Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 507 Reorganization of the Independent Battalion

Chapter 507 Reorganization of the Independent Battalion
"Lei Xiong, the former deputy battalion commander of the Four Lines Battalion of the 88th Division, and Jin Lieutenant Colonel, served as the first deputy battalion commander of the independent battalion directly under the 43rd Army;
Guo Shouzhi, the former major and battalion commander of the 67th Regiment of the 664th Army, and Jin Lieutenant Colonel, served as the second deputy battalion commander of the independent battalion directly under the 43rd Army;
Liu Zhenshan, the former major and battalion commander of the 43rd Army, and Jin Lieutenant Colonel, because of their injuries, they will not be assigned positions for the time being, and will be appointed by the 43rd Army's military headquarters when he recovers from his injuries;
Zhuang Shisan, the former major battalion commander of the Songjiang Security Regiment, and Jin Lieutenant Colonel, served as the chief of staff of the independent battalion directly under the 43rd Army;”

After Tang Dao finished reading the military order in his hand, he paused slightly.

The faces of the officers standing in two rows remained unchanged, but their eyes were a little confused.

Liu Zhenshan, the second deputy battalion commander of the garrison battalion, was injured in the brutal street fighting with the Japanese army in Songjiang. The most eye-catching record of the garrison battalion.

However, the price to be paid was also huge. The second company lost [-]% in that battle. Even he, the deputy battalion commander and second company commander, also lost the good luck that he was only burned on the buttocks when he was bombed. down him.

A melon-style grenade was thrown at the feet of his guards. The deputy battalion commander who was 'fearful of death' almost kicked it without even thinking about it. Unfortunately, the delayed-explosion grenade exploded in mid-air, and the flying shrapnel knocked him down. His lower abdomen and legs were torn and bloody.

At that time, everyone thought that he was going to die, but it turned out that his life was astonishingly hard. Not to mention that the terrible shrapnel did not hurt the aorta, he just survived from the simple operating table, but it is estimated that no two or three months of cultivation is absolute. Can't go to the battlefield.

It is not surprising that he no longer continues to serve in the independent battalion, which is also a reality.

Zhuang Shisan's chief of staff at the battalion level is unprecedented in the army, but the chief officer of the independent battalion is a colonel, and the deputies are all lieutenant colonels. The rank is two levels higher than that of ordinary infantry battalions, and its strength is close to that of two ordinary infantry battalions. It is not too strange to add a chief of staff to the establishment.

What made the Suli officers strange was why the order of the highest officer of the Jiashan Frontline Command did not issue the appointment of Tang Dao as the chief officer.

"Songhu Theater Commander's order!" Tang Dao took out another piece of military order and roared softly!

"Former Lieutenant Colonel Tang Dao of the Four Lines Battalion of the 88th Division, Colonel Jin, served as the first deputy director of the staff department of the Jiashan Front Command, served as the battalion commander of the independent battalion directly under the 43rd Army of the National Revolutionary Army, and served as the military supervisor of the Jiashan Defense Line ! Its independent battalion is the supervising team of the whole army!"

Hearing the final appointment of the chief officer, the faces of all the officers softened, and only a few people, such as Lei Xiong and Guo Shouzhi, had a strange look in their eyes.

It turns out that Tang Dao is already a colonel, and his appointment needs to be ordered by the commander of the theater level, and he also serves as the first deputy director of the staff department of the command headquarters. .

As for the war supervisor, most of the officers took the initiative to ignore it.In their view, this is more of a false job.

During the defense of Songjiang, Tang Dao was also appointed as the war supervisor by the two leaders of the headquarters. As a result, Tang Dao rushed directly to the front line of Cangcheng. His role as the war supervisor was not effective at all.

However, perhaps the Songjiang defenders who were forced by the Japanese to go all out, very few who refused to obey the military order and took the initiative to retreat, even if there were, they were all personally executed by the heads of the brigades and regiments who supervised the battle on the spot.

However, Lei Xiong, who had been in the Yulin Army for a long time, and Guo Shouzhi, a member of the ace infantry regiment of the 67th Army, didn't think so.

In Songjiang, Tang Dao, the combat supervisor, was appointed by Wu and Guo. Tang Dao could execute deserters at the lieutenant level and below by himself, but he did not have the right to execute officers at or above the school level.

But now, the war supervisor was personally appointed by the Songhu Theater Command, so the meaning is quite different.

There is no doubt that Tang Dao's authority is already extremely great. As long as there is enough evidence to prove that he left the position without authorization and became a deserter, even if he is a colonel, lieutenant colonel and major, Tang Dao's execution of him is also in line with the military law during wartime.

Of course, with this power, Tang Dao can't act recklessly, and the school officials are all covered by major generals and lieutenant generals.

It's just that Tang Dao with this name can definitely become the top group of school officials, and the colonel heads of the main infantry regiment must also give him enough face.

However, this is not important, the important thing is, what did the theater command want to do by giving Tang Dao such a "shangfang sword" so suddenly?
Is there any other intention in it?

Of course Tang Dao knew it in his heart.

From the moment he got the military order, he knew that what seemed like a dessert was actually just a dose of poison.

This appointment was just an artificial gap created by the theater command between him and Wu and Guo.

The supervising team seems to be majestic, and it can directly execute deserters, which makes people frightened, but in fact it is just a job to offend others.Even if he made a mistake, but if you killed his subordinates, who can please you?

Moreover, without the permission of the boss, Tang Dao was assigned such an important supervisor. Didn't he just tell those people that Tang Dao is from our 88th Division, and we trust him extremely.

Even if Wu and Guo trusted him a lot, they would be a little wary of Tang Dao because of this shocking military order!

As long as this is the case, the purpose of the theater command will be achieved.

To put it bluntly, this is also some people's dissatisfaction with the three lieutenant generals of the Jiashan Defense Line Command, dissatisfaction with them forcibly snatching the Four Elements Battalion from the Imperial Forest Army, which can be regarded as their response.

Fortunately, they underestimated Tang Dao too much.

"Please call back the two officers for me and ask the theater command, is it true that as long as our army is on the battlefield, I, Tang Dao, will be the battlefield supervisor. If so, I will be the one. If not, please ask them to send another person to come." This is how Tang Dao replied to Lieutenant General Wu who was testing him with a military order.

"Haha, why bother to ask again? Where our army is located is a battlefield. Since they gave you such a big hat, you can wear it with peace of mind." Lieutenant General Wu is such a smart person, he turned his mind a little, I understood what Tang Dao meant, and immediately laughed.

Of course, what Tang Dao meant was that what he wanted to supervise was not just the three infantry divisions currently on the Jiashan front line, but all the Chinese troops on this line.

Because the Jiashan line of defense is doomed to not be able to defend for a long time, and must retreat. There will inevitably be other troops along the way. If Tang Dao still has the power to supervise the battle, it will naturally be able to form a deterrent to them.

How many people dare to say lightly that they don't care about the war supervisor appointed by the commander of the theater in person?Together with those major generals and lieutenant generals, even if you couldn't be dealt with at that time, Tang Dao sent a telegram to the theater headquarters, and few people could bear it after the fall.

Since Tang Dao said this, he was telling this lieutenant general that I am the "dao" issued by the headquarters, but the sword can be held in your hands.Lieutenant General Wu had to laugh out loud with such an extra help.

This may be the most typical example of "stealing chickens and losing money" in the legend!

Naturally, Tang Dao couldn't explain these deep-seated reasons to his two deputies at this kind of meeting, so he took out another piece of paper: "The 43rd Army Commander's Order of the National Revolutionary Army!"

The officers looked solemn.

The independent battalion is directly under the military headquarters of the 43rd Army. Tang Dao and several deputy battalion-level officers are of high rank, and the appointments are issued by the theater command and front-line command to show their importance. personally appointed.

"Appointment: Major Peng Chong is appointed as the company commander of the Independence Battalion's Secret Service Company; Major Leng Feng is appointed as the Company Commander of the Independence Battalion's First Infantry Company; Lieutenant Qian Dazhu is appointed as the Independence Battalion's Second Infantry Company Company Commander; Li Jiujin is appointed as the Independence Battalion's Third Infantry Company Company Commander; Lieutenant Zhao Daqiang served as the company commander of the Fourth Infantry Company of the Independent Battalion; Captain Cheng Tieshou served as the company commander of the Air Defense Fire Support Company of the Independent Battalion; Major Pang Panghai served as the company commander of the Artillery Company of the Independent Battalion; Second Lieutenant Lu Sanjiang served as the deputy company commander of the spy company and the cavalry platoon leader; Second Lieutenant Gu Xishui served as the captain of the special warfare team of the Independent Battalion;

Tang Dao read out a long list of lieutenant appointments.

Many military officers cast envious eyes on Qian Dazhu, Lu Sanjiang, and Gu Xishui.

I thought they would be promoted and reused, but no one thought that Tang Dao would reuse these three people so far.

(End of this chapter)

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