Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 530 Dogs can scare people to death!

Chapter 530 Dogs can scare people to death!

Yes, since the moment I saw this group of well-equipped Japanese troops.

Tang Dao knew that his carefully planned plan to give the Japanese artillery a heavy blow tonight had completely failed.

Since the Japanese command headquarters came to attack with the same intentions as him, the main position must be on alert.

If he went to play any sneak attack, the best result would be to hit his head on the door panel and get bloody.

If you are unlucky, you will be beaten by meat buns, and you will never return.

When did the dog eat meat buns?Is it okay to make white flour buns only two or three times?

Hammer looked at Battalion Commander Tang lying in the grass with a cold expression on his face, and buried the dog's head in the grass, not daring to express his injustice.

It's okay for meat buns to beat dogs, but don't let someone drink with dog meat in a fit of anger.

dog!But it is the creature that knows how to read people's eyes best, not one of them!Being a corporal is no exception.

Tang Dao was very upset because of the change of tactics in this emergency, so he could only change his strategy and kept silent for 2 minutes, thinking about how to eat up this courageous Japanese army.

And Major Morita Shinji, who had been running for nearly five kilometers with his infantry squadron, finally regained his strength at this moment.

He took out his pocket watch and checked the time. It was already 2 o'clock in the morning, and he was still 4 kilometers away from the destination on the map. It would take at least an hour. After arriving, he had to kill the sentry before the whole army sneaked in. The regiment headquarters stipulated that an attack must be launched at 4 o'clock in the morning, and after defeating the Chinese, they would hold on to the position for an hour.

Those who should be scolded have finished scolding, and the damn military order must continue to be implemented.

"Communications, where did the Matsuda and Sanben Squadrons arrive?" Shinji Morita took out the map, cautiously covered the light of the flashlight with his hand, carefully checked the map, and asked the telegraph soldier who had been following him with the field radio on his back .

"Report to your Excellency, the Matsuda Squadron called 10 minutes ago. They are advancing one mile away from our side and plan to make a short repair in 5 minutes. Sanben Squadron did not send a telegram!" The signalman lowered his voice and reported to his Major .

"Baga! Before departure, I told them to report to the brigade headquarters every 15 minutes. Damn it!" Major Morita Shinji couldn't help but growl in a low voice.

Yes, although the 36th Infantry Brigade is extremely dissatisfied with the military order issued by the 18th Division headquarters late at night, its command has been assigned to the 18th Division division headquarters, and what is terrible is that it can be called The head of the brigade, Major General Ushishima Man, resigned two days ago, and the chief of staff of the chief of staff also disappeared during the battle. Although his body has not been found, the probability of death is greater than 90.00%. Now, the chief of the 36th Infantry Brigade He is just Masanori Tanigawa, the former commander of the 47th Infantry Regiment. The army commander is usually a middle-level officer in the army, but in front of Ushishima Sadao, who is carrying the rank of lieutenant general in the army, it is a root hair or a leg. The hairy kind.

To put it bluntly, they are now a group of children without parents.

Want to send a telegram to Commander Yanagawa Hirasuke who is 36 kilometers away to complain!At most, it is a verbal consolation. The county magistrate is not as good as the current one. The crazy Ushishima Sadao who was stimulated by the Chinese needs a punching bag. The officers and lieutenants of the [-]th Infantry Brigade do not want to be fooled by him at a critical moment Cannon fodder.

Now that the night attack is imperative, Masanori Tanigawa, who is currently in command of the 'strongest division on the surface', is willing to let it go, and draws three from the six infantry battalions of the two infantry regiments that have been beaten half disabled. An elite infantry squadron, and each infantry squadron is supplemented with a light machine gun and a grenadier team. Each infantry squadron is supplemented with two heavy machine guns, and the heavy firepower is at least doubled. Morita Shinji, the major infantry captain Take charge personally.

Moreover, in order to ensure the smooth communication of these three infantry squadrons, Masanori Tanigawa spent a lot of money. He sent all the field radio stations that were originally issued to the infantry brigade level to the three squadrons. If you want to communicate, you can only rely on the legs of the signal soldier.

Not to mention, this tactical arrangement is almost the same as Tang Dao's tactics of dividing troops into three groups.

Naturally, this is to break through the enemy's defense line from three small directions. As long as one point is feasible, it is enough to tear the entire defense line.

The brains of the Japanese are definitely enough.

Perhaps the only difference from Tang Dao is that the three infantry companies under Tang Dao's command are all directly under his troops, but they dare not refuse to obey orders.

But the three night attack squadrons under Morita Shinji, except for the infantry squadron he followed, the other two infantry squadrons belong to the 47th regiment and the other infantry brigade, and the other is simply the 23rd infantry regiment. The order is not 100% easy to use anywhere, just like now, the agreed 15 minutes, almost 20 minutes have passed, and the three squadrons of the 47th Infantry Regiment have not even sent a fart.

"Order Sanben Squadron to report the location to me immediately, immediately!" Morita Shinji ordered with an angry face.

This was a long-distance raid of up to ten kilometers, and it was at night. If it wasn't for the empire's well-made maps and topographical maps drawn by scouts all over the battlefield for comparison, otherwise he would not know where he was.

Because of this, as a commander, you must be more cautious, and you must clearly know the clear position of your subordinates.

For this reason, he would rather wait 10 minutes more.

Major Morita Shinji didn't know that it was his persistent waiting that ruined him and his elite subordinates.

Tang Dao silently watched the 'Shi Huang' who were also silent a hundred meters away, and finally made up his mind.

Now that the battle situation has changed, let's adapt to the situation and eat up this courageous Japanese invader.Although he only has one infantry company here, he still has the confidence to overthrow them if he does mental calculations or not. Lei Xiong, will he also meet the Japanese army with this goal in mind?

However, Tang Dao was decisive enough. Regardless of whether there were Japanese invaders from other directions, what he had to do now was to kill this wave. As for the others, he believed that Lei Xiong and Leng Feng would make the most correct choice.

"Go down and inform Li Jiujin and the others. The first platoon with fire support will occupy the commanding heights as quickly as possible. With the towel biting in their mouths, the movements should be light. The second and third platoons will quickly maneuver towards the two wings. With the hill as the center, the radius is 500 meters. , as soon as the battle started, immediately dig individual bunkers first, to prevent the Japanese army from fleeing, be sure to tie your pockets well, I want none of them to escape!
In addition, Li Jiujin was ordered to send a telegram to Deputy Battalion Commander Guo and Chief of Staff Zhuang. If there is an enemy attack, the garrison supply company should be more vigilant, the guard platoon of the special agent company should continue to be on alert, and the cavalry platoon of the special agent company should expand the alert area. fire a warning shot;
Order Cheng Tieshou's fire support company to approach my first company, and order Deputy Battalion Commander Lei and Company Commander Leng Feng to stop moving forward and assemble nearby. If the Japanese army encounters them, they will immediately launch an attack and report their coordinates to the Heavy Mortar Battalion at any time! " Tang Dao called to Gu Xishui, and ordered in a low voice.

"In addition, your special operations team, come with me! You take the second team of your special operations team to the direction of the first company and the third company. Your tactics are to snipe and kill the tactical targets that pose the greatest threat to our army. It’s still more intense.”

Gu Xishui nodded slightly, and crawled away lightly. The first officer of the special operations team in the darkness was like a lizard looking for food, silently, but not slowly.

Appreciation appeared in Tang Dao's eyes, and he was obviously satisfied with his choice.

The biggest feature of Gu Xishui is not how tough he is, but his brains are enough. For example, he voluntarily omitted to answer in words, but only used gestures to indicate that he had memorized Tang Dao's orders clearly, which not only saved time but also reduced the time. Exposure risks, and these, Tang Dao has never taught him specifically, he learned it by himself after following Tang Dao twice.

The long stay of the Japanese army made Tang Dao confirm that they had more than 200 troops, but this is not important. His independent battalion also had nearly 600 infantry in this area far from the defense line, and there was a heavy mortar 2 kilometers away. The artillery battalion and an artillery company are at such a distance that they are within the range of their mortars.

The key point is that Tang Dao is not sure whether their cannons are accurate or not. As a last resort, Tang Dao dare not easily take out this 'killer' that may fall on his head.

Now he only hopes that the Japanese can rest a little longer, and wait for the second company's first row to sneak into the commanding heights, and the chance of annihilating this Japanese army will increase by 30.00%.

Tang Dao's expectations went bankrupt.

At the moment when Li Jiujin led his platoon and the fire support platoon to move up the hill with all their strength, the low whine of wolfdogs suddenly sounded in the Japanese queue.

The Japanese also bring dogs.

Wolf blue!

The search dogs commonly found in the Japanese Army have a ferocious and cruel temperament and a keen sense of smell. They are the most hated dogs by the Chinese, none of them.

However, in order to prevent the barking of the dog from exposing the target, Morita Shinji ordered that the dog's mouth of the wolf blue dog advancing with the army be covered with an iron mouth mask that is not commonly used.

Poor Langqinggou probably never enjoyed this kind of crap with its mouth covered so hard that it was difficult to stick out its tongue. It was struggling with the iron mouth mask on its own mouth all the way, thus ignoring the challenge from 300 meters. It was not until the Chinese soldiers of more than 60 people quietly crawled to the top of the hillside with their equipment and almost arrived that they issued an early warning to their dog handlers.

"Baga! What's going on?" Morita Shinji, who was extremely anxious, turned angrily to the dog trainer more than ten meters away, and growled.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the tense look of Langqinggou staring at the hill, with his ears pricked up and his muscles tensed, and he woke up instantly.

There is hostility!
The Major of the Japanese Army was almost frightened out of his wits!

(End of this chapter)

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