Rise from eight hundred.

Chapter 536: Those Who Want To Die And Those Who Don't Want To Die

Chapter 536: Those Who Want To Die And Those Who Don't Want To Die
"Kill!" A soldier next to Yang Xiaoshan rushed down with a bayonet-mounted rifle.

The soldiers were very thin, and the rank on their collar badges was no more than a junior sergeant, which was already a lower rank in the independent battalion where the ranks were basically promoted by two ranks.

This military order rushed to the front of the entire team at once, probably because he wanted to make meritorious service!
But perhaps only those who are familiar with this soldier know what the purpose of this young soldier who was transferred to the Independent Battalion from the 67th Guard Company of the 4th Army was when the Independent Battalion was established.

That was Yang Bicheng, who was once called a "coward" by his comrades in arms, but until now, he is still a "coward".

Because, the reason why he chose to leave the old army to join the independent battalion was that he was afraid of seeing familiar faces leaving like his cousin, so he chose to join the new army.

And the reason why he is not afraid of leaving his familiar comrades in the new army is because of the words he said when he applied to Lei Xiong: I am the weakest in everything, but I will not be as cowardly as before, so , I should be the one who died first, please keep me, sir.If I die, there is no need for the officer to bother to pass the news back to my home. My brother said that loyal bones are buried everywhere in Qingshan. My grandfather should know before the six of us come home. Lose his old man's face.

Lei Xiong, who had ordered the death of Yang Bicheng's cousin, could not refuse Yang Bicheng's request. He personally found the commander of the 67th Army Guard Battalion, and was willing to exchange 30 rifles and 10 Southern Fourteen-style pistols with him for this well-known guard battalion. 'Cowardly' soldiers.

After hesitating for a long time, the lieutenant colonel and battalion commander personally asked Yang Bicheng for his opinion. After receiving a positive answer, he finally agreed with a long sigh.However, Lei Xiong confiscated the guns he exchanged for, and instead gave Yang Bicheng the Browning pistol he bought at a cost of hundreds of oceans.

It's not that I don't want to part with this 'coward', but it's a tribute to the six brothers from the Yang family who went out to join the army in the war of resistance.

Five members of a family of six joined the army and five died in battle, and the only one left today is also determined to die. This is unique in the entire army, and he deserves it.

Of course, the Lieutenant Colonel confiscated Lei Xiong's gift, but made a request to Lei Xiong, asking him to let Yang Bicheng survive as much as possible.All the young and strong in one family died on the battlefield. This is really a big blow to that family.

People in the world often know the glory of loyalty, but they never think about the grief and helplessness of many old, weak, women and children behind it.

From now on, the shoulders of the old man will bear the heavy labor; from now on, there will be no minced meat in the bowls of children; from now on, the tenderness of women who miss their husbands is only in dreams.

When assigning troops to the Independent Battalion, Lei Xiong originally wanted to assign Yang Bi to the guard platoon. After all, he was a unit that would never go to the front line if necessary, but Yang Shoucheng's stubbornness was far beyond Lei Xiong's imagination. He asked twice in a row to go to the infantry Lian even bit his middle finger and wrote a blood letter and handed it over to the battalion. Tang Dao, who was so busy that he didn't touch the ground, knew about him.

In the end, Tang Dao personally ordered him to be placed in Li Jiujin's second company.

This is also considered by Tang Dao. Leng Feng has a strong personality and suffers from the pain of losing his family and losing his younger brother. Naturally, his tactics are tougher and more ruthless. Although Qian Dazhu has a flexible mind, he lacks sufficient battlefield command experience and needs to be sharpened. Only Li Jiujin He has been in the army for many years, and he is best at hiding the front. Every time on the battlefield, he does not rush and fight, and the casualties are not heavy, but the results are not bad at all. The tactics under the command of this kind of personality are the most sophisticated.

A soldier like Yang Bicheng who has the will to die may get the best protection and training under his command.

As long as the training time on the battlefield is long enough, he is not afraid of death, but it is not easy to die. This is also Tang Dao's understanding of the battlefield.

Such a soldier who was valued by the two chiefs was assigned to Li Jiujin's command. Naturally, he did not dare to be sloppy. He specially placed Yang Bicheng under the command of Yang Xiaoshan, who was calm and impulsive, and specially arranged for a veteran to serve as the deputy squad leader of the infantry squad. Strictly order him to pay attention to the safety of this young soldier whose five elder brothers have been killed in battle.

"You are an immortal, you want to die!" Wang Changshou, a veteran of the Sichuan Army, yelled, but it couldn't change the fact that Yang Bicheng had already rushed two meters ahead.

A veteran at his age who could be Yang Bicheng's father had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow behind with a submachine gun.

And behind them, there are 16 infantry squads including Yang Xiaoshan, the platoon leader. Most of them are holding rifles with bayonets. The grenadier followed far behind with the equipment in hand.

Under the grenade attack, the Japanese infantry naturally suffered heavy losses. Even if they were not killed or injured, they should be dazzled by the terrifying explosions of the grenades.

The 18 infantrymen who descended like tigers seemed to be fewer, but they were the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Yang Xiaoshan, who has experienced several bloody battlefields in a row, is no longer the shy first-class soldier when Tang Dao first met, and he was not at all timid when it was time to make a decisive move.

"Blow the charge! Except for the firepower points, everyone else, charge!" Tang Dao ordered Xia Dayu, who was following up, as he watched the backs of more than a dozen soldiers on his side rushing wildly with guns in hand.

"Tick tick! Tick tick!" Xia Dayu stood up, puffed up his cheeks and blew the charge horn.

"Kill!" The two infantry squads crawling on the top of the hill raised their guns and rushed down.

"Kill the dick!" Morita Makoto screamed desperately with his eyes puffed up.

Although the Chinese's grenade attack must have caused painful losses to their own side, and they did not hesitate to launch a charge when the terrain and firepower were superior, but Shinji Morita made the most correct response at such a critical moment.

If he orders a retreat at this time, the position here will be lost, and only the two wings that are fighting fiercely with the Chinese will be left. Not only will the maneuvering space be completely lost, but what is more terrible is that the firepower of the Chinese on the top of the slope will be completely unscrupulous. Throw to the wings.

Then he and his subordinates will completely lose the initiative on the battlefield. At that time, his only hope is not in his own hands, but when the reinforcements will arrive.

It is undoubtedly stupid to hand over the right to life to others on the battlefield, even if it is a friendly army.

However, this should also be the last time Morita Shinji made a right or wrong decision.

Niu Er, who killed the messenger with one shot, kept staring at this area. For this reason, he didn't fire a shot for several minutes, just to find the big fish.

In the general area where the signal soldiers are located, the probability of the enemy commander appearing is greater than 50.00%. This is what he learned from Tang Dao.

Probe to observe the battlefield, Morita Shinji who hissed and roared orders, although only his helmet was exposed for no more than ten seconds, he was also spotted by Niu Er who had been focusing on that area.

"Bang!" Niu Er shot without hesitation, aiming at the green helmet.

After issuing the military order, Morita Shinji no longer had to worry about the painful question of whether he could go back or not.

A 7.62mm bullet hit the side of the 90 steel helmet straightly. The rounded arc angle was too small, and the bullet failed to fly in time, but the bullet penetrated with full passive energy. Deformed, rolled and drilled into the skin, broke the bone and entered the side of the human brain, until it got stuck in the hard skull, and then it was considered to stop his running wildly.

There was no blood flow so violently, and even except for the blood hole on the left side of the brain, the whole head seemed to be intact.

However, Major Morita Shinji's pupils had already begun to dilate, like a skinned frog, with limbs straight and trembling!
The nerves connecting the brain to the limbs have been torn apart by the tumbling warhead. Even the most skilled surgeon in the world can't repair this Japanese army major whose head has become a mess.

This is actually a good ending for the Japanese Army Major.

At least, he will not just watch his soldiers being slaughtered like chickens by Chinese soldiers, and then insert a bayonet into his heart.

Those who die first are always a little bit happier because they don't have to worry about it.

Yang Bicheng's footsteps were getting faster and faster. The coward who was most afraid of death was exactly as he said, taking the initiative to go to the road of death.

Of course, wanting to die doesn't mean he can die meaninglessly.

Yang Bicheng hoped that he could kill at least five devils, otherwise he would be ashamed to go underground to meet his brothers who were waiting for him.

The dying Chinese soldiers had their first spoils.

(End of this chapter)

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