Chapter 526 Extinct account (seeking a monthly pass, please subscribe!)

Tang Dao's point of view is destined to be thrilling at this time.

However, Lieutenant General Wu, who was sitting upright, just raised his thick eyebrows, his eyes were always squinting, but he didn't say anything to refute.

Guo Zhongjun, who was sitting directly opposite Tang Dao, even moved his face slightly, lowered his eyes, and remained silent.

Obviously, although Tang Dao's conclusion made them feel agitated, it's not like they haven't thought about it in their hearts.

"If, as you said, Jinling will be defeated, then how should our army deal with it?" General Wu did not ask why Tang Dao would be defeated, but directly asked where Tang Dao's [-] troops were going to retreat to Jinling.

Because, although he is in the middle of the game, he has enough strategic vision to understand the cause of the defeat better than Tang Dao. The high-ranking man can ruin hundreds of thousands of troops in Songhu and ruin them again in Jinling What's wrong with hundreds of thousands?

The probability of this probability is even higher than 80.00%.

What really made him anxious was that the 20,000-odd soldiers should not be included in this inevitable situation. It wasn't that he and the more than [-] people didn't dare to die, but that death was worthwhile.

Just like what he said before, China is not only North China, East China, but also South China and Central Sichuan and Western Sichuan. Regardless of the current strength of the Japanese army, as long as their front is stretched and they continue to fight for every inch of land, they will die sooner or later. Life.

He has to save his life and consume the Japanese.

"Our 67th Army, 43rd Army, and 128th Division fought fiercely with the Japanese invaders through Songjiang, Jiashan, Jiaxing and other defense lines. The 43rd Army had only a thousand soldiers, and the 67th Army was reduced by more than half. The 128th Division was also injured. Ask for additional troops, and fight again after finishing training!" Tang Dao said.

This remark is even more earth-shattering than the "Jinling must be defeated" just now.

Guo Zhong twitched the corner of his mouth, reached out to pick up a cigarette, and lit it on his own.

"You're afraid of fighting! Do you know what you're talking about?" Anger flashed in Wu Zhongjiang's eyes, who had been stunned for several seconds, and he slapped the table hard with his hands, his voice raised a bit.

"If I'm afraid of war, how can I be in Songjiang, how can I be in Jiashan?" Tang Dao looked at the angry lieutenant general without fear.

"The two infantry divisions of the 67th Army had an original strength of 43. After the first battle in Songjiang, more than 6000 were left, and after the first battle in Jiashan, the total was less than 128. The 8000rd Army reached the Songhu battlefield with nearly 4000 troops. The independent battalion is only more than [-], which is less than an infantry regiment; the [-]th division, with [-] people in the whole division, has fought bloody battles for seven consecutive days, and less than [-] people can still enter the trenches.

Yes, fighting against the Japanese invaders, as soldiers, the shroud of horse leather is our destination, but have you ever thought about it, if these 20,000 people are replenished in the rear, with them as the skeleton, they only need to go through two or three months of training, It can become 60,000 people or even 80,000 people, and the number of Japanese invaders they can kill must be several times that of now.

The Japanese army entered China and sent troops to North China and Shanghai, plus the Tenth Army, with a total strength of more than 50 troops. If we want to win this war, we must kill more than 90 Japanese troops. We cannot kill them all at once. , then divide it into two times, if two times are not enough, then ten times, if ten times is not enough, then a hundred times, I have [-] million people registered in China, and how many people are there in Japan, [-] million, as long as we kill Japan The number of people is greater than their birth population, or we can kill all their adult men within a long enough time." Tang Dao said so far, and did not continue.

Lieutenant General Wu, who was full of anger, and Lieutenant General Guo, who was silently smoking, looked at each other and involuntarily gasped.

Both of them are senior generals in the army, and they have heard a lot of views on the war against Japan. For example, before the arrival of Tang Dao, they discussed that China is doomed to use "space for time" if it wants to win this war. argument.

That was the unanimous opinion of the two wise men whom Lieutenant General Wu greatly admired.

One is from Mr. Baili, who was then a senior military adviser to the government. What he said, "It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, just don't make peace with it!" won Lieutenant General Wu's approval.

The other one is from the top leader of another party. His opinion that "China is so big, swallowing whales and supporting dead elephants" also won Lieutenant General Wu's nod frequently. The elegant demeanor of the position is also what Lieutenant General Wu considered lucky in his life.

It is precisely this kind of strategic cognition that has formed. Although Lieutenant General Wu is not afraid of death, he is never pedantic, and he will not have the mentality of dying with Jinling just because it is about to fall.

It's just that he didn't know what kind of beastly actions the Japanese army made after the fall of Jinling in the previous time and space. If he could know in advance, maybe he would change his decision.

Letting civilians suffer and be slaughtered because of the war is the shame of all soldiers who are still alive, and it is unacceptable for a soldier like him.

Naturally, Tang Dao would not explain this kind of consequences to this person. This is only the first few months of the Great Patriotic War, and I don’t know how many years are waiting for the whole of China. What China needs is not [-] and the capital to carry It is not the heroism of death, but the [-] or even tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands who will be able to fight the Japanese invaders in the future.

For these two, it is the first time that Tang Dao's point of view of "using population base theory" and the Japanese to fight a war of population consumption is so cruel.

Whether it's Japan or China.

No matter how much land is lost, the purpose of the war is not to regain the land, but to kill as many people as possible. If it comes to 500,000, then kill the 500,000, and if it comes to 1 million, kill 1 million until most of the young and strong in Japan are consumed.

This is a typical desperate plan.

Of course, this is not Tang Dao's idea, but the future direction of the Great Patriotic War and the wars that will break out in the future will eventually be deduced.

In the past time and space, Japan stationed 2 million troops in China at the most time, and the battle damage reached 400,000. This is not yet broken, but it involves one-third of the Japanese army's strength, causing it to be on a larger battlefield— —The strength of the troops on the Pacific battlefield was so stretched that the Japanese base camp expanded its army wildly, bringing its strength to an astonishing 1100 million people.

This is really traumatic. At least one-third of the young and strong have become soldiers. What do they eat and drink?In the end, domestic production was forced to be dominated by elderly women.

This means that the Americans used two big fat bombs to beat Japan to its knees. If the conventional war continues and these 1100 million soldiers are killed, Japan will fall into a situation where there are few people who can even sow seeds. In ten or eight years, the Japanese may not have to bother to count the birth rate, because those who have attended elementary school can calculate it with their fingers.

The Japanese were lucky. When the two big fat bombs were dropped, they chose to kneel down directly. The country was not destroyed, but a small country in Southeast Asia was not so lucky.

After ten years of fighting with the soldiers of the United States, after a wave of young and strong being harvested, they swelled to the point where they overwhelmed the rising dragon of China. After another ten years, a large number of young and strong losses made their 30 years I haven't slowed down yet, and there is no economy from population balls!Traveling to Tang Dao and owning a motorcycle is the biggest dream of young people in the country who want to pretend to be.

If you want to wrestle with China again, you will have to open up your life for 100 years. At that time, China may have been so powerful that they dare not even have this idea.

Fighting population consumption is extremely cruel, but it is the best way to kick your opponent into hell.

"Let's not talk about whether the Military and Political Department will agree. Our 67th Army is still stationed in the northwest. Where will our army be replenished? Those people, I, Wu, can't count on them." A long sigh.

"Sir, don't worry about this. You leave this matter to Guo Junzuo, and he will definitely arrange it for you." Tang Dao couldn't help laughing when he saw Lieutenant General Wu let go.

"You kid, don't talk nonsense. I'm still having a headache. Where will my 43rd Army's supplementary troops come from? How about helping our allies?" Zhongjiang Guo was taken aback by Tang Dao.

Even the most basic supplement of the 67th Army needs four infantry regiments!Where is he going to dig people? Will everyone go back to Sichuan together?

"Hey, as long as the two of you come to Pengcheng together, military seat, you believe me, someone will obediently send the six infantry regiments." Tang Dao smiled lightly.

"Pengcheng?" Lieutenant General Guo was still a little confused.

Lieutenant General Wu was shocked, and was speechless for a long time looking at Tang Dao in surprise.

As soon as Pengcheng's name came out, he knew what Tang Dao was referring to.

Replace people with materials and equipment!

But that is one of the biggest secrets of the Northeast Army, and even the senior generals of the Northeast Army know less than a handful of them.

Tang Dao, how did you know?
. . . . . . . .

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Recommend a good friend of the same type of anti-Japanese war work "Rising from the Immortal Number", the author Doubao Y, book friends give support!
(End of this chapter)

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