darkness can stop it.

How dare Shu Zi do this?Wang Gongyu, who turned to leave, almost raised his eyebrows.

When he had a good impression of Tang Dao, Tang Dao's behavior was called youthful and frivolous, madness is a bit crazy, but because he is young, everything can be forgiven, and now he is full of disgust, so naturally only the four words of arrogance can be described.

"Commissioner Wang, you said to kill the enemy and serve the country, so let me ask you, after the First World War in Jiashan, where do you want to go to fight against the enemy?" Tang Dao's expression remained unchanged in the face of Commissioner Wang's eyes that could turn people into briquettes.

"Our troops will retreat to Jinling. If the Japanese invaders don't return them for a day, our troops will not return to their hometown!" Wang Gongyu still has a bit of a bookish spirit. answer.

"But what if Jinling is gone!" Tang Daoshi was shocked.

"Jinling is gone!" Wang Gongyu's face was extremely ugly. "This is impossible!"

This possibility, except for Tang Dao, no one has thought about it, not only the Chinese, but also the Japanese themselves.

Because Jinling is the capital and the heart of China.

Even the Japanese who started the war never thought that they could occupy the heart of their huge opponent in one fell swoop.

The combat plan formulated by the Japanese base camp is still on the desk of the Shanghai Dispatch Army Command, and that is already the revised second version of the combat plan.

In fact, to a certain extent, China has to thank the war careerists in Japan whose ambitions are constantly expanding. It is they who have expanded the war, causing the whole of Japan to be like a clockwork war machine. Not to mention being dragged into the quagmire of a protracted war, he was also forced to launch the Pacific War, and finally transported all the countries that were placed on the war table.

Wars have always been fought with economic and industrial strength, not to mention the current Japan, even if it is allowed to develop for decades, they may not be able to support such a large-scale war.

At this point, perhaps only one strategist who can be called a genius can see clearly in the whole of Japan.

That was Kanji Ishihara, then head of the Operations Department of the Japanese headquarters.

In the early stage of the Battle of Songhu, the Japanese were so arrogant that they thought that two divisions would be enough to wipe out all the enemies. Who knows, the Chinese army at this time is very different from what it was in September [-]th.

The two divisions led by Matsui Iwane immediately fell into a bitter battle after entering China, and encountered unprecedented strong resistance. In desperation, they had to urgently ask for help from the Japanese base camp, hoping to increase their troops immediately.

The Japanese base camp was amazed by Matsui Iwane's request, and they couldn't even believe that the Chinese army could block two entire divisions of the Japanese army.So the Japanese General Staff sent a man named Toshio Nishimura to China to investigate the situation.

Soon after, Toshio Nishimura brought back a report that shocked the Japanese army base camp, which was roughly as follows: First, the Chinese army was extremely brave and tenacious in combat, and would never retreat no matter it was attacked by overwhelming artillery fire or surrounded; 20. The Chinese military and civilians are united as one, and the enemy is united; thirdly, the Chinese army has increased its troops a lot. There are more than 2 troops on the front line, and more than [-] troops have been assembled on the second line; Can't keep up, the situation is very serious.

Toshio Nishimura's report was a very true and objective reflection of the situation in the Songhu battle at that time. If the Japanese army tried to defeat China with two divisions, the result would be to be driven into the sea by the Chinese army to feed the fish.

Although the Japanese base camp knew the real situation, they were still hesitant and debated whether to increase their troops.

Among them, Japanese Prime Minister Sugiyama Moto supported an immediate increase in troops, the sooner the better, but Ishihara Wanji, who was the Minister of Operations, firmly opposed it, and the two argued endlessly.

As the only genius-level strategist in the Japanese army, Wanji Ishihara has a completely different understanding of the war of aggression against China. If the Japanese army follows his design ideas, the final outcome of the War of Resistance Against Japan will probably change.

Ishihara Wanji believes that since the Meiji Restoration in Japan, China has been a hegemonic presence in Asia and even the world, with advanced civilization and technology that make the world tremble.Japan cannot naively think that China is an old and weak country because of the Sino-Japanese War.Let alone hope to end the battle in a short period of time. Once it enters a protracted war, Japan's future will be uncertain.

Ishihara Wanji is also very advanced in alleging the role of the air force and the atomic bomb in the war, so he insists on implementing the "non-expansion plan" against China and the "final decisive battle plan" using super weapons.

If Japan really follows the pace of Ishihara, and after occupying the Northeast, it will hold on to it, abandon the expansion of the war, and maximize the use of the rich resources in the Northeast. The consequences will be really unimaginable.

According to the war chess deduction of Chinese military experts of later generations, if this strategy is implemented, China will lose the three eastern provinces forever, unless China has the courage comparable to the all-out war of resistance, and will not hesitate to involve the remaining land in continuous wars.

Fortunately, such a result did not happen. The Japanese base camp decided to increase its troops. A total of five divisions and two naval fleets marched to Songhu in a mighty manner.

Ishihara Wanji also resigned because of this.

However, the Japanese base camp has more or less listened to the opinions of Ishihara Wanji. In the early stage, it planned to stabilize its foothold in Songhu before launching a full-scale war of aggression. In the second version of the battle plan, Shanghai sent troops to attack several defense lines. Stop the soldiers first.

However, the Japanese army has always had a tradition of "undertaking the upper", and the Tenth Army transferred from North China did not intend to "follow the rules" like this. It rushed all the way to the Jinling city, and finally conquered Jinling at a huge cost.

From that moment on, the Japanese army must wind up the clockwork and start the war machine with all its strength.

The Japanese themselves couldn't think of it, and the Chinese certainly couldn't think of it. There are still hundreds of thousands of troops retreating from Songhu. How could they be defeated in one blow?
But the fact is that after the defeat in the battle, the morale is low, the morale of the army is lax, and those bigwigs in high positions are still busy intrigue and drag each other's legs. How can they be undefeated?

Of course, Wang Gongyu never thought about this possibility.

"Songhu can be lost, how can Jinling not be lost?" Tang Dao sneered again, reached out and pulled out the [-] bayonet inserted in the leggings, and used the ground as paper and the knife as a pen to draw the current battle map.

In one direction, the main force of the Tenth Army was rushing along the Beijing-Shanghai Railway, and in the other direction, the Eighteenth Division and the Jiashan front line were facing each other.

Tang Dao pointed at Jiashan's line of defense, and said calmly: "If the Japanese army came around from the edge of Taihu Lake, Commissioner Wang, do you think there is still a chance for you not to return the Japanese invaders, and you and the Songjiang security team not return home? "

Wang Gongyu's face froze suddenly, and he hesitated for a long time to answer: "But your independent battalion and the army are also here."

"So, retreat is inevitable!" Tang Dao looked away from the battle map he drew, looked at the cold void, and said quietly: "Not only to retreat to Jinling, but also to retreat to farther places, and then Gather up enough strength to fight the Japanese!"

"You Tang Dao can do it, why can't I?" Wang Gongyu remembered the "protracted war" that Tang Dao once said, his face showed weakness, but he was still struggling.

"Because you are a major general, but I am not! Where I am going in the future is" Tang Dao smiled slightly and said two words softly.

Commissioner Wang's pupils didn't shrink suddenly, but almost didn't dilate.

If he didn't have enough restraint, he even exclaimed.

The place name spit out from Tang Dao's mouth sounds like a famous mountain in China, but he understands what it means, because what is currently active there is another famous Chinese army.

That clearly means that Tang Dao wants to...
"You say that, aren't you afraid that I will inform you? With the place name you just mentioned, everything you have now will be lost." Under the moonlight, Wang Gongyu's eyes were cold.

"You can't! When you were the editor-in-chief of the 'Iron Blood' group magazine when you were young, didn't you also want to save the country and the nation from fire and water!" Tang Dao smiled lightly, pointing to the southeast: "The result of this war, you I also saw that those people can't save China! Then why don't we change our thinking and change some people? And the whistleblowing you mentioned, if you do that, the Japanese will probably be the happiest!"

Brains buzzing.

Of course Wang Gongyu knew in his heart that there was nothing wrong with Tang Dao's judgment, and he would never be so stupid as to do the kind of stupid things like "the relatives are hurt, the enemies are quick".

And at this time, his head finally turned around, wondering what Tang Dao's so-called "venture capital" was investing in.

Those are the two directions currently existing in the country.

However, that power is still very weak.

That vote is really the future!

Confused and unknown future.

The stakes are huge, and it's crazy!

In a trance, Tang Dao's voice was still coming, "The products of that mountain are rich enough, if it can be shipped out, do you think it is a good business, Wang Gong?"

However, that doesn't matter anymore.

I stood there for 5 minutes!

"I've made this deal!" Wang Gongyu, who had been fighting between heaven and man for a long time, made a decision like a ghost.

Facts in the future proved that this business was the wisest choice the commissioner made in his life.

The business has made a lot of money, and the direction has been chosen correctly.

However, in his words, rather than saying that he wanted to invest in that direction, it would be better to say that he invested in Tangdao.

From Songjiang to here, all that Tang Dao predicted appeared.

And Tang Dao didn't misunderstand him. This guy is really good at doing business, much better than him in commanding troops and fighting.

Tang Dao really wanted to do business with him.

In the future battlefield behind enemy lines, an agent is needed to turn materials into money, food and various armaments.

This person who has enough patriotic enthusiasm to cross the border between the officialdom and the business world has such qualifications.

Of course, what attracted Tang Dao most at this time was the five hundred army that had been tested by the flames of war.

(End of this chapter)

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