Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 528 That's all foreshadowing

Chapter 528 That's all foreshadowing

"Mr. Zuo, you should think twice before you commit murder! Most of the wine you drink is sold by my old man!" Tang Dao blinked and said this.

"This..." Feng Chu couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth slightly.

This melon, I'm afraid that others will not know that your father gave me a gift, right?

"Haha!" General Wu, who was also in a great mood, burst out laughing.

After a while, he stopped laughing and waved away Tang Dao: "Okay, I'm in charge of your baby with the 67th Army, so don't play tricks here, go back and rest quickly, the Japanese will call you tomorrow if things don't work out. How can we say that we have to give the old boy Ushishima some more blows, so that he doesn't dare to chase so closely when we leave."

"Sir, I actually have another idea when I come today." Tang Dao hurriedly reported while Crouching Dragon and Phoenix were happy.

"Say it!" General Wu subconsciously agreed.

Soon, he regretted it.

Tang Dao's bad behavior, when will he change it?
"It's like this, I hope the headquarters will send me a heavy mortar battalion!" Tang Dao said embarrassingly.

"Get lost!" Wolong's eyeballs almost jumped out of the eye sockets, and he punched Tang Dao with two uppercuts, so he couldn't even recognize it.

It’s no wonder that at night, they are giving porridge, chicken, and advice. They are daring and kind-hearted and want to poach people, and this lion opens its mouth wide. Once it is dug, it will be a heavy mortar battalion. Although it is not enough to poach the heart and liver But it is certain.

"Sir, it's not what you think. I just want them to cooperate with me for one night, just one night, I promise." Tang Dao quickly comforted Lieutenant General Wu who was about to jump out of his eyes and beat someone up.

That appearance, really, is very intimidating.Especially when Tang Dao said it was only for one night, those who didn't know thought he was a pervert.

"30 seconds for your baby!" Wolong felt a great toothache, but he couldn't really beat someone Tang who had been laying the groundwork for a long time.

Lieutenant General Guo blushed.

He, the battalion commander of the independent battalion, is really talented. He is really patient in the foreplay before poaching people, and he can't help but seduce his always courageous colleagues.

"That's what I think." Tang Dao hurriedly reported his thoughts at the fastest speed.

Both lieutenant generals were lost in thought.

Tang Dao's idea is far less earth-shattering than his previous foreshadowing, but it still feels like a powerful and unconstrained style.

The No.18 division on the opposite side has no heavy artillery brigade, but it still has more than 36 troops, and it has also filled a [-]th infantry brigade. If the army attacks wildly, will it die for two or three days?
In the past, the 128th Division did continue to attack and harass them at night, but each time they dispatched not many troops, they mainly harassed them. It was not like what Tang Dao said, before they left, they stabbed them hard, and the pain penetrated into the bone marrow. Sa Yazi ran away.

"Then do what you want with the Japanese!" General Wu finally made a decision.

There is a saying on the battlefield that it is better to strike first, and then to suffer disaster. What's more, Tang Dao has the approximate coordinates of the Japanese artillery regiment in his hand. What if it happens?
Even if it doesn't work, with Tang Dao's ability, it won't be a big problem to withdraw, and there will be a heavy mortar battalion following them!At night, neither the Japanese guns nor the planes can play a role.

When Tang Dao returned to the independent battalion station satisfied, he immediately ordered the whole army to prepare for battle.

Yes, the first battle of the Independence Battalion will not be in the fortifications or in the trenches, but in the wilderness.

He is going to attack the artillery regiment of the Japanese army. Even if he can't really get a major victory like attacking the unsuspecting Sixth Heavy Artillery Brigade, he will scare the artillery regiment away a little bit, and be prepared for the big retreat that is coming in the next two days. Also helpful isn't it?
Others do not know the location of the Artillery Wing of the No.18 Division of the Japanese Army, but Tang Dao, who has studied the history of war in the military academy, knows that the No.18 Division of the Japanese Army divided its artillery wing into three units based on the artillery brigade. They are respectively located in the left, middle and right directions of the Jiashan defense line. Because they are located behind the entire infantry front, it is only an infantry squadron responsible for its defense.

As for whether this time and space will strengthen the defense of its artillery unit because of the major blow to the No. 18 division, that is beyond Tang Dao's knowledge.

So, this is a military adventure.

However, the soldiers are 'deceitful'!The Japanese may have thought that they would be attacked at night, and they would never have thought that the Chinese were so bold that they would dare to bypass the infantry line and attack the artillery behind them.

Moreover, Tang Daoke was also prepared to fail and run away.

All soldiers participating in the night attack did not bring any rations or personal items except necessary equipment, and tried to reduce their load as much as possible.

Moreover, with a heavy mortar battalion borrowed by Lieutenant General Wu, the spy company, the 4th infantry company, and the artillery company are all at a pick-up point two kilometers away from the Jiashan defense line.

Even if the Japanese army sent an infantry unit to pursue them, Tang Dao was capable of stopping them for half an hour.

As for whether the Japanese army will gnash their teeth and send more troops to pursue it, the other Chinese troops on the Jiashan defense line are really dead!At the moment when Tang Dao ordered the entire independent battalion to be ready to go, at least four infantry regiments should have quietly entered the Jiashan frontline trenches.

The risk is great, but the result is very attractive.

The attack power of the Japanese army lost by at least one-third of the artillery.

The three infantry companies of the Independent Battalion are the main force in this battle. The first company is led by the company commander Leng Feng. The company has 70 Liao-made 25-style rifles, 25 submachine guns, 20 shell guns, and 10 southern 10-style pistols. 2 grenades, [-] light machine guns, [-] mortars, and [-] heavy machine gun.

There are 40 rounds of ammunition for rifles, 60 rounds for submachine guns, 60 rounds for shell guns, 5 rounds for grenadiers, 300 rounds for light machine guns, and 500 rounds for heavy machine guns. In addition, each soldier carries 4 grenades on his back.

The average weight of each soldier is about 7 kilograms, which is as much as [-] kilograms less than that during the Great War.

This kind of ammunition reserve is to ensure the consumption in battle, and to ensure that it can be counted as lightly loaded and run faster when marching and retreating.

The equipment of the second company and the third company is not much different from that of the first company. They advance in the area of ​​about 500 meters on the two wings of the first company, except that Tang Dao follows the second company, Lei Xiong follows the third company, and Guo Shouzhi is in charge of the special agent company and the artillery company to gather in the designated area In the rear, Cheng Tieshou's fire support company advanced 800 meters behind the three infantry companies.

Zhuang Shisan, the chief of staff, led the supplies to the garrison, and all the staff entered the trenches to maintain the defensive strength of the defense line.

It can be said that for this night attack, Tang Dao's independent battalion has already brought out the best, and he and Lei Xiong have all entered the three major infantry companies to command the operation nearby.

And the supply company, the company with the weakest combat effectiveness, didn't feel abandoned because it didn't participate in the battle. What kind of trust did Tang Dao entrust to them with the task of staying in the station?Even the supreme commander staying at the station was Zhuang Shisan, the commander of the first battalion of the original security regiment.

Although they were very nervous, all the personnel of the logistics company were loaded with bullets and all retreated into the trenches. If the Japanese army took advantage of the chaos to attack, they would be the only defenders of this 1000-meter defense line.

It was a night with a bright moon and few stars.

Looking at the moon is very bright, but from time to time under the cover of dark clouds, the night is extremely dark, except for the guide who Tang Dao found half a day in advance and needs to lead the way. There is light, and even smoking is strictly prohibited.

Marching continuously for four kilometers around the left-flank line of defense, and then moving forward, the entire marching distance even exceeded 10 kilometers, and it took two hours just to run.

This is a rare small hill in the wilderness. Looking at the sweaty soldiers who were trotting all the way with equipment weighing more than ten kilograms on their backs, Tang Dao stretched out his palm and waved his hand at the hill. The veteran oil child already understood what he meant.

That's 5 minutes for Quanlian to recuperate.

The soldiers sat down in the grass on the side of the hill with relief, and the rapid breathing gradually subsided.

The 'Hammer' who had been lying beside Tang Dao was also sticking out his tongue desperately. The four-kilometer rapid march was really exhausting.

Then Hammer suddenly pricked up his ears.

It seemed that it heard the voice that made it vigilant.

And, it's just on the other side of the hill.

Sensing the change of the hammer, Tang Dao's eyes turned slightly cold!
(End of this chapter)

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