Chapter 532

The grenadier did not have the blazing flame of the muzzle of the machine rifle, only the dull sound to reveal his position.

The night became his best protection at this moment. The Japanese army had no way of knowing its distance. The crazy output not only failed to pose a threat to it, but provided convenience for him to find the target of attack.

The blazing muzzle flames of the two 92 heavy machine guns that roared showed their power, but they were also dazzling like candles lit in the dark night.

At the moment when the Japanese infantry, under the desperate cover of their comrades, was about to bend over and rush up the hill again, Zheng Cihang's grenade fired again firmly and shortly.

Two consecutive grenades exploded at less than two meters from a Japanese 200 heavy machine gun more than 92 meters away.

If it is placed on the battlefield, at any rate, the heavy machine gun firepower with sandbags as a cover can rely on the sandbags on both sides to block the fragments and air waves generated by the grenade explosion.

But in this field, the heavy machine gun with a tripod more than half a meter above the ground and the shooter half kneeling and holding the handle of the heavy machine gun are almost like runners running in the ice and snow, without the slightest protection.

And for the heavy machine gun unit of the Japanese army, what does it mean to have a leaky house and continuous rain?This is.

The main shooter had been lost before, and the assistant shooter took over without fear of life and death. After only ten seconds of shooting, he encountered a grenade falling from the sky again.

The key is to get it right.

The sub-shooter of the machine gun, who was desperately pulling the trigger, didn't respond. He was thrown a meter or two away by the air wave of the grenade explosion, and fell silent without even making a sound.

Only people who get close can find that a piece of shrapnel is shot from under his ribs, and then come out obliquely through the body. The blood pours out like a flood that has opened the gate. It is because the aorta of the heart was cut off by the shrapnel. .

The last shooter was finished, and the heavy machine gun weighing tens of kilograms was also overturned by the air waves. An ammunition hand holding the bullet plate on the other side rolled on the ground in pain, and the other was rushing over with the ammunition box The ammunition hand covered his eyes and wailed loudly. The air wave did not cause damage to the ammunition hand a few meters away, but the flying shrapnel penetrated his eyes.

The firepower of a heavy machine gun has thus become a thing of the past.

The other heavy machine gun was not much better, Tang Dao and Niu Er both took this 'arrogant' machine gun firepower as the target.

Although the night covered the heavy machine gun, the shooter and even the ammunition man, the constantly flickering flames of the muzzle fully exposed their general position.

The height and range of the heavy machine gun became the predicted shooting point for two special shooters. One Mosingana rifle couldn't wait to fire while it was still rolling and jumping. It fired two shots before reaching the battle position, while the other One shot followed closely behind, locked in two seconds, and fired three shots in three seconds.

No one knows how accurate the five bullets were in the dark, but the Type 92 heavy machine gun misfired and did not fire again until twenty seconds later.

Only the nearest Japanese ammunitionist knew that the main and deputy shooters were killed and one injured.

The two heavy machine guns transferred from the heavy machine gun squadron of the Japanese infantry brigade to strengthen the squadron no longer had the prestige before. One completely misfired, and the other could only be driven to the rack after [-] seconds of silence. Blind a few hits.

Looking at the bushes in the dark, the branches and leaves flickered and the vegetation flew across the sky. In fact, the ballistic trajectory was at least a dozen meters away from the group of four who had just attacked them, and it did not pose any threat at all.

Shinji Morita's eyes froze instantly.

In the [-] seconds from the first gunshot, although the Chinese's attack was fierce and precise, the intensity of the rifle, machine gun or grenadier fire was enough for him, a veteran infantry officer, to judge that there were not many of them.

But with just such a small force, he had already suppressed an infantry squad that was trying to occupy the commanding heights, and the most terrifying thing was that one of his two heavy firepower points was completely killed.

This is the elite force of the Chinese.

The conclusion drawn in his mind made the hair on the back of Shinji Morita's head almost turn over the helmet.

The Chinese actually ambushed the elite troops here, are they waiting for themselves?Was this a conspiracy from the start?

The so-called night attack is just an excuse for a lieutenant general to send the entire infantry brigade into a trap?

In order to prove that the destruction of the Heavy Artillery Brigade was not the incompetence of the 36th Division but the stupid tactics of the [-]th Infantry Brigade.

If so, how insidious is that?
The constant chill kept the Major of the Japanese Army in a daze for at least ten seconds.

In the ever-changing battlefield, for a soldier, a second of hesitation may kill his life by bullets and flying shrapnel. Many dodges are purely from subconscious instincts; but for a commander, hesitation is even more fatal Yes, what he wants is the lives of his soldiers.

Tang Dao and the special operations team delayed the Japanese army for thirty seconds, and Shinji Morita, who was stunned by the so-called truth in his mind, hesitated for another ten seconds.

The precious forty seconds completely sent this elite Japanese infantry squadron into hell.

"Flare, shoot!" Li Jiujin roared as he led two platoons to the commanding heights of the hill at the fastest speed.

Bright flares were shot high into the sky and fell slowly.

Almost everyone's pupils shrank slightly.

It's not the massive "shit yellow" of more than a hundred people crawling seven or 80 meters away or rushing to the two wings, but the normal physiological response of the pupils of the soldiers who have adapted to the darkness under the stimulation of the light.

"Fire!" Li Jiujin fired first.

Machine guns, rifles, submachine guns, and shell guns all fire!
The Japanese fought back, of course.

This was accidental contact, and neither side was entitled to a bunker.

The only difference is that one side is condescending, while the other side can only raise its head and aim at the top to shoot.

There is no doubt that no matter in terms of physical posture or psychology, downward shooting is always more dominant than upward shooting.

In addition, the continuous firepower possessed by the second company is far higher than that of the Japanese infantry equipped with only [-]-style rifles.

But this is still a battlefield for the brave.

The two sides were too close. Under the effect of the flares, the distance between them was only 80 meters. Both sides could even clearly see the tense and pale face of the opponent under the helmet.

After more than half a minute of shooting, even the officers and soldiers of the second company and the first row buried their heads on the ground under the desperate yelling of their respective veteran squad leaders, and just rushed down with their guns and did not even aim at them.

The second company and the first row, which were completely superior in geographical location and firepower output, still paid the price of two deaths and five injuries.

The price paid by the Japanese army was even greater. At least a dozen Japanese soldiers fell down screaming.

With a distance of only 80 meters, their excellent shooting skills, which are better than those of the Chinese soldiers, did not play a role at all. They did hit what should be hit, which is not much different from the distance of 200 meters.But the bullets fired by Chinese soldiers are at least four times that of theirs, and the probability of hitting Japanese infantry is much higher than the so-called archery.

A few more minutes of shooting like this, the casualties of the Chinese soldiers will certainly be in double digits, but the Japanese soldiers on the front of the hill can only be described in single digits.

But the worst thing is not the infantry squad fighting for the commanding heights on the front of the hill, they won't hide if they can't win!Drilling into the grass, how can it be undetected while the bullet surface is reduced.

But the two teams that circled the flanks couldn't do it. They only had time to lie down on the cold soil in the wilderness before they were shot from the plain.

There was nothing on the plain, but the two infantry platoons with engineering shovels began to use the terrain to dig out individual bunkers long before the guns fired.

It doesn’t need to be too deep, just [-] to [-] centimeters deep enough for a person to lie down on. The excavated soil is piled up in front of you to form a shooting pile. As long as the moist soil is thick enough, it can also block the kinetic energy of rifle bullets.

One side has simple fortifications, but the other side is suddenly attacked, and the result is obvious.

Especially the moment when the heavy machine gun fire point placed behind the entire line of defense started firing, it was a massacre.

The three sets of grenadiers of the Japanese army did not try to fight back, but the Chinese side not only had the same number of grenadiers, but also had two mortars on the top of the hill.

The two mortars that were sent down to the company level were given military orders before the battle to look for Japanese grenadiers, and they had to be killed even if they were covered by artillery fire.

That is the most threatening existence to the firepower of light and heavy machine guns.

The two mortar teams faithfully implemented this tactic, abandoning all the Japanese infantry in close proximity, and several artillery observers held binoculars and continuously reported the location of the Japanese grenadiers they found.

After the continuous bombardment blasted the area where the two grenadier teams of the Japanese army were located into a white field, the Japanese grenade launchers stopped firing, and their accuracy was not as good as before.

In the past, they were so powerful that they claimed to be able to solve a firepower point with three grenades 500 meters away. That means the threat to them from the Chinese side is minimal.

Facing the threat of death, the so-called supernatural force of the Japanese army was also beaten back to his grandma's house.

At this moment, the 'shit yellow' located on the two wings were literally being beaten, unable to fight back.

For Major Morita Shinji, who was full of anger, fear, and anxiety, the predicament in front of him was not enough to make him despair.

But in the distant sky, the flares that were constantly flashing white light and slowly falling, as well as the faint sound of gunfire and explosions, all reminded him that the other two infantry squadrons under his command also encountered the enemy.

If you want to live, you can only rely on yourself.

This may be the most painful judgment for the Japanese Army Major since fighting the Chinese two days ago.

(End of this chapter)

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