Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 5 The Reason I'm Here

Chapter 5 The Reason I'm Here

Tang Dao, when the stone was thrown to the top of the sky, suddenly moved.

It suddenly changed from extremely static to extremely moving, making his figure seem to leave only an afterimage in the retina at that moment.

Fast, extremely fast!

But, more than that.


In such extreme movements, the human body would inevitably swing, but Tang Dao shot out unexpectedly.

With one shot, the high-altitude stone was hit and shattered into several pieces. Because of the kinetic energy of the bullet, it split into all directions.

The pupil of a burly man who had been standing beside the lieutenant colonel shrank fiercely.

His name is Lei Xiong, and his position is the company commander of the machine gun company of the 524st Battalion of the 1th regiment. The 1st battalion has ranked in the top three of the entire 88th division in the military competition for three consecutive years. , The most unconventional thing is that the commander of the machine gun company is the first in the 88th Division.

It's just that Lei Xiong, who is very powerful as a single soldier, likes to do not carry a knife to kill people, but control heavy machine guns and mortars. He likes the refreshing continuous shooting and accurate shooting of artillery shells. The sense of accomplishment on the opponent's head.

Undoubtedly, he is a professional soldier with an alternative but extremely strong career choice.

Only a professional soldier like Lei Xiong who has reached the peak of his various tactical skills can see that the Tang Dao is when the kinetic energy of the rising stone and the gravity reach a balance point, and the entire stone enters the [-] second suspension in the air. Pulled the trigger while in state.

This shot has almost represented the pinnacle of a professional soldier's shooting skills. If he did it himself, he might only have a two-shot hit rate after five shots!

However, Lei Xiong still underestimated Tang Dao.

Because, this one shot, maybe just the beginning of Tang Dao's performance.

When a shot was fired, Tang Dao didn't even look at it at all, and continued to save the whole person forward, as if there was already a hail of bullets ahead.

Then, in just one second, the body shrunk into a spherical shape moved forward five or six meters at high speed.

The stone fragments that were hit by the bullets in the sky have already begun to fall.

Then, Tang Dao's muzzle stuck out and fired a second bullet.


The largest piece of gravel in the air was hit by his shot again, and at the moment when the kinetic energy and potential energy reached a balance, the shot shattered it!
At the scene, everyone was completely silent.

The people present are all iron-blooded soldiers who have fought for the rest of their lives. They all understand a truth. As long as the shooter has to ensure that his body is balanced, the target and the sight and the eyes must be in a line at three points to accurately hit the target.

But the man in front of him completely broke this rule.

His body is moving at a high speed, avoiding bullets that don't seem to exist at the limit, but everyone who has experienced such a situation knows that he can dodge.More importantly, in such an evasive tactical action that fully exerted the limit of human potential, he could also hit a stone that was torn apart in the sky with no signs of being found.

This is simply, amazing!

If it is said to be Mongolian, then it can only be said that there is no one who cares for him by the Sanqing Shangxian.

Soon, the Tang Dao, which had already rolled into a low wall, proved with two consecutive shots from the back that powerful people did not rely on luck this time.

Tang Dao, who was half-kneeling, raised the gun with one hand. The bolt was pulled by the other hand in the process of lifting the gun. The muzzle of the gun could drop a fly and pull the trigger.


One of the rubble that flew around in the sky was smashed again.

Faced with such a miracle, the expression on the face of the perpetrator remained unchanged. He pulled the bolt with his left hand, and instead held the gun with both hands, his eyes were aimed at the crosshair, and the muzzle was slightly swayed.

A stone that is already less than the size of an egg is broken again!
Fist-sized stones turned into stone rain and fell one after another.

In the dull eyes of everyone, Tang Dao stood up and carried the rifle that had fired four bullets on his back.

The figure is as straight as a javelin, and the chest is slightly ups and downs.

Obviously, these extremely difficult movements are obviously not without burdens for Tang Dao.

However, this also proves that he is still a human being, not a god.

The elites of the Royal Forest Army, represented by Lei Xiong, had already begun to desperately calculate in their minds, if they faced such an enemy, how many chances they would have to defeat him.

It's a pity that their dim eyes have already told themselves the answer.

Meeting this terrible guy alone on the battlefield has basically announced that he can go back to his grandma's house.

But what frustrates these elite troops even more is that it may not be just a single soldier, the army is a group.

No matter how tyrannical the enemy, the big guy can kill him side by side.

It's a pity that in the eye contact of several sergeants and squad leaders, their intuitions are desperately telling themselves, let alone alone, even if they bring an infantry squad, without heavy firearms, they meet him in such ruins If so, I don't know how many people will survive in the end.

Yes, not fighting, but 'fleeing'!Even if these elite troops don't want to admit their battlefield intuitions that they have gradually honed on the battlefield, the intuitions they have experienced after countless lives and deaths are told so bluntly to them.

If both sides have rifles, this terrifying guy has the ability to kill more than ten people, and in such a dark night, without the coverage of artillery, his almost ghostly movements and incredible shooting skills are even more in the dark. King.

If he did not escape, an infantry squad would be killed one by one in this rubble with his horrific archery.

fortunately!He is Chinese, our people, I don't know how many soldiers came up with this idea at that moment.

Tang Dao returned and walked towards the young soldier who brought him a helmet and a grenade.

The young soldier looked at this man whose individual combat power had reached the peak, and couldn't help but feel at a loss. For such a strong man, does he still need the care of a small soldier?
"Brother, what's your name?" Tang Dao asked softly.

"Report, Yang Xiaoshan!" The extremely arrogant member of the Royal Forest Army subconsciously used the word "report".

"Thank you, live well, I hope we can fight together and defeat the Japanese devils, you will be a good soldier!" Tang Dao picked up the grenade and helmet in the soldier's hand with one hand, and patted his shoulder.

Although Tang Dao was as young as the soldiers, no one thought there was anything wrong with him encouraging the soldiers like this.

This is the right of the strong.

Staring at Tang Dao's body that was about to turn around again, Yang Xiaoshan didn't even know why, he suddenly shouted: "Brother, I will try my best to live, kill the devil with you, take care of yourself!"

Tang Dao frowned and smiled.

"I like your bloodliness and your sincerity and care for your comrades in arms. Remember, keep this bloodliness and caring, because in this national disaster, we Chinese soldiers must be united as a whole. As long as we fight against Japan, we are all brothers. That's why I'm here."

Staring at the back of Tang Dao, who had a steel helmet buckled on his head, a grenade inserted into his belt, and a gun strode into the ruins, there seemed to be light in the eyes of the young soldier in the dark.

As long as we fight against Japan, we are all brothers!
The Lieutenant Colonel, who had been silently watching all this from afar, had his eyes twitching in the flames.

(End of this chapter)

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